
Duration: 51min
Children—Tim Kaiser
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God and loving Father, we thank Thee for an opportunity this morning to have Thy Word open before us and to have words like this on our lips that would bring fresh thoughts of Calvary and what the Lord Jesus did for us there before us and.
May it well draw a response from our hearts together this morning we would give the thanks and praise for Calvary's cross.
If there is one here this morning that has not yet come into the good of the work of that cross, has not yet found the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, the all Sufficient 1 to take care of the sin question for them that this morning they would put their faith and their trust in the Lord Jesus and be saved. We give Thee thanks and praise. Ask for Thy help, so we would open Thy word together.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Now I know this is a Sunday school this morning. It's not a normal Sunday school. We have lots of age groups here and knowing the head count of each group, children, young people and adults, I thought that perhaps the Lord brought before me something that wouldn't be like a regular Sunday school, but more a message for for everyone.
Myself included.
Let's open our Bibles to First Samuel.
Chapter 3.
First Samuel, chapter 3.
In the middle of verse 9.
It says, Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth. Now let's turn to Luke's Gospel, chapter 10.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 10.
And verse 39.
And she?
Had a sister called Mary.
Who also sat at Jesus feet and heard his words.
Marks Gospel.
Chapter 4.
And verse 9.
And he said unto them.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.
Mary sat at Jesus feet and heard his words.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear, the Lord Jesus said.
What do you think I have on my heart to talk about this morning?
Hearing, listening, yes, in a way, you know, we were going to be here at these meetings, Lord willing, and enjoy the time together.
But the real purpose of this time together is to hear the word of God, isn't it?
Now there is a person's name in the Bible and the definition of their name means to hear the word of God.
That's what their name means to hear the word of God, and it doesn't only imply just by the ear.
But the best definition of it is James chapter one and verse 22.
James chapter one and verse 22.
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.
Yes, there is a name in the Bible that means that that is the best definition for the meaning of that name in God's Word, right there to be doers of the Word and not hearers only.
Uniquely enough, it is the name that is used more than any other name in the entire Word of God.
There are more people in the Word of God with that name than any other name.
And I started writing down those names and looking at the lessons of life that were taught from each one of them that had that name, all the same name.
And it got so much for me that I didn't know if I could cover it in 45 minutes.
So I wrote a bunch of things down, and with the Lord's help, we'll highlight on some things that He would bring before us as important.
One of the books of the Bible start out with that man's name. It's a man's name. I gave part of it away right there. Does anybody know what that name is? The most popular name in the Bible?
Nobody else named more. The use of that name used more than anybody else for that name.
Who knows? Somebody got to guess.
Lord, the Lord, that's a wonderful name, isn't it? But you know, there's only one person that we know of that is the Lord, and that's wonderful, isn't? I hope everybody.
Knows the Lord. The name is Simon. There are more people in the Bible named Simon than any other name.
It means to hear, to listen, and to put into practice what we hear.
So for the children this morning, we're going to do a little game together. You ever play Simon Says? OK, this game is not going to be Simon Says though it's going to be almost like it. But Simon Says is not really what the sign, the name Simon means. We're going to say Simon hears and Simon does. And we're going to see if these people that we look at named Simon in the Bible.
If they really hear, or if they really do.
OK, now the first one we're going to look at. He was a brother of the Lord Jesus.
The Word of God says it was his brother, so I believe that we can say that as well. So let's turn to Matthew chapter 13.
Matthew, Chapter 13.
And verse 55.
Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brethren James, Joseph, and Simon, and Judas and his sisters?
Now let's turn to John's Gospel, Chapter 7.
John Chapter 7 and let's read together a sad verse, verse 5.
For neither did his brethren believe in him.
At this time, his brethren did not believe in him. What does this bring to our minds? Here's the Lord Jesus growing up in a family. In that family there was a mom and a dad. Lord Jesus. Of course, he was conceived of the Holy Ghost. That's wonderful. So these were his half brothers and half sisters, but he had four brothers and two sisters, just the opposite of our family. We had five girls and two boys.
The Lord Jesus in his family he grew up in, there was five boys and at least two sisters. Pearl, we don't know, He might have had more than two sisters, but it was at least two sisters that the Lord Jesus had. And here the Lord Jesus was in this family and his siblings, they did not believe on him. I wonder, you know, if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, The Lord Jesus lives within your heart and if your mom and dad know.
Lord Jesus as our Savior, and some of your brothers and sisters do too. But if you don't know the Lord Jesus as your Savior and you live in the same house they do, you're just like the brothers of the Lord Jesus. That's a sad verse, isn't it? Neither did his brothers believe on him. Oh, that's sad. Well, was the Lord Jesus true?
Was he who he said he was? Did he really come to do the Father's will? Was he really the sent one of God? Yes, he was, wasn't he?
Well, I hope that every boy and girl here wasn't like that, Simon. Now let's do our little Simon. Here's Simon Says. Do you think that that Simon?
Wanted to do and hear the word of God.
Neither did he believe.
