HOW sweet is the story that God did provide
A pardon for sinners, through Christ crucified,
On Calvary's cross full atonement was made;
For all who believe Him the debt has been paid.
Dying for me,
Dying for me,
Thou blessed Redeemer
I'm trusting in Thee.
'Mid the darkness of Calvary's most terrible hour,
Where sin and where Satan exerted their power,
The Saviour in triumph the victory won,
God's blessed, eternal, His well belov'd Son.
Salvation is offered to all who believe,
To all who the Saviour by faith will receive,
Then linger no longer but come while you may,
A full, free salvation He offers today.
How sweet 'tis to know that on Calvary's tree
A perfect salvation was wrought out for thee,
Then trust in the work that Another has done,
The One who is now seated high on the throne.