There is Life in a Look

Duration: 1hr 3min
Gospel—John Kemp
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Shall we open our gospel meeting?
#26 there is a there's life and a look.
Have the crucified One. There's life at this moment for thee #26 Then look, Sinner, look unto him, and be saved unto him who was nailed to the tree.
Look, look, look and live.
There's life in a look at the crucified one. Shall we stand and sing #26?
And brother would start it.
There is life in life.
And coordinating and worsen.
Here like this day, unto him who I said.
There's life in the Lord and thorough cruise if I want. There is one that is so many.
Life in love. I love privacy like one. There is life at this moment for him.
May I give my disgrace what thou art in the world, and to hear survive.
There is life at this moment for you.
And thou thought thine will come, since God has declared.
Everything that no more to become.
That one champion.
Of the world.
And complete the world.
There is.
One there is one that is small and for me.
But I have to take great rejoice in front Jesus at once.
Right. Just as man.
Shall we pray? Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for the words of the hymn that we have sung together this evening, that there is life in a look at the Crucified One. We thank the Our God for that unspeakable gift, Heaven's beloved One, the One who left the glory so that we could be saved from our many sins.
The one who walked to this earth in love and compassion toward the lost is now exalted at God's right hand, a Prince and a Savior. We seek thy help tonight.
We ask thee to bless thee going forth of the glad tidings once more, perhaps for the last time, this message will be delivered in this hall in this world and we know God, our God is long-suffering. We thank thee for this wondrous message of grace. We ask thy direction and guidance in the meeting that if there's any soul.
That is still without Christ, without God, without hope.
That they may.
Take that look of faith to the crucified, 1 to the one who is lifted up.
Between heaven and earth, to die that awful death to save us.
From our sins, from the eternal judgment hanging over our heads.
If we're unsaved, so we commit the meeting to thee and ask Thy blessing and guidance. In the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Witnessing another hymn.
Uh, in our on our hymn sheet #20 Behold the Savior at the door and gently knocks, is knocked before he has waited long, is waiting still you use no other friend so ill #20.
Wonderful to know, dear friends, that the Lord Jesus, the Lord of glory, wants to have fellowship with you.
He looks down on this company tonight with compassion.
And infinite love. He looks into the heart of every individual, young and old in this room tonight. He longs to have you as His companion in the glory, not for a few years, but for all eternity. But the purpose of the meeting tonight is a gospel meeting to bring before you, first of all, your need of a Savior.
If you do not already realize that, and secondly, to discover the heart of God that has been revealed to us in the person of His Son. Man has wrong thoughts about God.
And in order that man might understand what is in the heart of God.
He came down.
Of course, God the Father did not come in His person to the world, but He sent his beloved Son, not an Angel, not a prophet, but His own Son, to reveal to us what is in His heart toward man.
We had the verse today. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
He could not give anything more, and he would not give anything less. Heaven's beloved one, He sent from the glory the unimaginable heights of glory into a world where he would be received. No, no room for him in the.
Borrowed cradle and a borrowed grave was all the world had for the Son of God, the Creator of the universe. He came.
And the angels celebrated his birth with praises and glory to his name, as they look down from heaven's glory upon that babe in the Manger of Bethlehem. But let, my friend, we want to make this individual and personal for you.
Because the purpose of the meeting is to bring before you first of all, again, I repeat your need of Christ. We hope that you feel that that you feel.
If not already that you are a Sinner, and a guilty Sinner and a lost and ruined person. In the sight of a holy God, you may be well respected in your community and looked up to with honor and reputation. But in the sight of God, regardless of your background, you are a Sinner.
In need of a Savior? The purpose of the meeting is to bring before you that blessed One.
Who came to reveal the heart of God for God to show you what is in His heart. He sent His only begotten Son, the one who could put His hand upon the treasures of the universe. He was rich in the glory. He wasn't rich down here, but He was rich in the glory, in love, in possessions, in glory, and He laid it aside.
He veiled that glory that was His from a past eternity in the bosom of the Father. He veiled it to enter a world where men, wicked men, our hearts represent it, would crucify the Lord of glory, would put Him to the most shameful death possible on the cross. There they hanged Him and spit upon Him, and crowned Him with thorns.
And ridicule the Son of God. He did not retaliate.
He bore it patiently, even praying for his enemies.
Dear friends, this is the one we want to lift up before your eyes tonight.
We're not here to try to.
Change your religion.
Because that would be useless.
A man may go into a dark room.
