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Proverbs 11

Prov. 11:9 KJV (With Strong’s)

An hypocrite
chaneph (Hebrew #2611)
soiled (i.e. with sin), impious
KJV usage: hypocrite(-ical).
Pronounce: khaw-nafe'
Origin: from 2610
with his mouth
peh (Hebrew #6310)
the mouth (as the means of blowing), whether literal or figurative (particularly speech); specifically edge, portion or side; adverbially (with preposition) according to
KJV usage: accord(-ing as, -ing to), after, appointment, assent, collar, command(-ment), X eat, edge, end, entry, + file, hole, X in, mind, mouth, part, portion, X (should) say(-ing), sentence, skirt, sound, speech, X spoken, talk, tenor, X to, + two-edged, wish, word.
Pronounce: peh
Origin: from 6284
shachath (Hebrew #7843)
to decay, i.e. (causatively) ruin (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: batter, cast off, corrupt(-er, thing), destroy(-er, -uction), lose, mar, perish, spill, spoiler, X utterly, waste(-r).
Pronounce: shaw-khath'
Origin: a primitive root
his neighbor
rea` (Hebrew #7453)
from 7462; an associate (more or less close)
KJV usage: brother, companion, fellow, friend, husband, lover, neighbour, X (an-)other.
Pronounce: ray'-ah
Origin: or reya2 {ray'-ah}
: but through knowledge
da`ath (Hebrew #1847)
KJV usage: cunning, (ig-)norantly, know(-ledge), (un-)awares (wittingly).
Pronounce: dah'-ath
Origin: from 3045
shall the just
tsaddiyq (Hebrew #6662)
KJV usage: just, lawful, righteous (man).
Pronounce: tsad-deek'
Origin: from 6663
be delivered
chalats (Hebrew #2502)
to pull off; hence (intensively) to strip, (reflex.) to depart; by implication, to deliver, equip (for fight); present, strengthen
KJV usage: arm (self), (go, ready) armed (X man, soldier), deliver, draw out, make fat, loose, (ready) prepared, put off, take away, withdraw self.
Pronounce: khaw-lats'
Origin: a primitive root

