Session #6

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It is time for our questions.
Last day I should have made this announcement the first day that some people aren't hearing what's being said. So if you have a voice, speak up so everybody can hear. Don't speak quietly because it's.
Like Paul's, the apostle Paul said he'd rather say 5 words so people can understand. But if you have a very important points that nobody can hear, it's not valuable at all. So let's let's all speak up when we answer the questions.
Make an apology because yesterday we, we answered a question that did not that, that that was confusing. And so I'm going to read the first question so you'll understand what the confusion was.
The statement was made yesterday that men are not responsible for modesty.
Business, the husband and father who answers to God and his ultimate responsibility for what happens in his home.
That's a very good point. Yesterday the question was about the the church. The assembly was not about the home. So this point did not get addressed. But it is very important because the home is where modesty begins, and that's where it's taught The the father has that responsibility to teach his children.
If you look in Hebrews or Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 4.
Ephesians 6 verse four says he fathers provoked not your children to rest, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. So the requirement of the father to instill in his children, whether it's their boys or the girls, that modesty is important, especially when you.
As the question asked yesterday, especially as you come into the church, so according to the Assembly, So what you are.
In everyday life, it's going to spill over into the assembly. So it's important for the fathers to take an important role in the teaching their children about the about modesty. Well, the question goes on.
Maybe somebody could read Proverbs 30 verse 19.
Proverbs 3019 Laying a needle in the air, the way of a servant on the rock, the way of a ship in the midst of the sea, and the way of a man with a mate.
As a woman, how can I know what is indecent to a man?
Things differently than women and as a woman and I as a woman need and appreciate my father's input on modesty. While my mother was very important in helping me to be modest, sometimes my father's opinion was critical. I think the critical meaning in this one is critically important, not criticizing.
My father's opinion was critical because we don't know how many things.
Like was alluded to yesterday, the more beautiful body you have, the more careful you need to be in how you dress, especially in public because.
Men, they are attracted to a good looking woman.
At least their eyes are attracted and there's a verse I couldn't find it something about.
Turning away our eyes from Maybe someone can help me out with where that verse was about the men turning their eyes from looking at evil or.
Is that the person joke about the covenant with my eyes?
I think so. You know where that person.
31 verse one I made a covenant with my eyes. Why then should I think upon a maid? And so Joe realized he had to take an active role in not looking at the women who were passing by in a lessonful way. So.
But it's a two way St. There's responsibility on both sides for the man to make a covenant with his eyes and for the woman not to lure intent a man so.
Be careful how you dress, men.
Some of you have good looking bodies just like David. David. That said, he had a beautiful confidence.
So we need to be careful how we dress in public, in front of other people, and especially in the church when we come together to have our focus on the Lord. We don't want to draw our focus to ourselves.
I agree with the what was mentioned in this.
Question and just an expectation to the.
Young people, especially the.
Girls who are under the authority of parents.
Especially your father. And it's to listen to them.
And you're going to you're living in a society today that has no reference at all.
You might even have friends who are Christians.
Who dressing things that your parents, your father does not think it's appropriate?
Don't get angry right now. God made that man for your mother, your father, your mother.
He was his breath. Receive that instruction.
And walk with the Lord with them. There's going to come a time when you are going to and there's a suggestion of your your husband, the longer your parents and you're going to have children yourself possibly. And you're going to have to be given these same instructions. So to walk and learn. And then I would just say one thing to those of us who are parents as a parent who fails every day.
And that is that we need to raise our children to the back, because if they don't obey when they're two or four or six or eight.
They're not going to pay when they're 10 and 12 and 14 and 16 and 80.
And the simple instructions of instructing a child to come is going to and it's and it's provoking to them. It is going to be the simple instructions of you shouldn't wear that and it's going to be provoking to them if you have something to do with that. So they need to make sure that parents we are bringing them up in the nurture and discipline. We don't have a translation in our terms of discipline of the Lord.
Or when we get older, we're going to have the same place, just in a different place.
Question #2.
I know that we must obey the authorities that God has set up to rule over us, but do we have to obey them if they are trying to make us do something that is against the Scripture?