And he knows where his coat is, so he can take off one coat and he can put on another. He's in the dark all the time.
And man can change his religion. While we had today a man is a religious character, that's true.
The Pharisees were very religious, and later on we're going to speak a little about one of the most.
Religious persons that ever walked to this planet.
Saw will speak about him a little later. He was a very religious man at the very top of the ladder of human righteousness.
And yet he said, I'm the chief of sinners, a religious man, filled with fire and zeal against the Son of God, religious man.
A man that everyone would look up to, but a lost man and you tonight without pointing the finger at you because God is the one that tells us we are sinners. You may be religious and have a a profession, Most people do and still be without Christ, without God, without hope in this world. Oh dear friends, we want to.
Point your gaze to the man of Calvary. There is life in a look at the crucified One. There is life at this moment for thee. One look of faith to the man of Calvary is enough to save your souls from your soul, from a lost eternity from hell and the judgment of God. One look of faith to the Son of God bearing the awful judgment for my filthy sins, and yours too.
If you will have him is enough to save you for eternity. Have you taken that look?
Have you made that decision for Christ? Because at a gospel meeting, Satan is always active. He's a strong man. He's a master entertainer with all sorts of distractions and attractions and what have you to turn you away from the Lord. Pleasures of sin, wealth of this world, education.
What have you.
No, there's a young lady. Her name was Amelia Hall. Maybe I've told this story before, I can't remember. She lived in England, the 1800s. She was a young lady of distinction. She was from a wealthy family. Her father was Captain Hall. Looked up to and respected in the military community.
But an unbeliever.
His young daughter who was fashionable, she had a different dress every day. She had everything that heart could wish the best food, a beautiful home, because her father was a man of means and and wealth. And so she had everything a young lady would desire in this world. But she didn't have peace with God. And she went to a little gospel meeting in the hall there in the South of England.
She heard the message.
And she was convicted. She was exercised. Though I have everything that my heart wants, I don't have Christ. And I know that I'm not ready for eternity. She went back home. She told this to her father. He flew into a rage. My girl, don't you go back to that place again. Do you understand? If you're going to stay in this home, you do not go to such a meeting as this.
Well, there was the the ultimatum. But after a few weeks, Amelia felt her need so deeply that she had to go again and hear the glad tidings of God's grace. And she heard it, and it melted her young heart, and she saw the Lord dying in her place, and she received him as Savior. But you have to go home.
So she went home.
There was her father to meet her at the door. Where have you been? Well, she had to relate. What? Where she had been, what she had done. Well, of course he was uncontrollable. Now listen, my dear girl, if you do not give up this nonsense, you see that horse whip on the table in the library there?
I'm going to use that on you tomorrow morning if you don't.
Give up this belief, this.
This nonsense, this religion that you have got into your head, well, there was these. It wasn't an idle threat. He was going to do it. So she went up to her room that night with a burdened heart.
Really a burden for her dear Father who was opposed to the gospel. She didn't sleep much that night, but she took out her pen.
And she wrote to him.
There is life in a look at the crucified one. There's life at this moment for thee. She wrote those stanzas that we sang at the beginning of the meeting.
Next morning came.
Her father was waiting for her at the foot of the stairs.
There was the library and the horse whip, and she presented that message to her father like this.
And he picked up the paper and he read that same hymn that we sang tonight.
There is life in a look at the crucified once there is life at this moment for thee. He fell back in his chair, convicted of his sin, and that very night he believed that glorious message of the Gospel, and he was saved, gloriously saved, though he was a man of.
Of reputation and.
The possessions of this world he had, but he didn't have peace with God, and there he received Christ and lived many years to show the genuineness of his conversion. Captain Hall was one of the early brethren gathered for many years in the South of England. Well, we want you, dear friends, to realize that the same Savior.
That saved Amelia, saved her father is waiting in long-suffering mercy.
To save you tonight. His arms are outstretched.
And He is inviting you in this, the day of His matchless grace, the day of His long-suffering mercy, that you might come in your need and look to the Savior and believe in His love that has been demonstrated.
At such infinite cost.
By his death on the cross, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.
And hath given unto us the ministry of reconciliation.
The Lord was down here as a man.
Healing the sick, cleansing the leper.
Dispensing mercy and goodness on every hand. Did it change the heart of man? It really didn't because we read in John's Gospel they hated me without a cause. At the end of his wondrous life of sacrifice and love, he was crucified. The life of Christ did not reconcile man, so the Lord had to go to the cross and bear the judgment that that enmity between.
