Mighty, Mighty Love of Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Mighty, mighty love of Jesus!
Greater love was never known;
Love that stooped from heights of glory—
Love that left for me, a throne.
Precious, priceless love of Jesus!
All sufficient 'tis for me;
All my sins and all my sorrows
Fully met at Calvary.
Wondrous, wondrous love of Jesus!
Once for me He lived a child;
Lowly Son of lowly mother—
He, the Christ, the Undefiled!
Faithful, faithful love of Jesus!
Counting everything but loss,
Unto death for me submitting—
Even death upon the cross!
Conquering, conquering love of Jesus!
Victor o'er the sealèd grave!
Trampling down the hosts of darkness,
From their power my soul to save.
Tender, tender love of Jesus!
At the Father's side He stands,
Interceding for me always,
Holding up His piercèd hands!
Perfect, perfect love of Jesus!
In its fullness let me hide,
Till the King in all His beauty
Comes to claim His spotless bride.