Lay Hold on Eternal Life

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Address—Bob Thonney
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Alright, 9111.
Right. Gracious.
Father, what a privilege.
To reflect on that tremendous sacrifice.
Of thy beloved Son of us.
The one who is the creator of the vast universe.
But the one who came?
And asked.
The tremendous cost of my life. It's LED down the lights of us, oh Lord Jesus.
We bow thy feet tonight to praise Thee, to thank Thee, to bless thee for that sacrifice.
But Lord Jesus, help us.
To have the right perspective on life down here.
Plus they are their young brothers and sisters. We do pray Lord, as they are at the beginning of their lives, that they would live their lives so at the end they will not have regrets, but that there will be truth for all eternity. We pray that blessing as we open my word this evening.
The name or what did you say that?
I'd like to start with.
An expression that's really just 5 words.
That's repeated twice.
In First Timothy chapter 6.
Timothy was a young man.
And he had a good start. We don't know very much about his father.
Only that he would agree doesn't tell us if he was a believer even.
But he had a grandmother and a mother and who there was living faith and so there was also Internet intimidating is a beautiful example to be challenged by, but I'd just like to read this expression that is found in.
Verse 5:00 and also.
Verse 19 I'm going to read.
In verse.
11 First of all, before we get to that.
I'll point out what the five words are that I want to focus on. There's 11, but now whole man of God we these things and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience.
Fight the good fight of faith. Here's the five words I want to focus on.
Lay hold on eternal life.
Rental are also called and has professed a good professionally for many ways.
Now, verse 17.
Charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.
That they do good. That they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.
Lane up in store for themselves, a good foundation against the time to come that day.
May here's the expression again. Lay hold on eternal life now. Sometimes they're bad. Didn't somebody have eternal life?
Wasn't he a believer and doesn't ever believe you have a journal line?
Of course that's true.
Then what does he mean by that hold on eternal life?
You know, it comes to me, their young brother and sister and the Lord, that we live in a culture that.
That is very self-centered and.
Unfortunately, that wants to please itself.
And that is not eternal life.
And say the ones to push that onto us so that we.
Will miss out on what is eternal life. I'm just out of this as far as our salvation is concerned, but as to our practical 1.
New translation reads. I think it is in that first time.
That which is really like and once it is presented in the United States of America to have a good time, come on, enjoy like you got money in your pocket, you can get a good job, you can make lots of money, you can have everything you want. That is not what we're talking about.
Those things are often distractions.
You know what was such a challenge to me?
I was 26 when I finally got to go to Bolivia the first time.
With Eric Smith.
Umm, never forget. We were riding on the back of a truck. There were five of us that went down from North America. Eric Smith and Ramon Alarcon from Mexico, Fleming Cannon and Doug Buchanan and myself.
And, uh, the cabinet track where it's.
Only room for two passengers besides the driver and so Eric Smith and Ramon have a colder up there. So let me get it. And Doug and I were in the back.
Standing all day, jostling in the back with a whole bunch of other brother two that were going to a conference.
And towards the end of the day, we're going down this riverbed because the roads of times are through riverbeds and, uh, toward the end of the day, here we come to this.
The river bread and they knew we were coming and so they were waiting for us so they said. I stood in a semi circle there to welcome their experience and he was their spiritual father and.
The driver just let the truck roll to the stop and they were singing. So yeah, I looked through the little window up into the cab to see here.
Through God's eternal day. I don't want to go in that other direction.
It was such a.
Given to 100 and almost 102 years old.
Actually almost 103.
Was two days short of 103 years old when he passed away.
I'm gonna choose room. You can no longer talk and sit in this wheelchair. I greeted him in the catch what Indian language that he had learned to give the gospel.
The only response I got is the nod in the head. Understood what I said.
But it was not too long after that.
It was a New Testament. It's quoted six times in the four Gospels. I want to read it to you briefly.
That has been a tremendous challenge to me. I've got them jotted down here, so I'll just run through them in brief form. Matthew's Gospel, chapter 10.
First of all.
And verse 39.
He doesn't find it. His life shall lose it.
And he that loses his life, for my sake shall find him.
Did you get that?
Go over to Matthew 16 now.
And verse.
These verses are quite similar to this little variation center.
For whosoever after 1625 will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find him.
That interest.
Mark chapter 8.
R 835.
You'll notice that they're very similar. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it.