You and between me and God might be removed. That's what reconciliation is. It's removing that hatred that by nature is in our hearts toward God and.
That's exactly what Christ did.
He died to reconcile us to God. God did not need to be reconciled to us, but we needed to be reconciled to God. Let us turn to Acts Chapter 9 for a few moments.
We're going to find in this chapter, well, it's a familiar story to all of us, I think.
The conversion of.
This character.
I suppose we could say.
He was probably the most religious man that ever walked.
So, but at the same time he was denying.
Overtly, outrightly, that Jesus was the Son of God on earth.
Because the Jews regarded Christ as an impostor, and Saul was one of their.
Greatest champions. And we read here of the historical account of the conversion of Saul. And Saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, and desired of him letters to Damascus, to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men.
Or women he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
You will remember that.
Previous to this, there was a man by the name of Stephen.
Presented a wonderful testimony.
The Jews had rejected Christ by crucifying Him, but now they were rejecting the testimony of the Holy Spirit that was given through.
Steven the first martyr, And he presented the truth to the Jews, and they gnashed upon him with their teeth, and they stoned him outside the city of Jerusalem.
They sent a man after Christ saying we will not have this man to reign over us. The doom of the nation was sealed and from then on Christ is not seen standing at the right hand of God, but sitting dispensationally. This was the final.
Offer of salvation to the nation, and Saul saw the martyr Steven suffering in his face as the face of an Angel, as they hurl the stones at him.
You know, they wanted to have their arms free so they could throw the stones, so they put down their clothes at the feet of Saul doesn't tell us that he actually cast the stones himself, but he consented to it by being there and looking on. He said that man deserves it because he says he's seen Christ, the Son of God. That's not possible.
Well, the Lord had his eye on Saul. Now the Lord has his eye upon you here tonight. He looks down into your heart. He he had.
A work for this man to do. If you're unsaved, God's eye is upon you. All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. And he wants to save you and use you in His service. Saul.
Means destroyer. And he put all his energy into blotting out the name of Christ, stamping out the gospel. And in his fiery hatred and zeal he not only ravaged the Saints in Jerusalem, but he says, Give me letters because I want to go outside Jerusalem.
Give me letters to go to Damascus, which is some miles to the north, and I'll bring them.
Bound hand and foot down to Jerusalem and put them into prison, he tells us. He even compelled them.
To blasphemy. You know, that's the reason why Paul called himself the chief of sinners, you might say. But you said he was at the very top of the ladder of human righteousness. Yes, you read that in Philippians 3 as touching the righteousness which is in the law. Blameless. Not many of us could say that, but Paul, us all could. At the same time, he was the most bitter enemy and opponent of Christ that ever graced the earth.
But God had his eye upon him, and that's why he called himself the chief of sinners, because he persecuted.
Christ in the person of his Son.
You say he wasn't persecuting Christ, He was in the glory. That's true. But let's look at our chapter here. As he journeyed, he came near Damascus and suddenly there shined around about him, a light from heaven. Where did that light come from? Was it the sun? I've been in these oriental lands many times and boy, at at at noon hour, the sun is in its Meridian splendor. You wouldn't want to look at it.
It's hot and it's extremely bright, but it says here that this light that shine from heaven, in fact, it tells us in another passage that it was stronger than the sun. Where did that light come from? It came from the face of a glorified man in heaven.
We've spoken today about Christ exalted in the glory.
Many of us can look forward to being with him. He's an exalted man. He was crucified by wicked hands. God highly exalted him and gave him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow. But Saul was doing everything possible to eradicate the name of Christ.
And he put forth all his energy for that purpose. But God had his eye upon him, and the light that shone from heaven struck him to the earth. He heard the voice of the Son of God. Dear friend, tonight we want you to hear the voice of the Son of God. May the speaker be hid behind the cross of Christ, and you hear what the Lord has to say to you.
The day is coming when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live.
God is speaking to you from heaven tonight.
Through perhaps the lips of a very failing servant. But there's a message for you from the heart of God tonight.
Are you listening to what God has to say? Saul listened here, struck to the earth. He fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
How was he persecuting Christ? Christ was in heaven, in the person, in the lives of the believers. In fact, that brings before us, brethren, the wonderful truth that we are one with Christ. And Saul, carrying out these awful acts of of hatred and persecution against the Saints was really persecuting Christ, because the Saints on earth and Christ are one.
