Session #1

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We have three questions this morning and.
We don't want to spend a lot of time on.
We don't want to spend too much time on that question.
So there's some some questions that will take more time than others. But if we we have three questions today. So if we can go through the 1St 2 a little more concisely and then the third question I think gets a little deeper. The first question is in Galatians Chapter 6.
Galatians, chapter 6.
And verse 7:00 and 8:00.
And I'll read verse 7:00 and 8:00.
OK, how this question answer meeting goes is I'll read the question and make a comment or two and then it's open for for others to to make comments.
Galatians 6 verse seven Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever. A man soweth that shall he also reap, For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall have the Spirit reap life everlasting. And so the question is, how does Galatians 6-7 apply to believers if Christ has died for us and our sins are.
Way so for a believer.
What does it mean?
Whatsoever man soweth, that shall he also reap.
I think the context of the chapter that these verses are in is talking about Christian giving. And So what you sow you'll also reap. And if you sow to the flesh, you're going to reap corruption. This is always connected with with Christian giving. And if you sow to the spirit, you'll reap life everlasting.
And so I I believe that sometimes.
If we can be mean or not nice to each other, or we can be bitter towards one another, and if we sow that bitterness and meanness.
Towards our fellow brethren, it's it's going to, it's going to have fraud. There's going to be problems and difficulties in our in our relationship and in the body of Christ.
And specifically connected with give Christian giving.
If you're sowing to the flesh.
That would be spending your money, your resources on yourself.
But if you're sowing to the Spirit, you're using your your resources to further God's work for the gospel, for the, for the Bible teaching and.
I think it's. I think that's the context of of these verses.
It answers to also the government of God.
We live our lives as Christians. It's true we have a new nature, but we still retain the flesh. In the previous chapter in Galatians chapter 5, it says verse 16 this I say then walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh, for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. And these are contrary to one to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you would.
So we have both natures and as we walk in this Christian life, if we choose to walk after the flesh, then we're going to reap the government of God in our life. You can see that throughout the the Bible. David is a perfect example of it. David was forgiven for his sin with Bathsheba, the murder of Uriah, but the government of God remained upon him for the rest of his life. The sword will not depart from your house.
His child, his child was taken and the same with our life. If we choose to walk in the flesh, then there's going to be consequences.
But it's not all bad because the government of God acts the opposite way too. And it says there in verse eight at the end, But he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. That also is the government of God. And we can rely on that and be thankful for it in our life. So a believer who's serving the flesh, they're serving something that's going to decay and die.
And what good is that?
But if we're sowing to the Spirit, we're serving the Spirit.
Or by the Spirit.
He that soweth to the Spirit shall reap of the Spirit life everlasting.
And so if this, if they're your service or your giving, is for the Lord through the Spirit of God, there's going to be eternal benefits for that. You're going to enjoy your spiritual, your eternal life here and now on this earth.
As well as there's going to be a reward in heaven.
I was I was thinking of that expression to be not deceived. You know, the hardest deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Sometimes we might feel that we can soda the flesh a little bit. We're not going to results of it. We're deceiving ourselves because God is not mocked whatsoever man soweth that shall he also read that specific sewing will be read. What is it that comes in and discerns the word of God is quick and powerful.
Than any two edged sword you're seeing to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit of the joints of Marilyn, and it's a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that has not made manifest insight where all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do so. It's what's mentioned. The government of God is very real and it and he deals with each one of his own faithfully and so on our part be not deceived. We might think that we're getting.
With something but we get away with nothing and it's and it's good that the Lord feels with each one of us faithfully in that way. It's a good thing and it was brought out recently invested that.
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in the sight that when the Word of God comes in and judges what's really in our hearts, it's a very good thing. It's not something that we need to to fear at all.
The next question is.
Going to Acts chapter 16, verse 31.
I think we all know this verse quite well. Acts 1631 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
The question is, why does it say thou shalt be saved and thy house, that last part and thy house? Why does it add that when Paul is preaching to the Philippian jailer Cornelius, Lydia, et cetera?
Specifically, that was said to.
The Philippian jailer.
And with Cornelius and Lydia, their households are mentioned there.
But thou shalt be saved in thy house.
