Gospel—David Hayhoe
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Start our meeting with him #11.
So your anchor holds and storms of light.
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife. When the strong tides lift in the cable. Strange.
Well, your anchor drift or firm remains hymn #11.
Well, you're right.
Strong tide will undergo strangers to look at your eyes. You're going to look like a man, that's all. The pressure is made and then.
Whatever we get, all right? I I.
Gonna look straight inside the air, flash the crank and the roar around the reefing business living here while the disturbance is raining. It depends on the wild operations and slow shallow again freeway St. Gerard Lord.
And your life and you're like, it's not.
Oh, shall come back together on the right eye. Thank you. I can't see that. I'm not going to hear anything about it. So what are you going to provide me with your proposal and stay? As soon as you love me and go, we can get out of our neck and turn away from my children's flow of the world that I've enjoyed.
In order to help another him, him #2.
My hope, I'm sorry #3 my hope on nothing less is built.
Then Jesus and the blood he spilled. I dare not trust the sweetest brain, but wholly lean on his blessed name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all over the ground is sinking sand. Hymn #3.
My whole life and bellowed out of the end of the fire.
Not to be interested.
In the brand new.
Slight sake for all of our depression.
Making it.
My name is Graham.
And all the bones. I'll get away.
And the last thing you stand at the end of the day for all of our.
Thankful we heard this.
Book friends to turn to tonight.
And if we didn't have this book?
And I was given the job of standing up here.
To give a message, I wonder what I would say.
Thank God He has given a revelation from heaven.
It's not a very big book. You know, somebody was speaking about the number of books that are.
Written in this world.
Every year.
And this book, remember our brother Gordon Hagel talking about this book? He says.
In this book is all things that pertain under life and godliness.
Not too large.
In everything, the God's mind is revealed in this book.
Outside of this book.
They're philosophies of men, unless they are governed by what they found in this book.
Romans one. I want to just read a verse or so here.
Meant a lot to me. We read uh, someone quoted it today and I think.
For her, I guess it was in the prayer meeting and then I think we had it in the meeting as well. Romans one and 16.
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew 1St and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, that is a written that just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness.
And so on. I really have before me, particularly just that first verse.
For I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.
If we turned over to Timothy, I think it is.
It says it the grace of God that bringeth salvation.
But here it is the power of God, undue salvation.
You see, the grace of God brings it down to man, and the power of God able to lift man out of that condition.
They become suited for the presence of a holy God for all eternity.
And then a little story has been told. I think it was Charles Stanley and his ratings where he said this in connection with this verse for Romans 116. He said, suppose that you were.
Standing on the side of the Niagara Falls and you saw there was a boat.
A row boater, whatever that was coming down the stream, the top there, and it was approaching the falls. And inside that boat there's two men. The one man is asleep and the other man is crying for help. And they're out in the middle and you're on the shore and a whole lot of other people are on the shore and he asks this question.
Which man is in the worst condition, the man who is sleeping or the man who is crying for help?
All you say, they're both.
In a helpless, hopeless condition because you can't reach them.
But you know, God has designed a way in which he can reach to the man or the woman, or the child in the worst condition and take them out. For the Word says that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
We have the most wonderful messages to present tonight. There's no better message in the whole world.
I want to briefly look tonight at 3 storms in the Bible.
Three storms.
And I'd like to turn to the first one in Jonah chapter 2.
The Book of Jonah.
Amos, Ovidia, Jonah.
What a storm.
This man.
You know this is an amazing story.
The man that wandered from God and you know what, from the presence of the Lord in this world, that's in the, that's a condition that it's in further and further away from God. But God had his eye on that man, Jonah, and he has his eye on you tonight and me.
It's the most marvelous thing to think of, friends, the grace of God that comes down to meet us in our need and the power of God that is able to take us out of our condition. Well, here you know the story of how Jonah, he didn't want to do this message that God gave him. You know, God has a purpose for your life.
He has a purpose for your life.
Are you safe? Do you know Christ is your Savior? If you don't know Christ as your Savior, you've got to get to the bottom of that problem first.
Now, I believe that in our language today, we would say that Jonah was a converted man.