So the Lord spoke to him from the glory. He said, Who art thou, Lord? The Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to kick against the ******. Perhaps he had some.
Trouble in his conscience we don't know because he was on the road to to Damascus to imprison the Saints of God we but anyway.
He had no doubt now who it was that was speaking to him, no doubt whatever. And we trust tonight, dear friend, that you will hear the voice of the Son of God as he speaks to you individually. He has a desire for your blessing. I think of Bartimaeus, who called out Jesus. Thou son of David, have mercy upon me, a blind beggar. Many times my wife Eleanor and I have been in India.
And seen the beggars, the blind beggars going through the railway cars. Usually a little girl or boy is leading them through. They have a little tin here that they're looking for, a few pice. That's a few pennies in India. You have compassion on them there. They are hopeless individuals. God can save them, however. And the Lord stopped at the voice of Bartimaeus.
Lord, that I might receive my sight and.
That was the voice of the Son of God.
And we trust that tonight you will hear His voice speaking to you, that you will not harden your heart today if you will hear His voice harden not your heart. I'm afraid that people become so hardened to the gospel that it goes in one ear and comes out the other without making any effect. But God can break down the hardest heart in this room. He saved a Sinner like me. He can save you too.
I often think of that story in.
That was told by Mr. Cutting.
In the South of Wales, I have been there. It's a beautiful part of the British Isles. There is a, there's a lot of coal mining done there, there's a lot of steel manufacture and there's a factory there.
It's called Naismith. Day and night those big hammers come down. Thundering blows day and night. This businessman, no use to me staying at this place because I can't get a wink of sleep.
With those big Naismith hammers pounding the steel day and night, but all the.
Inhabitants of that town slept through it all, didn't bother them at all. One day there was a mechanical failure in the machinery and the hammer stopped. Everyone woke up.
They wanted the Hammers to start again.
They could sleep when the hammers were going. I sometimes think of that in relation to the gospel people, and I think that everyone in the company here has heard this wondrous gospel many times. Maybe you're getting hardened like that. You hear it and it doesn't have much effect upon you. But the hammer is not my word. Like a hammer that breaketh a rock in pieces.
And someday the hammer is going to stop, and God is going to call the laborers home. The day of grace will have run its course as we had this afternoon.
The door of grace and mercy will be closed upon these favored lands of Christendom, and never again will the gospel hammer come down.
Never again will anyone offer you attract because the laborers will be in the glory.
And if you're left behind, the Lord comes tonight. We spoke about the Lord coming this weekend, and he may do so. He may wait a little longer, but this may be your last opportunity to hear the message of pardon and to close in with God's offer of mercy before it is forever too late. Well, coming back to Seoul, let us read here. He fell to the earth, verse 4.
And heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said.
Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest. Verse six. And he, trembling and astonished, said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
The Lord said unto him, Arise and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
Well, as we have already said, this light shone from the face of the Son of God.
It tells us in 2nd Corinthians 4 that the gospel.
The light on better turn to its second.
Corinthians, chapter 4.
We perhaps know the verse.
It says there in whom?
Verse six. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, have shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. That was the face that Saul looked into that day. The one whom he was fighting against was there speaking to him.
He had been the servant of Satan. Dear friend, you may be offended by this, but if you're not saved, you're in the service of Satan. Many of us, in fact all of us, were in his service, and He had good servants. Now we have the best.
Master of all, he was an awful master, but we were good servants. Now we have the best master, but I'm afraid off times we are poor servants.
Well, May God bless his word. We have been turned from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Yes, it was the voice.
Of the eternal God, not just a man, True, it was a living man that looked down upon Paul. Us all there. A living man. Let us never forget.
That we have an exalted, glorified Savior at God's right hand.
One who is coming again, One who was exalted there because he finished the work of redemption on the cross and shed his blood, and because God was fully satisfied and glorified by the work of His Son, He could not, reverently speaking, leave him in the grave. He broke the bars of the grave and he tore open the gates of death.
And he rolls triumphant. And is this very night an exalted Saviour, a Prince and a saviour. Have you been arrested?
I've been arrested a few times for giving out the gospel. Thank God it didn't develop into anything, but it's not nice to be arrested. But Paul was arrested on his murderous course that we that we have read about here.
He realized his terrible guilt. I'm fighting against Christ, against God. I've done everything possible to blot out his name. But.
He received at that moment a new life. We see here he trembling an astonished, said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? The Lord said unto him, Arise and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do, dear friends, tonight.
