Joy Cometh in the Morning

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
There's not a moment in this world below,
As on through life the teeming millions go
But that some soul, while traveling down the years,
Is called aside, and somehow moved to tears.
Perhaps a loved one has been called away,
Or pain, or sickness grip some soul today,
Or feelings hurt, or cares, or monster fears,
Today has caused some to shed bitter tears.
But as the world moves on, there's One who knows
The meaning and the cause of all life's woes,
Who from above looks down in every heart,
And knows just why the tear-drops needs must start.
Nor is it with a cold and heartless scan,
He fathoms to the heart of every man—
Ah! no, the One who watches from above,
With tender eye and kind—His Name is Love.
"He doth not willingly afflict" one soul,
If by some easier means they'd reach the goal;
He knows the end, and in His wise design,
He purposes the silver to refine.
His heart's desire is that we better know
That heart of love which brought Him down below,
And led Him as a lamb to Calv'ry's cross,
To suffer, and redeem our souls from loss.
While treading here two-thousand years ago,
His heart was touched at others' tears and woe,
And "Jesus wept" for others' grief, they say—
Think you that Heart of Love is changed today?
Ah! no, unaltered is that love so free,
Which flows forever unto you and me;
Unchanging is that rich, exhaustless grace,
Which led Him once to take the sinner's place.
He sorrows still at others' tears that fall—
He knows their grief, the purpose of it all;
And with compassion, He would seek just now
To share the sorrow that He must allow.
O come to Him in sorrow, and you'll find
A sympathy that's infinitely kind;
A love that naught can evermore destroy—
That longs to give you in your sorrow—joy.
"Ye now therefore have sorrow: but—your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you" (John 16:2222And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. (John 16:22)).