Jonah but he didn't want to do God's job. God had a purpose for his life. You know what the purpose was He made. And we spoke this afternoon about God having a purpose. And God made you forever, and he wants you with himself forever.
Well, with Jonah.
The the message that God had was for him to take the gospel to the capital city.
Of a of us of Umm of the Assyrian Empire.
Nineveh and there were there were in that city probably about two million or more people.
Away from God.
And God ended with a Gentile city, and Jonah was a Jew, and God sent him to that city.
He wanted to send him, but Jonah didn't want to go.
Well, let's go on a little bit here.
You know how the God sent the storm out and that, uh, they took Jonah and he said, cast them overboard. And so on the 17th verse of the first chapter, now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish 3 days and three nights. Then Jonah prayed.
Under the Lord his God, out of the fish's belly.
And said, I cried to the Lord by reason of mine affliction.
Uh, And he heard me out of the belly of hell, cried I, and thou heardest my voice, for thou cast me into the deep in the midst of the Seas and the floods, compass me about. All thy waves, all thy bills and thy ways passed over me. Then I said, I am cast out of Isaac, yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. The waters compass me about, even to the soul. The depth clothes me round about. The weeds were wrapped about my head.
I went down to the bottoms of the mountains. The earth with her bars was about me forever.
Yet thou hast brought my brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God.
After three days says then Jonah prayed, and then it says I cried in the reason of my affliction, and he heard me.
I think we can take time. Just hold this place here and turn with me, please, over to Matthew's Gospel chapter 12.
Chapter 12.
And verse.
40 and as Jonas or Jonah.
Was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, So shall the Son of Man be 3 days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it because they repented the preaching of Jonah.
We hold a greater Jonas here. As Jonah was three days and three nights in the fish's belly, in the wheel belly, so shall the Son of Man be 3 days and three nights in the heart of the earth. What is this story a picture to us of back in Jonas day? Is it just a story? Is it just a something to tickle the years of mankind? You see these little books through the children and I don't condemn them.
You know, I'd like to see them get those beautiful stories that are in the Bible. But what is it? A picture of Jonah having to go under those waters there, There he was under the God put them under the protection of that great whale. As was for three days and three nights. And as Jonah was three days and three nights in the fish's belly, so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth.
All the very picture of Jonah when he went down under the waters, under God's protection, he was a picture there of the Son of God who came into the world and who was nailed to Calvary's cross.
And he took the load of my sins on himself and yours, dear friend, if you will take them as your Savior. And he bore those sins in the mighty, those under the mighty rod of God's judgment.
So that you might go free. You know Him is your Savior. You know what three days speak of? Three days speak of death and resurrection, death and resurrection. And so the word of God says he was delivered for our offenses, and he was raised again for our justification.
And God took my sins and put them on Jesus on the cross.
And he went into death for me because the Bible says the wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life. Somebody had to pay the penalty, and Jesus took the penalty of sin on the cross.
The wages of sin is death.
Have you ever seen it that way? Have you ever accepted it? Have you ever seen him as the one who died there 2000 years ago on that cross?
He was thinking of you.
When you die.
Oh, I think it's the most marvelous thing.
People make with a reasoning mind. We may question that, but I believe with all my heart, friends, that you can say that Jesus was thinking of you. Why do we say that? Because John 316 says for God so loved the world. That's the people of the world.
That he gave his only begotten Son, and there he was dying for you.
He hung there, the Son of God.
On the cross for you and me.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
How much do you pay for it?
Suppose that I reached into my pocket and I pulled out a $20 bill and I put it on the table right here. And I turned my back and I said, whoever wants that $20 bill, come and take it.
I hope somebody would come and take it because I offered it free.
But if nobody took it, it wouldn't be theirs.
Remember one time doing that to a young man who was about 1516 years of age.
His name was Carlos and I said to him.
If you want this, you can have it.
He didn't know what to do.
He took it and I said Carlos, Now he reached out to take it. Before he took it, I said, Carlos, is that yours?
We didn't know what to say, I said. Not yet, because you didn't take it yet.
But when he took it.
I said, is that yours? Yes.
