Session #2

Duration: 54min
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For that reason that it expresses the power of God at its greatest in that happen, and that power will go on to every other blessing that will come.
An abuser to believers and otherwise in the restoration of this creation.
I was giving a POV.
Just give one more on the Spirit then, because.
Somebody questioned the verse and always made it such that the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, and you say, well that's speaking about him. That's God the Father, the grace of Jesus for the day.
But it definitely says at the end of that verse that you still cooking your mortal bodies by your spirit. Well, and so I think that's a very legitimate verse. But just to give another one, first Peter chapter 4.
There's chapter 3 when you know well verse 18.
For Christ also hath 1 suffered for sins, adjust to the unjust, and he might pray us to God. He put the death in the flesh, but quicken by the Spirit. And so that was very definitely as well says the same thing. The Spirit of God involved, as you say, and the reason of the Lord Jesus.
Our next question.
Is doctrinal evil worse than moral evil? And if so, why don't more Christians?
Realize the seriousness of the doctrinal people.
There's different levels of moral evil, different levels of doctrinal evil. Let's go to Second John, chapter one.
And look through verse nine, second John one, verse 9.
Silver transgresses and abides not in the doctrine of Christ, as not God. He that divided from the doctrine of Christ, He has both the Father and the Son.
And so when you have the top final evil that that.
Disparages the person of Christ or the work of Christ.
He has not God.
It's very serious now more illegal. Let's look at verses in First Corinthians 6.
In First Corinthians six started verse 18.
We could read more verses, but let's start at verse 18 please. Formation. Every sin that a man does is without the body, but he that commits fornication sins against his own body.
What know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and you're not your own for your bought with the price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are gods. And so when we when we moral evil, at least as far as fornication, it is sitting against our body. Our body is a temple of the Holy Ghost, and so we're just honoring God.
With our bodies, With the moral evil.
First Corinthians chapter 5 we have.
Mentioned in verse 6.
A little 1111, the whole one.
And here we are dealing with moral evil. Notice the list of.
Things that are mentioned, it's not a complete list, but it says in verse 11 Now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother.
Be a fornicator or Celtics or an idolater, or a railer or a broker or an extortioner. With such an arm, know not to eat.
Leaven is something 11 leaveneth the whole one.
Here it's in connection with doctrinal. When we say doctrinal, it means doctrine for what is high.
So somebody gave the illustration that helped me to understand the difference between those two. Which is worse?
To be a drunkard.
Or to teach other people to be drunkards.
Which is worse?
Well, you know, the second one is going to be contaminated a lot more. So yes, doctrinal evil is more serious, but I don't think you can say that moral evil isn't serious either. They're both serious because.
Ball contaminated and if they're not dealt with, it's gonna wreck you.
Young people I know in today's world, it's moral evil is on every side and there's great temptation to get involved in it.
Please keep your bodies.
Lord help us to be careful, especially about.
The person of Christ and the work of Christ. Those are fundamental.
Basic doctrines. And so it is very important to be clear as to that.
And I the question is, why don't more Christians realize the seriousness of doctrinal evil?
I just don't think that they hired really well taught if they don't realize the seriousness of it. That's my answer.
One other point that's been helping me in seeing the.
How doctrinal evil is worse?
Is that?
Moral evil is sin, and a lot of times even this world will look on and say that's not right. They might not see that before God, but they'll say it's not right. And you get that thought in First Corinthians 5 where he says this sin is not even named among the Gentiles. But with Doctrina Legal, it purports to come from God. It pretends as if this is something that God is saying.
And when you're attributing something that is evil.
Like Bob's example with instructedness with God as God is telling you to do this. That is going to be far more serious. And that I think is is borne out with how the Spirit of God addresses the First Corinthians and how he addresses the Galatians with the with with the Corinthians in First Corinthians, he's able to say and commend them in different things. Again, not saying that moral evil isn't that, but when it comes to Galatians when he's taking up.
There is no commendation for them at all.
In First Corinthians 15, he does get into some doctrine, right? So, and there's a, there's a really important verse there, verse 33.
The error had to do with the doctrine of the resurrection.
