The nation is warned against them, and every parent that forms part of the nation is warned also.
It is well known that more than twenty thousand children are being trained in the Socialist and Communist Sunday Schools, to be deniers of God, and traitors to the Constitution. In the Communist or Proletariat schools they openly preach red revolution, and antagonism to all religion. This is what they say: ―
“We of the proletarian schools are pushing ahead, we will no longer abstain from planting into the souls of our children the seeds of revolutionary conception of life.” ... Another writes thus, speaking of Bolshevist teaching, in proletarian schools: “In these schools, children are taught to disbelieve in God, and their country, and to urge revolution by every means in their power. He knew of one city where thousands of boys were taught these dreadful things every Sunday, and he urged all to do all they could to counteract such insidious influences.”