Yet There is Room

Gospel—John Kemp
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Good evening, shall we open our meeting by singing #15?
O blessed gospel sound, yet there is room.
It tells to all around, yet there is room.
All things are ready. Come Christ, everything hath done.
The work is now complete #15 some brother would start it please.
Umm, yeah, well, we are.
Yes, I remember this is right now. Umm.
Great challenge today. Rah rah, I'm here and we're all done. So I'll stop when it's our planning. Let's let's say, let's pray, let's grace no more.
Loving God and our Father, how thankful we are that we can still proclaim this wondrous message of Thy love and grace to a perishing world, that yet there is room. We pray for blessing on the Word here this evening.
Thou who dost know the hearts of each one.
In this company.
If there is one, a stranger to thy love and grace.
We pray that Thou will work in heart and conscience through Thy word. By Thy Holy Spirit. We think of the grace of God that bringeth salvation to whosoever.
That love of God which is flowing from the glory tonight, A message for whosoever. And we pray for the salvation of souls.
Anyone in this room who is still in his sins?
They may hear thy voice close in what thine offer of mercy while still there is time. We ask it in the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. We're going to sing another hymn #37.
The gospel of thy grace.
My stubborn heart has won.
The serpent lifted up good life and healing give #37.
ILA Worldwide.
Well, dear friends, again tonight we have the privilege of announcing the most wonderful message that was ever told forth in this Dark World.
The message of God's love.
And grace mercy toward you, perhaps.
You are still in this company here, without Christ and without God.
I cannot look into hearts, I can only look into faces, but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
And we want to assure you at the outset.
Now this is a message from the heart of God.
That comes from heaven.
From the Glory tonight.
For you, a Sinner, I'm looking at many who have closed in with this offer of mercy. I know many in the room have the knowledge that their sins are forgiven. They have no doubt or uncertainty about their future. They are sure of eternity. Are you? Are you ready?
For that.
Passing from time into the ocean of eternity.
Will you reach out the hand by faith? Faith is the hand that appropriates what God provides. Reach out the hand by faith and receive Christ and trust His finished work. What a Savior we have to proclaim tonight.
One week ago.
I gave the Gospel to a large, quite a large company of people in Saint John.
I don't know how many of those people had heard the gospel before.
It was a gospel supper, you might say. The invitations went out.
To the street folk and those from the soup kitchens come, there is a free meal for you tonight, a beef supper.
Doesn't cost you anything. Reply if you are coming. Well, the brethren were not sure how many would respond, but 48 came. They asked me to give a word.
And I was very exercised that the word might be simple because these people don't know what a traditional gospel is, you know, But there they were at the tables, sitting there enjoying the meal. And then we proclaimed for about 2025 minutes the good news. And I spoke on those verses that we sang about.
Yet there is room.
Luke 14. Earth in its madness, Then I said a few words of Luke 15. Heaven in its gladness, and then the solemn conclusion held in its sadness. Luke 16.
And no one moved from their place, and they heard the message and received a little gift. Well, we can pray for these souls that they might hear the voice of the Lord and close in with His offer of mercy. So, dear friends, tonight, this is not a new message we have.
It's the old, old story of Jesus and his love reaching out.
To you tonight, wherever you are, wherever you come from.
There's a God who has a deep interest in your eternal blessing and salvation. He's interested.
In your eternal destiny.
Why did the Lord Jesus leave the splendor of the courts of glory?
To enter a world where he would be spit upon.
Scourged and crowned with thorns because of His love for you, that ocean of God's love is pouring forth from His heart tonight. Pull the shutters by and let the warmth of God's love flow into your soul today.
Most of you know that Eleanor is from Brazil.
We were seven weeks in Brazil.
Umm this past summer and we visited from the north to the South. It was an interesting visit and for the first time I visited the Amazon.
I'd heard about the Amazon many times, and as a boy I read about the Amazon, that mighty waterway that is one of the greatest rivers in the world, perhaps one of the longest.