And Paul quotes the famous Greek way, I think, that the Corinthians would have been familiar with. There was a line in the play that was something like this bad company leads to bad manners or something like that. And it's translated here, Evil communications, corruption.
Conversations corrupt good manners.
And to go along with Obama saying one of the reasons why people don't think evil doctrine is bad is they think it's just words. It's just, it's just a conversation. How bad could it be? But Paul says, be not deceived. This is something that the world even understands in in a, in a certain measure that once the idea begins to be played around the conversation.
It has tremendous consequences. Now the most dangerous weapons are ideas and.
We see that born out of history only from church history as well as secular history.
This evil doctrine leads to evil.
And so it's so important, you know, these little expressions be not deceived. It's it says that because there's it's easy for us to be deceived by it. I think that goes right to the the question that we're just easily to see that it's just worse doesn't mean anything. It's just an idea just tosses it around.
What it has disastrous practical consequences.
Thank you, I'll find you OK background feel in most cases.
Crimes. All cases.
It introduces one thing that is dishonoring our Lord Jesus Christ. There's work. This person is external, viaggy or whatever it may be, and often in a very subtle way in mentioned.
Background evil, that was.
Starting to keep the law, I was going to say.
The thing to keep along with us where you like it and all.
Why was lace?
Push as something that should require. What does it do? It's questioning the finished work of Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, if I say, well, it's nice to be saved, I need to keep the law too and maintain my salvation. I'm telling Lord Jesus, well, it's nice job you did trust.
What a terrible dishonor. So you'll find, I think, that in many, many cases of doctrine of evil.
It's it's honoring the Lord Jesus Christ and self, sometimes very subtly.
And me beyond darkness. And I didn't answer to perhaps the second part of that question.
That is one of Satan's greatest aim.
Dishonor for Jesus Christ people in a very subtle way that they're wanting to sign in.
One reason why Persians don't realize so it is something that I think is.
Be very, very careful about it.
Perhaps majority reps all background.
His Honor, Jesus Christ himself and.
I would say two. It's.
What you said about being flushed, but it's even worth it. Being flushed and spoken against in the scriptures is holding it.
Obviously if I have some thought, nobody else knows about it.
To say I'm holding it and how is that hurt? Well, that's that's not what we need, but.
Holding it usually comes out in some way like we've been talking about. It's expressing words even if it's in a limited sphere and it starts to do a lot of damage. And one of the examples of this in Scripture you get in Revelation chapter 2 and what the Lord says to the assembly as Pergamus as to what was.
Being held there and it was doctrinally bull and it was moral legal.
And I think it's helpful to see it says in.
Revelation chapter 2 and verse 14. I have few things or I have against the because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine available.
They were just holding it.
It says, but it was known who taught. Balak had passed his stumbling blocks. He put the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed unto idols in the commitment fornication. I don't think know exactly how this doctrine was being held or disseminated there, but they were held responsible because it was known. And then he goes on to say, So has thou also them that hold the doctrine of Nicolaitans?
I'm not sure what that was, thought maybe it had to do with the clergy.
Setting up man in the place of the Lord in the assembly.
But it was something the Lord needed and it only says they they held it here and you get on to the next assembly. It does go further there they're teaching, but just the whole is something that's needed by the Lord.
It's a very serious thing, has been present.
I think it's important that we recognize it with subtle, like Joe said, because it's something that the courses that come from God, I think often as Christians who fall asleep on it, because when it comes to God trying to leave all, it doesn't necessarily.
Seem to be especially when it comes to the personal work price doesn't seem to be something that we relate to as much as to ourselves we tend to be selfish we understand how fornication hurts people but.
Some of these errors with respect to the Lord, and let's be jealous for the Lord and really think about how this affects Him or His work. We tend to fall asleep on it and it's important that we go. These are serious things that the Lord regards that way, and if we have a jealousy from Him, we'll be very careful with what is called.
Make it help us realize.
That's for sleeping.
In a lifetime I could be speaking to.
Those of us who are older.
There's a bunch of that paper of sitting in those chairs.
Jesus, chapter 4.
Season chapter one was mentioned.
Tells me the price is what the foundation of the world and so forth and now.
Scripture and outline of prophecy.
