Gospels and Books for the Soldiers

I HAVE had numbers of most encouraging letters and many parcels of tracts and Gospels to send to the soldiers, and the means to buy more. I am making full use of all I get. A friend to whom I sent writes: — “The two boxes were delivered here today, and I hasten to very gratefully thank you for such a handsome gift for the men. It will be most acceptable and much appreciated by those at the Front and Fleet. May the Lord greatly own the seed thus scattered, and may many souls be gathered in to His glory. We need to do all we can for the men, who spend long hours in the trenches and elsewhere. I have many appeals for French and German tracts.”
If any of my friends can send me any French or German tracts I will forward them. They are much needed, I know.
A young Christian at the Front, to whom I sent Gospels and tracts, writes: — “Thank you very much for sending out the parcel of reading for me to distribute among the men. That good magazine, ‘A Message from God,’ is read most. I am getting rid of them, and God only knows what good they may have done. Those nice little books, ‘St. John’s Gospel,’ have been very well received. I have been rather anxious to get our chaplain to assist me, and to take some further afield, and am waiting for a chance to speak to him, as he spends so much of his time in the trenches with the men. He is a splendid man, and was once a miner in Australia. He has great power over our fellows, who would, I believe, do anything for him.”
A Colonel, a D.S.O., writes saying: — “Thank you very much for your letter and the little books you sent me. If you can send me some more I will endeavor to give them away, with some Gospels as well.”
A Lieutenant-Colonel writes saying: — “I shall be pleased to do all I can to distribute the Testaments amongst the men of this battalion.”
A Second Lieutenant at Aldershot has promised to distribute a parcel of Gospels and tracts I sent him to all the men in his company.
I have not room for other letters now. As you see, dear friends, doors are opening on every hand. Please send me all you can: Gospels and books or the means to get them. The need is great everywhere. I am rejoiced to be able to be the medium to send the Word of God to so many of the men at home and at the Front. I know, in these solemn days, I shall not appeal for help in vain.