Session #2

Duration: 50min
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Next meeting to begin, we have a number of questions. We'll answer some of them today. We won't get through them all, so we'll do some of them tomorrow.
The first question for today is what are some important things parents can do in raising their children? So they will learn to love the assembly, the word of God and want to live their life for the for the Lord. So what are what are some important things parents can do in raising their children?
So that they will learn to love the assembly, the word of God and want to live for the Lord. Let's start with I'm thinking of of some verses in Genesis in connection with Abraham chapter 18, Genesis chapter 18. And the Lord was sending his Angel to come down and talk to Abraham.
And he's going to talk to him about some things.
And he he says in verse 17.
The Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do? I think that was when he was going to destroy Sodom. But but what he says after that, seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great nation, a great mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him.
Now look at verse 19. For I know him, See God, He knows Abraham, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon them.
May bring upon Abraham that which he has spoken of him. And so it says here that he knows that Abraham will command his children after him. We had a little bit in the meeting last night about raising our children and nurture and the admonition of the Lord and.
It may take a consistent life like Abraham. He he continued on. He was a man of faith and he trusted the Lord for his family. He commanded his children after him. He didn't make it an option for them to. You can either follow the Lord if you want, or you can you can go off and do the things of the of the other heathen people.
No, Abraham had been called out of the of the heathen nations in the idolatry that was around them.
He was called out to go to a land that didn't belong to him, but God was giving it to him and he was willing to go on. And he's going to teach his children about it and command them, and they would follow him and, and he knew that Abraham would be faithful to do that.
So I think it begins with a step of faith to be able to.
Believe what God has told us and to share it with our families and and.
As we we had a bit last night to have have Bible readings in the whole and to, to have prayer, prayer for our families. If we, if we just skip those things, we're not going to have. I think those are important things that we need to raise our children to present to them the truth of God's word. In today's world, there seems to be no absolutes, but there are still absolutes.
In God's word.
Is absolute and we need to present it to our children as as the highest authority in life is the word of God as parents.
We have authority in our families, but the highest authority is God's authority. And so Abraham, he was commanding his family after him under the authority that God had given to them, given to him. And the truth that God had presented to Abraham and Abraham was sharing that with his family. And and that was the standard that man had to live by, the standard that God had given to Abraham.
This the the goal that Abraham had before him.
And so in our families, we can present the truth of God's Word as the ultimate standard for our lives. I'm not a father. I won't be anytime soon. But.
As as it's always been very encouraging to know that my my parents were praying for me.
Especially when I was struggling, you know, just to think of that when I was giving me some encouragement.
Read them already last day or so here but.
Verse 5. Verse five. When I call to remembrance, the unclean faith is in thee, which dwell first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother unit, you see, And I am persuaded that indeed also.
There again what Tim was saying example that the parents set for the children.
Is so very important. They can see really right through our words and are more motivated by our actions and our words. So if you want the children to be interested in the word of God, what do they see in us? If you want them to be interested in walking for the Lord, what do they see in US and their parents? If you want them to be interested in attending meetings and being faithful in that regard, what do they see on us?
Just write my mention something that has been always agreed to me when we are planning our next vacation.
Parents, are we going to hear a meeting so we can make it to the meetings for the weekday and the weekend meeting? Or will we be enjoying God's creation somewhere far away from the from the assembly? There's a lot to see in the world, but it's more important to make it to the meeting to show our children an example from us, from our desire to be there. We desire our children to be there. We ought to be there too, so when we plan our next vacation.
Plan it's near meeting.
Be for their good as well as ours. Really isn't the Lord worth it is that our hearts need to be filled with something and if we take things away from our hearts, there's a void and it needs to be filled up with something. Same as true with our children.
Look at.
Psalms chapter 17 for a verse.
Just a little expression in the middle of verse 14 says from the men of the world which have their portion in this life and we may raise our families to say yes, our portion is in heaven. And the men of this world, they just have their portion in this life. And so we have to be careful what we take up with because.
The things of this life are only temporal and and so we have to be careful because the men of this world, they have their portion in this life and we have to be careful. Well with we take up with and if we just leave it at that, there's a void.
And our hearts wander to try and seek something to fill it. Let's look at Jeremiah chapter 35. It was the stranger was not to come into the House of God. But there was.
A situation here that God was going to use a family to open the eyes and reach the conscience of the state that the children of Israel were in.
