Session #3

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Our first question.
When this retired, this makes it impossible for the whole family to make it to the night meeting.
In the day to sweat the family and one there to take those who can go for me to stay home together as a family and maybe we can maybe have a kind of treating and prayer together instead.
James chapter one verse five says if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask to God they give it to all liberally and upgrade it on and it shall be given to him. So it has 30 times on the situation. So we need to ask permission to know what to do in that situation if somebody sick.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think there's any particular.
One way or the other you can say it, but.
I would like the University Hebrews 10/25 that I think applies.
Not forsaking the assembly of yourselves together.
As the matter of some years by an extraordinary one another there is so much the more as you see the day approaching.
So assembly meetings are important and I would say, I wouldn't say to split up the family. If some have to stay home, it's not splitting up the family, but you have to determine each. Each head of the family has to determine what is best for the family. But there might be something that can't go but.
It's possible whoever can get together.
Assembly, aliens, Jesus. Very important to maintain.
I think it's good that whoever put this question and recognizes the importance of having the word of God before the family, that's that's a very important thing and that's commendable.
And like Tim said, I don't think we can.
We can't be prescriptive about this, like break anything in Christianity. We don't live under law. This is better than that. Given these circumstances, we really need to go to the Lord about that and seek His guidance as to what we should do in a particular circumstance.
But what we can do, I think is offer general principles. And so if Bob is doing, and I had a similar thought on that when you go through in the Scriptures to see how very important it is.
For the most people to be together at the beginning, they work. You find that they were together constantly in the beginning of Max, whenever they could be.
And so it is today when there's persecution, isn't there? The Lords people just feel that need to be together.
And actually think it's Chapter 4, it's this big let go of anyway to their own company that is the natural thing for Christians to desire to do. And then we see a little bit later on.
John marks mother's house and together over.
On their knees before the Lord about these are in prison, and this is a tremendous thing.
So Acts 21, they find that how long is Caesarea Philippi? And they all go down with the women and children down to the seashore and go down to France and together. And so it's a very important thing.
That we should be exercised about and in addition to the verse brother-in-law bread. I was sending the one in Ephesians chapter 4.
Ephesians chapter 4 where it brings out how the Lord having ascended up on high gate, yes for the perfecting of the states at verse 12, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ.
But when you get to the end of that section, it says in verse 16.
Well, the end of verse 15 that had even Christ had moved the whole body Bitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplier.
According to the official working in the measure of every part they can increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. That's a pretty strong statement about the assembly how God intended it to be that we aren't just to go there for convenience, but we all have a role to play in the assembly and it's for the self building up of the body of Christ on earth.
And we all need to be exercised about that. It's easy to say what would be better for me or what would be better for my children, but.
What does the Lord desire? He has a body on earth and He wants it to be held up. And it's easy to just think about our part and walk away, and that needs a discouragement. We have assemblies where, sadly, when the Word of God is being read and prepare being made, we have fewer and fewer in attendance. Why?
And when you go and ask and you find out, there's always good reasons.
But are we arranging our lives so that we can be together this way? The Lord is meant to be intended something we really need to be exercising about. We can't say you need to be empathic, but what would the Lord have me to do? What does he desire from?
I would comment I just want to read one verse, something to share with me.
First Samuel, chapter 20.
There's 18.
Says Ben, Johnson said to David, tomorrow is the new moon and now shall be there because they seem to be empty.
The same you should have a love for each other. I think that you admit that when you're gone you miss seeing you, so there might be some more common.
Not just particular scripture, but if you look at statements, there's three words.
That can magnify.
Very searching.
And we were.
Too sick?
Really too tired to come to me. That worked maybe really nice.
That is like to be talking about a principle. I just like to read in.
I'm sorry.
In Exodus chapter 12.
And verse 2425 and 26. I just want to get a principle out of this.
And ye verse 24 and ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance to thee forever, and to thy sons, and include daughters there your family forever. And it shall come to pass when he comes to the land which the Lord will give you according to seeth promised, that he shall keep this service.
It is sometimes the past when your children shall say unto you, what meanly by this service. And I think these verses showed the importance of passing our values down through our children because children are great and impacted by the things that parents do and the things that parents don't do.