Agents 4/13.
Do they all come in the unity of the day?
Perfect man.
Statute full success.
This verse of people.
We don't want kilograms.
Across to and fro carried about every wind of doctrine.
Legislative men.
Why don't any Christians realize the seriousness of it?
Because the young people in the children.
This is.
Yes, it's more illegal.
Lottery address.
The other things out there.
These graduates, young people trained and members of.
Young people on the street and they are burst into the cocktail. What are you bursting in? Young people sitting down those chairs. What do you know about this course? What do you know about the persons that Christ you hold on every day?
Luke's gospel, those things which are most surely for the among us when we put a challenge to you, this is what Tuesday? I want each one of you to write down four things that you honestly believe in by Friday. Collect them all. See if they're all the same thing.
If they're different, write them all down to see how many we can come up with.
24 chapters in the book of Luke.
I've gone through it myself. At least 21 doctrinal principles found in blue. How many can you find? It's a challenge. Jehovah Witnesses. They go out to my two an older person and a young person.
They're indoctrinating the young person. We're not trying to do doctor that you. We're trying to present you with truth, a person to person of Christ.
This is the word of God. That's that what you call this offer.
Life as soon as you consider these things, why don't more Christians realize?
For a more personal life person, what do I realize about?
The Son of God loved me.
Doctrinal people worse. I believe it is. I believe it is because it's been brought out. It's all about Christ as the good godheads and falls and everything with regards to us. Salvation, redemption, justification.
Art, rapture, everything famous. God is for you.
That it's precious to young people.
So this are just not academic things we're talking about. This is brave, this is living, and the devil is going to ****** from Boston destroying velocity, destroy your family. He wants to destroy your children. He wants to destroy the testimony. That's what he's doing. Just the side that's touching to me.
What happened in there? January 1830s?
Very convoluted truth. Philadelphia. Philadelphia, but it was striking. Mormonism, 7th dead. Venice and all the witness spiritualism. When did they all start? As soon as.
Mr. Nargis Recovery 18 fifty 1960s eighteen 70s that one doesn't want you to know the truth, young people, he wants you to errors. Don't be positive and proud of everyone. The doctor lay hold of Caroline lay hold his brother with.
All of them is real.
Our next question.
If I have been praying for someone for a while and now there is nothing going on, what should I do?
Pray for another while.
So let's look at Proverbs 18.
In verse 22.
Whoso finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favor from the Lord.
In this verse, the man is the one who is searching. He's looking.
The man is going to be the head of the relationship, and so the man has that responsibility. He's responsible to search and find, and he's responsible after the marriage to be the head in that relationship.
And some of them I think the prayer is very important to trust the Lord before a wife. And so a man needs to prayerfully search.
But the woman needs to be prayerfully available to be found.
And I was just thinking about Abraham.
Isaac in Rebecca.
Rebecca was not searching for.
And Isaac, he wasn't really searching himself.
Abraham and Isaac had a service that went out and found the woman who was available. God made her available to the servant. The servant would represent the Spirit of God. So I believe the Spirit of God will bring a man and a woman together in a way that you will know that.
You may take some work, something on your part to to get to know the person and but the Spirit of God will make it known and.
The Spirit of God in the story of Abraham and Isaac and Rebecca.
The Spirit of God, the servant brought the woman to the man.
When Adam was.
God made Adam because it's not good for a man to be alone. It's.
So God made a woman and brought a woman to Adam.
Gives us the principle that.
God will bring you together.
It's probably not the woman's.
Place to search for the man which he can pray that God will.
Bringing the man to her, but the man needs to have that responsibility too, to search.
To be, to be in the presence of the Lord to the Lord, and guide you to the one that He has for you.
I take it to him that this is about a spouse. Is this what the equations and I believe so, OK.
Yeah, I I that I was thinking about about.
Adam. Let's read it in Genesis chapter 2.
Verse 20.
Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air to every decent appeal, but for Adams there was not in health meet for him.
There is definitely a feeling of life.
And what happened?
And I'm going to make mention that verse you put it in Proverbs stem and says he that find that the wife find it a good thing.
It doesn't say he that searches for a wife.