It's mine. Have you taken it?
Think of what it costs God. You see, there is a penalty for your sins.
The wages of sin is death and it has to be paid. You know, you go to work and you get your wages. You want your wages at the end.
And you deserve your wages.
But the Bible says that there is a wages of sin. The consequences of sin is that we die. And it's not just die for this life, it's eternity without Christ in a lost eternity.
And you know, it's, it's, it's thought of so little and so lately today.
But to leave this world without Christ? Think of it.
And thousands have sold daily, ushered into eternity without Christ.
Is he yours?
The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Our Lord, well, the first storm is the judgment that He paid, and so we won't take time to turn to it. But in the 69th Psalm, you know the Psalm, most of us here know that Psalm without even turning to it.
That song is prophetically the words of Jesus when he hung on the cross.
Save me, O God, for the waters are coming to my soul. I sink in deep mire where there is no standing.
I have come into deep water where the overflow me.
Yes, they overflowed him so that they may not overflow you and me.
Have you received them?
No one loved you like Jesus loved you.
God commendeth His love towards us.
While we are yet sinners, Christ died for us. Let's turn to the second storm.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 14.
Matthew 14.
Beautiful, beautiful story.
Verse UH-22. Straightway, Jesus constrained his disciple to get into his ship.
Go before under the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he came up. He went up into a mountain apart to pray, and when the evening was coming he was there alone.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, for the wind was contrary. And in the 4th watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying it is a spirit, and they cried out for fear.
But straightway Jesus speak unto them, saying, Be of good cheer, desire, be not afraid.
And Peter answered and said unto him, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And Peter was come down out of the ship. He walked on the water to go to Jesus.
But when he saw the wind, boisterous, he was afraid and beginning to sink. He cried, saying, Lord, save me.
Jesus stretched forth his hand.
Cut them, sit under him, or their little feet, wherefore it is so dope. When they were coming to the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, of a truth, Thou art the Son of God.
Oh dear friends, this book is so full.
These pictures are so beautiful.
And God has put things in such a way in his Word to draw a great big picture.
And so at the start of where we read, we were told how Jesus said to his disciples to get into the ship. And then it says in the 23rd verse. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray. And when the evening was coming, he was there alone. Where is Jesus tonight?
Ivan, where is Jesus tonight?
You're right.
He's up there. You don't see him, but he sees you right by them.
Oh dear friends, think of Him looking down in this room tonight into each of us, our hearts. And He knows you through and through.
And he sat there alone, praying. And you know what he wants. He wants sinners to come to him.
If you want sinners, sinners.
Says him that cometh to me. I will and no wise cast out.
So there he is.
What's happening down in the world?
He sent the disciples away into his ship. And what's it say?
In verse 24 the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with ways, for the wind was contrary.
And the 4th wast of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea, you see.
There he is up there, and the grace of God and the gospel has gone out since he's gone there in the glory, and there he is, and he's watching over his friend. He's praying for you.
He's praying for you. He went off into a mountain to pray. Pray to God for you and me.
He longs for the blessing of mankind amid all the atrocities that are happening throughout the world with 7 billion people. And, and it says here the end of the midst of the sea is tossed with waves. And don't you see it? Don't you see it in this world? The wicked are like the troubled sea, the cast of the mire and dirt. Whether it's in the mind of man, whether it is in the nation's dis, the distress it is among nations. And there he is.
And he observes it all. And what's he doing? He's praying, and he's waiting for the cry of any man or woman or child.
Who will come to Christ?
What a story we have to tell.
And a fourth watch of the night. 4 watches, 1234.
4th watch of the night. That's the last one.
Says Jesus came walking on the sea.
You know what the sea speaks of and speaks of the Gentile nations.
All the turmoil that's in the world, Friend is above it all. He's walking on the sea. All the troubles.
Do you know him?
Is he your savior?
He is the God of the universe. Jesus is the God of the universe.
And he came under them.
He comes to our level.
He's walking on the sea.
And so.
This has a Jewish aspect, I think, but we can apply it in A to us tonight because in the coming day, in coming day, you know, God hasn't forgotten the nation of Israel.