I don't think that there's any thought here that if if you believe, it means your whole household is going to be saved because of your belief.
I think it's more that.
Believe and you will be saved and your household needs to do the same thing. Your household needs to believe also if they're going to be saved. And so the emphasis is on the belief and if after you are saved.
It might be that you need to share that same truth of salvation with your family. God likes to deal with households and and He's delighted to save full family.
But it's there's man's responsibility too, and if we are saved, it's good to share it, especially with our families.
I think it should be an encouragement to you, all of us, to you. Remember that the Lord delights the blessed families and.
Just it's very encouraging to see how the Lord can save one person and over a few years, maybe you're or less time there's a whole family that's being brought to Illinois Jesus, so.
Don't be discouraged. I remember we talked about this on Wednesday night, Freeman.
About asking and receiving and say, well I asked the Lord for five years for this person to get saved and nothing happened.
Well, don't give up. The Lord delights the blessed families and I remember as a kid there was a lady and her children that came to know the Lord. They were rightly saved and Charlie was the name of the dead and he was an amiable guy. He didn't want to hear the gospel that interested.
And my brother answered asked entirely, Are you safe? Nope.
20 years went back, Charlie got saved, so the Lord delights the blessed families and.
So just be encouraged by that, your testimony, your light.
Is bearing fruit for the Lord. So don't throw in the towel and say no, no use it is. It's valuable. It's important that the world will use it.
Well, our third question is a little more extensive, probably in its scope. It's about the judgment seat of Christ, says what is the judgment seat of Christ and what happens there in relation to the believers. And I think we can start by going to 2nd Corinthians 5.
2nd Corinthians 5 and we'll we'll read verse 10, nine and 10.
And it says that wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
There's there's various aspects of the judgment seat of Christ in different found in different places, different scriptures.
And I think they address different points of the judgment seat of Christ and what it is and what happens there. The judgment seat of Christ is the place where the believer would stand before the Lord.
And his life will be judged. And in this, in this chapter here, I think it's his whole life that's going to be reviewed and it's not going to be reviewed in order to punish the the believer. You don't need to be afraid of the judgment seat of Christ.
The judgment seat of Christ is for blessing. And it's something that we look forward to. I look forward to it because that's when the Lord's going to go through my whole life and, and he's going to see the things that we've done in our bodies, the good and the bad. And I think he's going to point out to us everything that we've done in our life and how how it affected our life and how and even before we were saved, how it LED us to the Lord Jesus.
Some of us were raised in Christian homes and we thought we were always saved and until we got saved. And but we'll see how God used different things in our life to make us realize, Hey, I need to get saved. And and so I think the whole life is going to be reviewed and that's what we have in this this these verses.
That we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
And so I think it's all that we have done that's going to be reviewed and the good will be will be rewarded. And that's the purpose of the judgment seat of Christ, to find out what in my life have I done that was done to glorify the Lord Jesus. That's why we're here. We're here in this world to give glory to the Lord. And so the Lord's going to find out what have you done to give glory to him?
And those things that you've done.
That did not give glory to Him. They will be pointed out and they will be put away. They've already been put away at the cross.
But to our minds and our consciences, or at least to our minds, there's still things that come up in our minds that will distract us from from giving glory to Christ. There's things in our minds that will just take us down the wrong path.
But after the judgment seat of Christ, all those things that we did that give us those memories that lead us into the bad path, they're going to be put away. They're they're not going to be there and there there's going to be replaced with, with those things that honor the Lord, all those things that dishonor the Lord, It's going to be burned up. But then what's remaining is of value.
And that's what the Lord's going through ward us for. I wonder if First Corinthians chapter 3 right have some.
Thought about this.
Corinthians 3, verse 11.
For other foundation can build and lay that that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones.
Wood, hay, stubble, every man's work shall be made manifest.
For the day shall declare it.
Because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is of any man's work abide which he had built around, he shall receive a reward. But if any man's work shall be burdened, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved.
Yes, so I expect, planned so on. Well, the Lord Jesus.
Is the chief cornerstone.
Nation he has laid.
The Foundation.
Of their soul.
But throughout your life, you and I are doing things every day.
Building with gold, silver and precious stones or building with wood and stubble. So Sean, if you took imagine.
Put it into a bail of a What happens to it?