There are three spheres of authority, the authority of the secular government over the society, Then there is the authority of the the assembly, and then there is authority in the House.
The Husband and the Father. So because there are three spheres of authority, we have to keep that in mind that the head of the Church is Christ and.
Especially more authoritarian governments and I live down under one for many years.
The first, they always have to make sure that what they do is not against the future. So the demands of the government many times were against the future. So at that point they no longer.
In fact, it was unlawful in Romania to read violence or to read violence from the outside. So the end result would be that no believer would have any Bible and there were lots of brothers involved in smuggling fireworks from the West.
That was contrary to the latter country, and it was contrary to the express orders of the Government. But without that nobody would have been.
Or what about in that particular city where I lived, they had an order from the local government, from the national government, to remove, to replace all the Bible verses with praises with the Communist Party president.
So that's a dilemma. Do you obey the order of the government which interferes in the affairs of the church or not?
And some Bible the some brothers they said well it doesn't say anywhere Bible that we have 3 verses on the wall.
And other brothers, they said, well, but it's not saying where we have this party.
And it was a dilemma and they didn't know what to do. They decided not to take any action. They just played. And that particular weekend, the person in high position, we gave that order to get a car accident with his family and everybody died. So they didn't have to respond very much. But these are examples of where the government is overstepping the field.
So just a few verses in regards to the governmental authority what our brothers been bringing out in Romans 13. It says let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, but there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained.
Nobody in authority that God is not allowed to be placed into.
You can look at the old fashioned, we can see and Daniel that he set up over the Kingdom surface world basis of that. They think that there are great fighting, but he calls them the basis of that.
Who's whoever therefore resisted the power resistant to the ordinance of God? And they that resist shall receive to themselves to a nation. For rulers are not as terror to good works. But the evil will then now not be afraid of the power to do that which is good. And thou shalt not praise of the same. For he is the minister of God for thee, for being for good. But if thou do which is evil, be afraid for America, not the sword in vain.
But he is the minister of God or Avenger, to execute wrath upon him that he was healed.
Therefore you must be subject not only for wrath, but also for conscience. So we need to obey for our own conscience to make sure that our conscience is in line with God who has established those authorities. And then another verse in first Peter chapter 2 That gives the other side of us.
Around 13, it says submit yourself to our reorganisation of man.
For the Lord's faith, whether it be the King of supreme, or the governors, or under them, that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing He may put asylum to be ignorant of foolish men. So it's submitting ourselves not only for our conscience, but also for the Word.
Now, as my brother pointed out, what happens when?
These authorities that have been established by God that are very that God allowed them to be an authority, even ones like Zero who were burning Christians for life at his sex particles. What do we do when these rulers.
Teach us to do something that is contrary to.
Take a look at Acts.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 40 apostles were taken because they were preaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. And in Acts chapter 4 it says in verse 19. But Peter and John answered in seven to them, whether it be right in the spite of God to hearken unto you more than unto God judge you. So he asked the question and then if you look at Acts chapter 5.
They're told not to preach.
At least they were eating.
And then the next chapter, chapter five, he makes a statement. Somebody.
29 What was it? 29?
Then Peter and the other apostle lanterns and said we ought to obey God rather than that.
Now somebody might ask this doctor, and one thing that's going to help to me is if you read this verse and it says we ought to obey God rather than men, and you turn it around. Is that never true? Is there ever a time where we would say we got to a big man rather than God?
And would be crazy. We would never obey man over God. We always obey God over man. And so when the authorities are telling to do something that is contrary to the word of God, we have to obey God over man. So this principle is important. We never was important. We never lose sufficient.
We might not submit to the government because they're telling us to do something that's contrary to God, but it's not that we're not submitting. We are submitting to a higher authority.
If it's ever a question that we're deleting, in my heart, I will not listen to that man. I will not listen to that authority, even if they're telling us to do something that's contrary to word about being a wrong spirit. We always need to have a spirit of dependence and submission to some authority because we are under authority.
