During the last week we have sent off 52 parcels, and more than 300 Testaments singly also. The need is as great now as it was during the war, and we are indeed cast upon God in these needy days for the sympathetic help of His people to enable us to meet every demand. We have never had to refuse a worker yet since 1914, when we began this work for God.
I have only room for a few letters this month, but they will speak to many hearts, I am sure.
From Dublin.
Dear Friend,―I shall thank you very much for another parcel. I have only one Testament left, and it is promised to a Roman Catholic lad. With this letter I am sending one to Mr. De Valera. I hope it may be blessed to him. Again and again the thought came to me to send him one. The largest part of the others have been taken by Roman Catholics. An ex-sailor, a Christian, met that Roman Catholic I told you about. He was reading the little Testament I gave him. He tried to get him to the meetings, and said he has a good memory and is getting on well. — Yours sincerely, L. L.
From London.
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―Every time I receive the little booklet, “A Message from God,” I want to send you some money to help to send His Word to needy ones, but I cannot do that. However, now I am enclosing a little and pray that your work may be blessed abundantly.
With kindest regards, yours sincerely, A. P.
From Surrey.
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―Enclosed 30/- for eighty years of mercies received by a poor failing one for your work for God, if you can spare me another parcel, which I hope to make good use of, if spared a little longer for His glory. With Christian love and best wishes, yours in Christ, A. A. G.
From a Boy in Kent.
Dear Dr. Heyman Wreford, ―You have done a lot for Miss P―and me in the last few terms or so. You have sent us a lovely lot of “Travelers’ Guides” and New Testaments, and also a lovely lot of the “Message from God,” and we all thank you very much for them. Well, I most of all want to tell you that I gave myself to Jesus on Sunday night, and I am so happy about it, and to know He has washed my sins away and my heart is free, and I belong to Him. Miss P—teaches me about Him every Sunday, and she says you show such a lot of people how to give themselves to Jesus. I am eleven. Well, dear Sir, I must dose now. Yours faithfully, S. C.
P.S.―I would be very grateful to you if you send me some “Massages from God” to give to the boys.
J. S. writes: ―
I am enclosing £1 for the great need in unhappy Ireland. May God bless your labor of love in the Gospel, and bring many to our Lord and Saviour... I have a son in in Ireland twenty miles from Dublin. As a mother I am a bit anxious at times.
From Cornwall.
Dear Sir, ―I again have the privilege of enclosing Treasury note for £1. I think for the poor Russian Fund, for the Holy Word in their own language, and may God bless all that are sent for His glory, that multitudes shall be found coming to the Cross: also China and all the dark countries, and open the spiritual eyes of our own nation, and be pleased to spare yourself to carry on the great works so much needed everywhere. God bless you and give you His abundant peace. — I remain, yours faithfully, J. M.