
Gospel—John Kemp
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Well, we welcome everyone to the Gospel meeting tonight. What a privilege it is to, uh, be able to announce the glad tidings of God's grace once more.
To everyone here, if there's any, uh.
Visitors, we are glad to have you here under the sound of God's Word. We're going to, uh, open our meeting by singing #15 in your hymn sheets. Oh, blessed gospel sound, Yet there is room. It sells to all around. Yet there is room number 15 in your hem sheets at some brotherhood started, please.
Who blessed God's full silence?
And he sat down there, all along the island.
Yes, and then after things grow up.
I don't really. Well, I hear you crying, squeezing.
Red, red, red, but it's not getting it, Yeah.
It's great for me.
Yeah, I can't remember this room.
Yeah, everything is really good.
Round around here. Well, I saw that.
Where I'm going to pray from the heart and say.
SMS Adam.
Shall we pray? Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee.
First of all, for that unspeakable gift of thy beloved son, Heaven's beloved 1.
Who came down to this sad world to reveal the heart of God to us, to accomplish that mighty work of redemption so that whosoever will may come?
We rejoice to know there is still room in the heart of God for any poor Sinner in the room tonight.
Who feels their need of a savior, we ask. Lord.
To bless thy word to each one of us, young or old.
Because the door of salvation will soon be closed. And then that woeful cry, No room, no room, Bless thy word. We pray to each uh, soul present in this company for our our God, our long-suffering and patience and not willing that any would perish. Here we are still in the day of grace, and we pray for blessing.
Tonight, and wherever this wondrous message of pardon is told forth.
That there might be joy in heaven over sinners repenting, we ask thy help owning our weakness, our dependence.
And giving thanks for this privilege and the liberty to proclaim the message in the name for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
We'll see another hymn.
Maybe one that the children would, uh, recognize Number UH-8. Shall we gather at his coming? Could we stand and sing #8?
UH-1 moment if I told me I'm not Sky.
You guys began on the rocket star login.
Imploring us inquiry out of God bless me. Yeah, I don't hear what I'm gonna say this time. It's coming and watching the $10 love.
Yeah, this is all about right now. It's all right, inhaler and uh, uh, not for anything. I mean, yeah, it's a pretty good thing. So I just, uh, love me and watch it and watch in the bed. You're just one.
When I say their eyes are on the same.
Shouting walk and the bridge and everything.
Where you're going to be a long time.
Where you're still headed and friends that have been.
Yeah, when I'm cowardice or not. And it's, uh.
OK, let's go all the way down. It's going to be out again.
And, umm.
Fire and breathe through the blah blah blah.
301059 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what I'm saying. It's watering out. It's bothering me out, like.
You're crazy. So I'm just probably.
It was sympathetic.
OK, umm.
Well, the hymns we have sung at the outset of this gospel meeting and reminded us.
That there is still room.
For you to come and receive a full salvation.
Then in the last hymn that we sung, the Lord is coming and uh, it could be at any moment that the shout would be given that will rapture every blood bought St. of God from earth into the glory. Will you be left behind or do you have a title to enter God's presence if the Lord.
Should, uh, close the door of Grace?
This very night and you young person, boy or girl left there on your seat.
All the believers in this room.
Transported into the presence of the Lord. What a hope we have. Do you have that hope or would you be left behind? Have you a title to glory which is, as we sang in our hymn, that precious blood of the Lord Jesus that flowed from his pierced side, that last crowning sin of man.
To plunge a spear into the side of the dying savior.
And he was dead at that point. And forthwith came there out blood and water, God's answer to man's final wicked act.
That the blood flowed forth to cleanse from sin. The vilest offender who truly believes. How marvelous the grace of God.
That he would wait in long-suffering patients, not willing that any should perish. What an awful feeling it would be to be left behind when the Lord comes. You know, I had that experience this summer. I was going down to Brazil to see Eleanor and I had my passport with me and I thought that everything was in order.
