Gospel 2

Duration: 41min
Gospel—Wally Dear
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I think somebody is doing me a favor.
Turned off the clock.
Let's begin tonight by singing #16.
We sang 16 today. One of the children gave out this number. I enjoyed it so very much. Whosoever heareth shout, shout the sound. Send the blessed tidings all the world around. Spread the joyful news. Wherever man is found, whosoever will may come.
Blessed tidings and joyful news.
You know what blessed it means? It means happy.
You know what tidings means? It means.
What good news?
So tonight we have something.
To present to you.
That will let your spirit.
And if it doesn't, I don't know what else will.
Because it's a message of love that's come down from above.
From the heart of God.
God loves each and everyone in this hall here tonight I see boys and girls and men and women, and I'm here to tell you that you have a God that desires the very best for you. He wants you to be thoroughly happy.
And he's made it possible. But you know many people tonight.
They're trying to live their life without God.
You're so sad.
Somebody said that living one's life without God is like.
Dribbling of football.
Have you ever tried to do that?
You can do it with the basketball.
Doesn't work with the football.
And if we think we can live without God, independent of God.
It won't work.
And we are in big trouble. It's serious. So the message here tonight, even though, as it tells us in this little hymn, it's blessed, it's happy and it's joyful. It's also very serious.
Depending on how you respond to this message here tonight.
You're gonna be with Christ.
In his happy home in the coming day. Or you're gonna be.
With the devil and his angels.
In health, God didn't prepare health.
For people.
We prepare health for the devil and for his angels, but for those that reject his Son.
It's the worst crime that you could commit is to say no to Jesus.
I hope here tonight nobody.
Is saying no to Jesus.
Because God doesn't appreciate that and in fact it tells us in John chapter 3 and verse 36.
He didn't believe it's on. The sun has everlasting life.
But he that believeth not the Son shall not see life.
But the wrath of God abides on him.
Well, that makes me shudder. The wrath of God is anger.
You know, God thinks so very much of his beloved Son. He's so lovely and so wonderful that if anybody would reject him.
We find out.
Their asset? God.
Abides on him. That's what it tells us in the Bible.
We don't want the wrath of God abiding on us.
So we're going to sing this little him whosoever heareth.
Shout, shout the sound, and perhaps we could stand as we sing #16.
Shall shut the town and come back the time he called the world around the Joyfulness Royale and I had a good time. Umm, it's a little older world and he come on.
With all of the world, who is the wife of the ground and approximately?
The land hail.
Let's pray.
Our God and Father, we thank you tonight for that.
Sweet and wonderful word come.
We thank Thee tonight, dear Father, that Dowardin fighting boys and girls and older ones too, to come to Jesus, to come believing, and to finding him joy and peace. And so tonight we earnestly pray that as Thy word is presented, that it might penetrate the hearts of each one in the audience.
And that we might be moved by thy word, Speaker included.
And that we might indeed come to realize in a fuller way.
I love, dear Father, that led thee to give thy son, as we often sing for a.
World by sin and time.
For that law of Lord Jesus that took thee to the cross of Calvary, we thank Thee from the bottom of our hearts, that thou would suffer on that cruel cross.
For sinners.
In order that we might become.
Clean in order that we might become thy companions for all eternity. So we rejoice tonight.
In the opponents of Thy grace and goodness, we do honestly pray for any still their sins that they might wake up here tonight.
Accept the Lord Jesus before it's too late, we ask all thinking, two of thy word going forth in many parts of the world tonight. We pray it might run and be glorified.
And so state.
We ask this as we give thanks our worthy precious name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Well, tonight I was thinking of two questions.
One question has four words in it.
It's called the sin question.
And there's another question and it has 5 words.
And it's called the Sun question. So let's first of all.
Turn to the sin question.
Genesis chapter 4.
I'd like to open our Bibles to Genesis chapter 4.
And this is the story of Cain and Abel.
Now you know.
Pain. He brought an offering to God.
He was like a farmer.
And he raised, I suppose, vegetables, maybe fruits and so on, and I think they were very nice.
And he brought a sacrifice to the Lord.
Of the fruit of the ground.
And you know what? The Lord didn't accept it.
On the other hand, Abel, his brother, he was a shepherd.
New course and girls know this story and.
He killed a sheep and he offered a sheep, and God accepted that.
And that made Chains so very angry because God accepted his brother's sacrifice.
But God wouldn't accept it.
The king had sold purely. He got mad.
Well, why is it that God accepted Abel's and not?
It's very simple.
Keynes was a bloodless sacrifice.
There was no blood offered.