Is that hearing and doing the word of God?
No, no it's not, is it? That's Simon. I hope there's no one else in this room like that, Simon. Now let's look at another Simon Matthews Gospel chapter 26.
Matthew 26.
And verse 6.
Now when Jesus was in Bethany.
In the House of Simon the Leper.
This Simon had leprosy and let's get some more of this story, some more details of it by going to Luke Chapter 7.
Luke Chapter.
Seven and verse 38, we're gonna read about this woman.
That was at the same house.
That the leper was we read in.
In verse 36 that this this leper was a Pharisee Goodman on the outside.
But in verse 38 it says, And she that is this woman that came in, stood at his feet behind him weeping, and washed his feet with her tears, and it wiped them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with appointment. Now when the Pharisee which was bitten saw it, he spake within himself, saying, If this man were a prophet.
Would have known who this and what manner of woman this.
This that touched him, for she is a Sinner. And Jesus answering, said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he said, Master, say on verse 44. And he turned to the woman, and said, Simon, see us, thou this woman, I entered into thine house, and thou gave us me no water for my feet. She hath not. She hath washed my feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Thou gave us.
Kiss but this woman.
Since that time I came in, hath not ceased to kiss my feet, my head with oiled out. It's not anoint, but this woman hath anointed my head with oil. Verse 48 He said unto her, license are forgiven.
This Simon, Simon here's Simon does. Did this Simon hear and do the word of the Lord?
Did he want to hear and obey the word of the Lord?
No he didn't, That's what his name means. But no, he didn't want to hear and do and obey the word of the Lord.
There were probably a lot of people at that house that day, but there were two people that the Spirit of God wanted us to know about that were in that house. This woman that came with very precious anointment and anointed the Lord Jesus head with that appointment and then washed his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
It's one of the people. The other person is a man who owned the house. He was a Pharisee, good looking on the outside and everything. As far as his behavior went, he was just top of the line. He had leprosy and he was criticizing this woman for what she had done.
Two kinds of people in that house, they both had problems.
They both had problems, but you know the woman, her heart was attracted to the Lord Jesus.
Do you guys know what a magnet is? What's a magnet?
What does a magnet do?
Is not technically. That's right. I have a magnet right here.
I wonder if we go stick it on your chair what it'll do. Let's see what your chair is made out of.
That's a strong magnet. That's a really strong magnet. I don't know if you guys have ever seen a magnet that strong.
I have a lot of strong magnets. We use them where I work. This is one that the cover broke off of and I use it for other things now, but I have something else in my hand and it's also metal.
I wanna pick that up.
Kind of metal. Why won't it pick that up?
Let out the wrong stuff, isn't it?
It's made out of the wrong stuff, and I'm going to say something that's the truth. If your heart is not attracted to the Lord Jesus Christ, you're made out of the wrong stuff.
If the Lord Jesus doesn't grip your heart's affections in some way, you are not saved.
I mean, in some way I know that a believer can get away from the Lord and the Lord tugs at their heart, but that's evidence that they're saved because the Lord and his love will touch something in there. And there's something in everybody who knows Christ as their Savior that will respond in some measure to the love of the Lord Jesus If I use a little paper clip.
Come down.
You ever see a paper climb jump that high?
There's something that responds to the magnet.
You know, if we stay away, If we stay away. I have a washer here that's pretty strong too. If we stay away.
From the Lord and His love, we're not going to feel that love, we're not going to feel that closeness. It's only as we draw near to Him, but it will influence us.
And it's the magnetic field, you might say, is a good illustration of how the Lord Jesus captivates our hearts and holds us that way. These two people were like the contrast between aluminum and steel in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
You know, we can't blame our problems on our relationship with the Lord.
We can't say, you know, I have so many problems that it hinders my walk with the Lord. It's a heart issue. You know, maybe some of you have heard of these people that I'm going to mention who have problems, OK?
There's a man named Nick who was born in Australia.
And does anybody know what is wrong with Nick?
His name is Nick.
Spelled VUJICICI can't pronounce it. It's born in Australia. Nick has no arms and legs. He was born that way naturally. Has anybody ever heard of Nick?
OK, there's some hands going up. Nick is an amazing man. You know, from what I know, as far as as last year, Nick has led more than 200,000 souls to Christ.
Through his witness and his testimony, he's a motivational speaker. He has no arms and legs. You think he has problems? When he was eight years old, he wanted to commit suicide because of the way kids made fun of him. And kids picked on him all the time because he had no arms and legs. And he came to know the Lord Jesus as his Savior. And now he speaks in front of huge crowds and tells people of the love of the Lord Jesus. If he was here this morning, we would have to lift him up and set.
Up here and he would hop along on his stump up here to preach, but he's got a head just like mine.
Just like yours.
And he loves the Lord Jesus, and he loves souls, and he loves to lead people, Lord Jesus.
I've heard of another lady now, she would be about the same age as this Nick.
Her name is Lizzie. Lizzie has a rare skin disease.
But only three people in the world have, and her skin looks like leather or rubber.
