Gospel 4

Gospel—David Whitaker
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Before we start the gospel meeting tonight, I just wanna say that, uh.
A lot of children here in the in the age of UH-4 to 8IN that I just I see 1234, I see many men, so I better tell a little story for the children.
My employee is from the Ukraine and he was talking to an old man that, uh, had a farm.
In Ukraine and this farm had chickens, of course.
And all these chickens, there were two Roosters, and these Roosters would fight. They would fight, They would fight to, uh, I suppose control the chicken house.
And one rooster would get beat up and so it would leave the coop, it would fly up into a tree and it would sit there because it got run off.
Well, the old farmer knew this well one morning.
This odd rooster started making some noise, children making a lot of noise. And so the farmer got up and he, he looked out the window and I suppose he was thinking in Russian or Ukrainian. And he said, what's that noise out there? And he looked and there in the tree was this rooster. And on the ground beneath the tree was a fox. A fox, yeah.
Now I'd like young people to listen to this story also, not just the seven-year olds. I had 7 year olds on my mind.
There's several of them there.
And others. OK, he looked out and here's this fox underneath this tree. And the fox was looking up at the rooster, and the rooster was looking down at the fox.
And lo and behold, if that fox didn't, didn't start going around that tree, around that tree, round and around and around and out, Farmer thought. What is that fox doing? Uh-huh. That rooster is looking down like this at the fox, down like this fox, down like this, the fox going round.
And round and round. It is funny, really it is. But not in that rooster went round and I want a 7 year old to tell me what happened. Went round and round and round and round and round and round. That tree and that rooster kept going around and around looking at that fox. Can you tell me what happened?
Well, let's put it this way. If I were to put you in the middle of the room and say I could go around about 15 or 20 times around and around, well, what happened to you?
Huh. You get dizzy, right? But this rooster got dizzy and what happened? It fell right out of that tree.
And the farmer saw that happen. That's his rooster now. He liked that rooster and that fox. Fox was just getting ready to have his breakfast. And the farmer opened the door and he said in the Ukrainian language, get out of here, I suppose. Don't you think so?
Well, what kind of illustration is that? I'm asking young people to listen to this.
This world through which we're passing young people and children.
As an enemy.
And he's going to try to get you off balance.
He really is, and when he does, he gotcha.
I see so many young people.
My business, I visit with them all the time. They start out in a home where the mommy and the daddy love them. Maybe sometimes they're even brought underneath the sound of the word of God and Sunday schools and things like that. And then they get in the wrong company and they start looking around and around and around this world and then what happens? They fall down they go. And there's many, many ways.
Satan has of snaring our young people.
I think that story that that young man told me should be written down. It's a very serious story, and it has.
Uh, lots of, uh, thoughts you could put with that. Don't you think you could write a story about that, put it in a Sunday school paper, and I suppose you could think of some real good verses too. Couldn't you put underneath that story? Sure could.
I heard that story, I said. That is a good one.
We have here tonight the word of God in our hands. This is a book that we were Speaking of earlier today and the brothers said just put this book under your arm and it will do a lot for you.
It'll keep you out of the world, it'll keep you out of parties, and it will and dangerous places that will get you in all kinds of trouble.
This precious book is God's word. It's powerful, and there's a name that you can place with this book, the Lord Jesus Christ. That's a powerful name.
You speak about God and people are very willing to listen about God.
Almighty God and they'll put all kinds of nice names in connection with Almighty God and His great power and so on.
But you bring in the name of the precious Lord Jesus Christ. That's enough. That's enough.
Yes, we have a book here that's divine. It's God-given.
Now every word of God is pure.
I'll be looking at some verses tonight. We'll start with this one. I think it's Proverbs chapter 30.
We'll be reading some parts of verses. Every word of God is pure.
Proverbs 30, verse 5.
Turning to several scriptures.
I want you to rest your eyes upon that part of that verse.
What we're gonna have tonight is the I trust the pure Word of God.
Every word of God is pure. Now I'd like to take that verse.
And put it right next to the verse in the 12Th Psalm.
Verse 6.
Psalm 12/6 says.
The words of the Lord are pure words as silver.
Tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times.
This word that we have in our hands tonight has gone through.
Many occasions in its history here on earth, men have tried to stamp it out. And what has happened? Well, as a matter of fact, there's nations right now that don't want it.
A good friend of mine, his name is Don Argue.
