Many Waters Cannot Quench Love

Gospel—Wally Dear
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Number two, number two on our hem sheets.
Come tis Jesus gently calling ye with care and toil oppressed.
With your guilt how air appalling come and I will give you rest #2.
Come tis Jesus, gently call the.
Ye with parental.
Give me 1 second, I don't know.
And the first body of the house.
We can we can introduce the whole thing to the column.
If you if you don't get anything else, you get one.
Round and the incentive planned right back.
Oh my God, Oh my God, there's a 10-4.
922 There was a business passage with anything.
But I don't have anything. Oh, that's fine.
If there is sometimes no behaviour that you can continue to do, uh, thank you very much. Apologize for the time.
Charles Corporation.
And sighs so great, thank you for having me.
90, 10-4, 18618941.
Let me look for the Lord in prayer.
Our God and Father, we thank thee this evening.
That thy house.
Stands wide open.
And we thank thee for.
Lost, helpless, hopeless, hellbound sinners that are receiving the invitation and taking advantage of the invitation, and who are entering in.
We thank you our God, our desire is at thy house should be filled, every seat filled, and we thank Thee for the sweet and blessed message of the Gospel.
Where thy heart is pulled out to this perishing world.
We thank you for thy love that lingers.
And that beseeches. And perhaps there's one in this audience tonight.
Still in their sins.
Earnestly pray for their salvation tonight.
We might decide for Christ the power of sin might be broken.
And that they might come and find joy and peace.
Through believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. So we ask for thy message wherever it's going out. We do ask that it would be attended blessing of thy Holy Spirit. And so we thank you for this time together, we ask.
It can help give thanks, precious name the Lord Jesus, Amen.
I would just like to say at the outside of this meeting.
I want to thank each and every dear brother that was in the room.
Pouring their hearts out to God on behalf of any in this hall tonight.
Who are without Christ?
In your sins.
Traveling the Broad Rd.
We know where the Broad Rd. leads, the Lord Jesus said. It leads to destruction.
And maybe there's somebody here tonight.
And you don't even know.
That you not see.
We pray.
That God by His Holy Spirit, and this book that I hold in my hand, His word, He might awaken you to your dire need.
That you might be saved.
And there's only one savior.
And his name is Jesus.
His name?
Was called Jesus.
Why? Because he would save his people from their sins. And as I look about this hall here tonight.
I see many.
Who have been saved from their sins, You know Jesus as your Lord and your Savior. I was just talking to a brother before the meeting, I said.
Would it be?
Very enlightening.
If we could know at the outset of a gospel meeting.
Who it is?
That in the hall needs to be saved.
I can't tell who it is here tonight who needs to be saved, but God looks down.
And all things are naked and open unto him.
The eyes of him with whom we have to do. And he knows. And he's looking at you here tonight if you're sitting in that seat.
And you're rejecting his son.
I believe it's the worst crime that can be committed.
Is to reject.
God, unspeakable gift.
It's horrendous to think that anybody would say no to Jesus, God's well beloved son, and yet that's exactly what's happening in the world tonight, and perhaps in this very hall.
And so as I look about.
I wonder.
Is there one person?
That's outside of Christ.
Is there?
Is the Savior of sinners.
Price is the savior for me.
Long I was changing since darkness. Now by his grace I am free. Perhaps we could stand as we sing #4.
Christ is the Savior of sin.
Christ is the sailor for ye long. I was married in our honor and held by His grace I am created.
No, I don't know. I think are you gonna power? I think it's just I have seen 5 crazy made in my life. Blessed and greedy and good. This is a dangerous obligation.
Same behavior.
And it's not like anything, surely it's like more Minecraft.
OK. Good morning.
OK, if you can call me please.
Well, we're here tonight.
To talk about Jesus.
To talk about my Savior and your Savior if you trust Him.
I'd like to.
By making reference to. Our brother Stan last night made reference to.
The horrific flood.
That has.
Than experience in southern Texas.
And we heard about another flood. It wasn't localized, this flood.
However, the entire earth.
And the reason that we covered the entire earth is because God saw.
That the wickedness of man was great.
Not just in Texas.
Not just.
In England, Russia or China, throughout the world, the wickedness was great and the thoughts of men's heart only evil, continue.
And so the flood, in order to deal with the wickedness and the sin, it covered the whole earth.
And this flood in Texas? Miniscule.
In comparison.
To the flood that covered the earth and.
The waters went up, up, off above the highest mountain.
I believe it was 15 cubits. That's over 20 feet. There was no hope of survival.
Anywhere on the face of this planet Earth.
