Gospel 2

Duration: 23min
Gospel—Wally Dear
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I've been asked.
To present the way of salvation.
It brings to mind a little strong.
That we've sung with the boys and girls. It goes like this. The Bibles greatest.
Message Salvation, which God planned. I'll tell you in five phrases on the fingers of one hand.
I have sinned.
But God loves me, and in love Christ died for me.
And if I but receive him, I know that I am saved.
I like that. I thought perhaps we'd just talk a little bit about this. That doesn't say at all.
And we can add to it.
But how many here this afternoon?
Know with assurance, beyond a shadow of a doubt, no question in your mind, that you are truly.
SAPED saved.
I see some break into a smile.
And that tells me something. I believe you have the assurance, but there's others.
That perhaps do not have that assurance.
And this afternoon, God wants you to know here and now.
That you have eternal life, that you're saved, that you belong to Him, that you're one of His children, you enjoy a relationship with Him, and that you're on the way to glory.
And I'm gonna say something.
I don't believe.
Anybody can be truly happy unless they have the assurance of salvation.
If I thought that I was going to perish or that God was going to turn against me and let me go.
As some would try to tell us that we can be saved and lost again.
How can there be any joy in happiness in that type of a belief?
There's a man.
This past into eternity.
But he started.
An oil business. It grew into a, shall we say, an empire. His name is JD Irving.
And we see his name emblazoned all over the place.
He's got really impressive service stations.
But the Irving company owns newspapers and.
Paper companies, very wealthy organization, but the founder of this organization, his name is Irving, he said. No one knows until the end of the road whether they're on the right road or not.
How sad.
Oh man.
That could have anything, perhaps, that this world had to offer, but no assurance of salvation. Is there anybody like that here today?
Where are we going to start?
Well, I believe we need to come to the realization that we are sinners, that we need salvation, you know, the Lord Jesus said.
They that are whole, they need not a physician.
But they are sick.
And here this afternoon.
Perhaps there's somebody that thinks.
That's they're pretty decent people.
And they point the finger, and they think that somebody else is the Sinner.
But what does God have to say now? This morning we heard reference to Romans 3 and 23. For there is no difference. All of sin come short of the glory of God. But take a look at Ecclesiastes.
Now this is in the Old Testament.
Ecclesiastes Chapter.
20 Ecclesiastes 7 and 20.
Four. There is not.
A just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not, not one.
If we turn over to.
The Psalms, Psalm 14. It says that the Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God.
They are all gone aside. There is none that doeth good. They're all together. Become filthy. There is none that do it's good. No, not one. This is the word of God.
And people don't like to hear this, he said. This is very negative preaching.
And there's a man that.
He preaches and Christendom.
And you don't really appreciate too much this kind of a preaching.
And so he likes to try to make people feel good about themselves.
We don't wanna beat up on people.
Because they're already beat up. Fine, You know, we've got a lot of problems in the world, a lot of difficulties, and let's not think negatively, but let's.
Think positively and make people feel good about themselves.
But I want to tell you something this afternoon.
God wants you to come to the end of yourself.
And why is this? Because he wants to present to you his own dear son, who is altogether lovely.
Psalm 14 speaks of altogether filthy.
What about the Lord Jesus Christ?
The perfections that we see in Christ.
Are so beautiful they lift us up and I appreciate you know what has been said in the open meeting by our brothers here today to assault the person of Christ.
And that's what we're here for today, to magnify his name.
David could say or magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together. People say, well, you know, I don't appreciate.
What the Bible has to say. But if you don't accept the Bible, you're going to be in big trouble. The other day I was working on a little project and I cut a board.
And I had taken careful measurement.
At least I thought I had, but I cut the board and I put it in place. It didn't fit. It's too short.
I thought to myself, what's going on here? So I pulled out my little tape measure.
Wait a second, this board was supposed to be 25 inches is 24 inches.
For us to tape measure right out the door.
What's wrong with this tape measure?
I see people smiling here today.
The problem wasn't with the measure, the problem was right here.
Right here, and the sooner I was willing to own that, the better.
Dear ones, this afternoon, this is God's measure stick.
How do you measure up to what God has to say? You take God's word and you're going to find.
That you go by His word and things are gonna work out for you and you're gonna have a happy life and you're gonna have a happy eternity. Well.
I'm getting in trouble here time wise.
I'd like to turn to Romans chapter 5.
Romans, chapter 5.
I have sinned, but God loves me, and in love Christ died for me. So we're going to put these two together in Romans chapter 5 and verse.
Eight. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
That marvelous, that God loves you and me even when we were unlovable.
Because this is who God is. God is love.
And we love because he first loved us.
First on four says here in his love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and gave his Son to be a propitiation for our sins. Think of the love of our God. It's so wonderful.
And we are just here today to you might say, skin to surface. It's so wonderful.
People say, well, why does God allow sin into this world? This world is in a terrible state. Why He didn't have to allow sin. The suffering now in the world as a result of sin is terrible.
But you know.
