He Is Coming! Who Is Coming

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
He is coming! Who is coming?
Is it One whom I shall fear?
No! The blessed Saviour, Jesus—
He who suffered for me here;
He is coming! He is coming!
In the clouds He will appear.
Oh, how happy! Those who love Him,
All His beauty then shall see;
And the glorious sight will make them
Bright and beautiful as He;
In a moment, in a moment,
Like their Saviour they will be.
He will take them up to heaven,
From this world and sin apart,
There His Father will receive them
To His home and to His heart;
In His glory, in His glory,
Nevermore from Him to part.
Happy people who are waiting
For that bright and joyful day,
Knowing Jesus as their Saviour,
They can watch for Him and say,
"Come, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus!
Take Thy waiting saints away."