Incidents of the War and the Peace.

British Ship Torpedoed By German Submarine
The picture on the cover was taken by a German officer on board the submarine that torpedoed the British ship, whose crew are seen escaping from the sinking ship in a boat. We know that sometimes these hapless crews were kept prisoners on the submarine; at other times their boat was sunk by a torpedo. Some of the most terrible horrors of this fearful war happened on the sea.
So it is on the sea of humanity today. The devil has his submarines that work underneath the surface of things. How many a human barque, well freighted, and unconscious of danger, is torpedoed and wrecked by the devil! Happy these who leave their sinking ships for the lifeboat, Christ. Many will not avail themselves of this way of escape, and so perish in their sins. The devil shows no mercy to those whose lives he wrecks; “but the mercy of God is from, everlasting, to everlasting to those that fear Him.” We are told to “escape from the wrath to come.” We should not be told to escape were there not a way of escape. Let us see to it that as we pass across life’s sea we are safeguarded by the presence and power of the One who can and will save to the uttermost all who trust in Him. Read the following solemn incident showing the power of Satan over a life.