High in the Glory

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
HIGH in the glory
Sits the blessed Son who died,
Crowned in the glory
At the Father's side;
O, the joy transcendent
When His ransomed ones will he
Safe in all His glory
For eternity !
Blessed Redeemer,
Thou wilt then be satisfied;
With Thee, in glory,
Own Thy ransomed bride.
There in the glory
Thou art watching o'er Thine own,
Precious Thy people
Whom Thou hast foreknown;
In those heights of glory,
Still Thy watchful eyes are here,
Caring for Thy people
To Thine heart so dear.
Blessed Lord Jesus,
Thou art living there for me,
Whilst still I'm waiting
Thy blest face to see.
There in the glory
With my Saviour face to face,
I shall adore Him
For His wondrous grace.
At His side forever,
Nevermore to go astray,
Finding Him my portion,
My eternal stay.
Hasten that moment
When Thine own will be at rest,
Safely reposing
On Thy loving breast.