Pain, I believe, should have known better. He should have realized that it's very important, the shedding of blood in order to approach God.
God had made coats of skin.
4 Adam and Eve.
The coats of skin, of course, that came from animals.
And I've never seen yet an animal that was skinned that was still alive.
If you skin an animal, that animal dies.
In order to provide.
Its coat, it has to die. And you know when that animal died, I believe God took the skin.
And he made coats for Adam and Eve. Now I got a pair of shoes on here.
And these shoes happen to be leather. Not all leather part of the man made shoes, but.
I believe.
Animal had to die.
In order that I could have shoes like these on my feet.
And I never thanked the animal.
But now I'm thinking about it, that animal sacrifices life so I could have shoes. And you know that animal that we read about here in Genesis was sacrificed, that Adam and Eve could be covered and God provided coats of skin. Well, the blood was ****. See, that's the thing. The blood was ****. And I believe we learned right from the beginning of Genesis the importance of the blood.
To approach God.
And then he said, I don't believe that. I don't want to have anything to do with Christianity. One man, he said this is a slaughterhouse religion.
I don't believe in that.
I wanna tell you something.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission. That's what we learn in New Testament.
You see what we read here in the Old Testament.
We need to look at it in the light of the New Testament and we find out that there was one who shed his blood, and that was Jesus at the cross for sinners, that we might be saved and.
I think the Bible is so wonderful.
From the beginning of the book right to the end.
We see how God.
Is approached only by sacrifices and the shedding of blood well.
Here tonight.
I wanna tell you something.
Cain was infuriated.
And the Lord tried to reason with him. He said, OK, you got opportunity to repent.
He says you can offer.
A sacrifice that I would accept. Fatima wouldn't listen. He's too proud. You don't appreciate if somebody tells him.
What to do? He's got his own idea.
And that's not good.
And Cain went from bad to worse.
And as we read here in Genesis chapter 4.
It tells us in verse eight that Cain.
Talked with evil his brother, and the came to pass when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel's brother and slew him.
That's just he killed him. He murdered him, his own brother.
And maybe he did it in a very, uh, kind of sneaky way. You know, He's in the field, he's just talking to him.
And all of a sudden.
I don't know how he killed him.
But he did.
Now notice verse 9.
And the Lord said unto king, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I.
Know not.
Is that a good thing to say?
You said I don't know where my brother is.
That was a lie.
You know, when we do something bad, we often try to cover it up.
And things go from bad to worse, and that's what happens here with Cain, he said. Am I my brother's keeper?
And he said.
Now here's the question, what hast thou done?
What hast thou done?
The Lord knew all about.
What had taken place?
And Cain thinks that he's going to hide it from the Lord.
And the Lord speaks to Cain.
What have you done?
I ask you here tonight.
Have you done?
You say, well, I never murdered anybody. I'm not like King.
But you know, I'm thinking now about.
I believe it was Steven.
He was preaching to his people and he said that they were the betrayers and the murderers of the just one.
What was he referring to?
His people, the Jews, had put to death their Messiah. They put the death Christ on the cross of Calvary, and they were murderers.
And you know, it tells us.
That not only did the Jews, but the Gentiles as well, They joined together with the Jews.
In order to put to death.
The Son of God.
Like Peter was.
You spoke about how you killed the jest. You killed them.
And you know, tier one's here tonight. We can point the finger.
But I do believe because we are sinners and we're born with such a rotten nature.
Were bad that we are really.
On the side of those.
Who put to death the Lord Jesus Christ?
I can see my own.
Place in that crowd that was clamoring for His blood. Crucified Him, crucified Him.
It's hard to Man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.
Who can know it? Desperately wicked.
We cannot cover up our scene.
I recall reading about a smuggling shift.
And the captain he saw in the distance.
A Coast Guard.
And that Coast Guard was coming in his direction and he had smuggled goods on board.
He knew he was in big trouble, so he ordered his crew.
Two, throw the cargo overboard.
And to hit these feet, boxes of smuggled good, I don't know exactly what the goods were, but they were all packaged in boxes. And so they begin to take these boxes out of the bottom of the ship and they bring them up on the deck, and then they put up a big sale at the back of the ship.
So that the Coast Guard, if they had the doctors, they could not see what they were doing.
So they're gonna hide what they're doing from the Coast Guard.
They begin to throw the boxes over.
One after another, into the water they go, and they went down underneath that big screen, big sale.
Finally, they came to the end of the boxes.
No more boxes, all the smuggled goods sinking to the bottom of the ocean.
And the captain?
Told his UH.