And I never saw it, but we were one week in Manaus, which is a major port on the Amazon, you know?
And we took a trip on the Amazon.
I also had the privilege of speaking to 300 students in the city of Manaus.
But that river impressed me. The force and power of that river is incredible.
In fact, there's so much force to the Amazon that freshwater.
Goes out into the ocean of 100 miles.
And in Manaus.
That's where the the two parts of the Amazon come together and it's remarkable that the River ***** is bright and clear fresh water, and there's another river that is right alongside of it. It's called the River Solomon and it's muddy, Muddy and those two rivers.
Do not meet at Manaus anyway, they are quite distinct. You can see the difference there.
In the in the color of the water.
After a few miles they do mix and.
Proceed on to the ocean.
But you know, you've heard the story probably of this ship that was.
Uh, taking a journey from Europe to, uh, from, yeah, from Europe to South America, and the crew ran out of water.
And they were very concerned there was no water on the ship. Can't use the sea water.
And they didn't know what would happen. They were dying with thirst. So they called out to a ship nearby. Have you got any water?
They said we don't need to give you water, all you need to do is put down your bucket because they were in the outflow of the Amazon 100 miles from the coast and it was fresh water. All they needed to do was put down the bucket and lift up the water.
And satisfy their thirst. You know, the water of life is flowing out today to you. And I wonder, have you drank of that wonderful stream of God's love? Have you ever recognized that you are a Sinner in the presence of a holy God? And maybe you've tasted the waters of this world like the woman of Samaria.
She had drunk deeply at the wells of this world.
The well is deep, she said. It's getting deeper all the time because if you're unsaved, the things of this world cannot satisfy your weary heart.
She had drunk of the waters of this world.
But she was not satisfied. The Lord brought her the water of life.
The last invitation in the Bible is this. Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely. God could not close His word until He had given one more invitation. That invitation, my friend, is to you tonight. If you're without Christ, that invitation is for you. I know this is a threadbare story, but perhaps it will illustrate.
There was a man in Ottawa.
I don't know his name.
He was a soldier in the last World War.
And he had the uniform on.
And when he went into the service they gave him.
A little.
But you know he never read it.
But he put it into his tunic pocket here, and he went into the battle on the front lines, and that man was hit by a bullet, and that bullet penetrated through his tunic, through the New Testament that he had there, and it stopped at the last chapter of the Bible.
Revelation 22.
And he took that out and he said this has saved my life.
He showed this very testament to our late brother Gordon Hayhole, who is speaking to him. He said there there's the the whole of the bullet. It stopped. Where did he stop at that verse? Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely. There's a sad ending to that story. However, at that time, that man had not taken the water of life.
I don't know if he did before he passed into eternity, dear friends.
God has a message for you tonight tonight, and He's offering you a full and free salvation. Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.
But it shall be a well of water springing up perennial enjoyment.
Of Christ, his person, His work. That will be our occupation for all eternity. What a wonderful savior we have. He wants to be your Savior tonight. You're sitting here in this room without Christ. You're in a place of danger. Really, You're in a place, a very serious, solemn condition before God.
Because life is uncertain, it's only like a vapor that appears for a few moments and it vanishes away.
You don't know how long you have.
In this world, God does not promise you to Morrow.
A few years ago in the city of Ottawa.
In this month, September.
There was a bus.
In the South of the city.
Down near Barrhaven, it was on its way to work. It was filled with people. It was a double Decker bus, you know, people on the top and people on the bottom, students I think 8:30 in the morning. So they're on the way to work or to school. The driver, a West Indian man experienced.
But something happened. He did not take the warning.
That was given.
The lights were flashing at that railway crossing. Probably the bells were ringing. But he did not stop.
We'll never know why because he never lived to tell the story.
But he smashed into a passing train.
I saw a picture of the bus. The whole front was ripped off, but six people, including the driver, were ushered into eternity that morning.
They commemorate that event every year. Doesn't bring the people back, those people.
