An evening party was being held at a lady’s house who was a skeptic, and in the family there was a little girl, in whom God was graciously working, and who was alarmed about the condition of her own soul, and evidently that of her parents also.
When the party had assembled, this young girl was in another room, and the solemn realities of eternity were pressing on her soul, and she wept much as she thought of her dear mother, whom she knew to be a skeptic.
The mother came to her to know the cause of her trouble. The daughter replied, “O mamma, won’t it be awful if we don’t go to the same place?”
Sad to say, that though the words of the child made an impression for the moment, the poor mother lapsed back into her former thoughts, and would even prevent her very child from hearing the gospel.
Yes, have mercy on your children. If thus you treat your children God may take them from you. If you surrender all the priceless gifts of your little ones, their love, their winsomeness, the growing wonder of their increasing grasp of life, to the powers of darkness, the sin will lie at your door for all eternity, unless you repent of it with many tears. Think of the preciousness of the love told out in the following: —