And verse two says, Go into the House of the rectified, and speak unto them, and bring them into the House of the Lord, into one of the chambers, and give them wine to drink.
Wine is intoxicating. Yes, it speaks of joy, but it's also intoxicating.
And there are things of this life that are intoxicating.
The There are pleasures and things that we can take up with that will dull our senses and spoil our joy in the Lord. Now they set wine before them, and they refused it. Verse seven. Neither shall you be built houses, or so seed or plant vineyards, nor have any.
But all the days.
Ye shall live and dwell in tents, and he shall live many days in the land where ye be strangers. Thus have ye obeyed the voice of Jonathan, the son of wreck of your father, in all that he have charged us to drink no wine in all our days.
We and our lives and our sons and our daughters.
Nor to build houses for us to dwell in. Neither have vineyards, nor fields, nor seeds, and so on. Well, wonderful that we are strangers and pilgrims in this world. They obeyed the voice of John about their father, and as a family they were a witness.
To Israel of faithfulness to the Lord, but it's not just the the taking away of the things of this world out of the life that is going to be the preservation of our children. Go to 1St Corinthians.
16 and verse 15. I beseech you, brethren.
We know the House of Stephanus which is the first fruits of a chaos, and they have addicted so to the Ministry of the Saints. What a better feeling could they have to serve the Lords people?
That will kill any voice if we just say you're not going to go in for this thing or that thing because it's things of this world and it's intoxicating spiritually. It's the portion of the men of this life that they have and we have a heavenly calling.
That's wonderful, that's true. And Christ needs to be our object and to fill our hearts. But their service, that needs to be done too. And if the family unit is bent towards meeting the needs of the Lords people, it really helps fill that void and.
Causes the children to see the need of the permanence of the Kingdom of God and among those especially who are gathered to the Lords name. And I wouldn't say that our ministry should be limited only to those in the assembly. Look in Genesis.
Chapter 49, verse 22, Joseph is a fruitful vow, even a fruitful vow by a well whose branches run over the wall. But where was the roots? The branches right over the wall. So the roots have to be in the assembly. It's just a picture. Of course, keep your roots in the assembly where the truth is.
Of being gathered to the Lord's name and the beautiful principles that we have in the Scripture.
I reach out the branches, run over the wall that's a healthy brine. But remember the needs of the lost people and be addicted to ministering to those needs. And if we're not busy helping the Lords people and thinking of their needs, it's easier for the things of this life and the things that are like the wine that the gigabytes refuse.
Things of this world and the things that the men of this world just enjoying this life, the things that they have put there to fill the void and the ache in their heart that they don't that should be filled by Christ. To put those things before our family and our children is an encouragement to them to keep on in the things of the Lord and follow along and.
The things that pertain to the furtherance of his Kingdom and the assembly.
Exodus chapter 12. We all know that this chapter is the Passover chapter and it's a beautiful chapter, but I was thinking of verse 26. This will come to pass when your children shall say unto you, What mean you buy this service?
I gotta misread this. Young people pay attention that you shall say these are Moises rules. Do what he says. Is that what it says He shall say It is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt and so on. It was very helpful when I was younger.
To not only know what we were doing, but why we're doing it.
And I think that is true in the assembly.
In exercises that we have as parents, what we're going to allow in our homes, what we're not going to allow, where we're going to go, where we're going to have friendships with, I mean, there's so many areas.
Of decisions that need to be made. Hey Dad, I want to have a sleepover with my friends. How do you decide what to do?
You know, when the kids were really young, I could, you could just say.
Well, why that? Because.
That worked good till they were four, then after that as well because what? So it's, it's important to, I mean, these questions come up. What do you mean by this service? Why are we doing this? Why are we doing that? Why did you decide this? Why did you decide that?
And to be able to say what we're doing and why we're doing it and to find that in the scripture that because.
I heard Mr. Gorgeous say it, so now I'm going to say it or not because Mark said it at the camp sale. That's why no be able to to go into the Scripture and be able to say what we're doing and why we're doing it.
And do that because that's where.
Exercise is built into the children, so we find in Deuteronomy that it talks about have been returned to it if I could find it.
That talks about Speaking of these things all the time and having them on your gates. And yeah, verse Chapter 11, verse 18.
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul? Notice it doesn't say memorize them like the Catechism or some intellectual creep. It is good to memorize, by the way. I'm not throwing that under the bus. Therefore, so you lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul.
And find them for a sign on your hand.