And they know what's important to you as a parent. And if they see that to be going to the Bible meetings, the assembly meetings are important to you.
It'll be important to them that maybe they don't, maybe they sleep, maybe they don't really want to be there, but you'll see it's important to you. And then it'll they'll have a big influence on their life and their attitude towards the media and going to the meet the Lord at the.
And so if you skip a meeting for any reason.
You have a good reason, like Jim said.
Your children know that it's OK to this meeting for.
Made you tired. Maybe you're 6-8 years, you're busy if you have a great schedule to be there so it's OK to miss. Maybe there's a family reunion so I'll skip meeting this week because I'll go to a family reunion. The children know that the family reunion is more important than the assembly. They know that being sick is more important than going to the assembly and.
That's true. You don't want to improve your sickness and your germs to the assembly.
That could be another principle in the law of the leper. The leper has to stay away from the people. He didn't want to share the term with everybody else and he's just like covering over his mouth and and he had to say unclean and not come near anybody. Well, if you have a contagious cold or, or smooth, you don't want to bring that into everybody else. So probably why is it stay home?
Our circumstances.
Something that would.
Senior children, the idea that it's okay if you have a reason to stay away from the assembly because they they say well that's not important in assembly. But now when your children are are being responsible and they have to make decisions, they will know that they can make any reason to mislead it and they will miss more than he will and their grandchildren is willing to see them as you need them. They will need to know who Jesus is so.
It has some bigger effect than just staying away from the simple music.
Saying connection with that too.
Our heart affects not only our children, but it affects everything in the long term and in the short term.
Why are we doing it? It's easy to go to the meeting.
Because that's what you do.
It's easy to have a family Bible reading because that's what you do, but.
Question is why am I doing things? And yes, our children will see that pretty quickly a little bit.
When we do go to the meeting, what do we do? If we're brothers? Do we speak to me before? The Lord is to exercise India there, and He's given us yes, in the exercise there.
If it's a meeting for the exercise of our priesthood, do we seek to do that or do we just go?
To put an appearance there, because that's what you do after the meeting. We're together. We visit together. Well, I guess we could just run off, you know, right away. It's easy to do that too, right?
But that's not exactly what they were doing in the Scripture. It's hard to do what we have in the verses of we just come in lately, Berlin, and we don't spend any time with our brethren.
That were we made use of the Lord to build up the body.
His body, these are real things and we need to very much think about every single believers involved in that and the Lord knows our hearts, he said before. We can't make rules in it.
But especially for parents, yes, the children are going to see what we're about. And maybe we're just going on with the poor condition. These things aren't real with us in our hearts. And they'll say, well, why should I continue with that? Like they would say at such a good point. And I think we need to examine our own hearts because that's not the good reason. I mean, that's a very important reason if we want to keep our kids. But.
More important than that is the Lord and His body that He cares so much about. Every single one of us needs to exercise about the body of Christ and honoring Him in our place in His body.
With another good reason to go to meet and be.
That the Lord Jesus Christ is present there just as much in the night meeting as on Thursday morning. So another good reason to to want to be at the assembly meeting to be in the Lords presence.
That's very good, David, because we can. It's not very easy to get on and not do it immediately, but the presence of the Lord is not on Zoom. He's in the ascendant meeting. And so there's a danger there of of Zooming and Satan knows that if he's worth using it very cleverly, Yes, yes, Zoom has a a good use.
And we've been benefited with it over the last couple years, but.
We can use that as a crutch to not be able to use it well. Time is up for that question. That question #2.
When the Lord comes to take us home, will the people we know we work for who aren't believers, will they know that we went to heaven?
You can't imagine that you're sitting here in this room.
And the Lord came.
This morning.
And all of a sudden, everybody's gone.
And you're sitting there, looking across the room with your friend. Go.
Where did everybody go? They must have gone to heaven. It was true, the Lord Jesus came.
The neighbors come by. Where did all the people go?
You'll know. You can say he's the same. They went to heaven. Well, why did you go?
I didn't believe.
Where will you go?
I guess I'll go to hell.
Don't reject the Lord Jesus.
We want to see you in heaven. We want to see.