Fully expected to be at work and at school that morning. I don't know who they were. I don't know if they were ready or not, but I know they are in eternity. They're in heaven or they're they're in hell. There's no middle ground.
And that was a voice to the whole city of Ottawa.
The time is short. It is fleeting. The Day of Grace will soon have run its course.
And if you're outside when the Lord gives the shout.
Dear friends, God is beseeching you.
Tonight to close in with His offer of mercy. Yet there is room. Room in the heart of God. No room for the blessed Savior down here. No room in the end. A picture of this world that has its amusements and its entertainments.
And they want to live without God. They're satisfied without God.
Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. But my friend, tonight God loves you.
And he's beseeching you to be reconciled to him. God does not need to be reconciled to you because He was never against you. His heart was full of love and still is. He was never against man, but man is an enemy by wicked works and.
He will not.
Bow the knee to the Savior.
He thinks he's good enough. I'm all right. A few weeks ago I was at the Highland Games in Almont, Ontario. That's about 30 miles from Ottawa. I tried to go there every year. It's quite an impressive site with the.
The, uh, the Bonds in their Scottish national costume, the kilt, and they play quite well.
Umm, so I pay my fare to go into the grounds and I just review tracks for several hours there.
I meet a lot of people and by God's grace I give out a lot of tracks and I meet a lot of young people.
I often give them that track the rest of his time. You might know it about, uh, brother Berwick, Highland's son who was suddenly killed.
I met a man and I offered him a track. What is this? Well, I says this is a gospel track, Sir, that will tell you the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, he said I don't need that. He says I'm one of the best living people on the planet.
And he began to rehearse to me all the good things he had done. Well, I said, Sir, that's interesting. I'm not calling in question your your truthfulness.
You have done many noble works, uh.
I I agree you have done many good works, but my friend I said you are a lost Sinner without Christ and you need salvation. No, no God will have will recognize what I have done.
What else could I do? I've done the very best I can and I've helped so many people. That's the only God that I know. But I said God is holy and He will not take you to heaven because of all those good works you have done. If you don't bow the knee and repent of those things that you have committed and come to Christ, you won't be in heaven.
No, he didn't want anything more of that message.
Well, we were like that ourselves, weren't we? I want to look briefly at the Book of Job. Just a few verses in the Book of Job 33.
First of all, 33.
Verse 24.
23 if there be a messenger with him.
An interpreter, one among 1000. To show unto man his uprightness.
Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, deliver him from going down into the pit. I have found a ransom. Dear friends, tonight I'm only a messenger, a very poor one too. But I have a message from the Gos, from the heart of God for you.
An interpreter, one among 1000.
And I'm not Speaking of you turning over a new leaf and living a better life, because it'll just get as filthy as the other one. I'm not asking you to reform your life.
But I'm telling you to be upright, to show unto man his uprightness. What is that? To acknowledge that you are a guilty Sinner before God, that you are a helpless, unclean Sinner. That's your uprightness. If you take that place, I will guarantee to you tonight that God will not turn you away. He's waiting to hear you say those words. I have sinned and perverted that which was.
Right, and it profited me not.
That's the message we have tonight. Deliver him from going down into the pit. I have found a ransom. You cannot find that ransom with all your efforts and with all your abilities. You can never find a ransom to pay the price of sin. It's far too much. It's beyond your capacity.
You're bankrupt and lost. Deliver him from going down into the pit.
Into a lost eternity God has found a ransom in the person and work of the Lord Jesus, when He suffered the awful judgment of God and paid the price for my guilty filthy sins that I might be saved.
On June the 8th in Ottawa, something happened that never happened before.
In my experience, I've lived there all my life.
In the middle of the city, not far from parliament.
There was a sudden collapse of the ground.
This is called geological terms, a sinkhole. Without any warning, the ground just gave way and here was this pit. In fact, the van fell into it.
Miraculously, no, no people fell in. The van is still down there.
