New Testament Synonyms.

A short list of Synonyms is added, embracing some Greek and English words which could not well be considered in the Dictionary. It is important that those who believe in the verbal inspiration of scripture should study the words used by the Holy Spirit as far as they have the means.
The few Synonyms here given may be regarded as samples, and may lead the reader into a new and interesting field of study, which if followed out would embrace the careful consideration of hundreds of other words. Such a study will not merely tend to the acquisition of a more correct knowledge of the letter of the divine oracles, but it will form the mind in the thoughts of the God who deigns to use human language to convey to our souls what the Holy Spirit Himself calls "the deep things of God." 1 Cor. 2:1010But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10). One who carefully studies such subjects in a proper spirit will be ever learning more of the mind of God as expressed in the scriptures.
Some words not considered here will be found briefly treated in the Dictionary under ‘Author, Begotten, Children, Eternal, Godhead, Godliness, Hell, Knowledge, Lord, Man, Natural, New, Ordain, Power, Redemption, Servant, Sin, Washing, &c.'