Far as I could see, it had not expired when I got to Newark and was ready to board the plane to go down to Sao Paulo.
The, uh, lady in charge informed me that, uh, my visa had expired. I thought it was in order because three years from the first entry, but no, she said. Mr. Kemp, you uh.
You your visa has expired, the rules have changed. Even though she phoned Brazil, you know he cannot go.
So here I was, stranded in the Newark airport at, uh, 11:00 at night, tired and hungry.
Well, you must go to the Brazil consulate there in New York tomorrow. We'll give you a hotel and, uh, procure the needed, uh, document.
But I says my wife is waiting for me down there in, in Brazil. Well, we have to call her and tell her there's no use coming to the Guardiolas airport in Sao Paulo because, uh, I'm not on the plane. Everyone got on and I was left behind. Not a nice feeling.
My dear friends, if the Lord comes and you are not prepared.
Still in your sins before God, then you will be left behind and there will not be a second opportunity like I had to obtain the needed visa the next day. But then the door of grace will be forever closed, for the master of the house will rise up and shut to the door. And then that cry, Lord, Lord, open to us.
Uh, the Lord is seated in the glory now, and the door of salvation is wide open for you, for whosoever. But when the Lord rises up.
He will shut to the door.
Strive to enter in at the straight gate for many I say unto you, will seek to enter, and shall not be able, because the master of the house, the Lord Jesus.
Who longs for your blessing and salvation tonight will shut to the door. And like those foolish virgins who had a lamp, a profession without any reality, without any oil in the vessel.
We'll hear that. Awful.
Cry no room. I know you not. Though they knocked, though they outwardly appeared to be a Christian.
They all look the same as they went to the wedding feast and you may pass as a believer in your assembly even or in your surroundings. Everyone thinks that you are a believer.
But have you been washed in the precious blood of Christ? And when the Lord comes, will you be ready to meet Him as your Savior? Because those who are not prepared will be left behind for judgment, and they will be deceived by that strong delusion which God will send upon these favored lands of Christendom, that they should believe a lie.
That they all might be damned who believe not the truth. It's a solemn thing.
To be in a gospel meeting because decisions are made.
And I love her feeble. The message may be presented tonight. You are more responsible when you leave this room than when you entered it, because you have heard the message of pardon, the way of escape from coming judgment, the way you might have a passport to heaven.
Christ is the passport, the ticket is his precious blood that we have sung about that was paid there at Calvary. The sufferings of Christ. The payment was made to put away your sin and your guilt from the sight of a holy God.
Tonight you may be saved for time and for eternity. One verse in Jeremiah I would like to read. And before we go on Jeremiah.
Chapter 23.
And verse.
Is not my word like a fire, sayeth the Lord?
Like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces. Here we have the Word of God presented as a powerful instrument. The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to awaken souls to break down that hard heart of yours. It's like a hammer that breakthrough the rock in pieces.
And our hearts are hard and Stony and unresponsive.
Years ago there was a businessman who lived in Great Britain.
And you still have to go to a a town in South Wales.
In connection with his work and when he went there he never got any sleep.
Because there was a big steel factory there, the Naismith factory.
And hour after hour, 24/7, down came those huge hammers beating out the molten steel. Why the thud almost shook the ground. The poor businessman, he couldn't get a wink of sleep there, no matter how hard he tried. But you know the people of that town.
Slept through it all, didn't bother them at all.
But when he went into that area, he's going to get any sleep. He better get out of earshot of those noisy hammers. Uh, and he arranged that, but one day.
There was a defect in the machinery and the hammer stopped. Everyone in the town woke up.
They could sleep soundly while the Hammers were going, pounding day after day and day and night.
But when they stopped, everyone woke up.
You know that's what's going to happen to this world. The laborers are going to be called home. The door of grace is going to be closed. That gospel hammer that has come down so often. Maybe you have heard the gospel, young person, many times in your life. This is not a new message to you. And people sleep on in this world.
