Oh Bright and Blessed Scenes

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Oh bright and blessed scenes,
Where sin can never come,
Whose sight our longing spirit weans
From earth where yet we roam!
And can we call our home
Our Father's house on high,
The rest of God our rest to come,
Our place of liberty?
Yes! In that light unstained,
Our stainless souls shall live,
Our hearts' deep longings more than gained,
When God His rest shall give.
His presence there, my soul,
Its rest, its joy untold,
Shall find when endless ages roll,
And time shall ne'er grow old.
Our God the center is,
His presence fills that land,
And countless myriads owned as His,
Round Him adoring stand.
Our God whom we have known,
Well-known in Jesus' love,
Rests in the blessing of His own,
Before Himself above.
Glory supreme is there,
Glory that shines through all,
More precious still that love to share
As those that love did call.
Like Jesus in that place
Of light and love supreme;
Once Man of sorrows full of grace,
Heaven's blest and endless theme.
Like Him! Oh grace supreme!
Like Him before Thy face,
Like Him to know that glory beam
Unhindered face to face!
Oh love supreme and bright,
Good to the feeblest heart,
That gives us now, as heavenly light,
What soon shall be our part.