Articles on

Joshua 15

Jos. 15:41 KJV (With Strong’s)

And Gederoth
Gderowth (Hebrew #1450)
walls; Gederoth, a place in Palestine
KJV usage: Gederoth.
Pronounce: ghed-ay-rohth'
Origin: plural of 1448
, Beth-dagon
Beyth-Dagown (Hebrew #1016)
house of Dagon; Beth-Dagon, the name of two places in Palestine
KJV usage: Beth-dagon.
Pronounce: bayth-daw-gohn'
Origin: from 1004 and 1712
, and Naamah
Na`amah (Hebrew #5279)
pleasantness; Naamah, the name of an antediluvian woman, of an Ammonitess, and of a place in Palestine
KJV usage: Naamah.
Pronounce: nah-am-aw'
Origin: feminine of 5277
, and Makkedah
Maqqedah (Hebrew #4719)
fold; Makkedah, a place in Palestine
KJV usage: Makkedah.
Pronounce: mak-kay-daw'
Origin: from the same as 5348 in the denominative sense of herding (compare 5349)
; sixteen
`asar (Hebrew #6240)
ten (only in combination), i.e. -teen; also (ordinal) -teenth
KJV usage: (eigh-, fif-, four-, nine-, seven-, six-, thir-)teen(-th), + eleven(-th), + sixscore thousand, + twelve(-th).
Pronounce: aw-sawr'
Origin: for 6235
shesh (Hebrew #8337)
a primitive number; six (as an overplus (see 7797) beyond five or the fingers of the hand); as ord. sixth
KJV usage: six((-teen, -teenth)), sixth.
Pronounce: shaysh
Origin: masculine shishshah {shish-shaw'}
`iyr (Hebrew #5892)
or ayar (Judges 10:4) {aw-yar'}; from 5782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post)
KJV usage: Ai (from margin), city, court (from margin), town.
Pronounce: eer
Origin: or (in the plural) par {awr}
with their villages
chatser (Hebrew #2691)
from 2690 in its original sense; a yard (as inclosed by a fence); also a hamlet (as similarly surrounded with walls)
KJV usage: court, tower, village.
Pronounce: khaw-tsare'
Origin: (masculine and feminine)

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J. N. Darby Translation

and Gederoth, Beth-Dagon, and Naamah, and Makkedah: sixteen cities and their hamlets.