By the Editor
MY Dear Friends, my first word for November must be Testaments. We want Testaments at once
About the Children
I want in this number of “A Message from God” to speak earnestly about the need of prayerfully continuous work among the children of our nation and other lands. The need of Bibles and Testaments in our Sunday Schools and Council Schools is ever being brought before us. I feel a chance is now given to every Christian, who is faced with a knowledge of the fearful danger the children are in, to do now, what it may not be possible to be done for this generation in five or ten years’ time.
The devil is seeking to snatch the children from their mothers’ arms, so that from the cradle to the grave they may be his. Read the following: ―
A Socialist’s Baptism
A service was held in the Trade Hall, Leicester, recently to dedicate four infants to the International Socialist movement. The ceremony was performed by a man named Minto, who, taking each child in his arms, repeated its name, and said, “You I dedicate to the International Socialist movement in the hope that you will grow up to work and fight in the cause of human emancipation, and that you and your children will know a better world than your father and grandfathers have known.” A bouquet of white flowers tied with red ribbon was then presented by a small scholar to each of the four babies, and the song “Hail to the child of humanity” was sung.
The devil was made the sponsor of these children. How mothers can be so callous as to allow their children to be thus treated one cannot tell. Oh! mothers and fathers of the world, if you love your children, seek the best for them―do not deliberately place them into the hands of Satan, but ask God to bless them.