Who suffers?
As a result of sin, it's God himself.
And I believe that God allowed sin into the world in order to provide a means whereby He could demonstrate His love for you and for me.
How is this?
He allows sin into the world, that he might put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
This marvelous.
You're not gonna find this in any other religion.
This is what distinguishes Christianity from every other religion.
It extinguishes.
The fact that we have a God that loves us to that extent, that he would be willing to sacrifice himself.
Hereby proceed with the love of God, because He laid down His life for us.
This is what we have here. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Now, uh.
If we but receive him, you know.
Again John one John one verse 12. But as many as received him to then gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them which believe on his name.
There once this afternoon receiving is believing.
Believing is to have confidence in one.
Spurgeon used to speak up. The little girl, you know. She's on the third floor of a burning building. She looks out the window. There's a cloud of smoke.
What's she gonna do? She hears a voice.
From the ground, she can't see anybody, but she hears the voice.
Little girl, jump and I will catch you.
And she jumps.
Now that, I believe, is the essence of faith. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
That little girl heard a message. She believed it. She jumped. What did she believe? That there was truly a fireman there. He was big enough.
To catch her.
Loved her enough that he would not drop her and so she committed herself to the firemen and it's the essence of faith. And here it tells us, you know, that the Lord Jesus on the cross gave himself. He was wounded for our transgressions. Christ died for our sins. Christ also suffered for sin that just for the unjust to bring us to God. Can you say that, Jesus?
Died for me.
She's aside, many believe that it's history. But to be able to say that Jesus died for me, that's salvation. It's receiving Him and the work that he accomplished. Now in Romans, it speaks about how we are justified by his blood.
You know Martin Luther, he said. The law.
It terrifies.
There's no salvation in the law, but it's a good thing. It's holy, just and good because it shows us how bad we really are. And if we try to line up with the law, it will strike terror into our souls. We see how far short we come of God's standard and God's holiness, but that's good.
The law terrifies, the blood of Christ is what testifies.
Faith justifies.
When I was growing up, my mother used to take my temperature.
If I was sick and.
It was a thermometer that told me I was sick.
And that was a good thing. That thermometer could tell me if there was a fever or not.
But she didn't then tell me to swallow the thermometer and get better.
There is no salvation in the law. By the works of the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified.
It's through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore be justified by faith, we have peace with God.
It's the only way.
To enjoy peace with God. Now the last one, and then I'm done. First, John.
First, John.
Chapter 4.
Sorry, first John chapter 5 and verse 13.
These things have I written unto you, that believe on the name of the Son of God.
That he may know that he had eternal life, and that he may believe on the name of the Son of God.
Here it is.
Believing is knowing.
It's what the Bible says. I enjoy that little song that we sang with the children.
Despite words and that song we need to think about.
The Bible tells me so.
And if the Bible tells me so, believe it.
God said it.
One little girl said I believe it and that settles it. It's faith, simple faith, and God appreciates that and that's what saves.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
He was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
You believe it. If you don't believe that Jesus rose from the dead, you will not be saved. It's critical to salvation if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved.
Little Rose question their salvation. Am I saved well?
Rose looked at that first.
And Rose.
She said.
Now this verse says, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, she said, I have done this. I told somebody that Jesus is my Lord.
And believe in thine heart that God is raising from the dead.
Roast as I believe that.
I believe that God raised.
The Lord Jesus from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved, Rose said to herself. That means I'm safe. And it seems like she had lost a sense of her salvation. But she went back to the word of God and she got reassurance well here this afternoon.
We have a wonderful God he loves.
You and me displayed it in the giving of his son. What more could he give? He wouldn't give less.
That's what was required to meet the need of our souls.
He wants us to trust him.
The Lord Jesus told Darius.
Be not afraid, only believe. I'd like to leave those two words with you. Only believe. So we pray. Our God and Father, we thank you this afternoon for this wonderful time that we've enjoyed over Thy precious word of Bible. And we thank Thee that by Thy grace Thou has worked in the hearts of many here.
And we know it's olive grace.
The fact that any of us.
Have been saved.
They have been cleansed in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus.
We honestly do pray for any in this hall today, perhaps without the assurance of salvation.
We earnestly pray that souls that are still outside of Christ that they might.
Feel the weight, the burden of their sins, and call upon thee. We thank thee for thine invitation. Lord Jesus, come unto me. All you that labor are heavy laden. I will give you rest, and perhaps there's somebody here who's lost the assurance of their salvation. We ask thee that thou will.
Through Thy word and the power, Thy living Holy Spirit, that Thou will work in their hearts to restore that joy of knowing that all is well for time and for eternity. So we do commit ourselves to Thee, and we do again pray for those that would be traveling for safety for each one, and we thank Thee for this.
Opportunity to uh.
Present the way of salvation, and we thank Thee for the prospect of the believer, for the hope that I soon return. We thank Thee for such a bright and blessed hope. And so we ask and give thanks to night worthy and most blessed name, Lord Jesus, Amen.