I don't think you will have a miraculous revelation like Saul had. None of us have. But nevertheless, you must come to the point of realizing your guilt. You say, are you comparing me with salt? No, but we are all deceived by the God of this world. God of this world has blinded the minds of those that believe not.
As I was reminded when I was a boy, unless you had that verse that told us that God blinded the minds of the unsaved, you could not.
Understand how they would believe the foolishness.
And the the deception of the enemy. We go to India, we see them there worshipping these dumb idols, bowing down to them and offering sacrifices to them and so on. What spiritual darkness and despair?
Man is a religious creature, but without Christ. He's in spiritual darkness, as we have in the case of Saul here. But he met the Son of God, and we trust that you will meet the Son of God.
Tonight you must have help from above.
It's not by your own efforts that you can please God. It's not by turning over a new leaf and trying to reform your life that you'll get to heaven. You've tried that before, and the other sheet just gets as filthy. It's not reformation, it's regeneration. You need you need to have a personal.
Meeting with the Son of God, you need help from above, and the Lord is waiting to reach down with his arm of love and lift you out of that horrible pit. Our brother Wally gave a very good gospel last weekend at Saint John. He spoke about being lifted out of a horrible pit, and I saw myself in that pit and the strong arm of the Lord reaching down. Is the Lord's arm shortened that it cannot save? No.
He's able to save to the uttermost all those that come unto God by Him.
I live in Ottawa. I guess most people know that's the capital of Canada.
We have a unique.
Waterway in Ottawa. It's called the Rideau Canal. It was built in 1832.
For military purposes.
To bypass part of the Rideau River which was not navigable.
In fact, some of you young people, when you come to Ottawa, we can take you.
Onto the longest skating rink in the world, 7 miles. You can skate right through the center of Ottawa to the Parliament buildings. Well, we don't want to occupy you with that, but there was a man the government, you know, in the springtime, the Rideau River system is begins to, it freezes, of course, and when the thawing comes and the ice has to be broken up or it'll jam and it will flood and so on.
So they send a man out to put dynamite into the into the ice and blow it up so that it will move. Well, this government worker was out there placing the dynamite and in his rush to get away before it ignited, he fell into the water and the water was very cold. He had a boat there, but the boat capsized and he fell into the water and here he was struggling, but he was able to get a hold of the boat.
But at that time of year, in the spring, the current is pretty strong in the Rideau River.
It goes right through Ottawa and it comes to a falls and there the water goes over and it goes into the Ottawa River and I know where that falls is. Well, this man started to float down the river.
People on the shore were alerted to his danger and they called the fire department.
The men came out with ropes and so on, and when they go down that river there's a bridge, and there's several bridges, but there's one right near the falls, and they put a rope down and of course he could see.
He was rushing down, he could see the rope and they showed it.
Grab the rope, grab the rope and we'll pull you up.
But to their horror and everyone standing by, he didn't grab the rope and thrill. Under the bridge she went and over the falls lost his life.
And as he was going over, he said.
I can't. My hands are frozen to the boat.
Oh, someone said on the shore or on the bridge, if only a man had come down and picked him out of there, if a man had been lured down to grab him and pull him up. But that's not what happened. But I want to tell you, dear friends, a man has come down, a man from the glory, to lift you up from your place of danger and to save you from your sins.
That man is the man of Calvary. He didn't just look down and see us in our terrible.
Peril and need, but he came down from the glory as a babe in Bethlehem's Manger, then in Gethsemane's garden, sweating, as it were, great drops of blood, Then nailed to the cross and ridiculed, and a man of sorrows acquainted with grief. That's the man that came down to lift you up and put you on his shoulders of strength, we often say to the boys and girls.
Not on one shoulder. You might fall off.
The Lord holds the whole world on one shoulder.
It tells us in the book of Isaiah. But a poor lost sheep like you and me, He will lift up in his strong arms, and He will place you on his shoulders of strength. Won't let you go until He has you in the glory. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them.
I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Well, in the case of Saul.
He had a wonderful mission.
You know what the word Paul means builder. Saul means destroyer, Paul means builder. And of all the Saints of God who have lived, I don't think anyone.
Could compare with the.
The indefatigable, tireless laborers of the Apostle Paul.
Outside of the Blessed Lord, he was the greatest preacher. He wrote 14 epistles.
If you read 2nd Corinthians 12 you'll see what he suffered I sometimes.
I'm ashamed when I read that chapter. He was beaten with rods. He was stoned.