He, uh, is the head of a Bibles. Well, he's part of a Bible society. I think it's the American Bible Society. And he says in Russia right now there are 40 vans. I don't know how big or how small. There are 40 vans going out every day delivering Bibles. That's one organization in one country, 40 vans every day delivering Bibles.
That's in the country understand that doesn't appreciate the word of God.
Yes, this book that we have here has been tried.
In a furnace of earth, purified 7 times.
No, there's no dross there.
Will go on.
In the beginning was the word.
And the word was with God.
And the word was God. That's John's gospel chapter one and verse one.
We're not gonna talk about evolution tonight because there is no need of it whatsoever. I mean to refute it. We're not gonna refute evolution because in your heart.
Or rather, in your conscience, you know over one. You know that there's a God. God has placed that in you. I suppose there's a technical term called hardwired.
I'm not up on that stuff, but it's in there. You have got a knowledge that there is a God, and that is not from your intellect, that's from your conscience. Your intellect doesn't tell you that, your intellect.
Will make gods out of wood stone.
Uh, animals.
Uh, ball players, umm, your intellect will make God out of anything, but your conscience is way deep down inside there and that tells you that there's a God, There is a God above. And therefore we will not take up the subject of evolution. It's not necessary. Creation is God's answer to all that.
Go on.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. The Word was God and here it is. We have it in a printed form tonight. And what a blessed thing this is. We can, we can trust it. You know, there's maybe 25 or 30 brothers in the backroom. Without a doubt, they've hung their whole future. It's like having a big nail in a sure place. They've hung their whole future on this book that we have here tonight.
God's Book. Holy Bible.
Now it's a wonderful story. God the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. I think it's 19 times in the book of, of John that we have that the Father sent, he was sent into this world. What a blessed thing that was. And it he, the Lord Jesus, the Son of God meet, has met us in our need and we're gonna talk about that.
Little further on here.
Philosophy, that's what men conjure up in their own minds, is just rubbish. God is the one that sets forth who God is. The Bible is the one that sets forth who God is and the wonderful, blessed salvation that he has to offer.
All right.
Isaiah chapter 44. This is such a precious little.
Saying here, I just noticed this one day and it just caught my eye and made me rejoice.
It says here in Isaiah 44 turn with me please to that.
And verse 24.
Thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb. I am the Lord that maketh all things, that stretcheth forth the heavens alone. And this sentence here is wonderful. That spreadeth abroad the earth by myself. He did it by himself.
You know, men, uh, lately I've seen on, uh, computer these images at the Hubble telescope and I'd encourage you to take a look at them. They're absolutely phenomenal. The images that this.
Camera and space is able to take of God's creation and those tumbling, uh, there's no way to explain it to, to see those stars in their majesty and their color and their design and their pattern and all that.
Fan has been allowed to look out there in that vast, vast universe and see this. Awesome.
You know, men like to call a ball player awesome. I'd call him a weakling. They like to think that man's intelligence was awesome.
No, man, nothing. God is awesome. He's the only one that really deserves that title. And so he's brought this whole unit, this part perhaps of this universe into the lens of this Hubble telescope and to see that power.
And that majesty and the color and the brilliance and who knows the distance, you know, when you go back to the book of Genesis, the 1St chapter?
You would have thought that he would have developed at least four or five chapters there, developing the solar system and telling us how he did it. Let's look at it. Genesis, chapter one. This is wonderful.
Verse 16 of Genesis chapter one.
God made two great lights, a greater light through the day, lesser light through the night. That's the sun and the moon, isn't it?
But it's almost like this. It's almost like saying, you know, I better mention this before I forget it. We know that's foolishness.
Well, that's what we speak as, man. Look at this.
Take the italics out the stars also. 3 words, 3 words the stars also.
Majesty Beautiful.
He spread it abroad by himself. Colossians, chapter one, verse 13.
Who have delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, and whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.
Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature for by him?
Where those mighty orbs put in place, and those stars by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or dominions.
Our principalities or powers of things created. All things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things and by all, by him all things consist and subsist that wonderful. And then we find out in His wisdom back there in the book of Genesis, those earth's earliest beginnings there.
He formed a man of the dust of the ground. What a humble, humble thing that was, you know, and later on you find various ones in the Scriptures that were deeply humbled by God.
And they had enough sense to humble themselves, and they repented in dust and ashes. Dust and ashes. Dust. Just what man is made out of. Throw a little water in there. Dust and ashes. Ashes. The fire has done its job. Self judgment. You'll find that some of those men of old, they got down dust and ashes and repentance.
Have you ever gotten in the presence of God?
Have you ever said?