But he that blinded the white, and I think there is a reason for that.
I have to confess for myself, I didn't get married till I was 30 years old.
And I felt a definite lack of my life.
But I have to say that in the measure that I took the initiative myself.
I got myself into situations that were not positive.
Thankfully, the Lord cast.
When I'm at the right one.
Something clicked.
And I was so scared of my own initiative at that time.
That I wasn't going to go ahead until I got some direct.
Confirmation from the Lord.
Don't go by your natural impulses, Wait for the Lord to guide you.
Verse that the Lord used a lot in life in this question in brought Psalm 32 That I want to pass on this to an encouragement to young people who are.
Definitely you feel the desire for companionship that is proper.
But wait for the Lord to bring the right one. Adam was asleep when he was being prepared. He wasn't around looking around for a spouse. He was asleep like you said Jim when Eve was formed.
The Lord God brought, and he who immediately who this wise is healthy.
And I really believe there was only one.
Help meeting for Adams.
Each one of you, dear brother and sister, in the Lord Jesus, there's only one. Help me.
That God has in mind.
Wait for him to show you. Here's the verse in Psalm 32 That was such a help to me.
Psalm 32, verses 8:00 and 9:00.
I will instruct thee. This is the Lord speaking to us. Here's a promise. I will inspect thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with my eyes.
Your translation says with my eye upon.
It's just like.
You look at your mom or your dad and they are looking at you and you know exactly what they're thinking.
By the way, they're looking at you get into the Lord's presence.
He can guide you with understanding. So the next verse says be not as the horse word as the mule which have no understanding.
Whose mouth must be held in with bitten bridal as they come here in the sea.
God wants to guide us with understanding.
So it's going to take time.
Don't be in a rush about such an important position.
I remember when I.
Was interested in barred but I wasn't sure yet. I told her. I said I would like you to know that I'm praying about you.
And I would like you to pray too.
He says OK.
And so we prayed a while and I have to say to young people that in this state space of about two to three weeks, the Lord gave me an answer so clear was just as if.
You said, OK, this is it, Bob.
You know what happened.
I went back to tell Barbie, she says. I'm not so sure.
Well, that's fine, we keep on praying. And the time today when she.
Am I ever thankful I waited for the Lord's answer? Not my own impulse. I just want to encourage you. Wait for the Lord to show you He can. He's given you the promise. I will instruct the deepest in the way that shall go. I will guide you with my eye upon me. Given to the Lord's presence. And I have to say.
Other interests I have of other sisters in the Lord. They were nice sisters.
I didn't have peace in my soul about it.
But when the Lord gave me this answer, it was clear, and this is the way it was, I think, without Him, when He saw He.
There she is.
Just one other verse in Proverbs 4 verse we know well it says keep your heart with all diligence. We're out of this brings the issues of life.
I think, Harvey says keep your heart above all that is guarded or out of it are the issues of life. And it's possible that you see a your girl, you see a boy, a boy, you see a girl and in your mind.
Your mind just flies.
You're, you're dating, you're engaged, you're married, you have kids, you have grandkids. You see that your whole life before you and, and you, you dwell on this, this thought and what is that affecting? It's affecting your heart and you're going before God. And then your prayer life is based upon this, this scenario that you have built in your mind.
And so then we come to James and it says you ask and you ask a miss because there's already been this decision in your mind.
And we need to be careful about that as well. We need to do what mob is saying, actually pray before the Lord, whatever his will, his will be done. Not I have this idea and this is definitely what the Lord.
Sometimes the conference is planned. We have the Lord's mind to go ahead.
Struck and said to be cancelled.
He had the assembly not have the minds of the Lord to go ahead and land for conference. Or did they?
Jumping gun.
Sometimes a man and woman are interested in each other and their relationship progresses.
They feel they have the words mind in it.
They're not pushing their own desires.
Because they didn't have the Lords mind? Or can we learn something from these these?
I don't want to say they learned something from these experiences when we have the Lords mind and it doesn't work out.
A lot of times also the management of hindsight.
We have a clearview of what the Lord was actually doing in your life.
You know sometimes the things that you thought you wanted or pop sidewalk with your *** or maybe Joe would say we will in the DH would have not been the right thing for us and and with the benefit of time, you know instead of 77 pending.
