Articles on

Psalm 119

Psa. 119:42 KJV (With Strong’s)

So shall I γhave wherewith
dabar (Hebrew #1697)
a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause
KJV usage: act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles, commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern(-ing), + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, (evil favoured-)ness, + glory, + harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message, (no) thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some (uncleanness), somewhat to say, + song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing (concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what(-soever), + wherewith, which, word, work.
Pronounce: daw-baw'
Origin: from 1696
to answer
`anah (Hebrew #6030)
properly, to eye or (generally) to heed, i.e. pay attention; by implication, to respond; by extens. to begin to speak; specifically to sing, shout, testify, announce
KJV usage: give account, afflict (by mistake for 6031), (cause to, give) answer, bring low (by mistake for 6031), cry, hear, Leannoth, lift up, say, X scholar, (give a) shout, sing (together by course), speak, testify, utter, (bear) witness. See also 1042, 1043.
Pronounce: aw-naw'
Origin: a primitive root
him that reproacheth
charaph. (Hebrew #2778)
to pull off, i.e. (by implication) to expose (as by stripping); specifically, to betroth (as if a surrender); figuratively, to carp at, i.e. defame; denominative (from 2779) to spend the winter
KJV usage: betroth, blaspheme, defy, jeopard, rail, reproach, upbraid.
Pronounce: khaw-raf'
Origin: a primitive root
me: for I trust
batach (Hebrew #982)
properly, to hie for refuge (but not so precipitately as 2620); figuratively, to trust, be confident or sure
KJV usage: be bold (confident, secure, sure), careless (one, woman), put confidence, (make to) hope, (put, make to) trust.
Pronounce: baw-takh'
Origin: a primitive root
in thy word
dabar (Hebrew #1697)
a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause
KJV usage: act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles, commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern(-ing), + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, (evil favoured-)ness, + glory, + harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message, (no) thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some (uncleanness), somewhat to say, + song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing (concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what(-soever), + wherewith, which, word, work.
Pronounce: daw-baw'
Origin: from 1696
or, answer him that reproacheth me in a thing.

Cross References


Ministry on This Verse

So shall.
have wherewith, etc.
or, answer him that reproacheth me in athing.
for I trust.
Psa. 119:49,74,81• 49ZAIN. Remember the word for thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.
74They that fear thee will see me, and rejoice; because I have hoped in thy word.
81CAPH. My soul fainteth for thy salvation; I hope in thy word.
(Psa. 119:49,74,81)
Psa. 56:4,10‑11• 4In God will I praise his word, in God I put my confidence: I will not fear; what can flesh do unto me?
10In God will I praise his word; in Jehovah will I praise his word.
11In God have I put my confidence: I will not fear; what can man do unto me?
(Psa. 56:4,10‑11)
Psa. 89:19‑37• 19Then thou spakest in vision of thy Holy One, and saidst, I have laid help upon a mighty one; I have exalted one chosen out of the people.
20I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:
21With whom my hand shall be established; and mine arm shall strengthen him.
22No enemy shall exact upon him, nor the son of wickedness afflict him;
23But I will beat down his adversaries before his face, and will smite them that hate him.
24And my faithfulness and my loving-kindness shall be with him, and by my name shall his horn be exalted.
25And I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.
26*He* shall call unto me, Thou art my father, my *God, and the rock of my salvation;
27And as to me, I will make him firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.
28My loving-kindness will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him;
29And I will establish his seed for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven.
30If his sons forsake my law, and walk not in mine ordinances;
31If they profane my statutes, and keep not my commandments:
32Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.
33Nevertheless my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor belie my faithfulness;
34My covenant will I not profane, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
35Once have I sworn by my holiness; I will not lie unto David:
36His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me;
37It shall be established for ever as the moon, and the witness in the sky is firm. Selah.
(Psa. 89:19‑37)
2 Sam. 7:12‑16• 12When thy days are fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.
13It is he who shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.
14I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the sons of men;
15but my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before thee.
16And thy house and thy kingdom shall be made firm for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.
(2 Sam. 7:12‑16)
1 Chron. 28:3‑6• 3But God said to me, Thou shalt not build a house unto my name, for thou art a man of war, and hast shed blood.
4And Jehovah the God of Israel chose me out of all the house of my father to be king over Israel for ever; for he has chosen Judah to be the prince; and of the house of Judah, the house of my father; and among the sons of my father he took pleasure in me to make me king over all Israel;
5and of all my sons, (for Jehovah has given me many sons,) he has chosen Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of Jehovah over Israel.
6And he said to me, Solomon thy son, he shall build my house and my courts; for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father.
(1 Chron. 28:3‑6)
Acts 27:25• 25Wherefore be of good courage, men, for I believe God that thus it shall be, as it has been said to me. (Acts 27:25)
 God in truth, of His will, God in mercy, God Himself as an object, but only God—nothing outside or away from Him. His mercies are looked for, and that is right, and deliverance from Him, and this according to His word, for He has perfectly revealed Himself, and we want nothing short of Him. What an answer will His deliverance be to the enemy that reproaches! (Practical Reflections on the Psalms: Psalm 119:25-72 by J.N. Darby)

J. N. Darby Translation

So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me; for I confide in thy word.