That they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And you shall teach them your children, Speaking of them for 10 minutes every Saturday night. That what it says, no?
Speaking of them, when they'll sit us down in my house and when they'll walk us by the way, and when they'll lay us down and when they'll rise us down. It's constant. It's not just for a few minutes on Sunday.
Or when brother Tim is coming over for supper. Now, kids, don't make me look bad. Tim and Joel notice. No, that's not the way you instill and I hope you don't mind me being a little bit of the cease system. But yes, is when you're walking in the way is when you're sitting down. It's when you're rising up. It's a it's a continual consistency.
That's being given.
And thou shalt write them upon the doorpost of thine house, and upon thy gates so.
I think it's, it's instructive and it's been helpful for our family in a weak way, I'm sure, to enter into some of these things as to not just what, but why, and to have it in a consistent way.
It may cover a little some of what we said, but I hear making a lot of comments about.
The parents being responsible to teach their own children and that's vital.
Fathers bring up their children with nurturing admonition of the Lord and was reminding us of that last night.
I think that's where we often lose the battle right there. That only can happen if as fathers, we know with the nurture and admonition of the Lord is.
Which means that the issue starts with the youngest person who can understand it.
It doesn't start when you need to be a father or a mother.
It starts when you accept the Lord as your savior. Life is a struggle. It's a warfare.
It's serious, deadly warfare and preparation for the rest of our lives.
Starts now.
Taking up the word of God every day and what does it say what does it mean what does it mean to me? What does it mean to the rest of my life? How will it affect the way I'm going to live my life to the glory and honor of God and.
Unless every one of us, speaking especially to the young people right now, bless every one of us, takes up the word of God that way.
We're not going to be prepared when the test comes later on.
So that I think is the basis for this discussion. But if we can assume that moving forward, then we get to the point now at some point where his fathers and mothers, we have children and they're our responsibility. They're not someone elses responsibility.
And it doesn't say bring up your children in a place where someone else can show them what the nurturing and admonition of the Lord is.
That's good, actually.
We should bring them to the assembly, we should seek to give them food, but.
To give them a Christian instruction video, you know, the children songs and think that's enough. Or books that are written by other people. I'm speaking to homeschoolers maybe more now. There's all kinds of Christian instruction books out there. You get that put in your curriculum and think, well, I've satisfied this requirement. My kids are getting good scriptural instruction.
And all you're doing, without even paying attention to it perhaps, is giving them some good and some bad, a lot of what isn't the word of God at all.
We have that responsibility ourselves, first foremost, primary, to give the word of thought to our children and teach them what it means. And then having said that, we also want to bring them to the place where they can hear it. Bring them to a place like this is good. Bring them to the assembly is vital. God gave the assembly.
As that place where he wanted his people to be, He did not save us from the world.
To leave us by ourselves.
Intended that we should be in the assembly. So he made the assembly, He was part of the assembly, functioning parts of the assembly. And if we recognize that and have any ******** at all, we'll have our children there too. There's just two verses I want to mention with regard to that part. Acts 21. Forgive me if somebody else already read this.
I won't but.
Apostle Paul.
Came there to Cesarean.
He was there at the House of Philip for a while.
And then?
They find it here.
And they went out from that place.
Well, let's see, was higher released before they got to Caesarea? And then at verse five it says when we accomplished those days, we departed and went our way and they all brought us on our way. These were the ones that he found that were there, the disciples, since they all brought us on our way with wives and children till we were out of the city and we kneeled down the shore and prayed.
Now, that's what they actually did. It's not a picture. These people were concerned. They were in this together and they understood that they were together as believers.
It's a similar picture to it my brother was reading to us from Exodus, maybe even closer to Exodus chapter 10, where Pharaoh wanted the he finally capitulated to allow the children of Israel to go out. But he said you can go out.
But don't take your children or your cattle, Moses says. No, we're going to go out with our lives, our children, our little ones. We're all going to go. And that's what the world wants. In some way. They want us to leave the little ones behind them. But we need to take all of our little ones with us, and right from the earliest ages.
We need to bring our children to the meeting. You know, a lot leave the children at home so they won't disturb the meeting and yet they can be brought there and they can Start learning when they're infants as to what it is to be in that place and what.
Is suitable for that place and start hearing the sounds that are there. And I can tell you from my own experience, I learned a lot more than you would expect when I was very, very little the assembly someone was by observation, some of it was by what I heard. So that's really important.