You know our our web of time He was. You know you can look back times on your life and see the things that seem to be your biggest disappointments and how carefully they were crafted by God.
And you can see the beauty of of what he's doing with you individually and what he's doing classically. And I think that in in that process, there's times where there's a lot of sorrow, there's years. And I think what David said that it's the songs are are not my keep my tears in a vial.
There are times where we need to pour our hearts out to the Lord and when we feel the grief of, of, of disciplines and, and when we feel the grief of going through a very difficult world and feeling lonely at times. And, and, and you know, Hannah was a good example of that. She was praying towards the Lord and she poured out her heart to the Lord and see the tremendous blessing that was there for her and the blessing that was experienced by many.
So sometimes we need to instead of running away from those emotions.
Really pour out our hearts to the Lord and let him let him know. And also if Matthew talks about our heavenly Father and and he knows what our eats are, we need to be patient busted. But don't be afraid to don't be afraid to shed those tears and shut them in front of them and shut them with them. He is about.
You know, sometimes.
It happens lot in our lives that the.
Lord, Lord directs us.
And we act in faith. Trustee knew this, the Lords mind we don't know for sure, but in faith we go forwards. And later on tonight, my fault.
What? What the Lord wants by the active forward. You know what you say well, because.
Because it didn't workout, I didn't have the Lord's mind. Because then they can't go on either with.
You know the authorities he chose.
There was 12 disciples, okay, One of them was Judas.
Doesn't mean that.
Max who was wrong?
And he was a disciple, false disciple.
There was a lesson in it and.
There's a left in it for all of us.
I believe in all our lives where we don't know what they may bring forth, but we act in faith, trusting we have the Lord's mind to go forward.
And now we find that, you know, if it was nice.
Are directly different.
So I think I have the number 2, there's no.
Cut and dry patterns. Appreciate it. Obviously the story there wonderful.
But the Lord works in other ways. Different couples. My grandparents never met each other.
Grandmother came to Michigan from the Netherlands. My grandfather met her at the train station Grand Rapids and pretty much went straight to the area.
The only person right now.
Well, they were. I didn't know them, but.
Once apparently they're very close. Couple in order new.
They could not get by without, so you took them both on.
Well, there's an example into that.
Everyone survived the Lord.
Never made it.
Well, it's a very interesting story and it's probably too long really not. But if anyone would like to hear more details of those stories, it's quite fascinating how to work with those two Roger together. And yeah, it was a huge she sent a letter to headed off and there was like a year's time and letter was a year. Alex later in the state in this case.
Gave to the messenger boy to post it and now it and gave him posted. He took postage 3 letter ways.
Whatever way you order again, she realized that in order to interrupt the letter, and he must, he must. That's kind of what I really see.
Like today with one verse.
That I think it is important in the way the Lord allows us sometimes to make mistakes and Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12 well known verse, not the word of God.
The Word of God is quick or living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword here seem even to the dividing the center of soul and spirit.
Soul is our emotions, our likes and our dislikes. The spirit is the God conscious part by which we should be guided.
What is the difference between those two? I can't distinguish where the dividing line is.
And so sometimes we make mistakes.
And the Lord allows us to make mistakes. Why?
It's a discerner is dividing us under soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow. In this part is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
So the Lord is showing us in our earthly pilgrimage down here, what are the thoughts and intents of our hearts that we don't even know ourselves.
So keep that in mind.
Keep the Word of God open in their life. Read it. Seriously, read it. I find so many young people are not reading the scripture seriously. You need it in this world where there's so much evil.
And the word of God is just serves the thoughts and intents of the heart. I've got thoughts that are not right. I'm going to know it. The word of God is living inoperative in in the training extremely much. So Lord help us to keep the word of God open before us.
Walk in exercise. Remember the Lord is a real man.
And he wants to have fellowship with you. And if you're walking conscious of his presence in your life.
He wants to guide you, He has promised I will instruct thee, and deepest in the ways thou shalt. Lord help us.
Let's start playing.
644 in the minutes.
Mysterious way.
To practice.
In the sea and rise up on the storm.