Whether it's parents and at home just telling you to do something that is completely against the work job, you can do it, you can't do it and you have to submit to a higher authority.
Whether it's in the assembly where the assembly is telling to practice evil and you see I cannot commit that. And you might have to separate and define. And so certainly chapter 2. And yet it's not just in rebellion, it's committing to a higher authority. We can look at verses of that I rather mention where we have authority, but it's never rebellious. It's always recognizing that we need to submit to God.
When I add a little bit to what Joe said, I was looking at that verse in Acts 5.
I think it's helpful in emphasizing when he's just said to read that verse 29 and pause and Peter, the other epistles answered and said we ought to obey.
That remains true, for that is man on the earth. That's from the gardens of Eden forward. We ought to obey. You can put a period there with this name. Description of the life of man on earth.
Clarifies there's something added to it and goes on through that nicely.
Another person along that line in John chapter 8.
Sorry, I was looking to it and my eyes skipping along the column without landing on it again. I where the Lord says.
Always turn 29 and he that sent me, the Lord Jesus speaking is with me. The Father has not left me alone, for I do always those things that makes him for never out of that place. We are never looking for what authority we shouldn't be under. We're always looking to please our place of obedience as mankind of the earth and whatever out of it.
One other thought, again going along with some things to do.
And I think you referenced the verse at the end of verse Acts chapter 5 and verse 45.
They have been beaten.
Says in verse 41. And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. And then what did they preach? They ceased not to teach and preach. Jesus Christ didn't speak about their government. They didn't go on about what they thought about it. They didn't go on about how they were treated.
They rejoiced. They were identified with Christ.
Spoke about him and perhaps that the burden of what's coming out of our mouth is not that there's a need for.
Fresh exercise on a matter of obedience.
It's already been mentioned here, but there are a number of spheres of authority that God has established beneath himself and I've already been listing. Have the assembly and those that are in the assembly submit the authority of the assembly. You have in the family, children submitting to parents and in the marriage wife to the husband, and then you have.
In government, the citizens of the ruler and I. I don't say this to find fault, but I just want to point out this distinction because I think the term submit and obey have been used interchangeably.
In the last couple minutes, but I have found it an interesting study. If you go through those different spheres of authority, you will notice that the scripture maintains a distinction in terms and whether it tells you to submit or whether it tells you to obey. In some of those spheres you're told to obey. Children are told to obey their parents, but in verses of the citizens of the government.
The term next use is a myth, and I would suggest this distinction.
I believe that is always the case that you submit to the government.
There are times when you cannot obey them because you have to obey God. So what does that look like? Well, we've already mentioned that case and Acts. When obedience to God did not allow them to obey the command that came from that governing authority, what did they do? They submitted to the consequence of it, and they received that feeding in the right spirit.
And so I would just suggest that I think just echo what has already been said here.
But that is one way in which it can be the case that we do always submit a scripture as instructed, even if there are instances, because what we need to God, we cannot obey.
That's very good. Like could you give us a definition of submit?
Well, I kind of used that.
Maybe someone can bring out that distinction better. I think it's about recognizing your authority about to it.
Before we go to the next question, I just want to make a comparison here.
In Titus 3 verse one.
Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates ready to be ready to do every good work, and so on be subject to principalities.
Now look at Ephesians chapter 6.
And verse 12.
We don't submit every time.
Where we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. So we're to submit to the government, but we're also supposed to wrestle with things. They're two opposite things. And so how do we, how do we know when we should wrestle and when we should?
Submit or be subject.
And so it takes wisdom and we need to ask the Lord for that wisdom to know at this time, many of the governments are not, we submit to the government votes. They are not controlled by their own governments. As we see that more and more, especially in this time of COVID in the world trying to establish some sort of a, a centralized government, it's being controlled by the powers of darkness.
And we're to wrestle against that.
Many countries you're not allowed to meet together, you're not allowed to have communion, you're not allowed to have the the remembrance meeting because you can't take the cup.
You can't take the bread, you can't touch anything that anybody else touched.