Satisfied with their profession of religion.
But really asleep in their sins, unaware of the judgment that is hanging over their head like a thread suspended. And then when the Lord calls the laborers home, and the day of grace closes, they will wake up. They will wake up, but there will be no more gospel meetings. Never again will the message of pardon.
Be sounded forth, it will be too late.
Dear friend, how solemn this is. If you leave this room in your sins, you're taking a very serious risk. God may give you another opportunity. God speaketh once, yet twice yet man perceiveth it not. We beseech you, as the love of God is reaching out to you tonight.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
Love that.
Sent to the Savior from heaven's glory, from the palace.
Of, uh, glory, where he was rich. He wasn't rich down here. He didn't have a penny to show, uh, the, uh, people.
He was poor down here, but through his death many are made rich. That man in the glory is still waiting to bless you, and the door of salvation is wide open.
Someone has a deep interest in your soul. Don't let Satan deceive you with his.
Lie from the pit that God is not interested in your blessing.
And in your salvation, God is deeply interested in your eternal welfare. And tonight.
He beseeches you, perhaps through the lips of a poor servant, to come while the door of grace is so widely open. Come just as you are. God has a deep interest. Judgment is His strange work, and He.
Does not want to consign anyone of his creatures into a lost eternity.
He wants your blessing tonight. He has extended the day of grace to this very moment that you might receive a full and free salvation, that you might know for beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are ready for that vast eternity that lies before you. We're going to look tonight at 3 cases, brief briefly where the word remember.
Comes before us. Let's turn to Luke's gospel. First of all, Luke chapter 17.
I think we are familiar with the passage, but we will.
You will read it. The Lord is speaking to the Pharisees here.
The the solemnity of the days of Noah, the days of Lot.
Uh, chapter 17.
Verse 28 Likewise also, as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built it. But the same day that Locke went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. Well, we've perhaps know something of the history of Lot from the Old Testament.
Locke was a righteous man who vexed his soul every day with the, uh, ungodliness of the city of Sodom. He was really a wretched man.
He, uh, he had a saved soul. We're gonna meet Lot in heaven, but I'm afraid he had a lost life.
He pitched his tent towards Sodom. He got a taste of Egypt when he was down there with his uncle Abraham. And when he came back to the land, he pitched his tent towards Sodom. Never tells us that Lot had an altar. Uh, he wasn't a man of prayer and worship.
Abraham had an altar, but Lot did have a tent. However, he soon dispensed with that when he got into Sodom. But he pitched his tent towards Sodom, and I guess he picked his wife up on on the way.
Because he went from city to city in the plains there, moving towards Sodom all the time. He didn't stay in one place and always rather unstable, but he had his eyes on the world, the prosperity.
Of this life. And he said I want to have a good time. And uh, before long we find him right into the city of Sodom.
And they elected him as a judge there. And there he was sitting in the gate trying to improve that ungodly city and whitewash it. But it was a dead failure from the beginning. He didn't improve it, and he had a wretched life in that place. While I speak to those of us who are believers, are we following that example? Are we?
Mixing ourselves in this world that is under judgment.
Sodom was an ungodly place, wicked, and this is where Lot was found trying to improve it.
Uh, and uh, there he, uh, raised his family and he got accustomed to the evil of Sodom, but it grieved him every day.
But God was merciful to Lot, and He was going to rescue him from that awful place. He only got out by the skit of his teeth. You might say he had to be dragged out, but he escaped the awful judgment that was going to fall upon Sodom.
The world is ripe for judgment, my friends. Judgment is hanging over this world. Is the Church ripe for glory? Because before long judgment is going to sweep through these favored lands. We read of it in Revelation, the awful judgment that will fall upon Christendom, who have had the greatest privileges of all, while judgment was going to fall upon Sodom.
But they were going on with the pleasures of sin, with all the luxury and the ease.
