In Adam or in Christ

Children—David Whitaker
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We like children to know about our precious Savior.
And I think that's the main reason that you would come to know our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ.
It's a wonderful and blessed thing. How about another song, Claire? Do you have one?
That's so nice and cold. I don't want frustrating, that's all. Oh my God. Oh my God.
AY 5:00 AM No way.
Some people when they get saved, the day they get saved, they're, they're afraid. They're afraid, you know what they're afraid of? They're afraid that their sins can't be washed away or they're, they're afraid of this or afraid of that. But does that change the fact that when someone puts their trust in the Lord Jesus and vows their knee and says, precious Savior, save my soul, I'm a lost Sinner.
Does that change? The fact that they're afraid or not? Doesn't change that thing.
Because this is something that God does. He takes and he takes us out of darkness and he puts us into the light. He takes us out of the family that's lost and puts us into the family that's saved. And it doesn't make any difference if you're scared or you're crying or you're shaking or you're nervous or you're wondering, does it make any difference? What makes the difference is when God puts you out of Adam's family into the family of God.
That's what makes the difference.
Some people saying, Oh Happy Day when Jesus washed my sins away, that may be true and it's wonderful when it is, but it may not be true. That is a happy day for them. They may be in real. I know some people that were just shaking and trembling and sweating and worried and all that, but when God does it.
It's it's, it's God's job and it's what he does. He presents you as a gift to his Son.
Who has another one?
Like a shepherd Jesus and all the things out in flesh and hands.
Umm, but I didn't mean to make it go down like you'd like to order it. I will take it to my home there. So that much crazy. Did you come?
Thou shalt be my sweet feel like on Thursday and also not unlike.
Well, we've had some girls. How about some boys? I see a little boy back there.
What number would you like?
Hey, how are you? Let me in while you come back to me.
And give me your name, your father.
Sun, sunshine, well appreciated evening.
So I said what else should I do?
All right, what about one of these boys here?
Here's a little boy right here. What number would you like to sing?
We have heard the joyful sound in the same being the same.
1000, it's all around.
Hands upstairs.
Not the rest of the praise and the more high.
OK, this boy.
Sing the first and last of 52.
But he is strong.
Yeah, in his life.
Yeah, it is not one thing. Yeah, he is coming from here. 1005 thousand and I'll come in stone.
How about?
05050595 Here's my little plate. Please hold on to my.
Yes, please let us one day yes, in the What's the meaning?
Who tells me so?
It's interesting at this conference that the children are the ages of who you see right here. There's not too many that are 12/14/10. We've got one that's going 8 here in a few days, Morgan. And let's see, seven years old, 76 who's seven years old here. There's one OK, that's quite an age. You know, a lot of children get saved when they're seven years of age.
I've watched that a long time, seven years of age. Children start to think about these things and you can think about them if you're 4 or if you're 3 or maybe even if you're 2.
There's a song about a little child of seven or even 3 or 4.
Well, I got some things to think about this morning. Let's first pray.
Grace is God and loving Father, we thank Thee for this wonderful privilege.
Being able to talk to these children, we think of how they're loved. They're loved by their mom and their dad and their brothers and sisters and grandmas and grandpas.
And we just pray that they might realize that their love most of all by the Lord Jesus.
We find out that and I were that God is love, so we thank thee. We pray that these.
Few words that are spoken will be like those few fishes that were fed to the multitude, and there was some leftover and there was blessing, and everybody was filled. Help us, Father, we pray, and again for these little children, that they might come to know Thee, they might appreciate.
What they have in in the Lord Jesus. So bless this word. We ask for help in Jesus name, Amen.
Riding along in a car down in a far, far, far away place. And I said to the man, he was a taxi driver. I said, do you have any orphans in your city? Oh yes, he could speak English.
I said uh.
Does the government, you know, like the city or the state or the county, do they help out with the orphans? You know what he said? Oh, no, no. Well, I said, well, why? Why? Why don't, why don't they help out? Because then there would be too many, too many people for them to take care of the, the the people, the parents would just leave the children there with the with the government. The government would take care of them.
