Gospel 2

Duration: 26min
Gospel—Wally Dear
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We sing 2 verses of #60 in the back of the book.
#60 in the back of the book.
The first verse and the last verse.
Hark the voice of Jesus calling.
Come ye Laden, come to me.
Are the voice of Jesus.
Me I have rest and you still.
Restrain take some salvation. Take salvation. Takes salvation. Take salvation. Take salvation, take salvation.
All made in software cleaning of grace or not.
Inside here.
From God's century.
Take salvation. Take salvation.
Shall we pray?
Our God and our Father this afternoon.
How our hearts do rejoice as we contemplate Thy ways of grace and goodness. We thank Thee, our Father, that Thou hast revealed Thyself to us in the person of Thy beloved Son, that Blessed One who we know is full of grace and truth.
We thank thee that of His fullness have we received grace upon grace.
And just now we do pray very specially for any in this audience that.
Is still in their sins.
Who has not yet taken salvation?
And we pray that.
As we make this final gospel appeal at the close of these meetings.
That such an one might indeed accept that full and free salvation that Thou art still offering. So we thank Thee for this opportunity to be together, and we seek Thy help as we look into Thy word for a little message in the Gospel. We.
Commit all to D giving Thee our thanks and praise. Father, in the precious and worthy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
Like to turn to.
Verse found in John's Gospel, chapter 3.
And this verse has been described as a verse that has a top.
And a bottom.
But it doesn't have a middle.
John, Chapter 3.
And the question that?
I would put to you today is whether you are at the top.
Or at the bottom of this verse.
John's Gospel, chapter 3.
And verse 36.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.
That's the top.
And he that believeth not the Son shall not see life.
But the wrath of God abideth on him. That's the bottom.
Now I believe this verse.
So clearly indicates to us.
Everlasting life, eternal life is that which comes to us, not through our performance. You know we live in a performance based society and the better you perform.
The more wealth.
The more power, the more influence, the more pleasure, the more entertainment.
Perhaps you have?
But when it comes to salvation.
And obtaining eternal life as we've had brought before us this afternoon. It's not a question of your performance or mine. It's a question do you have faith in the Son of God?
That is how God evaluates.
You and me.
And many don't understand that.
And they have the idea that salvation is.
By works.
Which we have done.
But notice what we have here.
I believe this is the testimony of the evangelist John. He that believeth on the Son has everlasting life.
Do you have faith in the Son of God?
Have you accepted this blessed One who is the supreme delight of the heart of God?
What does he mean to you?
You know, if we back up.
And read verse.
What does it say?
For he whom God has sent.
Speaketh the words of God.
For God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him the Father loveth the Son.
And as given all things, into his hand.
Now we know who the Son of God is. His name is Jesus, and he was here in this world.
To glorify his Father, and as it tells us here.
He was sent of the Father on a mission.
And he spoke the words of God.
His father, He didn't speak his own words.
And furthermore, he didn't do his own works.
He did the works that were told him to do.
And he could say.
I do always those things that please the Father.
Now This is why God would have all men to honor His Son. What is your attitude?
To God's Son It tells us here that the Father loves the Son.
At least seven times.
In the Gospel of John we have reference to the fact that the Father loves the Son and perhaps more.
That was brought before us this morning as we sat in the Lord's presence.
And we thought about the unspeakable gift of our God.
And how Abraham was told to take now.
Thy son thine only son whom thou lovest.
It's the first mention of love in the Bible.
The love of Abraham.
For his son.
And he was to offer him as a burnt offering there on Mount Moriah.
Well, you know, Abraham was spared the agony.
Of offering up his son.
He was willing to do it.
But God would not pass Abraham through that agony.
But you know what?
Would not spare himself.
In order to spare you.
The penalty we deserve for our sin, God would not spare himself.
What did he do?
For God so loved the world that he gave.
His only begotten Son.
We know the verse so very well that whosoever believes in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life.
The Father loveth the Son and has given all things into his hand.
God's Son is in control.
His testimony here to the Father was perfect.
And you know, the Sun, I believe, was the object of testimony as well.
And the Lord Jesus could say, he that has seen me has seen the Father.
What a testimony he had here in this world.
Now, what is your attitude toward?
The Son of God.
Is there anybody here this afternoon that is rejecting?
God's Son. I believe it's the cardinal sin is to reject the Son of God.
If we back up further in this chapter verse 18, he that believeth on him.
That is, on the Son of God is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Well, if you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
You're at the top, if I could put it that way.
And you have everlasting life. You're going to spend eternity with your Savior. And I look forward to that.
And we had before us this afternoon the quality of this life to know God in Jesus Christ, who he has sent.
It's eternal life.
And this is what fills the soul.
This is.
And this is what God has for us to enjoy.
But notice what it says. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life.
But the wrath of God abides on him.
You know the Son of God has so glorified God the Father.
That the father cannot help but resent.
An attitude that is negative toward his son.
And we have in this world today a negative attitude toward the Son of God.
Anybody who has not put their faith in the Son of God.
Is at the bottom, and there's no middle ground.
Some would like to try to maintain a neutral.
But you know, to neglect accepting Christ is to reject Him.
I believe that's how God sees it.