And it was the talk of the town. The news was filled with it.
Sometimes I distribute tracks just about a block from that place.
It was a pit.
Of course.
They had to fill it up and reroute all the traffic and so on, but that's all you heard in the news for a long time about this pit.
That had suddenly formed in the center of the city. But, dear friends, you're in a pit. In a horrible pit.
And the the the psalmist David said I was brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet on a rock and established my goings.
Dear friends, the Lord Jesus, in his wondrous grace, he came down into the pit. You know, if you want to get someone out of the pit, you don't get down into the pit with them. You stand on firm ground and you give them a rope and pull them out. But the Lord, in his marvelous grace, he went right down into the pit.
And down into the place of no standing the bottom of the mountains.
Under the waves and billows of God's wrath and judgment.
Sometimes I visit the Niagara Falls to give out some tracks, my wife Eleanor and I, and I look, look at that majestic mighty cataract pouring down tons of water every minute. And I think of that verse, speak to some of the people all God's waves and billows passed over.
The soul of the Lord Jesus.
The hours of darkness when he bore the judgment for my sin and guilt.
He made my sins his own, and.
He exhausted the judgment of God in the Old Testament.
The sacrifice was consumed by the fire, but when the Lord was on the cross.
He consumed the fire.
He consumed the fire in his own body, the fire of God's judgment.
Well, turn with me back to the 14th chapter of.
We have a various questions that Jobe uh proposed here.
We might have not have time to look at all of them, but we'll look at a few of them here tonight. Man that is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble.
He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down. He flees also as a shadow, and continueth not. And dost thou open thine eyes upon such an one, and bringest me into judgment with thee?
You know man is a lot of hard and difficult questions.
Young people sometimes ask the question, why am I here?
Where am I going? You know, the Queen of Sheba came from the land of Ethiopia and she had many hard questions for Solomon, questions that she could not solve.
Man had no answer for them in Ethiopia, but when she came to Solomon.
And he presented these hard and difficult questions.
He gave her all the answers. Dear friends, tonight Christ has the answer to your deep need. As a Sinner, you may have many questions.
And there's no answers from man, he doesn't have any resources.
But uh.
Though the men of this world have wisdom, they can't answer those questions about eternity. The Lord Jesus has the answers for those that dilemma that you are in. And I think of Proverbs chapter 8 where it speaks of the Lord Jesus there before the foundation of the earth. And what does it say in that chapter?
My delights were with the sons of men.
The Creator Himself, in a past eternity, He had you in mind.
And in in due time, God gave his beloved Son, the creator of the universe became a man. I have a little poem that I like. I'm going to read it so that I get it correct. His holy fingers made the bowels that grew the thorns that that crowned his brow.
The nails which pierced his hands were mined in secret places he designed.
He made the forest from which sprung the tree on which his body hung.
They nailed him to a cross of wood, yet he made the hill on which it stood. That's the Creator of the universe. And this first question of Job, dost thou open thine eyes upon such an one, and bringeth me into judgment with thee? You are not lost in the crowd. God's eyes are upon you tonight.
He sees into the innermost.
Recesses of your heart all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
And there's an answer to that dilemma. And the answer is.
The Lord Jesus in his work on the cross.
Man is scarred with sin.
You know, there was a man in Ottawa.
Who was a drunkard?
He was a complete drunken thought. He lay down on his belly and sucked the spout of the beer bar.
There seemed to be no hope for him.
He was a complete addict, addict, a slave to drink, but the Lord reached his soul and saved him from his sins. He was happily delivered from that awful habit of drink, and he was gathered to the Lord's name, a happy Christian, joyful in the Lord and what the Lord had done for him.
But he said to the brethren, he said, Brethren.
Of the life that I have lived, the scars were there for the rest of his life. Dear friends, remember that something you do in your youth may leave a scar that will never be effaced. The Lord can forgive sins, but the scars are there.
And dear friends.
Remember that sin is a serious thing in the sight of God. It brought it. It led to this untold sufferings of the cross.