One other example in that Colossians chapter 4.
So it acts it was a prayer meeting office that it's only a prayer meeting. They didn't say that.
Colossians, chapter 4.
In verse 16.
Says and when this epistle is ran among you, 'cause that if you read also in the assembly.
Of the latest, the ends. And that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea, say, well, why would you read that? Well, it shows that here was an assembly of philosophy. They were there and they didn't have the Bible the way we did, but it was read in their assembly. It was a letter that came to them. It was the word of God.
And it was red and it was read to people. Now who were the people? Well, you say it was the ones in the assembly. But look, just a little bit earlier here in Colossians chapter 3, verse 20, Children, obey your parents and all things for this as well, pleasing to the Lord and so on. Father's mother's servant.
Has spoken to children. It was a letter read in the Colossian Assembly, and it's addressed in part to the children who were there.
Now how are the children going to hear what was in this letter if they weren't there?
They weren't going to hear it.
The very epistle to the Colossians assumes that the children were in the assembly or wouldn't be written that way. Doesn't say fathers, when you go home, tell your children to obey. It's written directly to them. The children were there, and so we need to bring our children to the assembly.
Where they're going to hear the word of God. It's very important. All these things strike me darkly question and it's important that we ourselves now, it's important that we ourselves take responsibility, not put it off on anybody else. And then it's important that we bring our children to where they can hear the word of God, particularly the assembly.
You mentioned, Tim, that it's vital to bring our children to the Assembly.
And Randy, you mentioned that if you're going on vacation, it's, it's important to plan your vacation so you can be at the assembly on Lords day or even Wednesday evening and rather than just skip it or, but my question is, why is the assembly so important if if I move because of a job to some other city where there is no assembly or I go on vacation?
Why can't I just go to some other?
Church just for that week.
Well, why is the assembly so important? And a very big one.
It's part of, it's an extension of this question because this question says they want them to learn to love the assembly. Why is the assembly so important that we have to love that assembly?
Because if we want to live, if we want to live for the Lord and we want our children to live for the Lord.
It has to be something that starts with the parents. It doesn't have to start with the parents. It can start with the children. If we want our children to follow in the steps and the pathways that we we walk in, we really need to believe what we what we walk in and what we practice. Do we really believe that the assembly is important? So my question is, why is the assembly so important?
That we want our children to love the assembly.
And to and why do we want our children to live for the Lord? Why would he? Why do we want them to love the word of God? Why do we want them to to love the assembly? What's what's so important about the assembly?
Answer times question. Let's say we were all at the meeting room in our hometown.
And the word got out the Lord Jesus Christ himself was at McDonald's that morning. Would we stay at the meeting room or would we all rush to McDonald's?
I want to be where the Lord Jesus Christ is.
I think we would all go wherever he was. And I just say, I just use that as a statement of a meaning, as a place to be. That's really the principle of why we need the way we do, because the Lord Jesus Christ has promised to be in our midst and he's promised to be there. And if we're just in some other town, that's why we just don't go anywhere.
The Lord Jesus hasn't just promised to just be anywhere.
We go where he is in the midst and the IT just happens to be that we have meeting rooms because it's convenient to meet that way as those gathered to the Lord being led by his Spirit to come together in that manner to go along with that.
She might say, well that's fine, well good for you because you believe that. But what about the children who don't know it?
And I think the story of Samuel Samuel is so beautiful in that regard.
His mother didn't think that way.
She brought Samuel and gave him to the Lord.
She didn't hear what Samuel thought of. I'm sure she cared, but it didn't depend on what Samuel thought of it. Samuel didn't know the Lord. He was an obedient child. He went along.
He had no idea what was in his mother's heart, the extent of it, but she brought him there, He gave him to the Lord. And then there came a time when the Lord in that place revealed himself to Samuel. Samuel saw it himself. Everything changed for him then.
But it was his Mother's Day first, the Lord honored. And So what you're saying is vital that the Lord is in the midst. But to wait until our children see it is a big mistake. Faith doesn't do that. Faith acts on what the truth is and respect to our children. We have the behalf of our children and later on we trust by faith that the Lord will show them that same truth.
Mark, Chapter 10.
Verse 13.
And they brought young children to him.
Why that he might touch them?
The word Jesus interested in touching the life of a one year old?
Hey, you like sit there and go and I might sit there and say, oh, it's a lot of work to haul a one year old child to the evening reading meeting. It is.