Crew member there. I want you to go back and check the position of the Coast Guard. So he went back and looked around the screen. You know what he saw?
Every one of those boxes.
Was floating in a line.
It looks like it's we're stretching all the way back to that Coast Guard ship.
And he came back to the captain. He said it won't sink.
You won't think.
Well, that captain got in big trouble.
Yeah, he was arrested. I think his ship was confiscated. He went to prison. But I understand that this captain, later in life, he came to Christ.
There was one verse that really meant a lot to him. Thy sins, iniquities. I will remember no more. You know that, Captain.
He thought he could cover up his shin, but it didn't work. And is there somebody here tonight that thinks they can cover up their scene? You might be able to cover it up in some way for a time, and you might be able to fool.
Some of the people, you know, somebody said one time, we can fool all the people some of the time, and we can fool some of the people all the time, but we can't fool God any of the time. And we need to realize that, you know, God is looking down here tonight. It tells us that the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding to evil and the good, and he's looking down on you and you and you.
And you, each and everyone here tonight. Christianity is a very personal matter. We need to realize that. The other day I was in the airport.
And it was a huge crowd of people and I was just standing in the crowd.
In order to get on the airplane.
We had to do what they asked us to do.
And instead of the big, huge crowd, just.
Well, walking up to the airplane.
They made us go.
Into this.
Like a maze.
And I come to find out we're going now single File.
And you know, many here know what I'm talking about, but.
You come to this gate.
And then you have to go up to a podium and there's a one person there and they're gonna check your ticket to make it sure it's a true ticket, It's a good ticket. And they look for ID and you go up there one at a time.
And the next thing you do.
You take things out of your pocket.
And you put them onto this conveyor belt and your luggage and so on.
Depending on whether you.
Find pre checked or not depends on.
Determines how much you're gonna put on them.
And there and that conveyor goes through an X-ray machine.
And it's gonna check everything that senior belongings and then you have to come up.
And stand in front of a metal detector.
And then they tell you to step in, and I wanna tell you something. There's no way more than one person at a time is gonna be in there. So you step in there. You might have to put up your hands like this.
They check you out thoroughly, one at a time.
It's a thorough check.
And I thought of this here tonight.
Is checking you out one at a time. You sit in this hall.
And there's a number of people around you, but you know God, he sees you.
As an individual and we have to meet the Lord Jesus one-on-one, one at a time.
Somebody said nobody goes.
Into heaven.
Other than single File.
And the Lord Jesus said I am the door.
So we come one at a time, and the Lord Jesus wants you to come tonight. But this question, I believe is the same question. What have you done?
If I was to write on this wall everything that you have ever done in your life.
And I rolled it up here on this wall.
And not only what you did, but what you thought and what you said.
And I wrote it up here on this wall. Would you feel comfortable?
Sitting here in this room with all these people.
I see some going like this, no?
I would neither.
What have you done? Is there anybody here tonight that thinks they're perfect?
I wanna tell you something.
If you wanna come to God.
Based on what you have done or haven't done.
Gotta be perfect.
You know one.
Sinful thought.
Our one simple word. 1 harsh word.
One action, it'll keep you out of heaven.
Sometimes I have a balloon. I have a big balloon.
And this is a beautiful balloon. I didn't bring one here tonight, but.
It's a nice red balloon. Or purple. Or maybe it's green.
And I sit and I look at it and I think, and it's very nice. It's very beautiful. And sometimes it has some picture on or design or something like that, you know?
But what does it take to spoil the balloon?
Just a little.
Pinprick. You ever look at it end of a pin or a needle and it's so tiny you can hardly see it, but you put that up to the balloon.
It's all done.
Spoiled it? Well, you know that's what happened, I believe, in the Garden of Eden when Adam listened.
I should say Eve actually listened to the devil, Satan.
And she heard what God had said, but now she's listening to what Satan has to say, and she has a decision to make. Who is offering her?
The best option? You know what she did? She decided to go with Satan. Isn't that awful?
And that's what happened ever since in this world. And we know Adam, he went along with his wife.
And Eve took of that fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Got him ate of it, and they sinned. They disobeyed God and as a result death has come into this world. Tells us by one man's disobedience sin enter into the world, and death by sin. And so death is passed upon all men.
Terrible what happened there in the Garden of Eden. But you know what? I believe this gave God opportunity.
To show his love for sinners, because we find that instead of destroying Adam and Eve, just instead of destroying the human race, abandoning it, starting over, he provides a Savior. And that's what the gospel is about. This is what.
The joyful news is about that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And now?
Let's go to the sun question that's over in, uh.
Matthew, Chapter 22.
