Heb. 10:19, 13:15.
THROUGH thy precious body broken―
Inside the Veil.
Oh! what words to sinners spoken―
Inside the Veil.
Precious, as the blood that bought us;
Perfect, as the love that sought us;
Holy, as the Lamb that brought us
Inside the Veil.
When we see Thy love unshaken,
Outside the Camp.
Scorn’d by man, by God forsaken,
Outside the Camp.
Thy lov’d Cross alone can charm us;
Shame doth now no more alarm us;
Glad we follow, naught can harm us,
Outside the Camp.
Lamb of God! through thee we enter
Inside the Veil.
Cleansed by Thee, we boldly venture
Inside the Veil.
Not a stain; a holy nation;
Ours is such a full salvation;
Low we how in adoration,
Inside the Veil.
Unto thee, the homeless stranger,
Outside the Camp,
Forth we hasten, fear no danger,
Outside the Camp.
Thy reproach, far richer treasure
Than all Egypt’s boasted pleasure;
Drawn by love that knows no measure,
Outside the Camp.
Soon Thy Saints shall all be gather’d,
Inside the Veil.
All AT HOME―no more be scatter’d―
Inside the Veil.
Naught from Theo our hearts shall sever;
We shall see Thee, grieve Thee never;
“Praise the Lamb!” shall sound forever,
Inside the Veil.
E. S.