So why do you do it? That he might touch them? Well, the Lord Jesus honor that absolutely.
And I just love the heart of the Savior here. The disciples are suing him away. So busy things to do we got.
Disease to heal and you know.
Get those kids away. Lord says no, no, when Jesus saw, he was much displeased and said, Suffer the little children that come unto me and forbid them not.
For obsesses the Kingdom of God, That's a big encouragement. It brought them to Jesus that he may touch them.
I would love to have the Lord Jesus put his hands on my head and I'm 40.
More Jesus and take those little ones you know, you see the mayor in the front row attendee school.
They just wish you'd see the Lord because I think if the Sunday school song, you know, I think when I read that sweet story of old when Jesus was here among them, how we call them children, his lands to his bowl. I should like to have been with him that I wish I said, but my parents brought us out.
And I I would encourage you to bring your children that way. You know, we don't know what the Lords calling on their life is going to be, but here it he says they brought him out and he, his husband, he touched their lives. Yes, he will. And do it in faith. The Lord will honor that.
We have about 20 minutes left and.
We have other questions.
And this one is again referring to the family. It says, can you explain the rules of fathers and mothers in a Christian household? I'm not sure if it's the questions asking about the spiritual roles in the family or physical practical roles, but.
We can maybe address both sides.
Can you explain the rules of fathers and mothers in a Christian household?
Back in the before I knew him verse 19 that he will command his children and his household after him.
I grew up in a Catholic family where in many families, very typical, the woman had the spiritual responsibility in the household. The men were interested in watching football games and basketball, especially on Sunday afternoon. That ought not to be the case, really with Christian fathers. They should take the spiritual leave.
Yes, the wife is responsible, the mother who's responsible to keep the house in order.
But here it's command the household and his Children Act. So he sets the spiritual tone in the household and the wife. The mother would follow up when he is over the house.
The feeling is a disgrace, I think, to have the wife be the spiritual head of the household, especially when there was a Christian father.
But not to be like the Catholics.
It's important, Randy. Last night I was mentioning a little bit about the meaning of guiding the house.
And the, and maybe that's what this question came from, from some of the practical roles in the, in the in the house. But as you mentioned, it's still the, the, the father who is, who is responsible.
In the in the family, in the house for the nurturing admonition of the Lord. He is the one who's responsible for what what the household.
What what goes on in that house and what he allows to go on in that house?
And and it's often times.
When we when we work, we the man works hard all day and he comes home.
And he's tired and he wants to just sit there and read the newspaper or watch the television and he doesn't perhaps have the the energy to to involve the kids and so forth. And so that gets pushed off on the on the wife. And we've been working so hard all day long. We don't realize that the wife's done anything at home. But she's been busy at home too, if she's been there.
With the kids and and the chores and the duty's in the home and.
We don't think that, well, they might be tired too, and so we just sit there and do nothing.
And, and the, the woman, and I'm guilty of this too, but then the woman is doing, keeping, keeping things going and, and they don't get a chance to stop. They don't get a break to sit down and read the newspaper. And so just a little practical side of that. It goes right along with the spiritual side. I encourage all the younger sisters to be able to be a cook.
And a keeper of the whole and the practical way before you're married. Learn those things.
Has taught for your mother around the house and so you can there be a smooth transition into Whitefoot and motherhood. Likewise, the men to be prepared their field before they build the house. It might be a smooth transition both financially and spiritually to be familiar with the scriptures. They're going to be coming to you for questions. They need answers. There be a smooth transition into fatherhood and husbandhood.
Chapter 5.
Two instructions, one for wives and one for for husbands.
And the question is to mothers and fathers perhaps, but if we don't have our roles right as husbands and wives, where our children are going to see and the first is to lives and it says, why submit yourself into your husbands? Now, does this say this because women are less spiritual?
Does this say this because women just don't know as much?
It certainly does not. Tim was mentioned last night. There's time to and a home where.
Maybe a wife knows more than the husband does.
She's help me.
But the point here, as Tim pointed out last night, is that this is a way for a woman to show God's order and creation. What this world tries to do is it tries to twist and turn around God's order and make it sound as if maybe Paul's a woman here and we get to thinking perhaps that we need to take up with the women's feminine movement.
Need to set things right. I need my place.
And we get rid of God's order instead of looking at this as something positive and saying this is a way that I can show God's order and creation to this fallen world.