I think he was beaten 5 * 39 stripes. He suffered every peril, shipwreck, hunger, tiredness. That was the life of the apostle Paul, to get the gospel out to sinners and to minister to the Lord's people. What a, what a life.
We have in the apostle Paul, someone has said he never forgave himself. What he did to the Saints of God, God forgave him. The apostle Paul is in the glory, enjoying his reward and will for all eternity. But he'll say if you speak to him up there, Paul, how did you get here? You were a, you were a Sinner. You said you were the chief of sinners only by the matchless grace of God. He reached down and he lifted me up.
And he saved me, and he numbered me among the people of God.
And dear friends, tonight we want you to be numbered among the people of God.
You know, Paul had deep exercise of soul or soul for three days. He did not eat or drink. I don't think he slept very much in three days.
And what was he doing? He was praying. He was in deep exercise of soul. He was a hellbound Sinner.
But now he became a glory bound St.
And, you know, we see so little conviction of sin these days. Sin is made fun of, you know.
As if it was a joke. But dear friends, sin is no joke with God. His thoughts about sin have not changed one iota.
From the time the Lord was here, God hates sin. People have.
Perverted thoughts about about God, they think, Oh yes, he's a God of love. That is very true, infinite love, as we have said. But he's a God of holiness. He's a God that will not pass over sin. He must punish it. And if you die in your sins, you'll be buried in your sins, you'll be raised in your sins, and you will stand at the great white throne in your sins.
This afternoon we spoke about the glorious future ahead of the child of God, when we will have bodies of glory. How wonderful to look forward to. The unsaved will have a body too, because they're going to stand before the Lord Jesus at the great white throne, Look into his eyes, every eye shall see him. They also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. They're going to see Him at the great white throne. No salvation.
Too late, dear friend, tonight as we close our gospel meeting.
Have you made that decision for the Lord Jesus? Can you say?
He is my savior, my Redeemer. Should he come tonight, I'm ready. I close out the little story. Years ago there was a man who had a dream.
And in his dream, he saw Satan sitting on his throne and all his.
Demons were around him, his angels, you know, And he made this, He asked this question. Who will go forth to ruin the souls of men?
One of the demons got up and said I will go and what will you say? Oh, I'll tell them.
There is no God. Oh, Satan says that will not work, because though they might deny him, really in their conscience they know there is a God. And in times of sickness and death they realize that they have to meet God. No, that will not work. Another stood up and said, I will go forth and deceive the souls of men. What will you say? Oh, I will tell them there is a God. But.
That they are too bad to come to him.
All Satan says that will not work either, because as long as there's Bibles around, they can read about the Lord inviting sinners to come and be saved, and they read of his mercy. And no, no, that that's not going to work. A third demon stood up. I will go forth to deceive the souls of men, and what will you say?
Well, I will let them hear the gospel.
As much as they want, I will tell them about the love of God, and even about the death of Christ, and that salvation is offered by faith in Him. What? But how in the world are you going to deceive the souls of men that way? I'll also tell them I'll let them hear the gospel as many times as they want. What? But I'll tell them there's time enough. Satan and all his friends there in the.
The caverns of Hell and Despair.
They shouted.
Agreement, they agreed, and applause this plan that the demon had suggested. And you know, dear friends, Satan has used that.
Very effectively. Perhaps there are more souls in a lost eternity because of procrastination. That's a big word. It means putting off till tomorrow. What you should do today and what you should do today is close in with God's wonderful offer of mercy, while the Spirit of God speaks to you this evening and shows you.
The Lord Jesus standing with his arms outstretched, those arms of love to lift you up, to deliver you from your sins.
From the eternal judgment that is hanging over your head to bring you to a place of safety and peace with God for time and for eternity.
Singer short hymn in closing.
#22 Perhaps you won't sing the whole hymns. Time is going here. Some brother would start verse 1 #22.
Be too late, flee thou to mercies, open gate and join Christ's waiting band. Let us pray. Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for the glorious message of the Gospel which can be sounded forth still in this world, that is under judgment that has rejected the Son of God, and yet.
War Jesus, in thy matchless love and compassion, thou art waiting.
In long-suffering mercy perhaps on some boy or girl or young person or even older person in the meeting here tonight to reach out the hand by faith and appropriate what Christ has accomplished by faith on the cross for us. We thank You for that precious blood, the only title to glory. Bless Thy word here and wherever it has gone forth. We thank Thee for Thy help this day. We ask it in the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.