And the ungodliness of that city. They ate. They drank the sunshine brightly as they got up that morning. Everything looked normal.
But suddenly there was the crash of judgment. Lot was pulled out and his two daughters. He lost his other children.
He didn't have any testimony in Sodom because when he came and banged at the door at night.
His, uh, sons didn't believe what he said. What's happened to our father? He's here trying to improve this place, and now he's talking about God judging it. They couldn't reconcile things.
And uh, his wife did get out of that city. But you know, the Lord gives a solemn warning here as we read verse 31.
In that day, he which, uh, which, which shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away. And he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. Remember Lot's wife, Here is a warning that the Lord Jesus himself gives. Remember Lot's wife, I think we all know the story. She got out of that wicked city. Yes, she was dragged out.
But she looked back when she was distinctly told not to look back.
Why did she do that? Because her heart was in Sodom, her plight as she enjoyed the pleasures of sin in that city.
She was an unsaved soul.
That was the result of the associations that Locke had had for some years. His wife was not a believer, she was an unbeliever. Two things worked in her heart, unbelief and disobedience. And there she was turned into a pillar of salt, a beacon for all who could see the folly of unbelief. Her heart was insulted. She wanted to turn back. Her face was towards solemn Sodom.
And her back against God. Dear friend, are you in that position? This world that, uh, appears beautiful to you, it's not going to give you that which truly satisfies that heart of yours. The well is deep, and if you're seeking pleasures of sin and happiness in this world, you're going to be disappointed.
We introduce you tonight to the man of Calvary who loved you, who can give true happiness not for a few years, but for all eternity, The one who paid the price for your redemption on the cross and, uh, invite you to come, warns you too, to flee from the wrath to come, even though you have sinned against the Lord.
And you have dishonored him, and you have disgraced yourself.
There is one who has a deep interest in your salvation, one who knows all about you from beginning to end and yet loves you.
And, uh, wants to save you tonight. The story is told of a mother, I think this was in England. She had a daughter whose name was Mary.
She loved her daughter there was a close intimate relationship between the mother and the daughter but the time came when this girl had to leave home and go to the big city with all its temptations or it was a deep.
Burden to their mother to release her daughter into the world. Well, she had to leave to, uh, get employment. And with many tiers. She said goodbye to her mother and went into the big city. For several months. There was frequent correspondence, warm letters were exchanged.
Uh, the daughter made her mother the con her confident.
And everything was shared with her, but then little by little.
The letters became less affectionate and less frequent until they stopped altogether. The mother was heartbroken. What has happened to my beloved daughter? She no longer corresponds with me. She heard from other sources that Mary had left the paths of virtue and Puri purity.
And was living with her dissolute companions in the great city. But mother, the mother's love was deep. And she said, I'm going to go and look for Mary. I know I have her address here. We maybe I can find her and beseech her to come home. She had an innocent childhood. She knows the love of home and mother. So she went to the great city.
But Mary had, uh, left her lodgings and it seemed impossible to get her address. What is she going to do, give it up as a hopeless task? No, she went to a photographer and she said, I want you to give me.
Uh, we'll say 2025 pictures of myself. Yes, we can do that. So she took those pictures and underneath each one.
She wrote her name.
Mary, I love thee still.
Knowing, uh, the type of company that Mary was now.
Uh, frequenting. She went to the bars and the houses of ill repute and she put it up on the wall.
Hoping that maybe Mary would see this loving invitation. Well, sometime when passed and Mary with some of her shameful companions, was in one of these places. Why she said that looks like my mother.
It looks, let me see. She went closer. Yes, it is my mother.
And I can recognize the handwriting underneath, and there it says, Mary, I love these still. Can it be after I have lived this way for so long that my mother is still seeking me? That she still loves me?
Yes, she said. I must leave this way of life and return to mother.
So she separated from her companions in shame and she went back to mother. And you know the rest of this story, mother's arms and folded her, not with reprimands and reproaches for the way that she had lived, but with love. She received her back. And the end of the story is Mary got saved. She came not only back to her mother, but she came back to the Lord Jesus who was seeking her.