God, here I am.
Or if you've been in deep trouble.
Have you ever said, oh Lord, let me just climb up into your arms and just hold me, hold me.
Are you a center tonight? Yes, you are.
Yes, you are. Adam is your father, Eve is your mother, and they led you down a steep place.
They died, they brought in.
A whole family of death. The Lord Jesus came in and brought a whole family of life. He's the head of it.
Well, it is appointed now unto men once to die. They fell to that lie of the devil, and that's where we are tonight.
Men, women, boys and girls.
Are headed down that same trail and the Lord Jesus be not come every single last one of us.
Will feel the effects of death.
But there's more to the story than that. We'll talk about that in a moment.
God looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven.
Said the Lord, Behold the earth to see what Psalm 102.
Verse 18. This shall be written for the generation to come. That's you.
And the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord. That's me.
And you, if you know him.
For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary. From heaven did the Lord behold the earth were reading in Psalm 102.
Verse 19 For Hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven.
Did the Lord behold the earth to hear the groaning of the prisoner to loose those that are appointed to death, appointed unto man once to die?
And after this the judgment.
Psalm 53.
To Psalm 53 verse two, God looked down from heaven.
Upon the children of men, to see if there were any.
That did understand, said did seek God. Every one of them has gone back.
They are all together, become filthy. There is none that doeth good. No, not one, not even one. I saw one of my children grandchildren today. I just can't imagine my grandchildren doing anything wrong, you know?
Tugging at a toy. Tugging at a toy that didn't belong to him.
Making sure that he had it and he had all three or four of them and the kid brother could just stand there watching. Do you mean at such an early age?
We do these kind of things, yes, we have a nature, a broken and fallen nature.
I'll add to this Isaiah 53.
Don't need to turn. We know these verses.
Uh, most of us do.
All we like sheep.
Verse 60 We, like sheep, have gone astray, We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
When we were yet without strength.
In due time.
Christ died for the ungodly. Now, lest this meeting should close early, I better speak the gospel.
There you sit in your chair in the ungodly, unclean condition. There you are now, if you'll reach out by faith, and you'll say, Lord Jesus, save my wicked soul.
Let that precious blood cleanse me tonight, right here.
He doesn't start cleaning you up and washing you up and trying to rehabilitate you, put you on some kind of a probation.
No Sir, He makes you all brand new in Christ.
I told this story once before, forgive me if you've heard it. The girl's name was Michelle Provette. She was a customer and she had a Subaru. And, uh, I painted it and I did, uh, apparently, according to her, a very lousy job.
So she came with a list.
And so I went around and tried to find the pics and I'd sand this and Polish this and so on. And so I thought, when am I going to get done with this girl? So pick, pick, pick, more or less. And, uh, distressing indeed, I thought, I don't like dealing with this woman.
So all of a sudden she's gone. She's gone and four years or four or five years go by, I'm in a different shop in a different area, and here comes the same Subaru. I don't know.
I said Michelle, how are you? She says I'm fine. How are you? I said I'm I'm fine, I'm fine.
She's, she said. I came to tell you that I've been up in Alaska and while I was in Alaska, I took.
Lord Jesus as my Savior.
Living with a man up there, she said. And when I got saved, she said, I started.
Putting verses on everything though the dishwasher and the refrigerator in the wall. She loved calligraphy and she would write out these beautiful verses and she'd stick them on the wall.
And now he's gone.
She's a new creation in Christ and she was coming back down and she was going to go down to Southern California to live Christ before her mother and father, Michelle Privette was her name.
Well, that was a good ending to a bad story, I said. She said, Would you like me to to make some birth, make a verse for you with my calligraphy, my handwriting? Oh, I'd love to have you do that. What verse would you like? I said. This is it.
Let's try Second Corinthians.
Chapter 5.
And verse 17, oh, what a beautiful thing that is.
Therefore, therefore.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Whole things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. That's a beautiful verse. And she did that in about 5 different translations and you could see these different, these different translators bring in the sweetness of that verse out. She did all those different translations. Beautiful. She was a new creation. Are you a new creation in Christ tonight?
Are you still stumbling around an Adam?
Our need was desperate.
Paul said.
I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Romans chapter one.
What a beautiful verse that is.
And here we have the power, the dynamite, the ability, the strength of God.
I'm not ashamed, Romans 116. I'm not ashamed.
As the gospel of Christ produced the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.