So you either accept Him, you put your faith, your confidence, your trust in Him.
And the work that he accomplished there at the cross of Calvary on your behalf, or you reject him. And those that reject him are going to suffer the wrath of God, I believe, for all eternity.
Even now, the wrath of God hangs over the Christ rejecter.
It's not that God doesn't love the Sinner. He does. There's no question about it.
But the attitude.
Negative attitude toward his son. He hates it. It's abhorrent.
Somebody said a while back about an individual their attitudes stinks.
And that was.
Quite a statement, but I believe it's putting it mildly with respect to how God.
Views the attitude of those who are opposed to his son.
So there's many verses. I believe they have a top and a bottom. Another one comes to mind.
Over in.
Revelation 20 and verse 15.
It says there whosoever is not found written in the book of life.
Was cast into the Lake of Fire. Is your name in the Book of Life? If it is, you're at the top.
But if it isn't, you are at the bottom.
And you have opportunity.
This afternoon to come to Christ, to take salvation, to get your name in the book of life, so that you will not appear at the great white throne.
Find out.
Too late.
That Christ alone is the Savior. Now you have opportunity.
To receive Him as your savior if you reject Him in that coming day.
You will meet him as your judge.
Cast into the Lake of Fire.
People say, well, I don't.
Really believe there's any help?
And then you find some that say, well there's heaven, but there's no hell. Well, if there's a heaven, why would there not be a hell?
There's an opposite to everything.
High, low, cold, hot.
Dry. Wet.
What's the opposite of heaven? Hell. The Lord Jesus, I believe, said more about hell than he did about heaven in order to warn souls.
To warn souls.
I can tell you this afternoon, you see that wall over there? There's no clock on that wall.
There's no clock on that wall.
You're looking at me like I'm some kind of a crazy nut.
It doesn't matter what I say. The fact is the truth is there is a clock on that wall.
And it doesn't matter what people say.
And try to tell us there is no hell doesn't change the fact there is.
Well, this afternoon.
Take salvation.
You sit in your seats here.
I don't know where you stand with the Lord. I know that most here are truly.
Lords, but there may be one or two or more, Maybe one of the children.
Has never come to Jesus. Take salvation now before it is forever too late, a little girl said. Well, how can I come to Jesus if I can't see him?
How can I?
Well, have you ever laid in your bed at night?
And maybe you were thirsty.
And you're called.
I'm thirsty, can I have a drink?
And you know, before long, here comes your mother bringing a nice drink of water.
To satisfy your thirst. Well, you didn't see your mother, but you still called on her.
And she came, and you got what you wanted.
You know, that's how it is, I believe.
When we get saved more than once in the scripture, we read whosoever.
Shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
And there's a little boy, Jay Sean. He came to the meetings this summer. And you know, Jay Sean, he came.
And he said you want to be saved.
I said, Jay, Sean, why do you want to be saved? Well, I don't want to go to hell.
We've got a poster that we use in our summer outreach, and I think there have been those saved through that poster, but it shows the two gates, the broad gate, the narrow gate, the straight gate, and the two ways. There's the Broadway and the narrow way and then the two destinies.
Hell and heaven.
Well, you know, we got down, we prayed and Jay, Sean, he get up and he was.
Smiling from ear to ear and I trust it was a true work of God in his soul. I talked to his mother after and she said, you know, Jay Sean, he seemed so happy. Well.
What did we sing in that hymn? Take salvation and happy be.
Is there anybody here that doesn't have salvation? I'll tell you one thing, you're not happy.
You're not happy, truly happy.
God wants you to be happy. He doesn't want you to perish. He's not long-suffering, not willing any should perish. So come to Jesus.
And accept him now you have opportunity.
Tomorrow may be too late.
The Lord is coming.
And when he comes, the door is shut.
No second chance for salvation.
We're going to be traveling.
I hope it doesn't happen, but.
Could be head on collision.
We don't know what happens in the future, but you could be.
Here today in Guan tomorrow.
We come along and I see this memorial on the side of the road. It was a cross and I hadn't seen that before. Somebody had died right at that spot.
And there was that memorial there at the side of the road. So it's so important, isn't it? We don't know how long our time is, but we're going to pray. And if there's anyone here still in their sins, just simply ask the Lord Jesus to save you.
Because on the cross he bore the punishment for sin, and his precious blood that was shed there, it cleanses from all sin.
And Jesus no longer is on the cross or in the tomb, but he lives and he's coming again.
We want everybody in this hall to be looking forward to his coming.
Let's pray. Father and gracious God, we thank Thee for this wonderful time we've enjoyed.
During these two days of meetings.
We just do thank you for the kindness of our brethren to make this possible, that we could be together in this way. And we feel that thou hast undertaken in so many ways. But just now we do especially pray that if there's one here or two or more who have not yet called upon D for salvation.
May they do it now and go on their way, rejoicing, knowing that their sins.
Have been cleansed, washed away in the precious blood of Jesus.
And so we do ask for thy help, acknowledging that the work is thine.
And we just wait upon thee for thy help.
And further blessing.
And we pray for safety too, as we travel. We just commit all to Thee, Father, as we thank thee for thy wonderful love and grace and goodness. And so we pray now in the precious, in the worthy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.