And I say that to you again tonight, dear friend, the Lord Jesus is seeking you. He loves you even though you have disobeyed Him and disgraced perhaps your parents and left the paths of righteousness.
We could say the Lord Jesus says, Sinner, I love thee still, so will you come as you are to the Lord, bow your head in true repentance. We're going to look at another. Remember here.
In a moment, but here, remember Locke's wife was a solemn warning. And uh, it's a voice to also to, to each one of us who are believers that we don't drift into the world which has crucified Christ. God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.
The world has crucified the Savior. Let's not join hands with it in its pleasure. And it's a forgetfulness of God. Now we should take the gospel to the world, yes, but not join with its, uh, its ways. Let's look over now in the same gospel here, few chapters to umm, chapter 23.
I think we are all.
Familiar with this passage of Scripture.
Here again you will see the word remember.
Verse 39 One of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, if thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering.
Rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds.
But this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord.
Remember Me when thou comest.
Into thy Kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee today.
Shalt thou be with me in paradise? Well, what a beautiful story. The only deathbed repentance we have in scripture that no one need despair.
Here we have a man took a journey from Calvary to Paradise.
A man that deserved judgment.
He acknowledges that he justly deserved judgment. He confessed it.
On account of his sins, he had lived a wicked life. He was reaping what he had sold. He was six hours from death if he was to enter heaven.
The matter must be settled there on the cross that he was hanging on, but he took a journey from shame to glory, from the gibbet to the throne.
How marvellous. From the brink of hell to the plains of heaven.
This poor thief.
And you know, in this passage we find two things that must be in your life if you're going to be in the glory. One is repentance, and that comes before us. And what the thief said, we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, he acknowledges.
That he had a heart that was set against God. He had lived a.
A wicked life. In fact, this man had actually reviled Christ before with his companion in sin and crime. But what a marvelous change there was. You know what repentance is? It's a change of mind. It's turning around. You may think you're all right, but you have a change of mind when you repent. You believe what God says about you to be true.
You acknowledge that the word of God is true when it.
When it shows you that you're a Sinner and that you're guilty before a holy God and that you're without hope.
Repentance is the teardrop in the eye of faith, taking sides with God against yourself. It's believing the word of God and then the other thing in this man's life, and I think it's brought before us in the Word, remember?
He had faith and confidence in the Lord. Those two things always go together. You can't have repentance, true repentance, without faith, and you can't have faith without repentance. But what a what a wonderful change there was.
Umm, but I wanna say dear friends, the ground of this deliverance of this man who?
Deserved hell as you and I deserve a lost eternity. What is the ground of his deliverance and his rescue and his release from the grip of the enemy who had him there?
It was the death of Christ, expiation of the Lord Jesus.
And without that, that thief could never enter the glory, nor can you or I. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus and the blood he spilt.
Here we are, a large company of people, perhaps most of us are on the road to glory, but our title to glory, our warrant, is the work of Christ and the blood he shed for us. The Son of God loved me and gave himself for me, said the apostle Paul. An individual loved for each one of you.
Uh, this aft this evening will you come?
Umm, though you may have fearful guilt, there's one who is waiting to lift you up and put you on his shoulders and take you into the glory he holds. The the Lord holds the world on one shoulder. It tells us in the book of Isaiah. A lost sheep he will pick up, and he will place on both his shoulders.
And he won't let you go until he has you in the glory. What a Savior we present to you tonight. And this guilty Sinner that we read about here, he heard from the words of the Son of God, who cannot lie that expression. Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Fit it for more than Angels Company. Fitted for the very presence of God. There he is tonight.
Will you be with that man?
Washed in the blood of Christ. He who couldn't speak to this thief about improving himself or or doing good works, it was too late. He was hanging on the cross. He couldn't do anything or be baptized or turn over a new leaf. It was too late. If he was going to be saved, it must be there on the spot. And that's where the sovereign grace of God.
