The Lamb Taking the Book.

Revelation 5:7
IS it by His blood the Lamb here prevails to take the book, or the title to the inheritance. The “Lion of the tribe of Judah” is seen in the person of “the Lamb that was slain.” His blood was His title. His blood made Him the purchaser of the inheritance; He is now its redeemer, as the prevailing Lion of Judah. And, consequently, as the Lamb, He is the spring and fountain of all the resulting glories of the kingdom. Extensive virtues of the blood of Jesus! It has been the object of faith―the ground of worship―the title of security―the bond of covenants―from the beginning. By it Abel was an accepted worshipper, and even Adam himself a believing reconciled sinner. By it Abraham had the covenant of promise made with Him. By it the people of the Lord dwelt safe while the sword of judgment gassed over. By it the veil of the temple was rent―all distance between God and sinners removed. By it the trumpet of the jubilee might give forth its gladdening notes; for on the day of atonement they were to sound it. By it the saints redeemed from earth, and seated in heaven, look to return as kings over the earth, in the train and honor of that slain Lamb, whose blood, but whose blood only has all this prevalence in it.
Thus, there is no blessing or dignity, nothing of either grace or glory, which this blood cannot command for us poor sinners; but there is no other price for anything, no other ground or title for blessing but itself. It does everything, and it does it alone. Adam lost both himself and his estate; he became a sinner in his own person, and also an exile from Eden. But the blood of Jesus, God’s Lamb that was slain, restores all.
In Israel, there was the ordinance of redeeming the inheritance, as well as the heir or person. (Leviticus 25) If either an Israelite or his possession had been sold, it was both his kinsman’s duty and right to ransom him and it. Now Jesus has approved himself our kinsman in both ways. The Son of God became the Son of Man, and thus showed His kinsman-nature. He died to purchase us and our inheritance by blood, and thus showed His kinsman-love ...  ... The kinsman in Israel had a title to redeem the inheritance; but then he had to do it on condition of discharging the debt that was on it. Jesus has paid a full and more than adequate value, as is here owned; for the book or title to the redeemed possession passes into His hand. But the usurper of the inheritance is still to be removed; the enemies to be made the kinsman’s footstool; and whether the action be that of God, or that of the Lamb himself, the character of the action is equally clear and certain. The action is the redemption of the inheritance flowing from the Lamb’s acknowledged title. The book taken by the Lamb is His title-deed. He has already been the Purchaser of the inheritance, ―He is now to be the Redeemer. ― An Extract.