You know, Pilot's wife said to him, Have thou nothing to do with this just man, for I have suffered many things in a dream because of him.
There's millions of people that will say the same thing. Have thou nothing to do with this man? But they cannot avoid the meeting. They cannot cancel that appointment. They must meet God as a savior or a judge. What does it say in our verse? Bring us me into judgment with thee. God will bring every work into judgment.
But let me assure you tonight.
That though your life is blotted with sin and scarred, there's a Savior for you today.
There's a Savior on high in the glory who is able.
To deliver you from that awful judgment.
Christ was the brightest light that the world had ever seen.
And yet man refused the light of the world. Strange that he was looking for the light of the world with lanterns at the end of his life of the Lord looking for the light of the world with lanterns.
There he was, the full expression of the heart of God.
Flowing out the sunshine of God's love, revealed in its fullness as never before. But man was blind, spiritually blind to his need of a Savior. Second question #4 verse four. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one.
God says you are unclean. We are all as an unclean thing.
And all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags before him. You cannot change your heart. Can a leopard change his spots?
So you may do good that are accustomed to do evil. You cannot change your heart and listen, God doesn't reverently speaking change decide to change you either.
He gives you, he doesn't.
Renovate your being and.
Change that old nature that you have. He doesn't do that. He gives you a brand new nature, a new creation in Christ. He starts all over again. Feniman, be in Christ. He is a new creature. All things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new, new appetites, new desires, a new life, the life of Christ.
If you don't enjoy being at these meetings where we've been enjoying the word.
If you don't have any appetite for that, I don't, You're not saved at all. You really don't know Christ if these meetings are boring to you and uh.
Remember that God loves you and His reaching out to you.
This very this very day, you know, you tell a for a child, don't touch that stove, it's hot. But if the child doesn't listen to you and he goes on and he touches the hot stove, he may bear those scars for the rest of his life. And so, dear friends, this evening.
We want you to be assured of God's deep interest in you. Coming down to verse 10, the third question.
But Mandiathan wasteth away. Yeah, man, giveth up the ghost. And where is he?
There's another question that Job had a problem with and there's thousands of people that are giving saying this same question here in verse 10. Man dies and wasteth away. A man giveth up the ghost and where is he? Can you answer that question? Apart from the word of God, you have no solution to that question.
Satan in the Garden of Eden, he had this lie. You know it well.
If you eat of this fruit, you won't surely die.
He had that lie and Eve swallowed it.
And she was deceived by the enemy of her soul. But Satan can't use that lie now because there's too many cemeteries around. Everyone knows that people die. But he has another lie, and people are swallowing it hook, line and sinker. And what's that? That after death there is no judgment?
No consciousness after death. Your soul is sleeping. No such a thing as soul sleep in the Bible.
If you know the story well of the rich man in Luke chapter 12, we won't turn to it for the sake of time. There he was a gentleman farmer, we would say a good businessman. He had plans for the future. I'm going to pull down my barns. The crops are overflowing. I'm the barns are crammed to the roof.
I'm going to pull them down.
And Bill Greater and then I'm going to retire. Lots of money. I'm just going to eat, drink and be merry. I believe that he was planning this in his mind on his bed that night.
I think that was, uh, that was the place where he sorted out and, uh, I had the, all the measurements before his mind's eye, but he had a visitor that he did not expect that night. And I would put one word over that scene that the Lord gives there in Luke chapter 12, miscalculation.
He did not bring eternity into the equation. He left eternity out entirely.
He lived for himself and for the things of this world, and he had plans for the future, and God stepped in.
And he disappointed him entirely. And that night his soul was required of him, and he went into eternity, eternity unprepared. Not unloved, not unblessed, but unprepared. And there he was in a lost eternity, and there was no more opportunity.
In the early years of my work in Ottawa, I had a hobby class.
I had it in the West End of the city.
It was a pretty rough neighborhood.
And it started with only a few children.