Shines forth in all its blessedness. Verily I say unto thee.
Today shalt thou be with me in paradise, the first trophy of the death of Christ. Well, we are no better, dear friends, those of us who may preach the gospel, we are just brands plucked out of the burning and saved by the matchless grace of God. We want to look at one more. Remember, before we close, you turn over to, uh, back in Luke's gospel.
To the 16th chapter.
Very solemn one here and I think.
Most of us are familiar with it too.
Luke 16. We won't read the whole passage. Perhaps, uh.
Most of us are familiar with.
This story here not a parable, but.
Actually, uh, the Lord lifts the curtain and He lets us look into the next World. Otherwise we wouldn't know. But we will read, uh, from the beginning here, there, verse 19, there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.
There's two things we notice about him. He was a rich man who, uh, was clothed in the very best apparel, and he had, uh, a feast every day. He fared sumptuously every day. There was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores.
And it came to pass that the beggar died. That's number three. The, uh, umm, the Baker died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. All right, that's the four things in the life of this rich man. He fared sumptuously every day, clothed in purple and fine linen. He died and he was buried. And now God pulls aside the curtain and he shows us the destiny, the condition of this man.
From the lap of luxury into the.
Fire of hell. You know, there's prayers in hell, but they're never answered. This man prayed in hell, but it's too late. God, reverently speaking, could not answer any prayer in hell. And what does he ask for? Very small demand, he says.
Umm in hell he lift up his eyes. Verse 23 being in torment, see as Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water.
And cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. Yes, he asked for a small mercy. He didn't ask for a bucket of water or a pitcher of water. He asked for a drop, but he didn't get it. There's no mercy in a lost eternity. How solemn. And his prayer was unanswered and never will be answered. Wealth to poverty, honor to shame.
The heavy chains.
Of unending remorse and pain was the portion of this character here.
And then we come to the word of Abraham here in verse 25, which I want to emphasize. Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things. How solemn that is. Son, remember hell, a good memory, and a bad conscience. How solemn this is. What did he remember? The times of privilege and opportunity.
That he had had to get right with God.
But he had umm.
Neglected those privileges.
He had avoided those opportunities. His memory is master of the scene. Now he's in a place where hope can never enter. But he had a memory. He could think of the opportunities. And if you, my friend.
Leave this world in your sins, bound with the heavy chains of your sins. You will have a memory and recall to your soul in agony.
The times, the many times. Perhaps you heard the gospel, the many times you heard of the love of God, and you resist it, or you neglect it, or you put it off. You are willfully deaf to the message. How solemn the water of life is now offered to you. It is gushing out from the heart of God, but there's not a drop of water in a lost eternity. You may have heard the gospel many times.
But I was reading a story recently of a, of a man in, uh, Africa. This was in, uh, actually a Portuguese part of Africa. Eleanor and I had the privilege of visiting, uh, Mozambique, umm, several times on the East Coast of Africa, but this, uh, story took place in the on the other coast.
In Angola, but still a Portuguese country.
And this, uh, man.
That I'm telling you about, his name was.
Boys and girls might like to hear this story. Tsuachika lived in Angola.
And if you ever get the opportunity to read the account of the work of our brother.
Wilson, who uh, for many years worked in Angola preaching the gospel to, uh, many precious souls. There was much fruit from Mr. Wilson's work for 40 years in Angola, but he had an experience that I, that I enjoyed reading about.
He used to go into the villages preaching the gospel at night, gathering them around a campfire and presenting the glad tidings to the black people. And many believed one night, as he was going to retire after a hard day of walking through the forests, he was very tired. But he saw something moving in the distance, so he reached for his rifle, which he had cocked there and.