Everyone that believeth to the June 1St and also to the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written that just shall live by faith. So we're going to get around to that word grace. We're going to get there. But now we're going to talk about faith isn't believing what God said. He said it and you have the privilege tonight to believe what he says and this gospel is concerning his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
And the gospel is First Corinthians 15. Let's try that one.
First Corinthians, chapter 15.
And verse one Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel.
It's OK to preach the gospel to the brother, he says. So here.
Uh, but tonight we're preaching it to the brethren and to any that may not be brethren.
Which I preached unto you, which also you have received, and wherein you stand, by which also you are saved, if you keep in Memory what I have preached unto you, unless you believed in vain. Well, if there is no resurrection, you have believed in vain, but there has been a resurrection.
Four verse three, I delivered unto you, first of all, that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins.
According to the scriptures, we're pre preaching facts here.
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and he was seen verse 5. Verse six, he was seen.
For seven he was seen. That testimony is there.
And there was one time he was seen of above 500 brother at once. So I trust that 200 or so that are here would be seen. He would be seen of us also.
In this case was after his resurrection. No unsaved person, no lost soul. So I'm I don't believe.
And I was wondering earlier what, uh, those people that were guarding that grave and that were wondering about who they put him in there. What did they think?
When they heard that message, what did Pilate think when he heard that message? What a fearful thing. Resurrection for the unsaved.
You know what it says for a Christian to fear God? Oh, that brings such peace into his soul. Fear. God loves you, He died for you, His Son did.
But for a lost soul to fear God is sheer terror. It is a fearful thing to fall.
To drop into the hands of a living God.
That's right.
But when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Gospel is good news from heaven. There is no good news coming out of heaven tonight.
Apart from the gospel, there is a fearful looking for of judgment, the wrath of God.
Wrath of God is revealed from heaven.
Against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold truth and unrighteousness.
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has showed it unto them.
And the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. You know, sometimes I go down the street because I'm in the car business. I'll see a beautiful, long, sleek automobile. Two things come to my mind immediately. Who made it and who owns it?
Well, I started looking around. If there's no little Insignia on there, I get very inquisitive because someday I might have to work on one of those things. At least want to know what it is. And if it's a beautiful machine, I want to give credit where credit is due. But then who can afford to own a thing like that? See. Well, who made this world? Who made this world?
The Lord Jesus made this world. Who owns it?
Is temporarily the God of it is the Prince, and the God of this world is Satan.
So there's no good news coming out of heaven for you tonight, apart from the gospel.
He that despised Moses law died without mercy, under two or three witnesses.
Of how much sore punishment suppose he shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God?
And counted the other. Where is that?
Someone help me with that verse.
Thank you.
How much sort of punishment suppose ye? Shall he be thought worthy?
Who have trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant. We're with you as sanctified an unholy thing.
And hath done despite unto the spirit of grace. We're going to get to that word.
For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again the Lord shall judge his people as a fearful thing, to fall into the hands of thee, living God, not a God.
The living God.
Yes, I believe there's a verse that says God is angry with the wicked every day.
But we'll have to put with that that beautiful verse. For God's soul love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
What a what a charming, uh.
Beautiful bell that is ringing around the earth. Think of a Lord's Day morning. You go from this time zone to this time zone to this time zone, the 24 of them around the circle of this earth. Hymns going up, praise hymns going up, adoration to Christ.
It's continuous, I would be willing to say at this very moment.
This being a Saturday night, even, it's Lord's Day over there someplace already, and there's hymns of praise going up to God from companies of believer, companies of believers.
Have you ever ever lifted up your voice to God in Thanksgiving and praise?
Have you ever done that?
So mankind now we see, has dropped down to the level in Romans chapter one. Romans chapter. Well, let's just do Romans chapter 3. I'll read these things.
Mouth is full of cursing, bitterness. There's 23 things. Throat is an open Sep girth tongues. They've used deceit. The poison of ASP is under the lips. Mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Feet swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways, the way of peace. They have not known. That sounds like the headlines on the paper newspaper. No Fear of God before their eyes. Sounds like the school teachers, professors.
Now we know that whatsoever things the law says, that saith to them.
Who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.
Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in His sight, For by the laws the knowledge of sin, but now the righteousness of God without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the prophets.
Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all, and upon all that believe, for there's no difference.
For all of sin.
You know the wages of sin. The wages of sin is death.
The wages of sin is death. I got a placard on my wall that says minimum wage.
And gives a number minimum wage.
Must be paid. The law says it must be paid.
The minimum wage of sin.
Is death.
All have sinned come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God, to declare. I say at this time His righteousness, that He might be just, and He just He is. But look at this and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.