But this was a French Canadian area, and this is no reflection upon French Canadians, but they were a tough group of children to manage.
I was exhausted at the end of the meeting to get them to pay attention, but I insisted that when I give the gospel now, after you finish the hobby class work, you do not talk when I am giving the gospel. That was a pretty big challenge. There was a little girl that came there. I remember her well. She was from a large family and she was on crutches. She hobbled in to the hobby class every night.
She never missed a night, she had a lovely smiling face, she enjoyed the the hobby class work, and she listened to the gospel.
Very well. I knew where she lived, just around the corner.
I knew the house and her brothers and sisters. Brothers came as well. It was a large family. One night in December, a very cold night, something happened in the kitchen. A pot of oil spilled over and that house went up in flames and everyone was ushered into eternity, including that little girl.
Except 11 got out.
I hope I'll meet that little girl in heaven. Has she heard the gospel many times?
God wants your blessing the same As for her but.
Umm, you, uh, the reference to Luke chapter 16 shows us that man is conscious after death. And here's another verse we'll look at verse, umm.
14 If a man die, shall he live again all the days of my appointed time? Will I wait till my change comes? Well, I think that speaks of resurrection, and you know the every man and woman.
That has lived in this world is going to have to stand before God.
If they're unsaved, they're going to stand before the judge of all the earth that the Great White Throne, and they're going to have a body. What kind of a body? I don't know because Scripture doesn't tell us.
But they're going to be alive. Then they're going to stand before a holy God and give an account of their lives.
There's a resurrection. Why does man have his body cremated? Because he doesn't want. He fears there might be a resurrection.
And so if he has his body cremated and the ashes are thrown to the four winds, maybe he won't live again.
But that's a delusion of the enemy. If a man dies, shall he live again? Yes, most definitely he's going to.
Exist before God.
He's going to stand before his creator and give an account of his life.
And if he's unsaved?
He's going to hear those words depart from me. I never knew you. Into outer darkness forever. Utter darkness.
79 A.
There was a terrible explosion.
At that beautiful seaside city of Pompeii in southern Italy, August the 24th.
AD 79.
Vesuvius was just there in the distance, short distance. They heard rumblings, They saw the smoke coming from the cone there, the volcano. But that had happened for months. They got up and went on with their business.
To the market, to school. We've heard this for a long time. It's what we hear every day. But this time, these warnings were real.
And all of a sudden without any.
Without any delay, the mountain exploded.
And mountains, millions of tons of ash and poisonous gases and pumice floated down. It went up 12 miles, floated down on the city of Pompeii. Some of them were wise and they flee, fled to the harbor and got on ships, and they were saved. But others thought these stone buildings are a good place of refuge.
We'll stay here. This will be over in a short time. But it wasn't. It went on hour after hour, those people that took refuge in their stone buildings.
Soon it became utter darkness when the ash settled down on Pompeii and began to cover the buildings. The buildings were all covered. Not I think one soul was saved in that city.
Was was rescued just one, everyone was ushered into eternity. They did not take the warning and and that was utter darkness. The his historian tells us that people were crying for their families. They were in, uh, agony.
There they were in utter darkness when that ash fell down and filled the whole city, blackened it like a blanket.
What will hell be like be a place of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth?
And uh, you know, the rich man who ended up there, he didn't ask for companions, but he did ask for his brothers who were still in the world, that they would not come to this place of torment. He was concerned about his brothers. He knew he couldn't get out himself. He didn't even ask for companions.
There's no mercy in a lost eternity. Well, we don't want you to end up in utter darkness where there is no escape. Now the last verse we'll look at is time is going here, verse 16. For now, thou number is my steps. Dost thou not watch over my sin? Well, I think there's a little message there for the believer. I think that.
We can take that to heart.
That, as we've had in our readings, we're 16. The Lord watches over our steps. He's our great high priests.