We look at it as a negative, so let's look at it as a positive. Does this mean that a husband shouldn't take the advice of her, of his wife? Certainly not. We can look back into the Old Testament. We can find where Abraham was to listen to the advice of Sarah. There are many times in my life and my relationship with my wife or my wife is right.
But let's say that there comes a time where the husband and the wife.
Just don't see eye to eye and it comes down to a time to make a decision. The white field before the Lord that they should go in One Direction. The husband feels before the Lord that they should go in another. What should you do?
Why submit yourselves to your husbands?
Trust the Lord that if the the path that you're going down is wrong that you'll show that husband.
God will honor faith and he'll honor this position and you showing God's order. Now for us husbands, we have something that is incredible. It's his husbands. Love your wives even as Christ also loved the church.
I don't think there's one of us.
Who comes close to this standard? What a standard does it mean that we?
Just give as good as we can and say that's, that's what I'm going to do now. This is the standard that we try to live by. This is God's order and we love our wives.
If we love our wives the way we're supposed to, imagine how much easier it would be on the wife to submit to us, knowing that we love them as Christ loved the church.
Now, submission to the wives is not based on our love for them, nor is our love to them based on their submission to us. Both are individual. We both have to do it regardless of the other party. But when they're both working in unison, it brings about a wonderful family relationship, a wonderful family home.
Wives, submit yourself unto your husband's husband's love.
Dear Wife.
By one woman sin entered into the world. Great brain doesn't see that.
Woman was in first course but is ultimately responsible for the sin. It's the man, the man. So whatever goes on in our family.
The man is ultimately responsible if he is the head.
Why is the sin of the world or why has sin affected the world so much but because the man was quick over the medium of God. He was he was to have dominion over the creation because Psalm 18. Yes, it requires in the long run to the Lord Jesus, but primarily.
Or initially, man was given that responsibility.
What is man that's our mindful of him or the Son of man that thou business, that's how it goes. I was quite over the works of thy hands. So as man was responsible, so why is this the sin? So a sin has so ruined creation, because the one who was responsible for it all was the one that found his sin. Why was Israel's soul?
Troubled when David sinned because he was the king.
He was the responsible one. So by one man, sin entered into the world. Man is responsible. Not much. The woman, she is too, but ultimately it's the man.
Sorry, Tim, I'm going to change the question just a little bit again.
There's some who are not married.
Young women, young men.
And we've been speaking about a little bit about the roles of, of the husband, roles of the wife in a in a marriage and in a Christian household.
Well, you're not married yet, so you don't have to worry about this. Or do you?
The person that you're perhaps interested in.
Are they going to be able to fulfill the roles of a husband? Are they going to be able to fulfill the roles of a wife?
Sometimes we call it blind love.
And we go on and we don't ask other people about the person we're interested in. What do they believe?
Do they really come to the meetings or do they just? Or are they only there and shown interest when you are around? But when they go back to their home assembly, they hardly ever see the person at meeting and you may be going on the basis that they love the Lord and that they're very devoted to Christ.
Are they? Have you asked others in the local assembly about that person?
The family may give you a good report.
But it's wise to find out about that person before you get emotionally attached and before you become in a marriage relationship. Because if you really desire to follow the Lord and your husband or your wife doesn't really care.
You may be going to meeting yourself.
Without your husband or without your wife. And so I just want to encourage you before you get involved in a relationship where you're committed to that person.
Make sure you're on the same page. We have 3 minutes for any final comments.
But Miriam saw that Moses was a goodly child, and she hit him.
Smother the shooter might woman suggested to her husband that they build a chamber for the proper.
And it was taken care of.
Abigail had wisdom.
Naval did not have.
In Proverbs 31, is full of.
Life to his husband confided in fighting with her.
It's for godly women.
Thank you.
We thank you that we can consider thy word this morning.
We pray that we would each be hearers by word and then doers also.
Some of us here are fathers. We ask you for thy help.
That we may take up with our responsibilities according to Thy word, recognizing that it's the blessed and happy path. We pray for help, and there's others.
Different roles and we just pray, Lord Jesus, that we would each learn to trust and obey the look. Lord Jesus to Thee as the author and finisher of faith, and we may lay hold of my word in the right way.
And then have courage practice. So we thank you that we can receive instruction and we just commit ourselves now that I care for the rest of the stay, thanking me for the beautiful day that thou has given us and the occasion being together, and we thank Lord Jesus and my Amen.