Our work is a great joy to us. All our readers have unsaved friends and relatives. We shall be glad to send booklets about salvation to any unsaved if desired. We shall be glad to pray for the unsaved, or to write to any anxious ones. A friend writes to me: ―
Will you pray that. God will definitely bless a copy, of “A Message from God” for this month to a Roman Catholic who seems interested, and that the verses on the death of an Irish boy may be used in blessing to his soul?
The great cry of the world’s sin, and the cry of the world’s need is rising continuously to God in heaven. Millions of God’s people have heard the cry and are seeking to point the sinner to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. God, in long-suffering mercy, is “unwilling that any should perish.” God is waiting to be gracious. If you will read carefully the last page of this paper you will see how our work is carried on. For your help this year to our work we pray that God may bless you abundantly. We have been enabled by means of our parcels sent to every continent, to try and carry out the Saviour’s injunction, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,”
If the Lord tarry, we want to do a great deal more in 1922. Pray for us that health and strength may be given us, and a deeper sense of the need of immortal souls.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wrefordi
The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.