I do believe that in 2nd Thessalonians 2 it gives us to understand that after.
The Lord comes. Let's just read the second lesson, verse 6.
Versus there.
How do you know what withholdeth or?
Hinders that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity that already worked, only even now that it will that until he'd be taken out of the way, and then shall that wicked be revealed. It's talking about the Antichrist.
Both the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Even him coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, and then that perish because.
They received not the love of the truth that they might be saved, and for this cause God shall send them strong delusions, that they may believe that they should believe our lives. So I really believe that after the Lords coming, the Holy Spirit.
Is God, and so you can't say he'll be taken away from this world, but the hindrance to iniquity will be lifted and will be a flood of iniquity and there will be strong division and I think there will be probably other explanations.
Through why so many believers disappeared, I've heard of quite a few different possibilities and it's interesting but.
Scripture against us to understand that there will be strong delusion after the Lord comes.
Of course, it's going to get worse as the Tribulation advances, but I believe that there will be perhaps people who don't know much about the Scriptures, what they believe, some of those strong leadership.
Important what Tim was saying is to those.
At least who professed to be Christians and work real. I believe Matthew 25 would basically say what Tim was saying is to their knowledge.
And Matthew 25 towards in the first verses is the five wires and five fluids, speaking about the coming of the bridegroom and.
It says.
And that the boom is going to buy oil for their lamps. And verse 10 while they went to buy the bright room games, and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.
Afterwards came also the other person saying Lord, Lord open to us. They knew that the bridegroom had come and they knew that the door was shut and they were asking that the door be open. And he says not to them. Barely, I know not so.
It seems to me the scripture of the indication, at least for those who the fullest represent those who made for fashion but had no oil.
They weren't saved, they were left out and the door was shut and they understood that the right thing and so it will be. There may be some in this room like Kim said, that no, they even professed to be a Christian. They're going on as if they're Christian, but they haven't truly trusted in Christ. Is that your case?
Because this is going to happen what it says here.
And it would be an awful thing if there was somebody here would be one of these. You will not and it will be too late.
I remember my brother many years ago getting back.
Point out that one who heard the gospel be making their own, but they're left behind and the Lord comes and said you will have an awesome solemn responsibility to have another where all these people have gone and there is no hope.
Certainly makes you want to examine your own heart. We've all had to say to the Corinthians. Examine yourselves with the continent of faith. Looking at the way they acted, he wondered if they were real.
And I must say, young people.
In my time growing up, young people I grew up with, some of them are not really. Some of them are now professed atheists. I can't believe that they were breaking bread at the Lords Table and now they're atheists.
What is happening is because, I mean, we know that a real believer can never be lost.
But there are those who say they are, but never have submitted to the lordship of Christ.
We have never repented for their sins. I know it's different when we're brought up in the meeting and I was brought up in the meeting and.
To the repent from your sins. So he said, what sins do I have?
I have a particular problem when I was young.
Tell the lies.
Thankfully, I had a dad.
That made me learn it hurts to tell lies.
And I had to come to a recognition and change my mind about that. That's what we meant, this is.
We all have those.
Natural tendencies and if there's not a coming to the Lord Jesus.
And a bowing at his feet, the recognition of his authority. That's why it says in Romans 10/9 says if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, Jesus as Lord doesn't say Jesus as Savior, He is the Savior, but it says as Lord. That means do you recognize his lordship? Are you Lord of your life? You do what you want to do.
But he recognized his lordship and believe in thy heart that God reason from the dead, thou shalt be saved. And so he just wanted to say very specially, I can't look at you and say if you're saved or not. I don't know. But I say certainly I'm going to examine yourself when you're in the face.
Our next question.
1St in John 18, verse 36.
A Christian that gets into politics.
It's really a result of not really understanding the difference between synchronization of Israel and the dispensation of the Church.
And here's what the Lord says as the dispensation was changed into the coming into the Church period of grace.
To Kurt jokes John 18 verse 36, Jesus answered my Kingdom is not in this world. It's like in the world of this world. That was my service fight that I should not do it for the Jews, but now that my queen do not compensate and so the Lord says, I think it's not my time.
I've rejected not my time is arranged.