We left the fire last night. What happened to the wood? It burned up.
Here is this opportunity, if you will, to.
Build with gold, silver and precious stones.
And I think this might tie in a little bit to the first question too, in that.
The things that you and I decide to do on any given day.
We're planting seeds.
So if I plant a corn seed, what kind of plant is going to come up? Raspberries. Is that how it works? Yes. You plant corn seeds. What comes out again? Corn. Corn.
In spiritual things, when you make a decision to do something.
You're either building with gold, silver and precious stones or with wood aged double.
Also, when you're selling those seeds in your life, that's the crop that you're going to get. Now, can you lose your salvation if you plant seeds or build with wood, hay and stubble? Plant seeds of envy, anger, discontent. This is the Lord have to say, well, that's it. Third strike, He's out, gone. That's not the way it works.
But here in this judgment day.
There's a loss.
To those that have lived their lives in a way that is not building with.
Gold, silver and precious stones so.
I like what you said to him about this being a time of reward, it says here.
That there would be, yeah, any man's work abide which he had built, he shall receive a reward.
Would it be great to have a Savior say to you? Well done, good and faithful Sir.
I'm afraid that there will be a number of times when it's going to have to say Bernie.
There's a loss here.
So to be mindful of the way we're living our lives, the way we're interacting with each other, the way that our attitude is, the way that we serve the Lord.
Matters, so I want somebody else to take over.
The judgment seat of Christ is not just for believers, it's for believers and unbelievers. The great white throne is the judgment seat of Christ, and we get that from that second chapter of or that 5th chapter of Second Corinthians where we already read. Knowing therefore, the terror of the Lord, knowing judgment is coming for those who are unsaved unbelievers. The apostle Paul went out to try to persuade men to accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
For you and I, as has already been mentioned and pointed out in First Corinthians chapter 3, we have various aspects of the judgment seat of Christ for for believers. And when we go to heaven at the rapture, the Lord is going to, as has already been spoken, review our life and He reviews it in various ways. We had just there in First Corinthians.
Chapter 3 Our works What have we done?
With our works, what have we built for him? He's going to review our works. If you turn over to 1St Corinthians chapter 4, the next chapter, we get motives. The apostle Paul talks about nobody being able to judge motives. He says, but there's going to be one who can judge motives. That's the Lord Jesus Christ. The day will reveal it.
That's the judgment seat of Christ. Things that you have done in this life might have looked good. It might have been a good work.
But what was your motive? Was your motive for self that they will declare it. We had in Second Corinthians chapter 5, the body deeds done in the body. He's going to look at all these aspects now you might think.
Because sometimes we saw God short that what he is doing is he's nitpicking and he looks at a particular instance and he says, let me see if I can find something wrong so I can take away that reward. But I think it's just the opposite. God's hardest to bless us and we're failing creatures and we might fail in our works, but maybe our motive was right.
Do you think God will not bless us? I think He will.
What about things done in the body when something else was lacking? Maybe our our work wasn't quite white, but we sacrificed our body for him. Then there's going to be a reward. I believe he's going to look at all those aspects at the judgment seat of Christ that he brings out.
For a reason to find one little reason to be able to bless us for all of eternity. Because that's His heart. His heart is to bless His heart as well.
I just have a couple of verses in Ruth chapter 2.
Connection with the judgment Christ through chapter 2 and verse 11. And Boaz answered and said unto her.
You have been fully showed me all that thou has done unto thy mother-in-law since the death of thy husband.
How thou hast left my father, my mother, and the land of thy nativity, and are coming to the people, which I don't know, it's not heretofore the Lord recompense thy work.
That's what we've been having here and the full reward being given the Lord God of Israel under whose mainstream to trust.
Speaking of rewards also, what's the practical side of the judgment seat of Christ? Only what's done.
In view of the judgment seat of Christ now that is acceptable to him will be acceptable at that time. And what's the result with Ruth verse 13?
And she said, Let me find favor in thy side. Thou has comforted me and thou has spoken without a spoken friendly under thy campaign. She took courage in view of a reward at at that her works, you know, were before her but but the faithfulness of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings should come to trust and we put our trust in Christ. And he is the one that's sitting on that judgment seat, as was said wherever.