Right now the gospel goes out to the whole world, but then there's going to be the judgments that take when the Christians are all taken out of this world to heaven, which is going to be very soon. I believe it with all my art. God is going to judge this world for seven years, and at the end of the seven years, Jesus is going to come back to his own, to the remnant, and he's going to come walking on the seat of them. They won't know him.
But they will know him. He'll come to them.
But tonight it's him that cometh to me, him that cometh to me. I will annoy cast out. So it says in the when they didn't recognize him, they didn't know in verse 26. And you know, sometimes we have problems. Let's face it, every one of us, you, unless you're different than me.
Do you have any problems in your life?
He's walking on the sea and he allows the circumstances in your life.
Everything. And he draws near to you when he's he's above it all, but he comes near to you. He speaks to us through the things that he allows in our lives.
So he comes, and he says they think it's a spirit. In verse 26 and verse 27, straightway Jesus spake of them, saying, be of good cheer at his eye, be be not afraid. Verse 28 Peter answered and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, come.
This uh, I often have thought of this.
What went through the mind of Peter?
If it be thou, bid me come unto thee.
And the Lord Jesus said come.
Now the tables are turned back to Peter.
How is he gonna take and respond to this?
The Lord said come.
Tom Roach said this one time faith is action.
The Lord Jesus said come.
The next thing is he did he have the faith to trust him?
To go and to walk on water that he had never done before. Was he willing to take and step out inside of that boat where the others were, and to put his foot on the water to walk to Jesus?
He did.
So it says.
Verse 29 and Peter when Peter was come down out of the ship.
He walked on the water to go to Jesus.
You see?
We sometimes say only trust Him, only trust Him, only trust Him. Now you know the gospel, but have you acted on it? Have you repented of your sins? Have you confessed Jesus as your Lord? Have you? Have you actually gone through the transaction?
We sometimes sing the hymn Happy day tis done, the great transactions done. I am my Lords, and he is mine. Can you sing it in truth?
As a half and all happy day when Jesus washed my sins away. Will you trust him? Will you do it? Will you believe the gospel?
Faith demands an act, or faith demands a response.
To that question from the Lord.
We have come, so it says.
Peter said come down and went in verse 29, come walk in the water to go to Jesus. And when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid and beginning to sink. He cried saying.
Lord, save me.
You know.
I think that every Christian goes through these things.
If you've accepted the Lord as your Savior.
You've run into some things in your life, haven't you?
Where you had to cry to the Lord and you feel like maybe you're sinking.
But you know to just turn to him and to trust him and to lean on him.
I always think of my mother in connection with this.
Remember quoting the quoting.
Was averse to SEC now.
Look unto me all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none else.
And she said, David, it only takes one look to be saved, but after you're saved, it's a lifetime of looking. You see, the whole principle of life when we become a Christian is to take and to turn to him for everything in our lives. You get it all through Scripture. For example, you remember the story about the blood on the door in connection with the children of Israel in in Exodus.
So they were sheltered from the judgment by the blood, the Lamb. The blood had been shed. The Lamb had been slain. It's a picture of the cross. And then what does God do?
He takes them to the river, to the the Red Sea, and there what's he say to them? Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. You see the whole principle of life. Instead of laboring for them, they were to stand still and wait for God to intervene. Are you a Christian? You know the Lord is your Savior. The Lord would have us to take into let him clear the way.
Clear the way and did he? Well, he opened up that seed where I believe millions took and crossed. You know, I thought of it in this way. Sometimes we come to a come to a road where there's a busy highway and there's two lanes that are going this way of traffic and two lanes that are going that way. And I sometimes waited, uh, in the, in the, uh, in the, in the cross section of the road and I'm wanting to get across to the other side.
And I just pray and I say, Lord, you opened up the way for the children of Israel to take across the Red Sea. Surely you can help me get across this road. And he does.
And he does.
You know Him as your savior.
You turn to him for all the little things in your life. He's there for you.
Stand still waiting on God is the principle for the Christian, not for us to take and and to to push our way through, but to trust him and lean on him for our way. That's a principle, the Christian life. Are you saved, you know, as your Savior? Then lean on him and trust him for everything.
