Articles on

Psalm 102

Sal. 102:6 KJV (With Strong’s)

I am like
damah (Hebrew #1819)
to compare; by implication, to resemble, liken, consider
KJV usage: compare, devise, (be) like(-n), mean, think, use similitudes.
Pronounce: daw-maw'
Origin: a primitive root
a pelican
qa'ath (Hebrew #6893)
probably the pelican (from vomiting)
KJV usage: cormorant.
Pronounce: kaw-ath'
Origin: from 6958
of the wilderness
midbar (Hebrew #4057)
a pasture (i.e. open field, whither cattle are driven); by implication, a desert; also speech (including its organs)
KJV usage: desert, south, speech, wilderness.
Pronounce: mid-bawr'
Origin: from 1696 in the sense of driving
: I am like an owl
kowc (Hebrew #3563)
a cup (as a container), often figuratively, a lot (as if a potion); also some unclean bird, probably an owl (perhaps from the cup-like cavity of its eye)
KJV usage: cup, (small) owl. Compare 3599.
Pronounce: koce
Origin: from an unused root meaning to hold together
of the desert
chorbah (Hebrew #2723)
properly, drought, i.e. (by implication) a desolation
KJV usage: decayed place, desolate (place, -tion), destruction, (laid) waste (place).
Pronounce: khor-baw'
Origin: feminine of 2721

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Ministry on This Verse

a pelican.
 His people are lonely and desolate like a bird of the desert or a sparrow alone upon the housetop. The Lord enters into this desolation (vv. 6-7). (Psalms 102 by H. Smith)

J. N. Darby Translation

I am become like the pelican of the wilderness, I am as an owl in desolate places;