Christ sitting in judgment. It is the judgment seat of Christ, and some of the great white throne is certainly the judgment seat of Christ.
So I just thought it was encouraging to Ruth and oas is the type of Christ, you know, a mighty man of wealth who came from Bethlehem, and so did my precious Savior. But he is the one that's sitting there, one who has put away all our sins, and one who will faithfully make us comfortable in the Father's house. As we were singing clean every width thou sets it. Lord, shall one suspicion learn. Thy surely is a faithful word, and thine finished work.
He wants us to be comfortable in His presence. Is there anything that's suspicious and lurking in our hearts? The judgment seat of Christ will clear it away forever and will be perfectly satisfied and comfortable in the Father's house. And He wants us to be there right have made himself ready. I think that speaks of going through the judgments of Christ.
There's a verse in Luke chapter 8 like to look at too. I think we can apply this to the judgment seat of Christ.
Luke chapter 8 and I'll read verse 16 and 17.
No man when verse 16 Blue Gate, no man when he hath lighted a candle, covers it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed, but sendeth it on a Candlestick, that they would enter in may see the light. For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.
There's things that we do that who don't like other people to see, and then there's some things that we do.
That God doesn't want other people to see. He says go into your closet and pray. He says let your your giving be done in secret. But there's nothing that's done in secret that should not be made known. And when you're saved, you're like a candle.
And your candle is going to shine.
The Lord is going to reveal.
Those things that have been done for him in secret.
And I think he's also going to reveal, as we said earlier, about our whole life being examined. There's things that we don't remember that we did. There's things that we did and we tried to hide them.
But I think after the judgment seat of Christ, I'm going to realize all the different ways that I used to try to run away from God. We read about Jonah, how he ran away from God, tried to run from the presence of the Lord, but he couldn't get away. And so I think at the judgment seat of Christ, we're going to review our life. God is going to review our life with us.
And we'll see how we tried to run away from God.
And the different incidences in our life. And then what they meant to draw us to Christ.
And, and I think after the judgment seat of Christ and we realize how selfish and how bad we really were, I think we're going to appreciate the three hours of darkness that the Lord had to endure when our sins were put on him.
The judgment seat of Christ isn't made isn't to make us look bad, it's made to glorify the Lord Jesus. And so when we see how much we've been saved from, it's going to draw out our hearts in praise and glory for the Lord.
Joe is mentioning in First Corinthians 4 about the motives. Maybe we could read some of those verses in First Corinthians chapter 4.
And the first 5 verses.
1St Corinthians 4, verse one.
Let a man sow account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or a man's judgment gay. I judge not my own self, for I know nothing by myself, Yet am I not hereby justified, But he that judgeth me is the Lord.
And verse 5.
Therefore judge nothing before the time until the Lord comes, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then shall every man have praise of God.
The Lord is going to reveal the councils of the hearts. That's the that is the motives why we did what we did. And sometimes we do something for the Lord and it just doesn't turn out.
We get our motive such that.
The Lord appreciates the motive. Remember what I was working in, in New Jersey cleaning carpets. We we cleaned this one ladies carpets and I worked real hard to get that carpet clean. I wanted to please that Lady. And it got nice and clean and she called us back the next day and she said we shrunk the carpet and that was kind of devastating.
Because we worked hard to clear my business and we ruined.
So we had to replace the carpet. The motive was that we wanted him to do a good job, but the result was was destruction, and it didn't last. Well, the Lord, when he looks at your life and he sees that maybe what you did wasn't the best thing to do, but your motive was such that you really wanted to keep the Lord in that.
The Lord's going to find whatever He can to bless you for and to give you a reward for in your life. And so he says He will make manifest the councils of the heart, and then shall every man have praise of God. Everyone here who knows the Lord is their Savior. Maybe you think, oh, I haven't done much for the Lord, but you know.
He's going to find something that you've done that he can reward you for. You will have praise of God.
We mentioned that, Tim just mentioned that.
God will find a way to give us praise.
We might fail on various aspects and but the point isn't that we say, you know, I'm going to live as best as I can and do some things, but you know, when I get to heaven, it is what it is. I'll I'll get some praise from God.
And there might be some loss.
