As directed I followed down the street to the last house on the edge of the stream, I then knocked at the door. A girl in her teens opened and said gently, "Come in." Turning my eyes, I saw Mrs. S. pale and emaciated with protracted suffering.
After a few words of introduction and inquiry, I said.
"Do you know Jesus, Mrs. S.?”
Without hesitation, between moans and groans, she said, "Yes, and He knows me.”
Her sufferings were such that I could say no more. I was silent, like the friends of Job.
After her position being changed, and feeling a little more comfortable, she said, "Come near that I may see you," and extended her thin hand to me. I then read seven verses of Rev. 21, dwelling on the 4th verse.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.”
She said, "Pray." After prayer she said, "Sing." The woman that waited on her joined me in singing:
"O! happy day
That fixed my choice,
On Thee, my Savior and my God;
Well may this glowing heart rejoice,
And tell its raptures all abroad.
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away.
He taught me how to watch and pray,
And live rejoicing every day;
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away.”
The Lord will never say to that one,
"I never knew you.”
Reader, do you know that nothing short of personal acquaintance with Jesus will stay your soul and heart in peace, when face to face with eternity.
How does a sinner get acquainted with Jesus? It may begin by hearing of Him, as the men of Sychar (John 4). Come and hear Him, come and trust Him. We know those friends best whom we have trusted and found faithful.
Reader, do you know the Lord Jesus enough to be sure He never will say to you: "Depart from me, I never knew you?”
When man stands on the shore of eternity, three things are appealing to him; God, Sin, Eternity. Take sin away by the blood of the Lamb, and put instead of sin, Jesus, "Who loved me and gave Himself for me," and all is bright; Look to Jesus on the cross; see the blood from His hands, His feet, His side.
"It is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.”
Look till sight endears the Lamb of God to your heart for eternity.