Now there had been opportunity to be safe.
And our brother brought that out very nicely last night.
One place of refuge, and that was the art.
And yes, we have visited a replica of the art just as others here in this hall in Kentucky, a full size replica.
And dead art is colossal size.
But you know that art, you only had one door.
And it was a large door.
And as we walked up to that door.
Inside the art there was a poster.
And it had on the poster. These were.
Jesus said I am the door.
By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved. And so it was a beautiful witness to the gospel and the fact that there's one door.
One door to salvation.
That was the case in Noah's day. The door was wide open.
How many went in?
Eight swords.
Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives.
How many wins left outside? I suppose millions.
Perhaps billions.
They thought it was a joke. They would not answer.
And they found out too late.
That Noah and his preaching.
Was correct.
How to do?
Would there be anybody in this hall?
Who is going to find out too late?
That Jesus.
Is the door to salvation.
Is there anybody here heard the message of the gospel time and time again?
But you've never come and entered in.
There was one that.
Kept company with the Lord Jesus for 3 1/2 years.
And from outward appearances.
It seemed to be.
A true follower of Christ.
We know.
Who I speak about his name is Judas.
He passed for a.
Disciples. He was a disciple, but he was a false disciple.
And somebody even said he got so close to the door that he kissed the door.
But never did he enter in.
And Judas.
Had a very.
Pathetic end here on Earth.
But it's far worse to contemplate what he experiences beyond this earth.
To be in hell because one did not enter in through the door. One door.
And the Lord Jesus is the door.
So we do earnestly pray that.
If there's any here today.
That we've come to the gospel meetings and you pass as a Christian perhaps.
Now is your opportunity.
To be safe and we'd like to explain the way of salvation.
There are those that perhaps are not as.
Sure of their salvation.
They don't have the assurance and you can't be happy.
Unless you know.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
With utmost assurance.
That is safe and underway to glory.
Well, the Lord Jesus loves you. He wants you.
The extent of warm invitation come.
On to me. All unit labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest.
And tonight I was thinking.
The love of Christ. We sang about it here. Loved with a love.
That's unchanging.
The love of Christ.
I believe that as we look back to the cross.
And we see that Blessed One hanging on the cross of Calvary.
It wasn't a nail, it was his love.
Yeah, held in.
As he experienced excruciating pain, agony.
He could have easily saved himself.
But then there would be no salvation for anyone here tonight.
And Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And I believe that he loves me, He loves you.
As much as when he was hanging on that cross.
Making atonement for sin.
He demonstrated his love through the sacrifice that he was willing to make.
And this morning as we sat in the present.
Of the Lord Jesus, we contemplated the cross.
A hymn writer could say, Oh, my savior crucified.
Near thy cross would I abide, gazing with adoring eye.
On dying agony.
And as we.
Gates on that blessed One giving himself.
The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me and for you too. If you trust Him, his love only becomes more.
Precious. More wonderful.
More intense as we contemplate what he suffered.
And he made the supreme sacrifice. I was reading a little bit about the flood there in Houston.
And it's really remarkable.
The rescue effort.
That is.
Being made to save thousands. In fact I believe I saw 18,000.
Have already been rescued.
The National Guard called out 12,000 troops and I believe there were perhaps federal troops brought in a desire to save those.
That were in danger of founding.
But not everybody has been saved, I believe perhaps 40 or more.
Lost their lives that's.
The death toll at this point in time, but that could increase.
I believe it was 12 years ago.
During this conference.
There was another Hurricane Katrina.
And we all recall, perhaps, the devastation of that Hurricane Katrina.
The death toll on Katrina was 1800.
Plus source.
Rescue the parachute.
And we see examples of human.
Love and a desire to sit. There was one woman.
She was.
By a rescue boat floating in the water.
And she had little baby daughter.
With her and the little one was clinging to her mother.
And they went to rescue.
These two.
The mother was.
Not responsive.
But the little baby daughter was responsible.
They were able to get these funds into the boat.
CPR was administered to the mother all the way to the ambulance, I think to the hospital.
But there was no hope for the mother. She died but the little girl.
Was in stable condition.
And one of the responders did.
The only reason that that little girl is alive today is because of the mother holding her little one out of the water.
What was it?
In her soul, in her heart.
That caused her to seek to save her daughter at the expense of her own life.
It was love.
Wow. And you know, this brought to mind a verse and I'd just like to speak about love a little bit here in connection with the love of God and the love of Christ, if we turn over to the Song of Solomon.
Chapter 8.
As long as Solomon chapter 8.