That whosoever shall lose his life for my sake in the Gospels, the same shall save him.
Luke Chapter 9.
And verse.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, But whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
Chapter 17. Luke. Chapter 17.
And verse 33.
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it. Whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve.
Little details that are thicker.
Now John. Chapter 12.
And verse 25.
I'm gonna wait for a verse 24 down to verse 46.
Verily, verily, I say it to you. This is the Lord Jesus speaking. Accept the corn of wheat. Fall into the ground.
And die.
You divide us alone.
But if it die, did bring it forth much fruit?
That love of his life shall lose it.
And he that he does, his life in this world shall keep him.
Isn't that interesting?
Eight July. What? No world.
Fixture line, that's the word.
The Lord uses a little.
Like a parable here of a four and a week. 3 a week.
We're going to keep that green a week on that table nice and dry. Nothing can affect it.
Don't let any microorganisms attack it. They're going to keep it really well. How much fruit is there going to be for macaroni?
You know.
We're going to do something different. We're going to take that green away, put it in the ground.
For the moisture, it's going to soften it. For the migraine, organisms are going to attack it and it's going to die.
In Iraq.
But in that day it is placed to watch fruit.
What do you want in your life, dear young people?
Your life to count with much fruit.
Or you want to see really well preserved down here. Keep yourself just right.
There will be.
No for.
By if there was.
Effort. I'm sure some of you may have read about it in Ecuador, there were some savage.
Indians in the jungles of Ecuador, and there were five missionaries that went from the United States to try to reach those.
They were on a river.
One of the missionaries that went was a pilot and he had found a, uh, bar of sand on one of the rivers that he could land on and take off from. And so they went in and they were waiting to make friendly contact with the Indians.
Well, they came out once or twice.
And seemed to be fairly friendly.
But then they were waiting another day, and the Indians came in.
And steered them all to death.
I remember as a young person hearing about it.
There was nothing that shook the Christian world quite so much as that event.
But I must say, the death of those five missionaries is a tremendous blessing. And then?
The most unthinkable thing? The widow of one whose name is Jim Elliott.
And the sister of the pilot went in to those same missionaries.
And they were able to communicate the gospel. And today many of them are real behaviors.
Was it in vain that those men died? No.
There was much fruit that resulted. I can still remember the challenge that that was to me.
And my desire to young people in speaking to you tonight is to challenge you to use your life in whatever way the Lord may direct you. But I want to put it before you, get before the Lord as to what He would have to do in this life that will result in truth for all eternity. So that when that day comes.
When we cross the line and stand before the Lord at that judgment seat of Christ, there will be fruits.
So we'll ask for all eternity. Let me desire for you. It's my desire to. I know that there's been a lot in my life that has not been self sacrificial.
That's my desire. You're young people and I play it before the Lord again this evening.
Timothy was one who evidently did not think of his own interests. Look at Olympians chapter 2.
Want to speak about Timothy a little bit because I think it's an encouragement to see his testimony.
Lithium Chapter 2.
What Paul says about Timothy.
Verse 19. Philippians 219.
I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy a sharp unto you, that I also may be of good comfort when I know your state, for I have no man like minded who will naturally care for your state.
For all their own, not the famous, which are Jesus Christ.
But ye.
Know the proof of Him, that as the Son of the Father, He hath served with me in the Gospel. Him therefore I hope to send presently, as soon as I shall see how it will go with me. So there is a man. He was a young man. He did not see his own, the things that were Christ Jesus.
Now I'd like to go over to Second Timothy chapter.
Sure, 1-2 See what the apostle Paul says to Timothy. Remember this last This is the last book that Timothy wrote. In the 4th chapter he says that.
He was ready for the offer. The time of his departure was at hand.
And he encourages Timothy.
Verse six he says, Wherefore I put thee in remembrance, that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on my hands. I want to say to you, young brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus is that God has given you.
A specific gift.
I don't know what the gift he may have given you is.
But it's very clear in Scripture, when you look at it, that every single member of the body of Christ has received a gift to be used for the blessing of all the rest.
And I want to encourage you to the exercise and use of it, you young sisters, just because you can't speak out in the public meetings.
Doesn't mean you don't have a gear.
You do, and I thank God for the gifts that I see. And dear sisters, you know there's a gift and I think it's in First Corinthians, as mentioned, of service.
There's a particular place in South America when I go, there's a particular system there.
