I've No One Left to Pray for Me Now

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
For many years an old Christian had been praying for his children.
At last the shock of corn was fully ripe and the long standing sheaf was safely gathered home, leaving his, as yet, unconverted children to bemoan the loss of their parent.
Almost the first thought of one of his married daughters on hearing of his death was, "I've no one left to pray for me now.”
Her father had spent the last days of his life in her home, she had been his constant nurse and doubtless oftentimes had he spoken to her, begging her to accept Christ as her Savior, and more often it would seem spoken of her to his Lord.
The thought of this lack of someone to pray for her now roused this woman to a sense of her need, and day by day her anxiety increased, and no rest could she obtain. The thoughts of her sins filled her mind and occupied her constantly.
Eventually her anguish of soul increasing, she could no longer keep to herself her sense of need, and went to a woman who professed to be a Christian, and told out to her her tale of need and asked her counsel and direction. She obtained no help from her word, but as she left, almost in despair, she was given three or four numbers of a simple gospel magazine.
These she read carefully again and again, but still there was no light, no peace, no rest. At last she went to her room in an agony of soul, and caught up one of the magazines, and at the bottom of one of its pages she read, "It is not our feelings that save us, but faith.”
Throwing herself at her bedside she called upon the Lord, owning what a sinner she was, and saying, "Lord, I do believe.”
At that moment God in His grace turned her eyes away from herself, to Himself, and a voice seemed to say to her as from heaven, "It is not feelings, but faith in Christ which gives peace.”
Rising from her knees, a flood of light filled her soul, and then quiet rest and peace were hers, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, she was saved.
You need Him—Come to Him now.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:11Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (Romans 5:1).