That's the direct opposition to what the Lord says just do in remembrance of me as often as you eat this bread and preach his health, you to show the Lord's death till I come and believe. Thankfully there's ways we we can we can.
Done together, we can use multiple cups as we better sometimes they break the bread and give it on a different place. There's ways we can still obey the word of God and yet still be subject to the government. And so we need to wrestle against the powers of darkness and that's what this world is becoming and it's always been under the powers of darkness, but it's very.
Prevalent in our day-to-day.
I think we need to keep on moving for the next question.
As a young person.
I find it hard to transfer a conversation that is not pleasing to the Lord into something positive.
For me personally, conversations like this happen with those that are older than I and I'm unsure also how I should end that conversation.
My place to tell someone who should be respected that the topic brought up doesn't honor the Lord. Do I just change the subject? And if I go this route, is this not speaking out for the Lord and the First Timothy 51 and Philippians 4/8?
Let's look at First Timothy 51.
Reviewed not an elder, but entreat him as a father.
And the younger men his brethren.
So this is stopping this question is in the context of other Christians. Older Christians that are speaking their languages isn't very good as their subjects aren't very good.
And then Philippians 4/8.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest and whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are a good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things and.
So how do we address?
Fellow Christian, especially an older person when their conversation is not pleasing to the Lord.
1St going to be 51. The new translation says reduced, not an elder shortage.
But to treat him as a father, Something like that. So it seems obvious that sometimes older ones have to be reviewed. But it all comes down to how you do it and what your tone is and.
What do you show up? Respect for their age says they're good. Not an elder, sharply, but they're making a time when you have to say something.
Subversive in Ephesians 5 and verse 11 Says have no fellowship of the ungrateful works of darkness.
But rather approve them. For it is the same even to speak of those things which are none of them in secret. But all things that are approved are made manifest by the light, for whatsoever that may manifest his money. And so.
It would be better to turn away.
That's a question states. And to continue in the conversation that would be that would be good. Don't continue it. It would be better to reprove it because that will be a help to the person who you're recruiting because it brings light to that conversation and that lights.
Shows where that conversation stands in relation to.
There's a huge variety and correction that can be given the questions broad and whatever the circumstances is, whatever the circumstance specifically is, may dictate the level of the way the light has to be brought in. The gentlest, perhaps there's a gentler review than this, but the gentlest correction tracks I could say that I know of in the Word of God.
Kind of begin the scale and it can go up from here and that's in John 13.
The deathless correction that I'm personally aware of, and it's beautiful.
Perhaps the direction to begin here?
The Lord just watched his disciples speed in John 13 and he's giving what I think is a lovely example of how to watch peace.
And in verse 13, he says to his disciples, he called me Master and Lord, and you say, well, for so I am beautiful. He takes them up on their speech. He speaks kindly to them.
This you say, well, so I am, and then the next verse.
If I then you're What does he do?
Switches the order by then your Lord and master.
What he's saying to them, ever so gently, is I'm Lord first, I'm Teacher second. They were putting Teacher 1St and Lord 2nd and it was something that had suddenly slipped into their hearts. And here he is. He's taking his word, he's gently watching their feet, and he's switching the order on them right after speaking so kindly to them, perhaps in a conversation.
Depends on the circumstances and so on, but perhaps it's just a very simple, gently bringing in God's truth, the light of God's word, and mere fact that it's done. I've immediately reached the conscience. Beautiful, gentle, the soft pal here, and it goes up from there. The Lord goes all the way to go into you, strives, Pharisees, hypocrites, and the most powerful.
Review that I'm aware of. In the Word of God, there's a whole gamut.
I can give you a couple examples.
I've been reviewed many times for things they've said or the way I've said things.
My kids challenged me on something I say.
That's a review.
Sometimes in Malawi.
They don't always understand English real well.
But if I say something that they think is different from what I taught them a year or two ago, they'll challenge me on it.
That's a review. It's not a sharp one, but it's a review.
And then yesterday I made some comments that were were understood wrongly that a man has no responsibility for modesty.
And so a young person came to me with a question.