It's always serving time.
Yes, and enchanted with the way that sister has the gift of service. Beautiful. Don't think about yourself, think about others. There's so many that have tremendous needs. Use your guests, your young brothers too. You know, sometimes young brothers say, what gift do I have? How can I know what gift I have? I don't really know what the answer to that is.
Remember saying that to Chuck Hendricks years ago when I was a bit younger.
And he gave me this answer.
The Lord Jesus.
Remember, his mother said to him at the wedding feast in King of Galilee.
Says they don't have any wine. And Jesus said, woman, what have I to do with thee? My hour has not yet come.
And you remember what Mary, his mother, said to the servants?
Whatever he says to you, do it.
The Lord Jesus then told the servant, spill those water pots up to the brick with water.
And Lord, yes, the miracle, his first miracle. I think that's so good.
You don't have to know exactly what your gift is, what the Lord tells you to do. Do it.
Whatever issue you can do it. I found that when you do what little you may be able to do, the Lord will bless it.
He sees in you that desire to be useful to Him, and so He's encouraged as to the gift He had. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind. Now notice what he says in verse 8. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me.
His prisoner. But be thou articularly The afflictions of the Gospel, according to the power of God, will save this, and call this with a holy calling.
Deflections of the Gospel.
No, people.
It's not easy to go out with the gospel in many parts of this world. You know yourselves that much of this world is under the domination of Muslim religion, and they're extremely violent against Christians.
But the Lord is blessing in the marked way Iran, which is one of the most bitter enemies United States.
The Lord is calling people to Himself.
In ways that you would never expect.
I just read the other day some facts.
Umm, especially the Asian continent. That really challenged me and I don't know what it may mean to you, but let me read some of these facts. It touched my heart.
And I would love to be used to the Lord as an instrument that indicates that to me.
30,000 people a day start to get from lack of food.
That we need anything to you.
There are about 13 million orphans in the world.
Half of the world's population live on less than $2.00 a day.
70% of Asians have never heard of Christ. That tragic.
Even if the Bible is translated, 4.7 billion is the population of planet Earth is about between 7 and 8 billion people. Now 4.7 billion either cannot read or do not read.
I need to hear fireworks and that.
There's a lot more here, but I just wanted to read those.
North Korea.
85% of the children children in North Korea founders.
The tragic situations that this world lives in.
You and I.
Live relatively.
Prosperous lives. I really do believe what it says here in second First Timothy 6 the the rich of this world. I think we are the rich of this world.
Let us lay hold on eternal life.
But I want to go on with Timothy because here in second Timothy one.
Notice Paul says in verse 12. Remember he said in verse.
Eight he says, Timothy, be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, or of me His permission. Now in verse 12 he says, for the witch, 'cause I suffer these things.
Nevertheless, I am not ashamed.
Nevertheless, uh, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that.
Paul says I have suffered.
I'm not ashamed that to me speaks so powerful. Timothy, don't be ashamed.
All says I'm not ashamed. And then there was one more of this chapter in verse 16. Lord give mercy into the House of a missile forest, for he off refresh me and was not ashamed of my shame.
Oh, what a wonderful privilege it is to suffer for the Lord. You know, one of the test, the testimonies of our brother over in China is so beautiful to hear.
They are often imprisoned for the Lord's sake. You know what they say. That was one blessed experience I had when I was in prison.
Know what they do? They start preaching the gospel to their fellow believers, and often many of them are saved as well. It is tremendous the testimony of the way God uses them.
And they say to us in the West to have so much liberty.
Don't pray that the persecution ceases, pray that we might have the right perspective on it all because God is blessing us in a tremendous way. You know, in China there are approximately 1.4 billion Chinese.
They say there could be as many as 100 million Christians now in China. Isn't that interesting how God has blessed the gospel in China?
I just mentioned these things that you and I will be exercised about our brethren and other parts of the world. We profess together on the truth that there is one body, and those dear brethren over there are as much one body in Christ with us as we are.
The part of the body of Christ and so we have to pray for them. We should be interested in them. We should do everything that is possible to be a help and a blessing to them. Now I want to go in the verses for the time that's still remaining to chapter 2 because the chapter 2 we have.
Seven figures of a believer to teach us.
Specific lessons for our lives.
So he begins chapter 2 with this word. Thou therefore, my Son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. It's not an outward.