And 1St.
6 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as the seal upon thine arm.
For love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave. The colds thereof are coals of fire which have the most effect human flame.
Many waters cannot quench love.
Neither can the floods drowned. If a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be content.
Many waters in Texas.
Men and women are demonstrating their love in spite of the waters and seeking to save others.
And there are those that are seeking to save their pets too.
There was one girl.
And she said she had waited through waist high water.
For one mile with their dog.
She loved that dog.
You wanna save it from the waters from drowning?
And Can you imagine trying to wade through water up to your waist for one mile?
There were times when.
Human chains were formed.
There's a man stuck out.
In deep water in his car.
Couldn't get out.
He was an elderly man.
And a group of individuals say we need to save that man.
And they formed the human chain. I saw a picture.
And the water was up to the chest on some of those people in that chain.
And I don't know how many were in the chain.
Because the picture was cut off, but what I saw was at least 12 to 15.
In the chain and it reached out to the car and they reached in and the man was pulled to safety.
Somebody said.
That the worst of Harvey has brought out the best.
In humanity.
Well, love is.
That which?
Causes people.
To want to help others.
And here it tells us that many waters.
Cannot quench love.
Now we've been speaking about human love.
But I believe.
You know, it's God that puts love in the human heart.
Natural luck.
It's of God.
That's a beautiful thing. You know, we live in a day when the Bible says.
The perilous times, difficult times, and men are without natural affection. That's terrible without natural affection.
Just living.
Further, their own interests, selfish interests with no regard for anyone else.
And you see examples now of this effort in Texas, and you realize that.
Natural love. It is a beautiful thing.
But you know what? Natural love will not save your soul.
Divine Love.
LED my Savior.
To come into this world.
All the way from glory.
And to go to the cross of Calvary.
And there he went, through deep waters.
And we refer to those waters this morning, and I don't think we can spend too much time thinking about the sufferings of Christ.
I had somebody tell me one time they attended the breaking of bread. They thought it was depressing because.
We're just thinking about.
Suffering and death.
So I I don't wanna.
Be so occupied with these things, but I wanna tell you something.
How is it that we know the love of Jesus is because of what he suffered? His suffering magnify His love for you and for me and as many scriptures we could turn to.
Psalm 69.
If we could just turn to this portion.
The Lord Jesus speaks about deep waters.
Psalm 69, verse one.
Save me, O God.
For the waters.
Our come in unto my soul.
I think indeed mire where there is no standing.
I am coming to deep waters where the floods overflow me. I am weary of my crime.
My throat is dry, my eyes fail while I wait for my God.
They had hated me without a cause are more than the hears of my head they that would destroy me being my enemies wrongfully.
Are mighty.
Then I restored that which I took not a way. Oh God, thou knowest my foolishness, and my sins are not here from Thee.
14 Deliver me out of the mire, let me not think, Let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.
Let not the water flood overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up.
And let not depict.
Shut her mouth upon me.
The Lord Jesus.
Hey, it's a faithful sin and worthy of all expectation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. It was a mission upon which he was sent, and he fulfilled the mission to perfection, and it cost him his life.
Only by way of the cross.
Would there be any salvation for you or for me? Now you might think this is foolish.
But you know, the path of quality said the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it's the power of God.
And so the Lord Jesus went to the cross.
And we think of what he endured. I believe what we have in this portion is.
Not only what he endured on the cross, but what he endured before.
He was made the song of the drunkard.
And he speaks here about.
In verse.
Seven. For thy sake I have borne reproach. Shame hath covered my face. He was despised, He was rejected of men.
But God.
Had a different.
View of 6 times.
And we need to look at everything from God's perspective.
That's true.
I believe it was **** Gorgeous.
I never forgot it, he said. A two word definition for truth.
Is God's perspective.
Is that how you see things? Is that how I see things? That's the only legitimate way to see anything is from God's perspective, because this is truth. And what did God have to say concerning his Son?
There's a voice.
From the excellent glory, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
The men of this world were not pleased with him.
The men of this world found fault with him.
Because he was good.
Because he was here for the glory of God. Because He was the light. Men loved darkness rather than light.
Why? Because their deeds are evil and they sought to extinguish the light away with Him. Crucified Him will not have this man to reign over us.
And what is so striking is that it was the religious element in the nation of Israel, the Pharisees, the chief priests.
They took the lead.
And clamoring for the blood of Jesus.
Man's religion.
As opposed to Christ.
Now Judy is them. Originally, of course, was.
Of God.
And I believe that God.
Sought through.
The giving of the law.
To prove what man is. In other words, man was.
