"Of course if I die I shall go to heaven." So many think.
There is no "of course" about it. You could not be there, if unconverted. You would be out of your element entirely, and miserable.
Supposing for an instant that you could manage to pass the door and enter that home of holiness and light and glory. When you found yourself within the gate you would discover that all around you were completely different from yourself. The light would show up your sin-soiled rags, and amid the white-robed throng you would be wretched indeed.
The story is told of a man who wished to cross one of the great lakes. Hurrying to the peer he went on board the crowded steamer, which was soon loosed from her moorings and voyaging across the waters. Then it was that he found that he had made a mistake. He had got on to the wrong boat. The steamer had been specially engaged to take a large party of Christians to a Christian Conference.
When the vessel was under way, these Christians commenced to sing hymns of gladness. This was too much for the worldling. He went up to the Captain, and said,
"You must put back—I cannot stand this—it is hell to me.”
He was amidst those who had other delights than his own altogether, and he earnestly longed to be away from them.
Can you sing the song of the redeemed, which will sound eternally? Have you begun to say to the Lord Jesus, "Thou are worthy, for Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood"? Rev. 5:99And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; (Revelation 5:9).
If you are unconverted, there will be none of the things you find your pleasure in, in heaven. You seek your happiness at a distance from God. Heaven finds its happiness in nearness to Him.
"Defiling sin and thought of wrong,
Come not there;
And evil word and sight and song,
Come not there;
All there are holy, all renewed,
All have been cleansed in Jesus' blood,
But guilty sinners—(if they would),
Come not there.
You must be born again. You must be converted. You must be cleansed from your sins, or you cannot enter the portals of glory, and you would not be happy there if you could gain admission.
None will be happy in hell.