I will say this, our brother Jonathan said to go over. He didn't think anybody was gonna get too upset. I forget his exact wording, but uh, I'm not gonna go over too much.
I think I'm over now.
We gotta read this son question though. Matthew chapter 22.
And we find here in this chapter we've got.
People, men, they don't appreciate the Lord Jesus and they don't believe his preaching. So sad.
And there are those that were trying to trip him up.
Trying to frustrate him in his speech so he would say something that didn't make any sense or at least contradicted maybe his.
Lifestyle or whatever.
And you know.
We got people today.
They are contradicting.
The Lord Jesus, God's own Son.
I trust here tonight there's nobody like that and this question.
I believe.
We need to take it to heart because depending on how you answer this question, you're either on the road.
To heaven or you are on the road to hell.
And here's the question.
Verse 41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them Sing What think ye of Christ?
That's it. What?
Think ye of Christ.
And as we read through the Gospels, we find out there were those that appreciated the Lord Jesus Christ. You take like Peter, he says we believe and we're sure that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
John the Baptist, he spoke about the Lord Jesus, he said. The one that comes after me, he's preferred before me because he was before me.
He thought everything of the Lord Jesus. He was wonderful. There was an elderly man by the name of Simeon. And when he saw the baby Jesus, he picked him up his arms and he says, now you can let me depart from this world because I have seen your salvation. And he was looking at the little baby Jesus. This was God's salvation. A Savior had been born into this world.
God was reaching out to sinners.
And he reaches out to you here tonight.
Now this is the question, What think you of Christ?
As I look about this fall here tonight.
I'm seeing those that.
They really love the Lord and they put their faith in the Lord Jesus, they put their trust in Him.
And they believe that on the cross He gave his life and shed his blood in order to cleanse them from their sins, in order that they might be redeemed, in order that they might have eternal life.
In order that they might enjoy a relationship with God the Father and with his Son Jesus. And it makes them happy. It makes me happy. But.
I don't know everybody in this hall here tonight, and maybe there's somebody.
Who is still?
In their.
And rejecting the Son of God.
The Lord Jesus says, Come unto me.
All unit labor and are heavy laden.
Have you come or do you say no? Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. To neglect is to reject. And I'm going to tell you something here tonight.
This used to make me shudder because I wasn't saved.
The preacher would tell me as I sat on the seat.
That if the Lord Jesus was to come.
The door of heaven would be shut.
And that went right to my heart and to my conscience.
And I thought to myself, could that possibly happen tonight?
Because the Lord Jesus says I'm coming quickly and I'm thinking about this. I didn't want to be outside the door.
Knocking to come in, the door would not be open. It's too late. I'd be left to sit on that seat and then.
What next? My parents are gone. My brother. Sister. Well, I didn't have a sister. My brother.
Oh, I guess she was younger than I was.
I gotta think back to you.
I guess I got probably saved before my brother did, but anyway.
Of course, he was just little too.
But if you're old enough, boys and girls, to know that you are a Sinner and that you need to be saved, then you shouldn't wait to open your heart to the Lord Jesus. But you know, the time came when I accepted the Lord one night they simply asked him to wash my sins away. And you know he he did that. But I didn't have peace in my heart until sometime later I went to my parents and I told him that I.
Jesus to save you. And you know, I think that's confessing with the mouth. So we read in Romans 10:00 and 9:00, If thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus.
And believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved.
So have you done that?
So let's not forget these two questions.
What hast thou done?
That's the same question.
There's an answer.
To the sin problem.
And it's Jesus and his blood.
The blood of Christ is that which cleanses from all sin and.
It's wonderful to be saved, to know it and to enjoy it. And if there's somebody here tonight that's not sure about salvation, please come and talk to.
Somebody about this because we want you to be happy.
Your parents want you to be happy.
Most of all, the Lord wants you to be happy.
But there needs to be repentance towards God, a willingness to admit that I have sinned, I've done wrong, but then faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He that believeth.
On the sun has everlasting life. It's that simple.
He that has the Son has life, he that has not, the Son of God.
Does not see life.
Perhaps we could see.
2 verses of what can wash away my scenes #3232.
Let's sing the first and last verse of 32.
What can wash up?
Stand up low thyroid makes me not any kind of snow.
Flower of life in a while for their flashlights and flashlights on nothing but nothing but the blast.
And, umm.
I hope that's me. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Right now, nothing but the bottle of Ginger.
On the grassroots and throat flow, thyroid, thyme and thyroid and snow blows.
Oh wow, there's I'll, I'll see you now see how the blood out and all the kidney, umm.
Right. Maybe.