2nd Corinthians, chapter 5.
At verse 20.
Now then.
We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us. We pray you in Christ, dead in ye, reconciled to God.
I think we all understand that an ambassador in a foreign country is there to represent his country.
But it is prohibited for an ambassador to get involved in the politics of a particular country.
The only way to make statements that represent his country, that is in place, but to get involved into the politics of that particular country. If he does, he will probably be recalled. That is out of place for a real believer, but it shows the importance of what we were talking about that person.
He's been busy that we had about the difference between Israel and the church. And so covenant theology basically says there's no difference, that the church is just an extension of Israel. And so you go back to the Old Testament, you find Daniel was high up in the political world of Babylon and so is justified in the political.
Of Egypt, why don't you do your Christian duty and so they when they have that perspective, it really changes everything and so it shows the importance of distinguishing Israel, which was an earthly people from.
The church which is a heavenly people and adverse very good that you read in John's 18 the Lord Jesus says my Kingdom is not in this world. If it were then when my servants fight and then you see, rather than the place that we have in this world.
Is to represent the Lord Jesus.
OK, so Tim can't say this and I will. If you haven't listened to Tim meeting at camp last year, go back and listen to it.
Find an helpful but it's just like to point out a few more things to go to Solomon.
They go along with what is just been said by President Bob and.
Psalm 110 and verse.
Sorry, verse one, the Lord said unto my Lord.
Sit down in my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. That's what the Lords use, is to feel it. Right now he's sitting at the right hand of the Father until his enemies have been disposed to it. And the idea that.
That we should go ahead with him in this world and try to affect things, whether he politics or otherwise, to change things here in this world.
Before God makes his enemies, is supposed to.
They said absolutely wrong, daughter. That's not the time wherein it's not what we're given to him. The Lord Jesus is waiting. Why should we be going ahead and doing what he himself is not getting to do, but say, well, maybe we're not sent here for the same reason, but that's not true either. And let's just turn over to John chapter 20.
And the Lord Jesus rose them to the dead. This is what he said to me, disciple, he said.
And verse 21 That says Jesus to them again, peace be unto you as my Father has sent me, Even so said I you, so how is the Lord Jesus said he was sent into this world to represent the Father. He was sent here to represent what was true and what was right and he was rejected.
Completely rejected while he was here, his father sent him knowing that would be the case.
We are spent the same way disciples learn and we are and we are here to witness like he did in this time of his rejection, until he comes again and is the one that chases that which is rightfully his. Says in the Old Testament, I will overturn, overturn, overturn until he comes whose right it is. So we get involved in politics to keep some things being overturned.
Why would he do that?
God has already said it's going to be absolutely otherwise.
And then he's going to give it to his son. Until then, we're called to follow with him in his rejection and represent him here.
One of your help me with this sometimes I find myself following the what's going on in the world and then I start the whole thing. Certain candidate can see it because you know that will make my life as a Christian easier or whatever it is, but I listen to a meeting and brother Red this verse multi verse all the streets but John 17.
The Lord's Prayer, he says.
In verse 15.
Because I pray not that thou should have taken out of the world that thou should keep them from legal. And this is this is the verse. They are not of the world, even as I and not of the world. And his brother said how much was allergies? That's not of this world. And he just left it there. And I think it's very surging, not just in the politics, politics aspect, but in other aspects of our life.
But if you just read through the gospel, you see how none of this world he was. And then we can emulate that.
I think there could be.
A couple of different ways to take I'm into politics and the main one has been the way the main one has been quite well and I care.
Not good enough, but it's also, I think it's possible to be into politics in a way where you don't care, but it intrigues you more. Sometimes our human nature, we can be attracted to arguing really quite literally. And it can be also a hobby. That's a little bit of a different way to take the question. I'm into. I don't really necessarily care, but it's part of my life. There is a badge pressed off and.
I think we take it that way. We can become as much the same answer. Go back to what Bob said about how it really should not be our focus for ambassadors.
There's much better ways to serve our time.
Easily get caught into it.
It's not necessarily like you know, specifics in heaven and and that, but you're still into the trees. There can be different reasons for someone saying that statement, but then by and large that it is not a positive thing and it doesn't have to do it more happens here.
