Midst the Darkness, Storm and Sorrow

 •  1 min. read
Midst the darkness, storm and sorrow
One bright gleam I see;
Well I know, the blessed morrow,
Christ will come for me.
Midst the light, and peace, and glory
Of the Father's home,
Christ for me is watching, waiting—
Waiting till I come.
There, amidst the songs of heaven,
Sweeter to His ear,
Is the footfall through the desert,
Ever drawing near.
There made ready are the mansions,
Glorious, bright and fair;
But the bride the Father gave Him
Still is wanting there.
He and I together entering
Those bright courts above;
He and I together sharing
All the Father's love.
Where no shade or stain can enter,
Or the gold be dim;
In that holiness unsullied,
I shall walk with Him.
Meet companion then for Jesus,
From Him, for Him made;
Glory of God's grace forever
There in me displayed.
He and I in that bright glory
One deep joy shall share:
Mine, to be forever with Him;
His, that I am there.