I was surprised when I heard that. Then I said, how old are these children?
Well, he said, when they can tell the difference between.
Let's see if I got any money in here if they can tell the difference between.
Let's see if this girl can tell the difference between what's What are those two pieces of money?
You know it's OK, you don't have to know. Do you know what the difference is between those?
One is a what and the other is a what.
Oh, not quite. This is going to be interesting. Can you tell me the difference between that?
One's a diamond. One's a penny. OK? This girl right here. This girl here, she doesn't know yet. That's OK, honey. Don't worry. She doesn't know the difference between a dime and a penny. This girl does. Do you know what that means in this town of Maputo? It means that this girl gets to stay with her mommy. And this girl?
Is turned out of her house and she has to live on the street.
When I heard that, that man was telling me the truth, that made my heart sad because here's children that that know the difference between one coin and another. When they know the difference, that means they can go and buy a bottle of Populace. Just make up a little store here. They can buy a bottle of pop for $0.10 and they can sell to somebody on the street for $0.20. And how much do they get to keep then?
If they buy it for $0.10 and they sell it for they sell it for $0.20, how much do they get to keep?
Well, they get to keep $0.10. You see, it's called markup. Now those, uh, those children, they live on that extra money that they make. So if they sell a bottle of pop to somebody for, for $0.20 and they only bought it for 10, then they get to, they get to live on that $0.10 and their little children out there that age, you know the difference between a penny and a dime, don't you? Sure you do. Well then you don't get to stay home in some homes. They just say you, you're on the street. You're on the street now.
They disown you and that is so sad. And so when we we sing a song like this, Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me. He knows about those children on the street. He knows about you right here in these chairs this morning. And you know what? Everyone of you children have a mommy and a daddy that love you.
You'd be thankful for that and you know when your mommy and daddy tell you to do something.
It sure makes the heart of God happy when you do it.
And it makes the heart of your mommy and daddy happy when you obey.
There was a mom came into my office one time and she had a boy about Anthony's age, maybe a few months older. And that little boy, he just wouldn't behave at all. He would run around the office this way, run that way and back and forth. He'd go and fool with this and mess with that. And his mother would say, oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, don't blah, Johnny. She never made him behave.
And I felt like telling that Lady. Well, I did tell her. I said, you know.
I had a little talk with that Lady. I said, you know, there's a way that you can deal with this situation. And so she said, Oh yeah. And so she's all bring your book and it'll it'll show me how to how she was going to bring me a book, teach me how to raise children.
Well anyway, here's the point children. Your mommy and daddy love you, but we want you to know that the Lord Jesus loves you more than your mom and dad.
All right.
So on the street, seven years of age, 8 years of age.
That is so sad. You know there's coming a time when that won't be anymore. God is going to change all that.
Well anyway, the point I want to make today was this or the story I want to tell is this that the Bible tells us about?
Two families. Two families.
Uh, family of God and the family, Well, the family of God where Christ is the head of it and the family of Adam.
Which family do you were you born into Adams family or God's family?
He got it right. I've had children say God's family. Not quite right. What family were you born into? God's family or Adam's family? Adams, you understand? That's good. What family were you born into? Adam's family or God's family? This pretty young boy here.
He never thought of that. Well, we're going to talk about it this morning.
OK, I want to keep these chairs over here empty, but I see we have a we need a little more room, so we'll just leave these children right here. That's fine, but let's just say.
Well, let's put this way. In the Bible, it says.
In First Corinthians 15 says this.
Verse 22. First Corinthians 1522.
For as in Adam, all die.
Now let's just do this. Let's take a piece of tape.
And go between here and here like this.
And over to here. Let's just pretend like this is time.
And back here we know about this. This is the, this is we're living in 2008. I think it's still March. And back here is when I was born. Back here is when your daddy and mommy were born, and your grandpa and grandpa and so on way on back.
