Gospel 2

Duration: 55min
Gospel—David Hayhoe
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Good evening.
Could we start our meeting with him #14?
Have you been to Jesus?
For the cleansing power.
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Hymn #14 could we stand?
You may be seated.
Now let's ask the Lord to help us.
Let's sing another hymn #20.
The savior at the door, he gently knocked his knock before.
As we did long as weeding still.
You use no other friends, so I'll open the door.
He'll enter in and stuff with you and you with him #20.
We stay in our seats for this one.
Could we take this wonderful book?
That I think pretty well everyone has a copy of tonight.
An openness and turn.
To Proverbs chapter 30.
Just start off.
Proverbs, chapter 30.
Verse one.
The words of Aker.
Son of Jacob.
Even the prophecy the man speak unto, even unto Ethyl and Yuko.
Surely I am more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man.
I neither learn wisdom, nor have I the knowledge of the Holy.
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?
Who hath gathered the wind in his fists?
Who had found the waters in a garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
Every word of God is pure. He's a shield unto them.
That put their trust in him. Add thou not under his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found the liar.
Just a couple of comments in connection with, uh, this portion here.
It's a wonderful book, friends. This starts out the words of Acre.
You see how acre?
Looked upon himself, you see the place he took before the holy God of the universe.
Look at verse 2.
Surely I am more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man. I neither learn wisdom.
Rabbi, the knowledge of the Holy.
You know man by wisdom knows not God.
If you have come into this room tonight.
With your own ideas.
About yourself and about God. You're starting from the wrong basis.
And you see that in this few verses that we are opening with tonight.
God has been pleased to put down about this man, Aker.
His confession as to what kind of a man he was I more brutish. He took the low place before God.
As you sit in this room tonight.
Would you put aside your thoughts?
And listen to what God says.
Because, you know, my thoughts don't matter a hill of beans, if you'll.
Excuse the expression.
You know this verse here verse four said by this verse 5 every word of God is pure.
But there was a desire on this part of Acre, this man who knew not very much.
He wanted to know.
And dear friends, if you want to know, there's answers.
Have you found the answer?
You see here in verse 4.
He says, Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?
All friends will largely of what we're going to talk about tonight is a world you haven't seen.
And I haven't seen.
The unseen world.
But God has revealed it.
And he's told us about it.
It's the most marvelous book in the world. We hold in our hands, friends.
And it is so despised by man.
It is being set aside more and more in this so-called Christian land.
But here it says, who hath ascended up into heaven? Verse four again, or descended? Who is he? Friends that ascended into heaven want to talk a little bit about the man that made it all tonight.
All the secrets that are revealed in this book.
You know, from Genesis through to Revelation, it's the unfolding of God's purposes.
For this world, but more than that. For the universe and more than that.
For you.
The mind of God.
Open up to the creature man.
So he says, Who hath ascended that verse 4.
Into heaven or descended.
Who has gathered the winds in his first?
Who hath found the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? Now this question.
What is his name and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
I believe the thought here is just this.
How can you and I know such a great being?
As the God of the universe.
As he says, what is his name and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
Dear friend, you'll never know outside of divine revelation from God Himself.
And again, he has been pleased to give it to us now.
Notice that in verse six add thou not.
Under his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
One of them, one brother in this conference, made this confidence, this, uh, comment.
Or was referring to Steve Jobs.
The man who was.
President of that Apple corporation.
I read on the Internet.
I read where it said what his last words were. His sister revealed what his last words were, that his strength was going away and he was just about to leave this world and go into eternity.
You know what he said.
Wow, wow, wow.
Use gone.
Knowing nothing.
One of the most brilliant.
People that ever lived in this current age and he goes into eternity with those words on his lips, knowing nothing can it would appear about the Lord Jesus Christ and about God as to who he is and about God's love to him. What he knew I don't know.
Turn with me, please, to the book of Job.
The Book of Job for some verses there.
My wife and I have just finished reading the book of Job. The more we got into it, the more we loved it.
Job 38.
Job 38.
You know, God tells us a lot about Job, but what kind of a man he was Job.
Was a true man of faith.
But he questioned God.
And he brought his arguments to his friends that he wanted to bring.
To God.
Well, it tells us in Job 38 and verse.
Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Declare if thou hast understanding.
Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest, or who hast stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened, or who laid the cornerstone thereof?
When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy.
Or who shut up the sea with doors when it break forth, as if it had issued out of the womb when I made the cloud, the thick garment thereof, and thick darkness.
A swaddling for it and break up for my decreed places and set bars and doors.
And said, hitherto shalt thou come, but no further, and here shall thy proud ways waves be stayed.
Well, friends.
After job had.
Been brought low.
In the early part of this book.
You know Jobs, The Book of Job is an interesting book in this way.