Do you believe?
Where is boasting then is excluded? By what law of works? No, but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified. And that's more than just as if I'd never sinned. Because if that were the case, you could slip back off into that awful dread condition that Adam got into. No, this is placed altogether on a new position in Christ, as secure as Christ himself is.
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not of the Gentiles also? Yes, of the Gentiles tiles also. Seeing it is one God which shall justify the circumcision by faith and the uncircumcision through faith, do we then void the laws through faith? God forbid we establish the law. Chapter 5, verse one.
Romans chapter 5 and verse one says Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
By whom also we have access, by faith.
Into this grace when we stand and rejoice in hope for the glory of God.
Verse six For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Are you ungodly tonight? If you are, the door is wide open for you to come in. If you're not ungodly, there's no chance, there's no opening, there's no door for you to go through.
Because this salvation that God has to offer is going to bring glory to God.
And if in his sovereignty he's chosen to pick up the poor, the.
This spot, let's get it right. Go out into the highways and the hedges, get those that are broken and maimed and spiritually dead, and bring them to that wonderful great supper provided by the great God.
What a wonderful thing that grace is. God commendeth His love. When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die. Listen carefully yet per adventure. For a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners, here we are, and the sinners bench lost. And there's hope. If you come on the righteous person's bench, there's nothing for you.
Nothing. You've got nothing coming. But if you take your place tonight as a poor, guilty, lost, hell deserving Sinner, there's mercy. Beautiful. And then God gets the praise. God gets the glory.
God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more than being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
Oh, for by grace you're saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God.
There's a translation out I, I I have yet to see it. I was told that that this is how it went.
Very, very bad. I'll read it and then I'll read it correctly, and then I'll read it very wrongly.
For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves is a gift of God. I'm going to read this translation. Wicked.
For by grace are ye saved through faith. After that you have done all that you can.
So now we have amidst this awful scene of sin and darkness.
A a world that's stained with blood. It's the it's, it's a huge cemetery, if you please.
Because of sin through all this gloom.
How light is shining? It's the glorious gospel of the blessed God. It's shining and it's shining on you tonight. And in that light you're going to see those hands of the Savior.
Those arms are reaching out for you tonight, Sinner.
Back here you'll see Calvary's cross, where the spotless Lamb of God yielded up his his life and his blood for you. Terrible thing happened, the crime of all crimes, the.
The story of all stories.
The love pulled out like a love story never told before to that magnitude.
God put his stamp of approval upon it all when he raised him from the dead, and he set him in his own right hand in heavenly places.
Well, that's the gospel story. So we have this wonderful gospel reaching out, not by works righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy.
This Council of Peace that took place.
In the heart of God the Father, God the Son, and the past eternity.
Let's save them, Let's save them. Let's save them. It will be to the glory of my dear Son and the praise of God. Let's save them. So he said, we'll go, we'll go, we'll go. Here am I. Send me.
Wages of sin is death. That's still true grace. Grace is God acting.
According to his own nature.
As love isn't that beautiful Epistles of John, you'll find God is light.
One time God is love, twice beautiful.
And he wants to bring you in tonight. He wants to save your soul, Sinner. And I use that rather funny illustration that I heard of that rooster sitting up in that tree.
And following that fox round and round got dizzy and it fell out of that tree as that you And is that the world is that the Satan got you, uh, buffaloed, like we say. My, my hope not.
You want to end up an everlasting burnings? No, no, don't do that.
Grace is uncaused in the recipient.
This cause is holy in God, the giver, that beautiful. This is something that God has devised. It's altogether a new plan. It's the plan of salvation. Grace is sovereign. It doesn't have any debts to fulfill. Now, if you want to work for your salvation, you're making God a debtor. He owes you something now. Oh, no, no, Sir, no. It's free. It's out of the sovereign goodness of his own heart.
That he's brought this to light in the gospel.
It has no unfulfilled conditions on man's part to wait for.
He doesn't. He's not waiting for man to finally rise to such a level where he can come in and help you over the top.
I have a man that is a very dear friend of mine and about 3 months ago he wrote me. Oh maybe four months ago now.
He wrote me and I thought the man was clear on salvation. He loved the Lord and he just reads the scriptures all the time and he acknowledges the blood of Christ and he acknowledges it by faith and all that. But he wrote me a 95 page letter.
Well, he gave one to his son and one to someone else to look over. He said I'm not going to sign my name to this because in case it's not right.