It's a motive that is not in communion or having common thoughts with with God throughout the word of God. You read through the New Testament, you read of these two days, this day and that day and you see for, for instance, the apostle Paul and his his life of faith and what motivated him to go out and to do the Lord's will.
Was that that, and he mentions it over and over again. That day, that day, it's that day of manifestation, that day where the Lord Jesus Christ will be reigning.
And glory and I Thessalonians it mentions or Second Thessalonians.
I'll just read it. Second Thessalonians.
Chapter One.
And verse 10 when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe in that day, leaving out the parenthesis. So the point for you and I is to live our lives completely for the Lord and is it is it burning that was that your name was mentioning the what's going to be burned with fire and.
Bruce Anstey had a an example, he said.
Every day you live your life, it's like you're building a present for the Lord. I don't know if this was his example, but I heard him say it and he said, how sad will it be when you get to heaven and you open up that present and all that's in that present is wood, hay and stubble. All things that will be burned with fire. Nothing that will pass into that. They have displayed that millennial scene to bring forth glory to the Lord. So.
For you and I, it's to live in light of that death, to understand that there's going to be a day where.
We can bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ because of what we've done today as trophies of his grace and not just live haphazardly, not just live for the moments, the fleeting pleasures of sin for a season which many of us who can attest to, and we can attest to loss that has happened in our life. And we would just encourage the young people to not follow in the footsteps that others have made.
To reverse enrollments 14.
And I think we should look at 2:00.
And we'll start at verse 10.
Why does thou judge thy brother, Or why does thou said it not thy brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
For it is written, as I live, saith the Lord. Every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give accounts of himself to God.
Has been mentioned it's both saved and unsaved who will be at the judgment seat of Christ and different. There's two different sittings of the judgment seat of Christ. One has been mentioned as the judgment is the great white throne for then believers.
But as a believer, we're going to have to give an account of ourselves to God. And it says, as I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God. You may be saved and and living your life, but you're not really bowing the knee.
To Jesus as Lord, it's you. Perhaps you have a selfish life.
Living for yourself and what you can get, and as we mentioned earlier, serving the flesh that eventually is going to corrupt and die.
But are you willing, am I willing to bow the knees to the Lord Jesus and and give him the first place in in my life and allow him to be my director in my life? Lord, what would you have me to do today? And, and then be willing to do what he asks us to do.
You have an opportunity to bow the knee to Jesus today and give him the places, Lord in your life.
At the judgment seat of Christ, every knee will bow. We will all have to bow the knee and give Jesus his place of honor and glory in place of Lordship.
And so.
If we get a reward or we will get a reward, what are we going to do with the reward? What does it mean to us?
Let's look in Revelation chapter 4.
Revelation chapter 4.
And 40 verse 1011.
The four and 20 elders. I think the four and 20 elders include here the the believers.
Of the.
4 and 20 elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth forever and ever. And I listen to this next part it says, And they cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
What are those crowns? They're casting their crowns before the Lord.
Those are the rewards that we receive at the judgment seat of Christ, I believe. And those rewards, they're not for our own glory. They're not for our own desire that we can be achieved some place of prominence in the Kingdom.
It's for the glory of God. Yes, the Lord will give rewards. He will give us a position, a measure of, of reward in the Kingdom and that we will be able to, to serve him in special ways in the in the Millennium.
But it's not for our glory. It's not for our honor. We're casting our crowns before the Lord, and it's to give Him the glory and the honor. So as we serve the Lord, we're not doing this to make ourselves look good in front of everybody. If that's the reason you do it and you look good in front of everybody, that's your reward. And it doesn't go any further than this earth.
And it gets corrupted and burned. But if you're if the motive and the and the the the work is done.
To serve the Lord, to give glory to Him. That's the purpose of service. Because then when we get our rewards, it goes right back. The glory goes right back to the Lord Jesus. I have a question.
When will the judgment seat take place? At what point? It's after after we go to after the Lord Jesus comes and the rapture and calls us to heaven. But at what point is the judgment seat of Christ? It has to be before the the wedding feast.
Because the brides adorn with the righteousnesses.
Of the Saints that all those acts that were done, it would be almost one of the first things that happens after we go to the glory. Somebody has mentioned, I don't know how how active this is, but.