Compulsion. It is what is inward. The love of Christ constraineth us. Nobody's standing over my head and saying you've got to live your life for the Lord.
No, when I stand at that cross and see the Lord Jesus, God's eternal Son, suffering in that awful death of the cross, I say I don't have any longer any desire to live for myself. I want to live for him who died for me and rose again. That's my desire. So it's an inward compulsion and I don't come here.
To outwardly force you into a life of sacrifice for the Lord.
You don't when you stand at that cross, you don't realize that that you and I have. I'm not going to say another word to you. But when I stand there and see him suffering not only at the hands of man, but suffering in those three hours of darkness at the hands of God, because if God had not been satisfied with the sacrifice of Christ, there would be no mercy for me.
And so in those three hours, God lays our sins on him.
And he picks up his rod of judgment, and punishes him to the full extent of divine judgment.
And there's no complaint from that center cross through those three hours of darkness. Don't worry.
What? He says. My God, my God, why don't forsake me?
Young people, I'm chapped with that man who died in my cross. It's something that he's done in my heart. I can't spend my life pleasing myself. That's not life.
Life, real life is sacrificial, even Christ, please, not himself. So we have a #7 brief I'm going to speak in a brief way of these seven different figures of a believer in verse two we have.
Faithful men.
Who is a faithful man? Paul says the things which thou has turned to be among many witnesses. The same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also.
There's four generations there, Paul, Timothy, faithful men and others also.
But what's the faithful man? He doesn't say. Timothy, I want you to look for some real good preachers. Some real eloquent then.
Hey, well man, what's a faithful man? It's a man that does what he's told to do. That's a faithful, and that's the one God is going to use.
Second one is verse three and four. Thou therefore endure hardness.
Suffer, suffer hardship. I mean, this is in the new translation. As a good soldier of Jesus Christ, no man that wore it entangled himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who have chosen himself to be a soldier, chosen him to be a soldier. He doesn't please himself.
The only thing he's thinking about is to please his commander to obey How important that is.
Run young people to obey.
Doesn't matter if you lose your life. That doesn't matter. What matters is obedience.
Verse five is an athlete.
A man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned except he strive.
Lawfully. In other words, if you're gonna run a race, you gotta do it according to the rules. You don't respect the rules, even though you might get to the goal. First of all, you're not gonna win the prize.
So how important it is to be acquainted with the word of God, to run according to their principles of the precious Word of God.
That's the third one. Now the 4th one, verse six. Husband was a farmer that had that labor. Must be first partaker of the fruits. Mr. Darby's translation gives a little clearer.
You must first labor to be part of your fruits. In other words, you're not going to see fruit immediately. Don't get discouraged if you don't see fruit immediately.
Later on.
When people in this part of the country playing ****.
Takes I don't know any corn farmers here.
How long does it take?
100 days, so you shouldn't get discouraged if they don't get you through after 10 days.
No, that's right. Later on there will be fruit in the end. These are lessons. So he says in verse seven, consider what I say in the Lord, give the understanding in all things. In other words, there's a spiritual lesson to be learned in these figures of a believer. How important.
And then notice per SE verse to this chapter.
Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel. I often went used to wonder, why does that come there?
And it's come to me.
That's Paul teaching Timothy.
That the results are not going to be seen in this life. The results would be seen in the other side.
And so the Lord Jesus, the end of his life, how many disciples did he have? 12 disciples? Is that all? Just 12 disciples? Come on. One of them was a traitor, another one denied him three times, and the rest they all take off.
It looked like his wife was complete failure.
Remember Timothy, Jesus Christ of the seed of David, raised from the dead according to my gospel? God's answer isn't it that other side in resurrection? So don't be discouraged if you don't see results down here.
I'll Timothy was Paul was trying to teach him, to encourage him.
Holiday Inn's Facebook of the Lord so that they have a lot of people following him. No, all those that they said forsaken him.
Only one person at the end of chapter one looks him up in prison. You think he felt a little bit discouraged on that score?
Uh, there was reason for him to feel that way. I don't think he felt that way, but he was waiting at any day for them to call him out of his cell.
To lay his head down on a chopping block and have it chopped off. Other moments?
I understand that's what happened according to tradition.
Was it worth it?
I am not ashamed, Paul says. I think that's so beautiful. Remember Timothy, Jesus Christ is the seed of David raised from the dead, according to my gospel. God's answers and resurrection, though it's going to be a wonderful day when we stand there and see God's answer.