A lot of the properties in politics.
It tells us what's going to happen, so it's interesting to see what's happening in the world of politics.
These days and we can see how spiritual is being fulfilled.
And and, and how it's leading up to the prophetic events that are that are.
It is interesting to observe.
And if you read Mr. Kelly, it's very evident that he was up to date with the politician of the time and.
I don't think he was into it, and that's a bit but.
He obviously knew what was going on at the time.
And how that fight is proposition?
So, time for another question.
When the Lord suffered after there be only One Cup and one plate passed around on the basis of only One Cup being spoken of in the mouth also.
In the unity of the body, seeing the cup and then the broken bread, where is it only seen in the unbroken low?
Would like to open the discussion with First Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 16.
In reference to the cup, there only be 1 cup.
There's 16 The cup of blessing has singularity because of blessing, which we bless. This is not the community of the blood of Christ.
Blessings. That's not talking about the vessel that's sitting on the table.
Your tub of blessing is everything that the blood represents is a tough as the wine is, wine cannot be limited to.
But the line didn't want to be poured on my hand. It doesn't stay there in one, it all falls down the ground.
The line represents the blood of Christ.
And that cup represents everything, all the benefits we receive from the from the customers and from the blood of Christ. We have pronunciation, we have justification, we have Jesus, God for what life to God. So many benefits that we have through the blood. And that's because the blessing sometimes you hear someone say.
When they're talking about an issue, well, that's not my cup of tea.
You're not talking about, you're not even talking about a cup of tea. Talking about what that cup of tea, that's not much you would not represent. There's really a cup of blessing is what is represented by the When we have a cup of two cups for each individual cups, the line is representing the cups.
You can notice in that portion and.
You read Jeff Levers 16%.
Let's go out and read verse the rest of the verse The bread would be great. Is it not the communion of the body of Christ for weaving many our notice one bread and one body where we are all partakers of that one thread.
It never says in scripture in any place you can look it up 1 cup. It never says that.
Save the cops, and I think what you said is a very good explanation to them, but it does say one goal that's important, that there be one low.
It represents here the body of Christ. How many bodies are there in this world?
And even when we break it and pass it from 1 to another, we are showing something. When I take a piece of that bread and eat it, I am saying in a public way, I am a member in part of one body. And so I partake of this one goal. So everyone.
That Partick is saying I am a member of that one body. You do not partake.
You are saying I not really a bad boss.
And so it should be an exercise for you young people who understand what that means and are not breaking bread yet.
There's nothing hindering your life. You should be partaking of that one law too. But I just wanted to make it clear because we wrestled with this issue and Latin America as well. Scripture never says 1 cup.
It does say one breath or one lower because the unity of the body is not in the top, it's in the low. Even after it's broken. It's the same one vote that is passed around and all who partake are saying in effect by family member.
In part of one's law.
Remember some time ago in Bolivia outside a conference and the.
Brother and I don't remember how you were there in the 200, They didn't have a very big low.
Brother there didn't, I don't know, they didn't think they had, but it was just about.
Halfway through passing around and the loaf was there was much left. I don't know if I was right in doing it, but I stood up and said brethren, your brother over there that haven't partake in our members of the body of Christ too. Keep that in mind when you don't take such a big peace.
If you're a big first, big member of the body of Dryswell, understand you want to take a big piece.
So it's important. I remember one time I had found this in.
And Toronto, where there was 1200 presidents at the office center, wow, it was a big role. It's important that it be one goal because it's the testimony of the truth that the body of Christ is one.
How do you see it? How does the apostle Paul say, for we are all partakers of that one bread, and if he was not partaking in the same physical losses, physical one loaf is the curriculum.
In each place there is one bolt, and I take it that sense, And each local place there's one globe, and that's the testimony in that place of the truth of the one body.
Yeah, yeah, you're 11% exhausted breath and drink the stuff which shows a large fat that the top door we showing it to.
I believe first of all, we're showing you to God the Father.
Valuing his son, and we are, we are honoring the request of the Lord.