95 pages to tell me how that that's true. Christ died for our sins and he shed his precious blood.
And he wants us there in glory. But after we're saved, we have to do the last and final.
Purchase We have to perform for God. We are on probation.
On probation, Oh, does that bring glory to God? No. If that were the case, there would be nobody in heaven #1 and #2 if there was somebody there, they would be boasting. And God can't have that. In His presence, we boast in Christ, we boast in our God, we sing of His love, we praise Him for what He's done. A little bit more here on Grace.
Grace can act toward whom and how it pleases. It can and often does.
Place the worst deservers and the highest favor.
You can have a God like this tonight to be your God. You can have Thor Jesus to be your savior. You're not a Christian. He has so much. If I look out and I see these men that I do business with all the time and they work in the complex.
Poor godless wretches.
Gentlemen, very gentlemen people.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness like like the poison of a snake.
And I lookout there and I say, does that poor man? Does that poor man?
Is he gonna spend his eternity in the darkness?
Bound hand and foot so he can't exercise his lusts anymore.
Apart from God, not one ray or one.
Not a ray of hope for eternity. Think about that.
Why not reach out by grace tonight?
Grace cannot act where there is either ability or desert. Grace does not help.
That's so wonderful. Grace does not help. Grace is absolute. It does it all.
The place, the place a man has under grace, he has been accepted in Christ.
Who is his standing?
Grace, once bestowed, is not withdrawn. I think the man that got these little things up here is just choice, dear man. To believe is to consent to be loved.
While unworthy is the great secret, that's the secret. You're there, you are. You were a Sinner, you were lost, and God took and he put you in Christ and he cleaned you up in that past life. The cross is gone forever.
Your standing is perfect now, and when you put your head down at night, you're not worrying about your future.
You're safe in the arms, Jesus, precious Savior. He did all that for you when he went to the cross.
Now, if you're gonna make resolutions as a believer.
And vows that's to trust in yourself.
To expect to be blessed though realizing more and more your lack of worth.
And for the rest of your days to testify of God's goodness. What a thing to do you have. You can have Christ in your life. You can have him in your home. You can have him in your job. You can have him on your tongue. You can have him with your grandchildren about you, that precious, precious name of Jesus called over them.
A believers in such a blessed and wonderful position tonight he can call God his Father. He can call the Lord Jesus Christ his Savior.
The Spirit of God is his comforter through this world.
The Bible is his guide book.
God's people are his companions. Look at us here at this conference. Precious time.
Heaven is his home.
And the Lord's coming is what they're waiting for. Perhaps tonight.
7 year old boy, 7 year old girl tonight. That is a quite an age, the age I was saved.
It's the age where a lot of children get saved because they're starting to wake up and see that there's something wrong in this world and maybe something wrong within the heart.
And they have intelligence, they can reach out. I'm not talking to the 8 year olds, I'm talking to the seven-year olds.
They can reach out by faith and take the Lord Jesus as their own savior. Now concerning the 8 year olds, they're a year late there, aren't they? So if you're 8 years old, you want to listen to this, You want to hurry up and get saved right now. If you're 9 or you're 10 times passing, quickly passing.
I said to a young man one time. His name was Robert Trot.
I said Robert.
What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? This man was 21 years of age and he was the high jumping champion of this particular place.
I said, what shall it profit? He was. He was bugging me about something. So I asked him that question. What shall it profit a man if she'll gain the whole world and lose his own soul? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? He said nothing, Nothing. Get that? Nothing.
The next night, that young man, Robert, who, by the way, was raised in Sunday school.
His grandma called her Grandma Trot. She would take little Robert on her knee.
And sitting there in Sunday school, hold up message of the gospel of the grace of God was presented to him.
And he would listen and he would hear. And he grew up saying no, no, no.
Willa asked who was a couple of witnesses there. I said, Robert, what shall I profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? He said nothing the next night.
He and another fellow riding a motorcycle.
Careless, perhaps even a little bit drunken.
Passed a car and hit another car head on and kill them both.
Came to work.
Following day and they said, David, you hear what happened to Robert, said no, what happened? He died last night. He what?
And these men, these workmen, were standing around a circle.
And they were quiet. Why? Because they knew. They knew.
One of them said to him, Robert, if you don't stop living that way, you're going to die. You're not going to make it to be a ripe old age. And he said, what do you consider to be a ripe old age, Roberts? Roberts said. And this guy said 25 years.
In a few hours, that man was dead.
God is not mocked, is that right Al?
God is not mocked. Let's pray.