Articles on

Psalm 60

Psa. 60:3 KJV (With Strong’s)

Thou hast showed
ra'ah (Hebrew #7200)
to see, literally or figuratively (in numerous applications, direct and implied, transitive, intransitive and causative)
KJV usage: advise self, appear, approve, behold, X certainly, consider, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, X indeed, X joyfully, lo, look (on, one another, one on another, one upon another, out, up, upon), mark, meet, X be near, perceive, present, provide, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see(-r, -m, one another), shew (self), X sight of others, (e-)spy, stare, X surely, X think, view, visions.
Pronounce: raw-aw'
Origin: a primitive root
thy people
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
a hard things
qasheh (Hebrew #7186)
severe (in various applications)
KJV usage: churlish, cruel, grievous, hard((-hearted), thing), heavy, + impudent, obstinate, prevailed, rough(-ly), sore, sorrowful, stiff((necked)), stubborn, + in trouble.
Pronounce: kaw-sheh'
Origin: from 7185
: thou hast made us tob drink
shaqah (Hebrew #8248)
to quaff, i.e. (causatively) to irrigate or furnish a potion to
KJV usage: cause to (give, give to, let, make to) drink, drown, moisten, water. See 7937, 8354.
Pronounce: shaw-kaw'
Origin: a primitive root
the wine
yayin (Hebrew #3196)
wine (as fermented); by implication, intoxication
KJV usage: banqueting, wine, wine(-bibber).
Pronounce: yah'-yin
Origin: from an unused root meaning to effervesce
of astonishment
tar`elah (Hebrew #8653)
KJV usage: astonishment, trembling.
Pronounce: tar-ay-law'
Origin: from 7477

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to drink.
Psa. 75:8• 8For in the hand of Jehovah there is a cup, and it foameth with wine, it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same; yea, the dregs thereof shall all the wicked of the earth drain off, and drink. (Psa. 75:8)
Isa. 51:17,22• 17Arouse thyself, arouse thyself, stand up, Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of Jehovah the cup of his fury. Thou hast drunk, hast drained out the goblet-cup of bewilderment:
22thus saith thy Lord, Jehovah, and thy God, who pleadeth the cause of his people, Behold, I take out of thy hand the cup of bewilderment, the goblet-cup of my fury; thou shalt no more drink it again:
(Isa. 51:17,22)
Jer. 25:15• 15For thus hath Jehovah the God of Israel said unto me: Take the cup of the wine of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drink it. (Jer. 25:15)
Lam. 4:21• 21Rejoice and be glad, daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz: the cup shall pass also unto thee; thou shalt be drunken, and make thyself naked. (Lam. 4:21)
Ezek. 23:31‑32• 31Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister; and I have given her cup into thy hand.
32Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Thou shalt drink of thy sister's cup deep and large; thou shalt be for a laughing-stock and a derision, for it containeth much.
(Ezek. 23:31‑32)
Hab. 2:16• 16Thou art filled with shame instead of glory; drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of Jehovah's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and a shameful spewing shall be on thy glory. (Hab. 2:16)
Rev. 16:19• 19And the great city was divided into three parts; and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon was remembered before God to give her the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. (Rev. 16:19)
Rev. 18:16• 16saying, Woe, woe, the great city, which was clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet, and had ornaments of gold and precious stones and pearls! (Rev. 18:16)
 They do not rebel against God’s dealings with them; they do not seek to justify themselves; they do not look to themselves or to others to retrieve their position. They look only to God. (Psalms 60 by H. Smith)

J. N. Darby Translation

Thou hast shewn thy people hard things; thou hast made us to drink the wine of bewilderment.