God takes up in the 42 Chapters I think.
God takes up the history of one man. I believe that it would seem Joel lived approximately 2000 years BC.
And all the people that existed in the world, God takes this Gentile man and he talks about Joel.
And we find that God is looking down, and he knows everything about that man Job.
And in heaven.
There is a time when the when the angels come into the very presence of the holy God of the universe, and God says to them.
Hast thou considered my servant job? There's none like him in all the earth.
Dear friends, what's it tell you?
He knows the secrets of men. He knows everything about us.
He knows the end from the beginning.
2000 years ago.
Hast thou considered my servant job? There's none like him in all the earth.
Then we see the enemy. You see, in this blessed book, God opens up the universe to us. He opens the unseen world. And we see from heaven what God sees as he looks down in this room tonight. And he looks into your life and my life. And what does he see, friend?
What does he say?
He knows every thought of my life and your life.
Hast thou considered my servant Job? And so in the course of this book, up to this time, when Job interacts with his, when he, when he struck down with these boils, when God speaks to him in that way, and then we find the three friends, so-called friends.
When they interact with them and the way they interact.
You know what God was doing? He was bringing out in Joel who he really was in himself.
God saw there was something in Job that needed to come out.
And he knows all about your life and mine. I don't separate myself from you tonight.
And after these three men friends had finished their arguments with Joel back and forth.
Then God steps in.
Oh friends, it's a wonderful thing when God steps in in time.
All that you and I would listen to him, both Satan and Sinner alike.
As he works his ongoing process in our life.
And I think of a verse right now, I think it's in the book of Amos that says 5 words. That was something else I thought about talking about tonight because Paul said I'd rather speak 5 words than 10,000 words. And these are the five words.
That is spoken of in the in the book of Amos. Prepare to meet thy God. Go through the Bible sometime and count the number of five words that there are in the Bible.
Christ died for our sins. Ye must be born again.
I am the Good Shepherd.
I believe there's hundreds of them.
We'll hear.
God speaks to Job and he says, were you there when the world was made? What do you know, Joe?
Job was brought into the presence of God in such a way that he found out that all the arguments were taken away. He was stripped of all his arguments.
And then God says to him in this verse.
Here these verses I love dear friends, want to talk about them a little bit. Verse 6.
Well, verse 4, Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
The Lord hung the world on nothing.
By the West all things were made by him and for him. Job, were you there?
No, he wasn't there.
So then what's it say verse 7?
When the morning stars sang together, you know what the morning stars are.
They're the angels.
Notice this verse.
Verse 7 when the morning star sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy.
You know, friends.
I find myself I miss so much. And I read it. I meditated. I've meditated on this verse.
I've read what some others have said about it. I've enjoyed it so much. When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy. When was it? When God prepared the earth for man.
You know how we read in Genesis chapter one. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Then it tells us the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And then it tells us about how God. It would seem to me, I don't want to step over the bounds, but it seems to me that there was a preparation made by God.
For the existence of man in this earth.
And so it tells us in those verses, the first day, the second day, the third day.
And all the preparations and who was observing what was taking place, friend?
The angels were.
As they saw the universe and out of this whole universe that guarded me.
And then zeroing in down to the solar system that you and I are on, and then coming down to planet Earth, there was a special work of God that was being done in preparation for man's existence in this world.
And you find yourself, and I find myself here.
And here it is telling us about when God was doing it and those angels that ever did his bidding. They saw the work that was going on by the creator God and what did they do?
They sang for joy. They knew not what was coming, but they saw the preparations.
The unfolding of what God has in His purposes.
And here you are friend.
You fit into the plan.
Was he thinking of you?
Oh is wonderful to lay hold of.
The sons of God shouted, it says, for joy.
It says.
In the seventh verse, the morning star sang together. Someone has made the comment.
You know, it's interesting.
We don't want to miss anything in this blessed book.
The morning stars sang together. It's the only time recorded in the Bible.
I believe that the angels sang.
The only time.
The morning stars, they sang together as they saw the unfolding of God's purposes for this world. What change that? They don't sing all. They always do God's bidding. Those angels of God, they're always there to do his bidding. But something came in very shortly after God had made this world and did all the preparation.
And he puts a man in.
And then sin. Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. And you know what separates man from God? Just one thing, Sin.
It's spoiled.
The world.
The animals suffer because of sin.
And dear friends, you've suffered because of sin.
You know, I really dearly have enjoyed being with Saints of God that I've known that have walked with the Lord.
And now they passed on.
And I don't think the family will remind me will mind me saying this.
'Cause I dearly loved my cousin Ruth Smith in Ottawa.
I saw in her one that had accepted Christ as Savior.
Had lived for him. But, dear friend, she died. And you know why she died.
Only for one reason, because of sin.
The wages of sin is death.