And load it because there was always the danger of leopards and hyenas. So he was ready. But then the men that were there, they began to laugh and say, oh, no, Brother Wilson, it's it's not an animal. It's a man. A man. Yes, there he is. He's coming. He's crawling on his hands and knees. And he came in and he greeted them. Sala Canaway. Sala Canali.
This poor man, his name was Suachiko. He had had polio when he was young.
He couldn't walk. His limbs were just like matchsticks. He had no strength in his legs. Whatever. He could only crawl.
He came up to the fire and he says my name is Suachika. What does that mean? It means father of abandonment. That's a big word. It just means no one wanted him, He said after I had this disease, at one time I was strong and healthy and I could run and walk and and hunt and everything, and now I can only crawl. And so no one cared for me anymore. They called me.
Suachika, father of abandonment, lonely. Well, we're glad to see you, Suachika. We wanna tell you the message of God's love. And he began to explain to him from that verse, John 316. God's wonderful love for that man. Oh, he said wonderful. I thought nobody loved me. But you're telling me of a God that loves me. Thank you.
And he was, he went off. A year passed and they heard nothing more of Suachika. Until one night when, uh, Mr. Wilson was going to retire after preaching the gospel, he saw something moving in the distance. And, uh, he thought again it might be an animal that is, uh, prowling around. But after a little while he saw that it was a man crawling on his hands and knees.
And he recognized him immediately. Suachika. Welcome. Come here. Moya. Moya. We're glad to see you. Oh, thank you for remembering my name. But, Tsuachika, the last time I saw you, you were 120 miles away from here. Yes, at Chilimba. I saw you there, Mr. Wilson. But how did you get here? I crawled on my hands and knees.
All the way you crawled 120 miles.
How did you survive? Well, he said, I'm a good hunter. You know, the chokwe are dead shots. They always get their prey. I'd stop and I'd kill a deer and trade it for some food and then I'd go on and, uh, my knees would be bleeding and my knuckles would be all bleeding. I'd have to stop and wait, uh, for a little while until they healed. And then I went on because I wanted to hear more of that wonderful message you told me there.
Back at Chilemba that God loved me, I thought no one loved me. I just heard it once from your lips. But I've traveled all this distance that I might stay here and hear more of that wonderful love.
Of a, of a person that would think about a poor soul like me that no one wants. And Sue Achika remained there, uh, with, uh, the evangelist. And he got saved, baptized, and he lived for the Lord. Mr. Wilson tried to get crutches for him so he could walk, but it was impossible. It was too far gone. He had to go back to crawling. But we're gonna meet that dear man in the glory.
He heard the gospel once and it touched his heart. You've heard the gospel many times, my friend. Has it touched your heart? Do you realize that God is still seeking you? The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost. We plead with you to take the warning, as we had with Lot's wife and with this man that we read about here in Luke 16. Too late for him.
Still an open door for you, for whosoever let him come and take the water of life freely. Shall we close our meeting by singing?
Song here #33.
Shall we stand and sing #33?
It's been very dry.
Have a nice day, but go on my way to our house in the building again. Come on.
The airplane and she's got to take me to the beginning and every time. Grace to our heart.
Let's play all your opinion.
And I don't do that anymore.
Shall we pray? Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for that finished work of Calvary which we can present to the Sinner tonight. How many of us have benefited from that work of redemption for eternity? We thank the Lord Jesus for thy love that led thee from heaven's glory to Calvary's depth of law for thy sufferings.
For the agony of Calvary to put away our guilty sins.
To pay the price to finish the work, that we might be saved for all eternity and have a home with Thee in the glory. We pray Thy blessing on the Word, O feebly presented tonight, that it might bear fruit in the heart of any who is still a stranger, any soul still a stranger to Thy love and grace. We pray for salvation of souls while still.
God lingers in his long-suffering mercy.
We commit the Word to Thee here and wherever it has gone forth. Thank Thee for this happy day that we have had together in fellowship over Thy precious Word, and we pray for the remainder of the meetings. We ask it all with Thanksgiving and praise in the worthy and precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.