So faithfulness to Him in this life.
Now we go down to church, verse 15.
The 5th figure of the believer study to show myself approved unto God, and work them that need us not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Doesn't say exactly study the word, but study to show yourself approved unto God.
Not approved into the brethren. Approved unto God. Live before God, dear young brother and sister.
And so it's so important to rightly divide the word of truth. Today's Christian circles, there is a movement, covenant theology, that says that the church and Israel are basically the same thing.
Rather, South America said to me the other day, he says.
Moses neighborhood were in the church too.
Come on, the Lord Jesus said Matthew chapter 16. I will build my church. He hasn't started building it yet. It's a completely separate entity, but people don't distinguish. They don't know how to rightly divide the word of truth. Israel was an earthly people. The church is a heavenly people. It's so important to keep those things straight.
Otherwise you will not be able to rightly divide the word of truth. How important that is to be able to do that.
Now the next one is inverse. We're going to read from verse 19. It's in actually in verse.
20 If you're in a vessel. In other words, each of us are a vessel. A vessel is something that contains something.
Container could use.
That, uh, were that, yes.
Verse 19 it says nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord N them that are his, and let everyone that name is the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but I will also have wood and of earth, and some to honor and some to dishonor.
If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel.
Unto honor sanctified and need for the Master's use and prepared unto every good work. So each of us is a vessel.
What do you contain?
You to change price in your vessel. Oh, it's a wonderful thing when a person really knows and enjoys the work. You know it shows on people's to remember in the department store. I was one time and I happened to be one section of it and I looked over and about 50 yards away it was a family.
But I just looked at that and there said, OK, they look the way they're talking, the way they're acting, jordanship, they've got to be Christians. So I made-up my mind to go over and say, hey.
Are you people Christians? Yeah, we're just missionaries that came back from overseas. We're looking for some new clothes.
It was so evident, the very way they acted. It showed, oh young people, it's not only what you say, it's what how you act that shows.
If you have a treasure in your vessel, here it is though, in connection with the Great House.
Chapter three of First Timothy speaks of the House of God, which is what we all are as the church.
But here it doesn't say the House of God. It says in a great house because it includes so much that is not real.
It's all those who name the name of Christ, the name of the Lord.
If they name that name, there is a responsibility to depart from an equity.
Keep your vessel pure for him, your young people. There's things that contaminate this vessel physically.
Keep your vessel for the Lord.
And there's things that contaminate on the soul, what you like, what you don't like. If that consumes you, it's going to show.
And then there is that which can contaminate on the spirit level, but the as it says in First Thessalonians 5 at the Lord's coming and that we would be sanctified Holy Spirit soul and body with His voice. Now the last one is in verse 24.
And the servant of the Lord must not strive.
But the gentle unto all men have to teach, patient in meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.
So the 7th figure of a believer is the servant of the Lord. Oh dear young people, what a privilege to serve them. And it may not be anything dramatic, I just want to encourage you. Whatever little thing the Lord has laid on your heart, do it faithfully unto him.
Says in with chapter 16, he that is faithful of that which is least is faithful so much. And I'm amazed some of our Latin brethren how the Lord has raised them up, brethren that I never expected to see take up the word in such an effective way today on our Zoom meetings in South America. Thank God for it.
So I want to encourage you, whatever little thing it is, is put on your heart, Do it.
Diligently unto him.
You two are a servant of the Lord. I cringe. And I see people mark certain ones. They are the certain Lord's servants. They're the ones that go around visiting. Yeah, I hope I do serve the Lord. That's not the only serve of the Lord. Every single believer, brothers and sisters, are servants of the Lord.
You know who was a real servant of the Lord in the New Testament was.
Mars, you know she got over occupied with their service one time and the Lord had to tell her not to be used to occupy with that. But the next time we see Martha in chapter 12, she's serving again. I got 4 Martha and her service. Lord help us to be encouraged to use.
Whatever he gives to us so that when the day comes when we stand at the judgment seat of Christ there we're going through.
Credit balance for all eternity.
That's just great. Thanks, Father.
For this group of dear young people.
How we long to see them use the gifts, their talents, their means for that which will last for all eternity. We pray for Thy blessing on them and these days with meetings we're having together.
Make it a blessing to them, we pray, Father, commending ourselves for the rest of the evening giving thanks to the name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.