And your sins have separated you from your God. Now thank God that we know that, because Christ took the place of that dear sister, and she took the gift of God, which is eternal life.
That when that moment came, when she left this world immediately.
She was absent from the body, imprisoned with the Lord in glory.
Cannot be said of you tonight.
It doesn't happen to everybody who leaves this world.
When you leave, friend, you know where you're going. Do you have the assurance?
Where you're going?
Eternity where it floats in the air.
I don't think we're gonna have time to turn to it, but in Matthew the 24th, I think it is of Matthew. It tells about as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days. I'm gonna take a minute. Let's turn to what? Matthew 24?
Matthew 24 and verse 37.
36 But of that day an hour N no man know, not the angels of heaven.
But my father only.
As the days of Noah, where so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
For as the days that were before the flood.
Now, Fran, listen to what it says about the days before the judgment came.
As in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving and marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Now you notice that it doesn't say anything here about the violence and about the corruption.
That is recorded in Genesis chapter 6.
It just tells about the the spirit of the people in the way that they were going on just before the flood. And what does it say? Notice it again, verse 38.
As in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark. What's the thought, friend? And these words were said by Jesus himself. What's the thought? It's the carelessness of the age.
The carelessness.
And I find more and more and I believe that. MMM.
Most of my brothers and sisters in Christ that are in this room tonight.
Especially as we get a little bit older, the carelessness and the lack of concern.
And this sort of trying to make our way in this world.
With no thought of God.
Careless. Don't let the spirit of the age take over in your life. Are you a Christian in this room tonight?
We've come to the last meeting of the conference.
And we leave. And friends, as soon as we leave, we're exposed to the world in a way that we're not right here in this room.
And the danger is that it can creep into our own lives and we become careless.
I speak of brethren, I speak of friends to myself.
Remember the world is going on to judgment and during that time when Noah, when the flood was coming, you know, it tells us about Noah, It says that he how does it put it there in the in the 11Th chapter of Hebrews, it says he moved with fear for the saving of his house.
He didn't want to lose his family.
Dear fathers and mothers, dear grandparents.
May it speak to us.
That our actions.
They they speak to our children and our grandchildren. He moved with fear to the saving of his house, prepared an ark, and the ark speaks of Christ.
Christ, is there anyone like him?
That man that came make thee an ark of Gopher wood room shalt thou make in the ark. The only place of safety for that coming judgment that was coming on the world on that flood. That flood that was coming was safety in the ark. And then we read those words after the preparation of that arc. That would seem to be approximately 120 years.
All the long-suffering of God, how often I've thought about that in this way is Noah every morning got up and picked up his hammer and saw and went out.
Did the preparations for building that great big long boat because there was a flood that was coming and never seen before in this world.
There was judgment coming. And Fran, there's one thing worse than water judgment, and that is fire. And the fire of God's judgment is going to fall on this world.
Just last night we learned about a resort down in Nova Scotia.
They caught fire.
Saw on the Internet a picture of it. Just yesterday it happened. I understand.
Fire all friends, this world is going to be burnt.
The elements shall melt with fervent heat.
Well, let's go on to another couple of verses.
Let's go on to uh.
Acts Chapter 17.
Verse 23.
As I passed by and beheld your devotions.
I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God.
Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship.
Him declare I unto you.
The unknown God.
Why is he unknown?
Why is God unknown in this world?
Just hold this and turn to Colossians, The Book of Colossians.
If I can find it.
Yes, Colossians one verse 27.
And justice the 1St 6 words.
To whom God would make known? Now we just read to the unknown God, and we read in Colossians, to whom God would make no one. Why is God unknown if he says God would make known?
The hindrance, friend.
Is on man's part.
It's not on his part.
You want to know about him? Do you have questions?
Do you know your sins forgiven?
That's the foundation you want to rest on.
Because God sent his Son in the person of Jesus.
Into this world to take your place, we have them.
Was it Philip that said to Jesus, Show us the Father?
And it suffices us. We'll be happy if you just reveal who he is.
And Jesus said.
He that has seen me has seen the father.
You want an all about God, friend, You can, because God has revealed him in the purse of his Son to the unknown God him, Paul said, I declare unto you.
Let's go back, please, to Psalm 19.
We'll just read.
Say down to about the in verse 1011.
From verse one, the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show with his handiwork. Day in to day utter a speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There's no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath He set a Tabernacle for the Son, which is as a bridegroom, cometh out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man.
To run a race is going forth is from the end of the earth.
Into heaven and His circuit under the ends of the earth, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the Lord is perfect. Converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure. Making wise is simple. The statutes of the Lord are right. Rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure. Enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous. Altogether more to be desired, are they?
Then gold, yeah, then much fine gold, sweeter also than honey in the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is I servant warned in the keeping of them is great reward.