He's our advocate. Even though we have failed, He's restores in His wondrous mercy, and He will reward everything that is done for him. Every little act of devotedness will receive its recompense in that coming day. I often put it this way, brethren. He has canceled the debit side. Boy, my debit side was very long and he is adding to the credit side.
So every little act, every thought on his name will be rewarded tomorrow morning.
We're going to remember the Lord leads us here. Every thought that you have sisters upon the name of the Lord is will be recorded in the annals of eternity and will be rewarded. May the Lord bless His word tonight and will you, as you are a Sinner, guilty before God.
Turn, renounce this world with all its sinful pleasures, and turn to Christ.
Who is waiting with his arms wide open? Those hands that were nailed to the cross of Calvary are reaching out to you tonight in love unspeakable. Do not turn your back upon that Savior and go on with your sins.
Into a lost eternity. God speaketh once, Yeah, twice. Yet man perceiveth it not. He spoken to you, maybe through an accident, maybe through death in your fam, your family, maybe through sickness. Job takes all those events up in this chapter 33. You could read it. God speaking in his mercy to man.
And using these things to awaken him to his need of salvation.
Sometimes I visit the City of London.
And do a little gospel work in the City of London.
I preached the gospel on the corner. There used to be a brother.
He didn't preach with me.
He loved the Lord and he would come and he'd hold the ropes and I was preaching.
In my feebleness.
The main corner in the city.
But a few years ago there was a man in London.
Who had the world at his foot?
He was one of the best football players that had ever graced that city. His name was Mark Caracola. He traveled around the world. He was the captain of the football team. He had everything before him. He lived in a penthouse. Lots of money. Money was no problem. His father had the best construction company in all of London.
And he was the heir to it.
He was the partner with his father. He's going to take over the business. But Mark.
Felt a deep need in his soul.
He had all that the world could offer, like Solomon, but he came to the same conclusion. All his vanity and vexation of spirit. I don't know the details, but he heard the gospel and he bowed the knee to Christ. Everyone thought he was a fool. He was a fool for Christ's sake. I tried to see Mark.
A few months ago when I was in London and he was busy at the time.
But now he received a call from the Lord.
He said the Lord has told me to go out and preach the gospel on the streets of London. So he carries a sandwich board with verses of Scripture and he goes up and down the streets of London proclaiming the gospel. People look at him and think he's not right in his head, I suppose, but that he's a fool.
But he has the joy of the Lord in his heart.
And Mark is a faithful witness.
For the Savior who delivered him from so great a death. So, dear friends, we close our meeting tonight.
With one more entry for you and one more warning.
You know when the tsunami hit India December 2004.
They only had three hours warning.
They had a warning.
From the, uh, the center there, the Hurricane Center, wherever it was they tried to get through to the people in India, to the officials, they said we don't know who to, who to, to ask for help. We have nothing in place. But the tsunami is coming in three hours. Warn people it's going to hit the coast. And it did with vengeance.
Probably thousands, some say 10,000. I think that's probably a little exaggerated, but hundreds and hundreds of people were.
Were rushed were uh, uh.
Taken out into the ocean and lost their lives right on the coast of India.
The warning was given but they were not prepared to listen and do something about it. So God gives you a warning in love tonight to flee from the wrath to come. You have the opportunity and God is beseeching. Don't be a person that refuses it's wonderful loving message.
Of forgiveness through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
Through the precious blood of Christ that was shed, that has affected the very memory of God.
That blood that has cleansed from every stain of sin and given us a flawless title to eternal glory. May the Lord bless His word as we sing in closing.
And him.
The side for Christ #21 shall we stand and sing #21?
The heart of God has been fully revealed and unfolded to us, and we pray that Thy Word might be a blessing, especially to any who are strangers to Thy love and grace still in their sins.
Lost and guilty, we pray that the Word might find an entrance into hearts, young or old, that they may.
Come to Christ in true repentance and faith, while still the door of grace is widely open. We commit Thy word to Thee here and wherever the message has gone forth with Thanksgiving for this privilege in the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.