Revelation 19

Open—John Kemp
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Well, brother and I don't propose to speak for any length of time. We only have a few minutes.
But I'm just thinking of a few verses in Revelation chapter.
We won't expatiate any 20 great lengths on this passage, but just a few thoughts.
Revelation 19 and verse seven. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor unto him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready, and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white.
For the fine linen is, the righteous should be. It should be translated here in the plural.
The righteousnesses of the Saints. And he saith unto me, Right blessed are they which are called unto the married supper of the Lamb.
And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Well, we spoke last night of the Supper of Salvation.
This morning we had the supper of Communion. We had the privilege of remembering the Lord in his death. That is just like a photograph. You have a photograph of a loved one on the wall who has passed away. When you look at that photo, it reminds you of that person when she was with you. That is the remembrance of the Lord. It's like a photograph of his death. It brings to our mind.
A fresh.
What what it cost him to put away our sins and to give us?
Redemption. But here in this chapter, it's this supper of joy.
And it's a future event hasn't taken place yet.
But it will without doubt this supper of joy, which is called the marriage supper of the Lamb in our chapter Here will be the time when we will be manifest with the Lord.
We are the bride of Christ, but we're not that yet manifest.
Before the world, but in the coming day we are going to be manifest.
That that garment is something that is seen by others. If the woman comes into the room arrayed and with jewelry she adorned, she is quite obvious. But just think brethren, that the day is coming when we will be manifest. Everything in our lives will be manifest.
How are we living now? Are we living for the things of this world that are going to pass away?
Are we occupied with education? Or it may be other things that are legitimate?
But they rob our souls of Christ.
And of time that we should spend in the precious word of God.
But remember that there's a book of remembrance in heaven. We haven't time to look at Malachi chapter 3. There's a book of remembrance there, and you have a page and your name is on there. And every act of devotedness. Yeah, every thought that you had this morning, you sisters who do not publicly take part in their in the assembly meetings.
You are just as much a priest as the brethren are, and every thought that you had this morning about the Lord or at any other time is recorded Those little acts of devotedness that are done in the background and that nobody sees. The Lord sees that He will not. He is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love.
And this.
This garment that is mentioned here in this chapter, it speaks of the righteousnesses of the Saints. Now there's some confusion here. Sometimes people say, well, are we not the righteousness of God in Christ? Do we not have a perfect standing before God in the person of Christ? We have a divine righteousness without doubt, but that's not the thought in this.
The thought in this verse is your conduct, what you do, your walk, your ways from day-to-day. Everything is recorded there in the annals of eternity, and someday that book of remembrance will be opened and the Lord will delight to reward you.
For everything you have done for him.
It may be something trivial that is not prominent in the eyes of others.
A little visit to a sick believer, giving out a gospel tract. Whatever service the Lord has given you to do in the body of Christ to every man, his work will, if done for the Lord, will be rewarded. Now often, we're told.
As you can remember that reward is not the motive for service. I agree with that. But remember, reward is an encouragement, It's an incentive. As Miss Doctor Wilson says, it's an incentive that what we do for the Lord.
Will not be forgotten, it's recorded. The Lord will reward at our place in the coming Kingdom. We mentioned this in second Peter chapter one. Our place in the coming Kingdom will be according to our walk down here.
That the thought is there administration, we're going to reign with Christ, but our place there will be, according to as we have walked down here, our beloved brethren here in this Carolinas.
Gone to a lot of work, and they have made everything so commodious and comfortable for us. Certainly we should appreciate it, and I think we do. But they'll be a reward for that. But let us remember, brethren, that the judgment seat of Christ is before us, not to condemn us.
Our persons will never be judged, but our acts, our words.
Our actions.
Our interactions with our brethren.
It's all going to come out there, all. May we live in view of that day when the Lord will unveil or manifest our lives, that there might be something that would remain for His glory and.
And will be for our eternal blessings. So may the Lord encourage us. Because the time is short and we are on the threshold of the Lord's coming. Remember, Dimas didn't go on well at the end. Demas hath forsaken me, having loved his present evil world. Is that right? No.
Thee must have forsaken me. Having loved this present world, the things of the world got into his heart.
Paul, you're too strict for me. I I appreciate you, but I don't want to walk with you anymore because it's pretty costly to separate from other Christians that are lovely people. Probably that's what you're saying. Young people, remember you are at the Lord's Table. It's the greatest privilege on earth.
It may not it it is not popular with the world in Christendom, but you continue on.
In the path that the Lord has marked out in His word. And you will never live to regret it. May the Lord bless His work.
318 #318.
Will them of God still keep us?
There's only there insanity.
And this weekend?
Some steps around us.
I love our hearts so. Spain man.
Shine our eyes, behold me, the great grandchildren.