But now we come up to a place in time where we don't know, we don't know what's beyond today. Now I have a paper here. This is a front of my, uh, motel hotel door. There was a, there was a paper that was laid down and gave the date and so on. That paper takes you right up until almost today. And I suppose if you're listening to the news, it would take you a little closer to right now.
But if you were standing right there when something happened, you would be right there.
OK, right there in time. Now do you know what's hap going to happen tomorrow?
Do you what if somebody that had a newspaper and they could tell you exactly what's going to happen tomorrow ahead of time? They would be so rich. They would be so famous, they'd be so wise. Well, this paper takes you up until today. But now I have something to tell you right here. This book right here is the only book in the world that takes you past today. We'll put it right there. I wish I could put it right there on the on the table.
That's the only book in the world that takes you past.
To date, the newspaper takes you up to date in which the stories your mommy and daddy tell you, uh, and things that happen at school, it's all about yesterday or today, but nothing, nothing tells you about tomorrow. I plan to go to work tomorrow, but do I know that for sure? No. There's been days I've got up in the morning and I didn't go to work that day because I couldn't. Well, I didn't know that the day before. So God tells us about.
Tomorrow, now he tells us about tomorrow in this way, as in Adam all die. Let's just pretend like this family over here in this row of chairs here is the family of God. And you know who's at the head of that family, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's give him that chair right there. OK? Now over here is another family.
This is Adams family, you know, Adam and Eve, this is Adam's family, their children down there. Come on right on down Abraham and so on way down to your great grandpa. There's a great, there's a great grandpa in this room today, right now. So that would be 4 chairs back. Let's see, here's great grandpa, here's grandpa, here's daddy, here's you.
Who has a great grandpa here?
I know she does. OK. You're in this chair, your daddy in this chair, your grandpa is in this chair, and your great grandpa's in that chair, and it keeps it going. Back to who? All the way back to.
Uh-huh. Yes, Adam, you got it.
OK, Addams Family, it says they all die. That's a sad story. Now, children, that's the fact. As in Adam ALDI, do you have a great great.
Great grandpa.
You have a great grandpa. You know who he is, don't you? Is his daddy still alive?
No, he's not. He died. He died.
Well, that's the case with my daddy and my grandpa and my great grandpa. They died as an Adam all died. But now here's the question. Here's this whole family of people that are either dead or dying.
How do you get out of this family, into that family over there where all is life, all is alive? You know, we may, we may go to sleep in Jesus, but our, our souls go to be with God.
So how do you get out now? This is Christ's family here. If you're either in, you're in Adam. You're born in Adam.
How do you get out of this family, into this family? Can anybody tell me?
She's got it, She's got it. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the way, That's the provision, that's the gift that God has made for us. We can get out of that family that all dies into the family that all lives. Isn't that nice? That's a wonderful story. Let's sing another song.
Who has another song?
Someone like that please?
Nsnoise project Nsnoise.
Uh, yeah, everything fine. How do you want to know?
Everybody else to know.
Who will give us their heads?
On the front beside the Lord, stand in the middle.
And we have slightly quiet and slow.
Now another little illustration.
Is this once we were once we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ like that those beautiful hymns have been telling us and we are saved by the grace of God. The precious blood of Christ has cleansed us from all of our sins. By the way, I asked a little 8 year old Chinese boy that was in the shop one time. His parents were standing right there in front of him.
And the little Chinese boy was standing right there and I said, I have a question for you.
I forget his name.
They uh, uh, I said, if you were standing at the gate of heaven, I said, doesn't quite work this way, But if you were standing at the gate of heaven and God were to say to you, let's just call his name Bruce. Bruce.
Why God says, Why should I let you come into my heaven?
What would you tell him when the kids were kind of surprised in North, the mommy and daddy said they said go ahead, Bruce, tell him.
And so a little kid took a breath and he says, because Christ Jesus died for me on the cross.
So beautiful.
Now, now that we're saved, we're children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, if indeed we are. I have something I'd like to do here. Uh, first of all, I'm gonna read, uh, uh, John chapter 10.