That was a review. So there's many ways where we can review somebody who says things that aren't quite right. I know this is, I'm not sure exactly what this the conversation in the in the word in this question is, but it could be anything.
So don't be afraid to question somebody about something they say.
Because we we learned from it, we should try to be careful how we work things the next time.
Next question.
Is it bad to love our life because we have it better than so many people in the world? So shouldn't we love how good we have it?
John 1225 says he who loves his life shall lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
So are we supposed to hate our life?
While the words are the same, the meaning is different. The worst sculpted in John is speaking about.
It's big and about being thankful. It's fighting about thankfulness.
So in one case we can say we have a good life and that is being thankful for it, and in another sense.
Love so much whatever we have in this life that we love those things more than the Lord.
So something could be incredible for something better.
Let's move if we love our life better than we love the Lord.
You cannot be my disciple, the Lord says.
You need to hate your father and your mother and your brother and your sisters and.
Follow me.
That doesn't mean we if you listen to the meeting we had the other night, it would cover as much of this about hating our life.
And it doesn't mean we hate our brethren and sisters and family. It's important that we don't put anything to be more important than the Lord Jesus. And so if you, if you love them.
How good you have things you can't. You can only love a person.
But we love the Lord and if we and if we take our love and we focus that on a life or a style, lifestyle or something else, it's not really love.
If you can like things.
But when we turn it into a love for something that's not God, we cannot be this is. So we need to be careful that we don't.
So we don't put other things in front of Christ.
I think the example that's given in John chapter 12 is upper arms self.
The Lord spoke about his death, said in the 1St 24 barely, barely, I say to you, except the corner feet fall into the ground and die. Divide it alone, but if it died, the turn of course much further, either loser and so on. The Lord Jesus is a dependent task, is a perfect man.
That if he was he thankful for Mary and Joseph, sure what he was saying. Was he thankful for the food that God provided for him in his pathway?
For his circumstances, surely he was thankful for all of that.
But if he cling to his.
This human life so strongly that he would go past the cross, that he would say, I'm going to keep this life rather than lay it down, you know, be willing to sacrifice that life that we might live. That much fruit can be brought to God. So he is the perfect example of this. And that is applied to us. Any man served me.
I can call you. And so we need to follow the Lord's example of that.
And I agree with what's been said, we we ought to be thankful for all that God is provided for us not to despise it. But when it comes to cleaning to our life, cleaning to and refusing to lay it down and sacrifice to God, we should follow the Lord Jesus in that who like that cornably he gave up the life that he had on the very first break for truth to God.
The danger is also that the more we have and the better this life is.
This is the more of a danger it is for us to.
Hold on to that light. So you take somebody you know, Bob, you know yourself as often as and 10 people in Malawi from South America, people in.
Pretty much all over the world.
Have hardly anything. What are they grasping on here? It's a lot easier for them to not grasp off this. Like not that it is an injury done as well. We have it so good here, so such a danger for us, the whole office.
And set them above what God like people asking us to do at the disciple in this life or even our life itself.
God has put us into a society where things are good.
We're in a rich society without us putting our brethren in Malawi his way for society and we can't.
Decide, well, I'm just going to give up everything that I have in this world just so I can be like my president over there it it doesn't work.
Sometimes we take what we have for granted, but we need to be thankful for what we do that.
Be grateful to God for what we do have, but don't be so occupied with it that.
It hurts our relationship with the Lord, so don't think that you have to.
Sell your car and your house and live a legend. Poverty just because some others live in poverty. Poverty is a lifestyle for most people.
They don't know how to live any other way and if you gave them.
They wouldn't know how to accuse it or spend it, and after two months they'd be just back in their poverty. Poverty is a lifestyle.
And it's a mindset, so don't give up.
Hit your mind to be able to be like.
Another lifestyle. But don't take what you have for granted. Trust the Lord for each and every day of your life. But don't.
Fish, don't put anything in front of serving the Lord. If your lifestyle hinders you from serving the Lord, telling you might have to change things.
God puts you into society and the circumstances where you are and you need to learn how to serve God between your spirit that he has put you.
Next question.
