Two little saplings grew side by side. Through the action of the wind they crossed each other. By and bye the bark of each became wounded and the sap began to mingle, until on some still day they became united. This process went on more and more until they were firmly impacted. Then the stronger sapling began to absorb the life of the weaker. It grew larger and larger, while the other became smaller and smaller, withering and declining till it finally dropped away and disappeared. And now there are two trunks at the bottom, but only one at the top. Death has taken away one; life has triumphed in the other.
Child of God, there was a time when you and Jesus Christ met. The wounds of your penitent heart were knit up with the wounds of His broken heart, and you were united to Christ. Where are you now? Are the two lives running parallel? or has the work been accomplished in you: “He must increase, but I must decrease”? Has the old life been growing less and less and less? Blessed are you if such is the case. Then can you say, “I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” “For me, to live is CHRIST.”
Dr. A. J. G―.