Just look at verse 4 again.
Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he said a Tabernacle for the sun.
Oh, dear friend, the magnitude. You know what some people talk about about creation and how much they enjoy watching the sunset and how much they enjoy going to different places in the world and seeing what a beautiful creation it is. And I wanna tell you a friend, it means so much more when you know the man who made it.
It's wonderful. It's his handiwork.
And David said when I consider the heavens.
The work of thy fingers.
The sun, the moon, and the stars. What is man, that thou art mindful of them?
Can you picture David as he as he looked up into heaven at night time and he saw it all friend?
Or he saw what he saw, he didn't see at all.
But he saw it there, and he revealed to him the work of thy fingers.
Work of thy fingers.
What can you do with your fingers? You can't do much with your fingers, you know. They're just for the fine work.
That's what God's done with His fingers, the creation. But when it came to salvation, you know what it says. He laid bare His mighty arms, and you know there's a lot more strength in the arm than there is in the fingers.
You see what it costs God with far more to put away my sins than it was for Him to make the universe.
That you and I live in.
So it says here in this fourth verse, they're line is gone out. That's creation, you know, throughout all the earth and their their their words to the end of the world in them. And he said a Tabernacle for the sun. You see, I take it this way in connection with this verse that the whole universe has been set up so that it's like a tent for the sun.
Now the sun is just part of the solar system that you and I are in.
But you see, God has set the sun in such a way that everything else, the stars and everything.
Are just like the housing for the sun.
Why? Just one reason? Because it's a picture of the Son of God, and He's gonna be the center of all creation.
Now are you gonna be with them?
Is he your savior?
He died for you. He shed his blood for you.
And he says him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out. Are you going to say no to Jesus?
You're gonna meet him.
You're gonna meet them and they are either gonna be with them forever or you're gonna be lost in the lake of fire forever.
And it tells us that Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels, not for you, but if you reject.
You'll land there.
And it says.
Into the lake of fire. And I wondered about that. Who does the casting?
Oh, I I feel myself that if the angels of God.
The cast, those that don't accept Christ.
To a lost eternity.
Don't land there, friend.
You remember the story of the three.
The three men that were cast into the fiery furnace, and those that cast them in, they were killed from the heat of it.
But those men were saved. And dear friends, if you accept Christ as your Savior.
You know he'll help you walk through the fires of this world.
You'll never be cast into the lake of fire because he said him. That cometh to me.
I will in no wise cast sector.
Will you come tonight?
Our time is gone. I had some more verses that I was thinking about. I was thinking a lot about angels, you know.
I want to just in closing.
Turn to Hebrews chapter one.
Hebrews chapter one.
Verse 13.
But to which of the angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool. I'd like to just say in connection with this, this is a re uh, this is a, a verse that you'll find back in Psalm 110. The Lord said unto my Lord, sit on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool. That is when Jesus went back to heaven.
He was there at the right hand of God. You know what? Why it says that he was at the right hand of God? Because it's the right hand of power.
Had the ability to take and set the world right at that particular moment. But he said to Jesus, sit here until I make thine enemies thy footstool. How long has he been there? 2000 years. What's he been doing? He's been waiting.
Long-suffering that this world.
Than men and women would come to Christ, and he said, God said to Jesus, sit here.
God beseeching, man refusing, behold, I stand at the door and knock.
Oh, why is it that people say no to Jesus?
The wonderful man with the holes in his hands and feet inside, and he waits, and he waits and longs to bless. And then the last verse. Are they not all ministering spirits? That's the angels.
They're ministering to you and me. They're helping us through the world. But here it says administering to them who shall be heirs of salvation. Now, ere I close, I want to tell you a little story. This happened many years ago. It happened to to a couple who live near Schaumburg, Ontario.
Where I was living and their names are Jeff and Marlene Acheson. I do not hesitate to mention their names. This happened.
It's gotta be four years ago.
And this was this was before.
Before they were married, I it may be, or either before their son was born.
And they had a Volkswagen, one of those old Beetles.
They were driving it down the 10th concession of King Township and come to an area there in King Township where you're going down and there's a there's, there's a little lake in the middle. And so the road makes a turn around the lake and then it goes on straight, straight, North and South.
Jeff loved to drive fast and he was a young man.
And he was driving fast down this road and he forgot about that little lake that was there.
And at the last minute he saw it, and he swerved to miss. And when he swerved, that little beetle turned over and over this way as well as that way.
And that couple got out of that car without a mark on them.
And after that God went to work in their life and saved them.
What happened? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation? I believe with all my heart that God's protecting angels were there at that time, protecting them through that accident and warning them, preparing them that they might receive the gospel.
You might not get a warning like that. They got a warning.
May God grant not one person will go out of this room without accepting Christ as Savior. Let's bow in prayer.