He fits our bodies.
Glory at the rapture and He fits our minds for glory at the judgment seat of Christ. And so He's going to review our life. One of the very first things He's going to get rid of, everything He's going to get rid of. He's not going to hold it out. He's going to give us reward. Perhaps the next thing that happens is Revelation 345, then the marriage supper of the land. I can't imagine this, this time being held out.
And glory very well. We wouldn't feel comfortable, I believe, if in heaven, if we didn't go through that judgment seat first.
There are, there are triggers that somebody says something or we see something and it triggers something in our mind that puts a perhaps a picture in our mind, in our, in our and it perhaps defiles us.
And or we have bitterness in our heart that that we haven't gotten rid of and, and just to remember the memory of you see somebody in your soul, that person did this and that and.
And so I'm just going to avoid that. Well, in heaven, I think those things are going to be taken away at the judgment seat of Christ. There's nothing going to happen to to mar our enjoyment of Christ. And if we're speaking to the Lord and all of a sudden we have a bad thought, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. And I think the judgment seat of Christ is going to be part of that process.
Sometimes we think of that it's going to be a long period of time, but I know in Luke 4 when it speaks of the, it says the devil showed the Lord is showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
There are some things that we don't know, and we won't know until it happens.
One other thing I mentioned in reference to what Tim was mentioning as far as casting our crowns at his feet.
And having a wrong motive today as to what drives us or the reason why we might serve the Lord in some capacity. And when we get to heaven and we cast those crowns at His feet, we're acknowledging that.
Whatever reward we received, it was put there in our hearts by him. It didn't start with us. And in first Corinthians First Chronicles, sorry chapter 29, David mentions this similar thing. He says in reference to receiving all of the items that were going to be used for Solomon to build the the temple. He says, but who am I and what is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort for all things come of.
And have thy known, have we given that? So to have that thought today, not just when we get to glory, to have that thought today that if any, if in any capacity, the Lord allows me to be used in in whatever sphere of life, the motive, everything that is that is proceeding for God has been put there from him. It's not something that I'm doing. It's not something that that I've done for for or I've I've reached some some point or pinnacle in my life where I've been able to do that.
It was put there from God and him alone, and anything outside of that thought, we allow the flesh to come into the spiritual realm and that'll be something that certainly is, is burnt with fire.
Our time is.
Almost up. If anybody got any final comments feel free.
Just I just like to make one comment about the when the judgment seat of Christ occurs. And I agree with everything that was said as far as being quite quickly after the Lord takes us home. But I've also enjoyed the thought in in Ezra chapter 8 that when the holy vessels were brought to Jerusalem.
Says in verse 32 And we came to Jerusalem and abode there three days.
And then?
The every vessel was accounted for by weight and measure after three days. And the thought I enjoyed was that when the Lord calls us home to be with himself, there won't be an immediate, so to speak, evaluation of our faithfulness. He just wants us to be with him. You know, we we want to enjoy three days, so to speak, of just being with the Lord.
Then there's an evaluation of our work.
It just to me it just seems fitting that his affections must be satisfied first before there's any question of our faithfulness in that way.
What rich, eternal burst of praise shall fill you on courts through endless days, When time shall cease to be round and around? The note shall swell, as each redeemed one joints to tell thy love so vast, so far.
Each shall the Savior's likeness bear a royal crown. Each brow shall wear with robes and sullied white. The everlasting song shall be to the O Lamb of God, to thee. Mid scenes of pure slight. December 3.
Our choice.
Our eyes only in thine, Lord.
Father, we would just thank Thee that we can truly say with a true heart that our sins have been forgiven and washed away. But oh, if there's any in here that are yet in their sins, we would just pray that through Thy spirit that they would be convicted and they would see their condition before a righteous and a holy God, and they would get right with Thee.
We would just pray for this and we think of each one of us that are waiting anticipation to be taken to glory to see our Lord and Savior.
Holy, what a hope we have. We would just pray now as he for help through the day. We would pray for the activities for safety and pray that our conduct, one with another would be.
To build us up on our most holy faith, we would just pray for this. We pray for safety. We pray for those, perhaps some still traveling, give them journey mercies.
We would just ask this and thank thee and thy name, Lord Jesus, Amen.