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Ministry on This Verse

An hypocrite.Or rather, as {chanaiph} properly signifies, a wicked, profligate person, an infidel.
1 Kings 13:18‑22• 18And he said to him, I am a prophet also as thou art; and an angel spoke to me by the word of Jehovah saying, Bring him back with thee into thy house, that he may eat bread and drink water. He lied unto him.
19Then he went back with him, and ate bread in his house, and drank water.
20And it came to pass as they sat at the table, that the word of Jehovah came to the prophet that brought him back;
21and he cried to the man of God that came from Judah, saying, Thus saith Jehovah: Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed the word of Jehovah, and hast not kept the commandment that Jehovah thy God commanded thee,
22but camest back, and hast eaten bread and drunk water in the place of which he said to thee, Eat no bread and drink no water; thy carcase shall not come to the sepulchre of thy fathers.
(1 Kings 13:18‑22)
1 Kings 22:6,20‑23• 6And the king of Israel assembled the prophets, about four hundred men, and said to them, Shall I go against Ramoth-Gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? And they said, Go up, and the Lord will give it into the king's hand.
20and Jehovah said, Who shall entice Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-Gilead? And one said after this manner, and another said after that manner.
21And there came forth a spirit, and stood before Jehovah, and said, I will entice him.
22And Jehovah said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt entice him, and also succeed: go forth, and do so.
23And now, behold, Jehovah has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and Jehovah has spoken evil concerning thee.
(1 Kings 22:6,20‑23)
Job 8:13• 13So are the paths of all that forget *God; and the profane man's hope shall perish, (Job 8:13)
Job 34:30• 30That the ungodly man reign not, that the people be not ensnared. (Job 34:30)
Psa. 55:12,20‑21• 12For it is not an enemy that hath reproached me--then could I have borne it; neither is it he that hateth me that hath magnified himself against me--then would I have hidden myself from him;
20He hath put forth his hands against such as are at peace with him; he hath profaned his covenant.
21Smooth were the milky words of his mouth, but his heart was war; his words were softer than oil, yet are they drawn swords.
(Psa. 55:12,20‑21)
Matt. 7:15• 15But beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but within are ravening wolves. (Matt. 7:15)
Matt. 15:5‑14• 5But *ye* say, Whosoever shall say to his father or mother, It is a gift, whatsoever it be by which received from me thou wouldest be profited:
6and he shall in no wise honour his father or his mother; and ye have made void the commandment of God on account of your traditional teaching.
7Hypocrites! well has Esaias prophesied about you, saying,
8This people honour me with the lips, but their heart is far away from me;
9but in vain do they worship me, teaching as teachings commandments of men.
10And having called to him the crowd, he said to them, Hear and understand:
11Not what enters into the mouth defiles the man; but what goes forth out of the mouth, this defiles the man.
12Then his disciples, coming up, said to him, Dost thou know that the Pharisees, having heard this word, have been offended?
13But he answering said, Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up.
14Leave them alone; they are blind leaders of blind: but if blind lead blind, both will fall into a ditch.
(Matt. 15:5‑14)
Acts 20:30• 30and from among your own selves shall rise up men speaking perverted things to draw away the disciples after them. (Acts 20:30)
2 Cor. 11:13‑15• 13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.
14And it is not wonderful, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
15It is no great thing therefore if his ministers also transform themselves as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
(2 Cor. 11:13‑15)
2 Thess. 2:8‑10• 8and then the lawless one shall be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall consume with the breath of his mouth, and shall annul by the appearing of his coming;
9whose coming is according to the working of Satan in all power and signs and wonders of falsehood,
10and in all deceit of unrighteousness to them that perish, because they have not received the love of the truth that they might be saved.
(2 Thess. 2:8‑10)
1 Tim. 4:1‑3• 1But the Spirit speaks expressly, that in latter times some shall apostatise from the faith, giving their mind to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons
2speaking lies in hypocrisy, cauterised as to their own conscience,
3forbidding to marry, bidding to abstain from meats, which God has created for receiving with thanksgiving for them who are faithful and know the truth.
(1 Tim. 4:1‑3)
2 Peter 2:1‑3• 1But there were false prophets also among the people, as there shall be also among you false teachers, who shall bring in by the bye destructive heresies, and deny the master that bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction;
2and many shall follow their dissolute ways, through whom the way of the truth shall be blasphemed.
3And through covetousness, with well-turned words, will they make merchandise of you: for whom judgment of old is not idle, and their destruction slumbers not.
(2 Peter 2:1‑3)
Prov. 2:10‑16• 10When wisdom entereth into thy heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul,
11discretion shall keep thee, understanding shall preserve thee:
12To deliver thee from the way of evil, from the man that speaketh froward things;
13from those who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness;
14who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of evil;
15whose paths are crooked, and who are perverted in their course:
16To deliver thee from the strange woman, from the stranger who flattereth with her words;
(Prov. 2:10‑16)
Prov. 4:5‑6• 5Get wisdom, get intelligence: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.
6Forsake her not, and she shall keep thee; love her, and she shall preserve thee.
(Prov. 4:5‑6)
Prov. 6:23‑24• 23For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching a light, and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
24to keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
(Prov. 6:23‑24)
Mark 13:14,22‑23• 14But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not, (he that reads let him consider it,) then let those in Judaea flee to the mountains;
22For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and give signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
23But do *ye* take heed: behold, I have told you all things beforehand.
(Mark 13:14,22‑23)
Eph. 4:13‑14• 13until we all arrive at the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, at the full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fulness of the Christ;
14in order that we may be no longer babes, tossed and carried about by every wind of *that* teaching which is in the sleight of men, in unprincipled cunning with a view to systematized error;
(Eph. 4:13‑14)
2 Peter 3:16‑18• 16as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; among which some things are hard to be understood, which the untaught and ill-established wrest, as also the other scriptures, to their own destruction.
17*Ye* therefore, beloved, knowing these things before, take care lest, being led away along with the error of the wicked, ye should fall from your own stedfastness:
18but grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
(2 Peter 3:16‑18)
1 John 2:21,27• 21I have not written to you because ye do not know the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
27and *yourselves*, the unction which ye have received from him abides in you, and ye have not need that any one should teach you; but as the same unction teaches you as to all things, and is true and is not a lie, and even as it has taught you, ye shall abide in him.
(1 John 2:21,27)
 The hypocrite has but one thought before his mind—to cover his own baseness, whatever the consequences to others: hence a readiness to falsely accuse and destroy the peace of the innocent in order to maintain the mask of righteousness for one’s self. But the upright can afford to leave all in the hands of God, who in His own way and time will vindicate His servant. The case of Potiphar’s wife and Joseph might have been in Solomon’s mind as he penned the words (Gen. 39 et al.). (Proverbs Eleven by H.A. Ironside)

J. N. Darby Translation

With his mouth a hypocritec destroyeth his neighbourd; but through knowledge are the righteous delivered.

JND Translation Notes

Or "an impious man."
Or "friend," as often. so ver. 12.