The end of the story here is verse 33.
Then they were in the ship, came and worshiped him, saying of the truth, Thou art the Son of God, you know.
Dear friends, the nation of Israel.
The nation of Israel doesn't believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but they're going to. They're going to.
And at the end of the tribulation, he's going to appear. They're going to turn to him. The remnant will return to him and the earth after this. Oh, it's amazing to think of that, the blessing that is going to flow out in this world.
It's going to be through that nation.
It's marvelous to think of, but before that takes place, there's a seven years of judgment. And before the seven years of judgment is when Jesus is coming to take his own out of this world. And that period that starts the judgment. Friends, I believe with all my heart is approaching. What do you think of the atrocities that are taking place, the signs of the Lord's coming, the restlessness, the problems in the world, The darkness in the world is increasing. He's coming.
Are you ready?
Are you ready? Well, let's turn to.
The last one.
It's in the books Gospel.
Umm, I think it's chapter 8.
Luke chapter 8.
And 1St.
Now it came to pass on a certain day that he went into a ship with his disciples, and he said unto them, Let us go over under the other side of the lake, And they launched forth. But as they sailed he fell asleep, and there came down a storm of wind on the lake, and they were filled with water and and were in jeopardy.
And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water.
LCC And there was a calm he said unto them, Where is your faith?
And they, being afraid, wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this? For he commandeth even the winds in the water.
And they obey him.
In the last, uh, when we had with the Lord up in heaven.
Gone up there to pray and in this one here and this storm here is there asleep in the boat.
Dear friends, he's watching over you, and he's with you at the same time. He's omnipresent. He's everywhere, and it may appear when storms come in your life that you don't know if he's really paying any attention, but he's there. It may look like he's asleep, but he's not. He's in control.
And so in this last story here he was in this boat with them and you know, is it Yes, uh, you know what I I liked in connection with this is in the twen in the 22nd verse.
You notice that it says And he said unto them, Let us go over under the other side of the lake, and they launched forth. Now was there any, any.
Question that they would ever reach the other side.
I don't know why, because he said.
Let us go over under the other side of the lake. Implied in those words is that we're going to make it to the other side. And he allowed the storm to take place and he rested. Knowing that the storms were coming and that everything was safe, He rested.
And they could have rested as well. They could have trusted his words.
And he said to them, when they when they got in this perilous situation, he calmed the story, he rebuked the wind, and he calmed the storm. And he said unto them, Where is your faith?
Where's your faith? Are you a Christian?
The Lord wants you to trust Him.
How do you get faith?
Is faith blind?
How can you have faith in your life?
Turn over to Romans chapter 10.
I'm gonna ask one of the younger ones to read this verse for me.
Romans 10 verse 17. Who would like to read it?
Oh, he doesn't want to read it. That's OK with with one of the other young people or whatever, like to read this verse.
Romans 10, verse 17.
Shall I pick on somebody? How about Atlanta back there?
Would you like to read it in Atlanta?
And so then they come back by here and you're very badly with God. Yeah.
You wanna have faith?
You can have it just by listening.
It's right here.
Do you believe them? Here it is. Do you trust him? Can we depend on him? Feed on him? Trust him for your life?
The look of salvation, how we trust that each one in this room is saved to turn to him for this life and for the next life and who soon It's in the same chapter here in, uh, in, uh, uh, Romans chapter 10, verse 13. Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Would you call on him tonight? Would you accept them into your heart?
And walk with him through this world. Let him be.
The Lord of your life.
May God bless his word. I'm going to mention before I close the consequences and O the Lord for the judgment, for my sins. And it's hard to contemplate, it's impossible to contemplate what he suffered for my sins. And dear friends, if you, if there's anyone here who doesn't accept the Lord of your Savior, you have to bear the consequences for your sins.
You have to bear the consequences.
To be lost for all eternity. There's judgment for sin, and either Jesus or your judgment or you have to bear it for all eternity, and you don't want that.
You don't want that except Him as your Lord. Surrender to Him to be your Lord and your Savior forever. Let's bow in prayer our God.