Put on the stage, so to speak, to do a performance.
While God was passive and he observes what man is doing. And what did man say? All that the Lord has said, Well, we do.
They should never ever have said such a thing.
Man's history has only proved that he is in opposition to God. He wants to go his own way and do his own thing.
And so the performance.
Was despicable.
And you know what the Lord had to say about Israel because of its departure from Him from the sole of the foot.
To the crown is a hit full of wounds and bruises.
And future fine stores.
Not a pleasant sight, he said. Well, that was a joke.
That's a different nationality.
But you know what Israel was a test plot of humanity. Or could I say Test 2?
You know, if you want to find out the quality of well water, you take a test tube and you dip it in and you bring it out and you test that water in that test tube.
And if it tests polluted, what do you say? It's just the water in the test tube polluted.
The whole wealth is pollution.
And I believe that the Jew was simply, you might say.
The test tube.
And God.
Approved through the June.
That it's not a man that walks to direct his steps. The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God.
And his observation is.
There is none.
That doeth good. They are all gone aside.
There is nothing though it's good they are altogether become filthy.
None that doeth good. No, not one.
And this is God.
Of fallen man, of which we all are a part. Of Adam's race.
By one man's disobedience, sin comes into the world, death by sin, and so death is passed upon all men because.
All have seen there's no exception.
Or shall I say, except for one man.
And he was the perfect man, and he was the 2nd man. The 1St man was a failure. The 2nd man, the Lord from heaven, He did always those things that pleased the Father. He was beautiful.
To be said of him, yeah, he's altogether lovely.
So the curve is pulled.
Honda performance of the first man away with this performance. Terrible thing.
And now God takes the stage.
The curtain opened. What is God doing? We sit back passively and absurd.
God in mercy sent his Son to a world by sin untone. The Father sent the Son to be the Savior.
And the Savior.
Does the Father's bidding. He becomes obedient even unto death.
And that's the death of the Christ.
And he goes to the cross.
On your behalf and mine.
And he went down, down, down.
Into the deep waters. I could turn to many scriptures that speak about the deep waters. Reference was made to Jonah chapter 2.
I'm thinking another Psalm, Psalm 88.
Don't experience what it was to be in deep waters.
In the belly of a fish down at the bottom of the ocean.
But notice Psalm 88.
The Lord.
Here I believe brings before us.
Is suffering.
Now not at the hands of men.
But also at the hand of God.
In verse 6, Psalm 88, verse 6, Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit in darkness.
In the deeps.
Thy wrath lieth hard upon me.
And thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves. See, love.
Verse 15 I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up. While I suffer thy terrors, I am distracted.
Die fierce wrath goeth over me. Thy terrorists have cut me off. They came round about me daily like water. They accomplished me about together. Lover and friend, hast thou put far from me than mine acquaintance Into Darkness?
Fierce rap.
The Lord could say, Is it nothing to you? All ye that pass by, behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, wherewith the Lord has afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger.
And this took place.
While my precious savior was hanging on those nails on that cross.
It became dark.
Not for three minutes.
There's some experience a solar eclipse recently.
And traveled long distance in order to experience what it was like.
To be in darkness at midday, but the darkness that we speak of with respect to the fierce anger of the holy God vented on His Son.
12:00 noon until 3:00 in the afternoon. Let's.
Look at that, Matthew.
Chapter 27.
Matthew, Chapter 27.
Verse 28.
And they stripped him.
Well, let's read it. Verse 26, Matthew 2726. Then released he Barabbas unto them. And when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers, and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe, and when they had plowed, a crown of thorns.
They put it upon his head, and a reading in his right hand, and the father knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail King of the Jews.
And they spit.
Upon inn and by the way, in another place, the Lord Jesus says I hid not my face from shame and spitting.
They didn't just fit on his clothes.
He spit his face.
They spit.
Upon him took the Reed, and smote him on the head.
And after that they had mocked him, they took the roadblock from him, put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrenie, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear the cross.
Verse 35 And they crucified him.
Verse 37.
And set up over his head his accusation written, This is Jesus, the King of the Jews, and so on.
Then we're two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand and another on the left.
Verse 45.
From the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land until the 9th hour and about the 9th hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli, Eli, Lama Sebastiani. That is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Some of them that stood there when they heard that.
Said this man called for lies straightway one of them ran, took a sponge, filled it with vinegar, put it on a Reed, gave him the drink. The rest said, let's be, let's see where their lives will come to save him. Jesus, when he has cried again, with a loud voice yielded up.
