The Diary of a Soul

By the Editor
MY dear old friend, Captain H―, sent me some years ago a very solemn incident, and it is well to introduce it again in these godless days, when men think so lightly of sin, and have “no fear of God before their eyes.” God’s warnings seem to teach us nothing; the Lord’s Day is dishonored; man acts as if there was to be no punishment for sin, and as if God was one of themselves, and not the Holy and the Righteous One, who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. This is the incident: —
“He cursed God and died”
Such was the heading of a paragraph in an American newspaper not long since, which gave details of the solemn calling away of one who used to scoff at the truth of God and the Person of His Christ. It went on to relate, under date of― Philadelphia, January 18th: ―
“The sudden illness of L. T― while he was blasphemously personating the Saviour at a supper party; his subsequent paralysis of the heart, and the finding his corpse in his bedroom, have given I― and its vicinity a sensation.” But to bring this awful story into a small compass, it is related that on a certain Monday this L. T― met some friends of kindred spirit. Preparations were made for a supper, and the table was loaded with provisions and drink. Everyone seemed in good health and spirits. Before they sat down, one of the party suggested that T―, who was the oldest present, and the host, should offer up a prayer! This he did, amidst the laughter and jests of those present.
After they were seated, one of the guests said that the re-union, on account of their being thirteen present, was suggestive of “the Last Supper.” While carousing T―made use of terrible language which shocked even his ribald companions. Suddenly T — grew pale, and putting his hands to his head, complained of pains and moaned out, “I’m afraid it’s my last supper after all.” Then clutching his coat, and rising with difficulty, he announced to the rest, “I must vacate the chair, boys; you must get some other president — I’m going home.” He was taken to his house, complained that he felt as if he had received a terrible blow, was put to bed, and was left when it was supposed he had fallen asleep. Next morning he was found dead in his bed. A horrible smile had settled on his features, and his eyes were starting from their sockets, “as if,” said a relative, “he had seen something awful and died while staring at it.”
What had he seen? Where is he now?
Reader, one known to the writer was always damning his eyes, prefixing the name of God to his curse. God heard and answered his prayer, and if alive he is as blind as the loss of both eyes can make a man.
Reader, I want to leave two texts with you. The first is: — “To Him (Christ Jesus) give all the prophets witness, that through His Name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.”
This is what God says. The other text is: ―
“He that believeth not God hath made Him a liar.”
So if you do not believe what God says about His Son, you make God a liar. Would you dare to do that?
First Aid on the Battlefield
Philip Dad’s beautiful and expressive picture on the cover brings before us the terrible sufferings of this horrible War. The helplessness of the stricken soldier so faithfully portrayed, the stretcher-bearers coming to bear him gently to a resting-place, the beneficent surgeon bending over him to render the first aid to try and keep life in the poor, wrecked frame, and to mitigate the suffering he is enduring, all speak to us eloquently of the bodily needs of those who are fighting for us at this time. We are thankful for the wonderful way in which our wounded are cared for. And how thankful we are to God for the loving interest manifested in the care for the souls of our soldiers.
The work of the Royal Army Medical Corps has been praised by Sir John French in his dispatch of February 2nd. Let us so work for God among the soldiers, giving first aid to those who lie wounded on the battlefields of sin, that the Lord Jesus, in a day to come, may say to us, “Well done.” If we do not help them now―these dear fellows―by all the means in our power, the sin of neglect will lie at our doors. Let us think of the “Good Samaritan” going to the wounded sinner and bending over him, binding up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine—the oil to heal and the wine to cheer. Let us emulate Him, and seek by all our means to show our love for Christ and His example now, by following in His footsteps to where the sin-maimed, helpless sinners are, and by doing Christlike deeds to them. The mighty need is facing us. I have a pile of letters by me from those who are working night and day among the soldiers, and these letters go to my heart.
A Y.M.C.A. President writes: ― “Your kind letter could not have come at a more opportune moment. We have soldiers here; sometimes 8,000, sometimes 20,000... My stock has come down to a few dozen Gospels, and I was wondering how to get more.... I shall be delighted to receive and to distribute as many copies as you can send of the ‘Message from God,’ Gospels, ‘Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment,’ etc. The opportunities we are having now will never come again.”
An Army Scripture Reader writes: ― “The Testaments came just when I most needed them. I had run out, so very thankful to God for His ordering, just to fit in....I need more Testaments and literature. May God abundantly bless you.”
Another writes: ― “Many sincere thanks for your latest parcels. I do not think you will be surprised, but I am sure you will be very interested to know that the evening previous to the arrival of the last parcels I had given away the last Gospels I had, so God arranged I should not be without. Many you have sent have already been carried to the firing line. I often give the last message men receive before going into action, and the importance of the opportunity can scarcely be overrated....Words fail to describe the needs of the moment.”
Another writes: ― “Many thanks for parcels received. The Testaments are just the size needed (the size Isaiah 4⅝ by 3 by 7-16―it just fits the soldier’s pocket) ...It’s God’s Word the troops in France want.
Another writes: ― “Never before was God’s Word received more readily than just now. Thank you very much for the two parcels.”
Another writes: ― “What we want in France is Testaments (small) and Gospels. They are asking for the living Word.”
Another writes: ― “I have nearly run out of French Gospels. I have had many Belgian and French wounded soldiers here, and so they have gladly accepted a copy each.
I really could distribute thousands if I had them. The people are absolutely ignorant of the Word of God. As soon as they get the Gospels the men sit down and commence to read them. I feel sure very many have never heard or seen the Word of God. How they seem to devour it!”
I can quote no more now. Through the kindness of friends I have been able to send more than 100 parcels to the Front, and to the Fleet, and to Camps in England. By the time you read this I shall have sent the following parcels: —
To the Front
40 parcels
To the Fleet
To India
To Germany
To Camps in England
If friends continue their kind help I shall be only too glad to go on sending. I want a large number of Gospels, and Testaments, and “Message from God,” and “How Can I Be Saved?” and any other Gospel Magazines or Booklets suitable. A generous friend is sending me 10,000 Gospels, for which I do indeed thank God. I should be very glad of another gift like that in a short time. I want also 5,000 or 10,000 Testaments. The proper size for the soldiers is the one just issued by the British and Foreign Bible Society, 146, Queen Victoria Street (nonpareil 16mo., 4⅝ x 10:3 x 7/16 No. 3120K on their list; khaki leather cloth, two pence each). That is the size the soldiers can carry in their pockets. I expect the Scripture Gift Mission have the same size. Could some kind friend get me a grant from either of these of a large number, as the need is so urgent. I am pleading for the souls of men facing death and eternity. If I had 20,000 I could send them. If friends will send me the means to buy these Testaments I can order them at once.
Through the kindness of many I have had hundreds to send, but I have none now.
Message just come from the Front: ― “God richly bless you. I shall never say stop sending, as I have more troops coming in and more going out.”