And uh.
And verse 28.
John, 1028.
And I give unto them eternal life. Oh, verse 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life. And they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. All right.
Now that we're one of.
The sheep, the Lord Jesus.
UMM says nobody can pluck them out of my hand and I'd like to see if there's a boy here because generally they're a little stronger than the girls. Is there any boy here that would like to have this shilling? I have a English shilling here. It's a piece of money.
And if you'd like to go ahead and take that out of my hand, you're welcome to do that. Would you like to do that?
Little boy or little girl? Go ahead. There's a boy right there. Is it Conan? Is that No. Did I get it right, Conan? OK, Conan, go ahead and take that out of my hand.
OK, keep trying now.
No, I'm sorry.
Would you? Would you like to help him?
OK Oh this guy don't hurt your little brother.
He's digging for it, isn't he? No, you're not going to get that out of there, son.
OK, I'm sorry, but you know something.
I'll tell you what. I'll give it to you anyway. Can you? Sure. Wait, wait, wait. That wasn't fair. That was not fair at all. No, you wouldn't be able to get that out of there. What else we got here? Oh, just nothing. Here. There you go. OK. Thank you. Boys. Sit down. You made a point. Well, what's so interesting about that? You're in Christ's hand now. God the Father's hands over that. So nobody can get you out of the hand of God.
And there's some verses that we could read that explain that very nicely. Now let's just pretend like this is another nice thought. Let's just pretend like this is you. What's your name?
OK, what's your name?
OK, and I know Amanda Anthony. Boy boy. OK, let's just say.
This is Anthony right here. See that little picture there, Anthony? All right, let's pretend like this is the hand of Christ. Lord Jesus pretending, OK? And let's pretend like this is Anthony. OK, Anthony, take that money and put it right in that hand right there, not in your pocket, right in this hand. Hold my hand. OK, Put right back in my hand. All right. Now I close that hand on there like that. Now, when God is when? If, if Anthony is a believer, when God is looking for Anthony.
What does he see? Who does he see? He sees Christ, you see. That's how wonderful salvation is. So no longer do you see Anthony, or do you see a Christian in their old condition, You see them in Christ. So is God happy with what Christ has done on the cross? Oh yes he is. Yes he is. And so when God is looking for me.
The Sinner that was looked at as I'm a Christian now, but when God is looking for me.
He sees Christ.
Isn't that wonderful? Now when God is looking for you, does he see you still in Adam or does he see you in Christ? Are you in that family of God or are you still in Adam's family? Uh, one more time here. If we're talking about you live or you die, OK, If you're an Addams family, you.
Die, she said it.
But if you're in the family of God, where Christ is the head of it you.
Live in that beautiful Let's sing another song.
OK, who has another one?
OK, Amanda, you're doing good, 5151.
Jesus loved me.
She loved me.
That's why I found my own life giving me.
An exploded meaning.
Like what are you doing?
So I'd probably say I felt great screwed up dreaming.
That I was wondering.
And support me.
758 I got raised Cambodia sleep.
He was just reading.
My way throughout Thursday from 10:00 to 15.
I'm calling from a meeting.
In 1040.
Seven his strong will call me out to have his paintings in.
When they were going up the road, the freeway, uh, Interstate 5 and we were not in a rush that day, my wife and I and I saw, uh.
A, uh, car side the road, I was pulling a trailer, small travel trailer and it was stopped and I thought my, that's a rickety looking thing. So I thought, well, these people might be in in trouble. Let's see. So I pulled over and I backed up and I backed up and I looked and here was a.
An old car in the, it was all rusty. And the, the travel trailer, the windows were broken out of it and the curtains were flapping and there were two children sitting in the back seat and the springs were showing in the seats. And I thought, and the windows were broken out. I thought, what kind of a problem is this? So I was curious. And so I said, uh, you, you having trouble? Yeah. I said you got jumper cables. I said no, umm.