Does unequally yoked refer to more than just a believer and an unbeliever? Can it also mean a new believer with someone who has been studying the word for a long time?
It would be good to just read that first and 2nd Corinthians 6.
Verse 14 together with unbelievers.
For what fellowship have righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion have light with darkness, and what conquered has Christ the ability of our peace, or what part that he doesn't believe us with an infidel? And what agreement that the temple of God, the title for years the temple of the living God.
I think the verse is.
Pretty clearly in its interpretation referring to between believers and unbelievers, and I believe this is a reference back to Deuteronomy where the Lord gave instructions to the children of Israel and then Deuteronomy 22 verse 10.
The Lord said to Israel verse 10, thou shalt not follow with an oxygen and ask together so they were not to you know these two different animals, two different species of animals together in the same goat and followed them and it's not really expounded on here on the 2210 why they want to do it.
But it's interesting that when we come to the New Testament, we have this verse that would indicate.
That there is a difference, a great difference, between a believer and an unbeliever.
And just the two different animals, the *** have different natures. And so it was not of God for those two to be built together because they have different temperaments, they have different tendencies and they have perhaps a different case as well. And I don't know much about plowing with animals, but.
I'm assuming that there was some practical reasons why you wouldn't want to do this, but believer and an unbeliever have different natures.
Believer does not have the life of Christ, and so fundamentally they have.
A different direction they're going and so it is very dangerous to be in an unequally dealt with an unbeliever. So I think in the meaning of this it seems pretty clearly to refer to yokes and believers and unbelievers. I was just thinking about the question here. Can it mean a believer, a new believer was someone who.
With more experience, it's interesting that it doesn't say you should not plow with an older ox of the younger ox.
In fact, I think I remember hearing about the way they would train some of the younger oxen is by yoking them with an older one and they would plow together and through that experience of the yoke component was older, they would learn. So I I don't think that it's a matter of spiritual maturity that would that would hinder one from being guilty to another.
But I I do believe that.
If there is carnality, not not just a just a just a new, a new convert, but if there is real carnality, if there is worldliness, if there's maybe some problem.
That's leaving 1:00.
In a different direction, if you're following Christ and you're considering an unequal sorry, and you're considering a yoke with someone who's going a different direction, you may, they may have the new nature, they may be a believer, but if the direction of their life is going a different way.
It could make that guilt very difficult.
So if you're if you're seeking to serve the Lord and following the example of the Lord of Livingston, complete devotion to him, and you're considering a joke with someone, who cares.
A lot about their career.
And they're obsessed with it. Maybe they have hobbies that they are just completely entrenched in, and although they may be a believer, their life isn't going in a different direction to your life. Those are just a few examples, but I know it's a lot broader than that. While it may not be an unequal yoke in the sense of Second Corinthians chapter 6, it still could be.
Very detrimental to your service to the Lord.
To enter into the guilt with that.
I'd like to look at a verse in Amos chapter 3.
Amos 3, verse 3.
Can two walk together?
Except they be agreed.
Maybe you are gathered to the Lords name?
You understand why you are gathered to the Lords name.
And you believe it.
And you have the faith.
To be gathered to the Lords name.
And you know it's the right thing to do.
But then you're interested in a young lady or a young man who maybe they go to another church they don't understand.
And then you want to get married.
They want to go to their church, he wants to go to the assembly.
Maybe your your friend has really studied the word and they understand a lot of things in scripture.
As was mentioned.
It's not an unreasonable joke in the sense of a married, of a believer and an unbeliever.
But it doesn't always work. It says How can two altogether except they be agreed?
You know in order for you to agree when you have two different concepts of walking in space.
You need to compromise in order to.
In order to walk together.
And so those who.
Of the Word of God.
Maybe you've been raised in it.
It's it's going to you're going to have to compromise what you believe and why you believe it in order to marry a person who is from another another.
Page but another.
Denomination or.
They go to a different place of worship.
One of you is doing that to call our lives.
And it's usually.
The less instructed person who wins because they're not going to come up to your level, but you'll need to go down to their level.