We're giving glory to the Lord that gives glory to God the Father because he sees how we respect and honor His Son to this race. So I believe he showed to the Father and then again, we show it to the Lord Jesus. He's the one who asked us to do this and we showed Him that we really care. We show. And like Bob says, when we take that bread and we eat it, it says, if I don't fart in that bread and I'm part of that body, if I let the bread pass by me and I don't take a piece and I don't.
I'm saying I'm not part of that. I'm not part of the body of Christ. What you're saying you are part of the body of Christ, but you're saying I'm not because you didn't partake. And and so we're showing it to the Lord Jesus. He asked us to do that.
And then we show it to.
Everybody in the room.
Is the savior. He's tired of the modern parties.
You should be afraid, but that's what that's what it represents and you show it to the angels. We see the angels are watching and as the angels are are singing, what is going on? They're learning. They're learning and they see the women with their head coverings on. They see that there's a respect of subjection to Christ.
They see the men without their hearts on. They see the men in the protection.
And all this objection to the and so we show it to one another and.
That's why we say where there is a place where they break red, there's a testimony in that place because we're showing something. But notice in chapter 10 and verse 10.
You're showing that we are members of one body. Chapter 11 in the Lords Supper, Lord chapter again, it's the Lord's Table we're talking about in Chapter 11 is the Lord's Supper and says verse 26.
We show the Lords death, telling God.
Showing something?
Public way.
The question says one plate, so we cover the one top. What about one plate and the the jacket says nothing about one place.
You can have 1000 flights. What's critical is that at the beginning you have one unbroken look.
And that everyone partakes of that one broken load. So I believe that there is unity being in that unbroken load. And I believe that there's unity expressed and partaking of that broken load that's passing around. Whether or not it's torn into 1000 pieces is fine. It should never start as waivers at the beginning or pieces of bread at the beginning. That does not express what's here. This is one load.
And just to continue with what Bob was saying, you know, you had a confidence and you had sometimes the women have to go out with their their kids.
What guys? And they're out in a separate room and you're having the remembrance. Do you place a separate loaf out there for them for ease, for convenience and say no way that would deny what is plainly written here?
Critical that we have to want to love and one and so we go to great extent. I can't imagine what that wrote look like I remember when I was a kid I used to go to Toledo and they had over 1000 people. I don't remember what time the load but I'm sure it's huge one load and.
Today we need to be careful because there are things that are happening and that we are allowing into the assembly that ended up themselves are not bad. But when they contradict this verse and we introduce multiple loads in different ways, we're going against what Scripture points out as being a way that he is frustrated and we're denying a Scripture space. We need to be careful. We need to make sure that we always come back to us Scripture.
Well, I've heard somebody say that like when you break bread and remember Lord over soon and we have a hope at our house and you have to open your house, give a comment on that.
I think that when we do that, we're introducing multiple loops.
If we are having a singular remembrance and we are allowing different people to zoom in on that remembering. So when that brother stands up at the table, he gives thanks to that vote and he breaks it and the people on Zoom take their loads and they break it based off of that prayer that was just mentioned. We have introduced multiple clothes.
That is contrary to what this verse says. It plainly says that we have one threat. Somebody might say, well, you know, we have a loaf here in Dorothy and there's a loaf in Mount Saber, There's a loaf in Woodbridge. And those are separate gatherings. And when you zoom in on a, on a meeting.
You're saying that this is a singular meeting?
I heard some who have their remembrance meeting right before the.
Emblems are doing thanks for doing this come back and every home individually.
Remember the Lord in this death. That's fine, that's scriptural. I I would ask why you could zoom in. We have more in the scripture for having breaking If for some reason you cannot make it out, use scripture to break bread.
Go with the scriptural roots. Don't introduce something that is contrary to scripture approaches for convenience or ease or any other reason.
It's another, it's another big topic, but it's an important thing to realize what these persons are saying and not to allow any circumstance to come in and say, well, this circumstance allows us to go beyond the word of God. Where, where does, when does that end? It will never end.
Yeah, they grow bread in their home and.
To Jerusalem cost the house home and then later on you read, but at least instincts in the era of the assembly, just one assembly only, but there was different tones. So they were breaking bread. You see the same thing at the end of First Corinthians, the end of roses. This is something that was done and of course they did that fellowship with their denial.
