The Sinner and the Finished Work.

“MORE and more the blessed Spirit, by the truth, shewed him his sin, his danger, his utter helplessness. Then it was that he said to one deeply interested in him, ‘It has come to this, that if the Lord Himself do not save me, I must perish.’ Ah! put one work before that poor burdened soul, you might as well ask him to fly to heaven. Perhaps, during those solemn days, some may have told him more about faith than about Christ; as if it were first faith and then Christ that we have to do with. Remember, O sinner, that your first business is not with faith, but with Christ. Perhaps he might be trying to do that thing called believing; as if he were first to believe, and then go to Christ instead of at once, in his worthlessness, coming to the Saviour. He was brought low, and soon that word was fulfilled in his experience― ‘I was brought low, He helped me.’ Many a time and oft, I doubt not, he had cried from the depths, ‘Lord, save me; I perish.’ But the hour of his deliverance was at hand. He beheld the Lamb of God; he saw the finished work in all its sufficiency; he looked to Jesus, and was saved; he looked to Him, and was lightened. The true light shone; he was ‘light in the Lord;’ and from that day ‘in God’s light he saw light.’” ―An Extract.
IT is our happiness that Christ is ours. It is our security that we are Christ’s. The causeless hatred of man, and the causeless love of God, met on the Cross―love triumphed.
The law found in Christ the obedience it required. The broken law found in Christ the judgment it required.