I don't like to take them down to their level because they may be very much more.
Spiritual than anybody else you've ever met.
But I just talked about your walking faith to practice what you believe and why you believe it. You're going to have to give up. Why practicing your faith if you go with someone who doesn't understand the same way you do.
This diverse in relation to marriage.
Married, I don't, I don't know the business, but some of these principles of the same business.
And and 1St Corinthians 7 and verse 39 it says the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband love it, but if her husband be dead she is delivering marriage because she will only in the Lord.
And I believe that expression in the Lord would speak to us of those two, as has already been pointed out, coming together with the Lordship of Christ in their life and.
One thing to consider if you're a if you're.
A woman girl asking this question.
And you're considering marrying a believer who's half the novice for absolutely saves. But as it's already been brought up extensively, make sure that this believer has the worship of Christ in his life. But then if they're if they are simple in regards to the scriptures, just understand that your husband is the spiritual head of that relationship.
And you are going to be put into the place of submission.
And certainly you can be a help.
Just like Sarah was to Abraham. But there's going to come a time perhaps when you both disagree on what Scripture says. And I'm not saying this is going to make it a great, but just understand this that you will have to submit.
Certainly you can give instruction at your. If you're both in that relationship as being in the Lord, then it should be.
Fairly easy, however I will stay longer than that. Marriage is very difficult.
Marriage is not this very thing that the movies presented us, that TV show presented us, that book presented. Marriage is every day and work. It's work. It's a good work, it's a beneficial work. And the more work you put in, the more benefit you get. But it's worth. And if you have as soon as 20 hours, you got the fundamental differences.
You're a believer, you're both believers, but if you have these fundamental differences, you are adding a lot of extra stress and work.
That relationship and you need to be before the board, before you let your park get engaged and something that is going to take you down a path that might.
For the rest of your life. So just consider that off till Board of Health.
Word about this first, and the Lord talk about what that means to Him.
Don't just dive in because your heart says I want to spare him. It's a lot of work.
I would just encourage anyone that is thinking of these yokes as a relationship with someone that they're planning on getting married with and not looking at it from a business standpoint or some other relationship.
Make sure you have these conversations before you get married that it Sometimes it's it's easiest to have a conversation with someone about something fun, but that's a really crucial part of the relationship before you get married to settle these things.
And no, don't just think you'll you'll figure it out when you get married. That's going to cause some serious stress in your relationship and it's going to cause big problems. Things that you you thought that you were clear on or you thought that your fiance or boyfriend or girlfriend was clear on.
If you're not clear on it and you oppose each other after you're married, then it's going to cause some big struggles. So makes less fun conversations to have. But you have to have those conversations before you get too far into a relationship. That's what you have to both be.
That going for if you're going, if you're both centering your relationship on the Lord and have those conversations and be specific about what things you care about. Even if you're from the same assembly or you grew up doing the same things, talk about what you're going to do as a family, as a couple. Talk about what your preferences are or what your priorities are for.
Bible studies and prayer meetings and what what it means to you to remember the Lord and how important it is. It's it's a very important thing to get that established before you commit to marry someone.
I want to thank everybody for their questions.
We didn't get through them all, but time is up. Supposed to apologize to those who don't get their questions answered.
This time around.
We started out hoping to do some processing each day, but.
Then it ran out of we had so many questions, good questions, that we had a separate prophecy aside.
Experience that later.
We say #17.
Her godfather we just give thanks for.
All of the questions that we've had over the past week and we just give that score.
The interest that all the young people have and learning.
Scriptural answers to these.
Different things in their lives.
Just prayed that.
It all desire to know what is the truth when I work and just so that our appetites would be wet and then when we go home that we would continue to dig into thy word and seeking out answers.
We just pray that we would all.
Grow more and more and stay and learning more of our Lord Jesus Christ and learning more from thy word, our daughter. Father, we just pray for safety for everyone and say travel home today and tomorrow the next day just trade for continuing safety throughout the day. We'll continue blessing on.
Our activity and conversations here.
Just give thanks and pray these things. The most worthy and precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.