The way Joe does, and if they're on Zoom here, you've got a load, you can look at Zoom, you see another load and all those are present at least in that connection.
It does not seem to be the pattern or what you have in this future as far as I can see.
I will say that from what I've heard, the intention, the motive has been good. One of the motives or intentions that I've heard is that we want to show as much unity as possible. We don't want to be broken up into the local 1St.
Those things in Jerusalem.
And so we we go to great lengths to show this unity by getting on the using that scripture says.
We're practicing by having one blow, not by trying to show you.
Unless somebody has another comment.
We don't have time for another president.
Well, I'll say this might say.
If we had, and if we do continue with prophecy, my thought was to go through some of the different scriptures.
In the order that would be I think very helpful to keep it up. So if you just starting out prophecy.
My suggestion would be to go to the book of Daniel and take that up first, and it's very helpful. Brother Bob mentioned the other day that Daniel gives us the times of the Gentiles and God and intended to have rule here to his people in Israel. They fell into complete idolatry and he could no longer continue with them. He took that role.
Away from that nation and transferred it to the Gentiles.
And that you gave the Daniel, particularly Daniel chapter two.
So we could we had more time to look at that, but as you go through Daniel, you'll find that both is broken right in half there's.
12 Chapters. The first six are stories.
And the last six are prophecies that are directed verse six. The stories are all prophetic and the 2nd chapter gives us a great image that has four parts to it and outlines the entire times of the gentiles.
And as you go through Daniel, you get to the second part of particularly the Chapter 9. I would suggest taking up very carefully.
And the verses from about clicking 4 to 27.
About angels 17 weeks and getting a good idea of what that's talking about. And you'll find there in particular introduced the 70th week, which is the tribulation period that we were talking about.
Before and I guess it was Monday morning.
So Daniel is a great place to start. Then perhaps you can go to Matthew 24. I found that was very helpful before hitting something like the Book of Revelation.
But don't shy away from the Book of Revelation.
Tremendous book and you can't understand it. It says blessed are they that greed and keep the Saints of this operation. First chapter and ever these that again for the last chapter and it music. We need to take off that book and understand it and then there are many other places that you can go and learn details. We already referred to the Second Thessalonians.
Earlier in this meeting to find out much there about what's going to happen in the future.
Just recommend go back to it in that order so you can get the outline so you can fix what the order of events is. Then you can come back in and fill in the details with other prophetic scriptures like Second Thessalonians, the book of Isaiah, the book of Zechariah, and many other places.
That give details that will then naturally fit into the outline that you'll get from Daniel Matthew 24 in Revelation.
I wonder if you could go back to the chart that we have that there's is that possible? But back up there just to thank you, just to show you where the times of the Gentiles that Daniel mentioned that Daniel talks about.
You have to go way back to the left of that chart to when Nebuchadnezzar came into Jubia and took away the.
Raised the Kingdom.
From the children of Israel, like you said, I God had given it to the descendants of David, and to this day it is in the hands of Gentile powers.
Yeah, Israel is back in their land, but they could not be there but wasn't for the sufferance of Gentile powers. It's the times of the Gentiles and that time ends at the very end of the Tribulation when the Lord Jesus comes back as the King of Pings to take back the control of the government of this world. And it will be again in the in the descendants of the House of David, the Lord Jesus.
King of Kings, that's when the times the Gentiles and just wanted to make that clarification because I think it helps.
256 Keep up, Lord, of keep us leaving to thyself, and still believe, because of the power of our receiving.
Promised stories would be 256.
Ways to save you.
And we shall be prepared. We will be and we shall.
Be right, we shall be.
Right. For God and Father, we give thanks for this time. You can have to have these questions before us. We just pray for each one in this room. I think that the answers that have been given, we trust that there's been answers from by word. We pray that it we've heard something that has been a help or a correction, maybe even that we would just take it.
As from yourself and not.
And not just the opinion of them, but we really take these things to heart. So we just pray that we would be kept as we've been reminded of leaving to our Savior until He comes for us. So we just pray that you'll be found watching and waiting when he returns just.
For help through the day, for safety and the activity that is helping everything, we give thanks to the name of our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ United.