It makes our hearts weep to think of the awful peril of child life today. The dainty feet of little children must walk today amid the filth of Socialism and Atheism, and Modernism, and a hundred other pollutions of unbelief, and their receptive minds are poisoned by the exhalations of the bottomless pit. Millions of them get no help in their homes other millions get no help from their preachers and Sunday school teachers. The world in which they live is mad with the lust of sin. God sees today as He did in antediluvian days, “that the wickedness of man is great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart are only evil continually.”
God is warning by earthquake, fire and flood. Let us heed God’s warnings and seek to read “the signs of the times.” We want to save the children out of the “City of Destruction.”
A Christian writes: ―
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―I enclose ― in this for your work of distributing free New Testaments to the children. I am sure that this thought was inspired from above, and will be richly blessed., What else but the “Sword of the Spirit” can overcome these atheistical proletarian Sunday schools? I will pray for blessing on your work. ―Yours truly, V. C. G.