So what's the matter? He said, well, I, I got troubles. Well, we got him some jumper cables and so on. That wasn't the problem. But this man and his wife, they lived in Montana and she, the mommy got sick. And so they drove over to Seattle to a special hospital where they take care of those special diseases. And they on the way over their Dodge pickup that was running real good broke.
And the.
Mechanic said you gotta, it's no good. So they had $150.00. They bought this car in this trailer and now they're going, mom's getting treatments in town there at the hospital and they go out in the country to find a place where they can park at night.
And I looked at him. I thought to myself.
How sad. Nobody cares, I said. You have parents that can look after you.
No, no, no way they can help you.
No, they were broke. They their car was broken. They were hungry I guess, and they were just trying to find a place to park they can go in the next day to get some more treatments because the mommy was going to get sick and die. And I thought what? This is awful.
You know something? There's a verse in the Bible that says the Lord looked down from heaven. Let's see if we can find that verse. How about Psalm 102?
All right.
And it's burst.
19 Psalm 100 and 2:19.
For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven did the Lord behold the earth. Now I have a question for you, children. If you were going along and you saw this family that was so broken down beside the road there, what would you have done? What would you have done?
What would what would you have done?
If you were able to help him, you would or wouldn't you? I'm sure you would have.
Amanda, what would you have done if you saw this family that was just having so much trouble? What would you try to do?
Help them, yeah.
Well, here's what happened here. The Lord looked down from the height of his sanctuary. From heaven did the Lord behold the earth.
To hear those, to hear the groaning of the prisoner, you know, year on earth here and you can't get out of it. You're in this thing called life and you can't get out of it. Really. You need help from on high. You need help from God. You're in a we're in a simple condition, a broken condition.
We need help from God and here it is. It says he looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven to the Lord. Behold the earth to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to loose to let go of those that are appointed to death.
And then it says God looked down from heaven in Psalm 53 upon the children of men to see if there was any that did understand and that did seek God. Every one of them has gone back. They're altogether become filthy.
There's none that doeth good. No, not once. So, children, we need help. And what's so wonderful and so precious is this.
Help is available. You know what you have to do to get it. You have to just reach out and say, Lord Jesus, help me. Just help me. I'm a simple man, save my soul. I'm a simple boy or girl, save my soul. And will he do it? Those that come to him, he will not cast out.
Shall not cast them out.
So let's sing one more little song, and then we'll close with prayer.
I'm sorry.
Getting too old to hear it. Oh, OK, all right, all right. What's that #3?
You know, she had Wi-Fi on the TV and was the bridge Insight and sailed on somewhere and went to me and saw 1000 and Bright.
Grow up and strong. It will not cloud the cross. The skyline is clear in the Broadway Club on.
And all what one went so afraid of sinking in the sea?
Raising bells on cease and lighting Ravens not a baby and then swear to them. So let's go on our hearts and see. Let me let me gravely wonderful. And we need them thou.
Can blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
His care of those who trust his word will never, never end. You want to put your trust in the Lord Jesus, children, and then all through your lifetime, all through your lifetime you have this book is your guide book. Now one more thing before we pray. Those of you that know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, listen carefully.
You can call God your Father, You can call the Lord Jesus Christ your Savior, You can call the Spirit of God your comforter. You can have the people of God for your companions and your friends. You have the Bible is your guidebook all the way through this world. And then you have heaven is your home. Isn't that wonderful? And the Lord's coming.
Is what you're waiting for.
Let's pray. Our God and our loving Father, we thank you for this blessed, blessed story of salvation. We think of how it cost you so much. Lord Jesus, we pray for each of these children, bless them, keep them. We think of how that time goes on.
Which we believe like coming draweth. My Lord Jesus, time goes on. These children face a world that is so twisted and broken. Lord Jesus, thou art greater than all. We just pray for these children. Bless them, we pray.
And help them thank you that they sat so still during this conference and they're doing so well. We just thank you for them in Jesus precious name, Amen.
Short announcements for the day. Uh, the uh.