The goals behold the veil of the temple was rent and so on Verse 54 Now when the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done, they feared greatly saying truly this was.
The Son of God.
Turn over to John, chapter 19.
The Lord triumphantly spoke words. It is finished.
The work required to save your soul and mind was done.
His blood was shed.
He was taken down from the cross.
Buried. But he rose again the third day, according to the scriptures. And today Jesus lives and he's coming.
Come soon.
What it did, that will be. How is it with your soul here tonight? Can you say that on the cross Jesus died for me?
That salvation.
This is what God has done. This is what Jesus has done. We sit back and we observe this taking place on the stage. The performance is perfection.
We keep the curtain open because we want to focus on this for the rest of time and for eternity. What God has done for of lost, guilty sinners who deserve nothing but hell and judgment. God was willing to punish His Son in my stead and yours.
And I believe with all my heart that what I could not have exhausted.
In health, the torment for my sins.
The Lord Jesus, exhausted that judgment, was compressed into three hours.
And not for me alone, but for each one in this hall who is accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior.
Is it nothing to you or you that pass by? Behold, and see there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, where with the Lord has afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.
And so we view this.
And we say yes, Lord.
I give up. I'm a Sinner.
I accept your salvation.
This is what God desires, Repentance. You know what repentance is? A change of mind, a willingness to admit that. Well, I was wrong. I thought I was a pretty decent person.
But to accept God's.
Worth with respect to our lost conditions.
But don't stop there. Put your faith in the Lord Jesus. Accept Him.
Now the law had its place.
But you know.
It was Luther, I believe, that said.
What the law does.
Is to terrify.
It does not justify.
And that's a good thing.
If when I compare myself to what God's requirement is, I see I fall hopelessly short.
I come to the end of myself. I look outside of myself. I said I need savior.
And how do we get justified by faith? Faith in the Lord Jesus, therefore being testified by faith.
We have peace with God.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It's a gift of God. You can't work for a gift.
And God offers salvation freely.
I think it was Spurgeon, he said.
A little girl is on the third floor of a burning building.
And you know, there's smoke all over the place. And she goes out through the window. She looks down. She just sees smoke. But she hears a word, a boy jump. I'm a fireman.
I'm a big fireman and I will catch you.
And she listens. Now she has a decision to make.
Is she gonna jump?
Where is she going to stay?
She just why? Not only has she heard the word of the fireman, but she believes it. He's a big fireman, he's strong, he can catch me and that's the essence of faith. When.
We simply rely on the Lord Jesus.
And the work that he accomplished at the Cross of Calvary.
This precious blood that cleanses from all sea.
Give up our own effort, our own thoughts.
And we put our confidence in the Lord Jesus.
It's salvation.
The flipping jailers.
He asked the question of Call and Silas, what must I do to be saved? Without hesitation I I believe it was both of them that said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thou shalt be saved on the tip of their tongues. It's the only way of salvation. Well, make each and everyone here tonight close in with God's offer of salvation while there is still time.
Maybe we could sing this little song on the end of the last page of the sheet.
And this is about the door that we were speaking about.
Some of the boys and girls know this and they can do the sign. Say you put up your finger for one and this is inside and this is outside.
We're going to start like this.
Let's pray.
Our godfather, we thank thee.
Tonight for this wonderful message.
That has come down from above, from thy heart of love.
To cure our hearts and truly it does warm our hearts as we contemplate by wondrous love and grace giving thy Son.
To be the sacrifice to put away sin.
We thank you that indeed He was once offered to bear the sins of many.
And we thank you that those that look for him, he's going to appear a second time without C under salvation. We earnestly pray that should the Lord Jesus come tonight.
That each seat in this hall would be empty.
But if there's one still in their sins, who would be left sitting on their feet, we pray to speak to them tonight that they might be saved, that they might come to the door to the Lord Jesus and enter in.
And be safe on the inside. We thank the precious Savior for what thou hast accomplished in love for Thy Father and for lost, guilty sinners at the Cross of Calvary. We thank You for the deep waters that thou was willing to go through.
As somebody once said, none of the ransom shall ever know how deep.
Where the waters crossed.
Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through.
When you say to sheep, that was lost.
But we do pray Thy blessing and Thy word here and wherever it's being proclaimed this night.
And we thank you for all thy grace and goodness, Father, and for this time that we've enjoyed during these two days of meetings. How precious, how refreshing. We thank you for these times of.
Fellowship to be over thy word, these Oasis.
You know dry and thirsty land when the water is. We thank.
Yes, and give thanks. Found a precious worthy name of Lord Jesus. Amen.