And poor Lizzie.
When Lizzie was in high school.
She found I believe it was on a YouTube video, an 8 second video where there was no sounds. It was of her.
Calling her the ugliest person in the world.
And underneath that eight second video, there was more than 4 million comments.
Of people making fun of her.
Telling her things that were very, very unkind.
From what I understand, you know what Lizzie does today? She's a motivational speaker. She goes around and she speaks to crowds and she tells them of the love of the Lord Jesus.
Sound like a physical problem or a heart problem?
That was in this House here.
I tell you about the time our oldest daughter was born.
Two other people.
To other people, the time our oldest daughter was born up in Minnesota, there was also 2 girls born and their names were Abby.
And Brittany, you know who I'm talking about.
Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Abby and Brittany are twins.
You know what kind of twins they are. Have you ever heard of Siamese twins?
Two people. Two people.
If you saw them from shoulders up.
2 girls standing next to each other.
Right here.
Below their neck they share the same arms, they share the same legs and everything else. They have their own heart, they have their own lungs.
Right now, I believe they run a babysitting business. The kids love them. When they were growing up, they were made fun of two people in the same body.
Think they had problems?
Lots of problems.
From what I know, those girls, both of them in the same body. Both.
Of them consciously love the Lord Jesus.
Isn't that wonderful? For one of them passes away, the other one will too. But they both love the Lord Jesus. Think of that.
Do I think I have problems? No, I don't have problems unless it's a heart problem. There isn't anybody in this room that has no arms or legs.
That shares a human body with somebody else or would be labeled the ugliest person in the world.
No, you know the the Lord Jesus loves everyone of us the same, doesn't he?
They were in the same house with the Lord Jesus. They shared the same meal with the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus was their same guest, one of them.
That was at that house didn't provide any water for the Lord Jesus.
The other one.
Didn't cease, and it appears by what is written here that she was still weeping and washing his hair with her feet.
When he was talking.
And the other one.
Gave no kiss. She was still kissing his feet.
What have we done for the Lord Jesus, you know?
To follow here, we'll sit down to remember the Lord Jesus.
Will our hearts be flowing in worship and praise to Him for what He has done, or will we be indifferent as we all sit together?
In the presence of the Lord Jesus.
Let's look at another Simon John.
Gospel chapter 6.
In verse 71.
He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, who was Judas Iscariot. He was one of the Lords disciples.
Later it says in the verse for he it is that should be betray him.
This man spent 3 1/2 years with the Lord Jesus.
And he betrayed the Lord Jesus with 30 pieces of silver.
He was the one who.
Permitted the way or opened the way for the Lord Jesus to go to the cross and sold the Lord Jesus.
Today's money that would be worth $950. But if you take that money and translate it back, then it would be worth 250,000 American dollars at this time. What could you buy with $250,000? And Judas probably thought, you know what, I'll get that money and the Lord will just vanish out of their hands and I'll have the money and I'll be gone. He'll be just fine. He'll be fine, I'll be fine.
In today's world, we say I buy a house, new nice new car and everything I want.
Simon Says, Simon does, Simon hears. I mean Simon does did this, Simon here and love the Lord Jesus.
No, no he didn't.
No, he didn't.
Isn't that sad? Well, I have some other Simons written down here. Let's look in Acts chapter 8.
Acts chapter 8 and verse 8.
And there was great joy in that city. But there was a certain man named Simon.
Which before time in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people. The end of the verse he gave out. That himself was some great one.
Because Simon wanted self focus. Is that like Simon who wants to hear and obey the Lord?
No. And our time is getting away from us if we're going to cover anymore assignments. So I'll just tell you what this Simon did.
This Simon wanted to buy his way.
To give people the gift of the Holy Ghost, so that other people would think that he was special because he could give them the Holy Ghost.
What is that self-interest?
Simon hears.
Simon does.
Simon sound like he wants to hear and do the Lord's will and the Lord's word.
No, see, there's lots of Simons in the Bible that did not want to hear and do the Lord's will, but they had the name.
I wonder if there's somebody here this morning that has the name on the outside but inside.
Oh, there's not reality.
Now let's look at some good Simons, some Simons to encourage us because it is sad to know and I hope there's nobody like these Simons that we first looked at. And if there are any Simons like that in in this room here this morning that the.
The glory of God would come before you in such a way that you would see your need of the Savior.
And be saved. Let's look at Matthew's Gospel chapter 10.
Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 and verse two it says these are the names the 12 apostles.
And then it gives a list of names. The one I want to look at right now is in verse 4.
Simon the Canaanite and let's look at Luke chapter 6.
Luke chapter 6 and verse 15, Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon called as a lotes.
Same man as Simon. The Canaanite had two names. He was called the Canaanite and Zelotes.
How instructive? Who were the Canaanites?
They were idolaters that the children of Israel were to drive out. Their lives were noted by the idol worship that they had.
And they were to drive out the idols, get rid of them. And here this man was named, he was of of those, the Canaanites. But now he was also called Simon Zelotes. What does that mean? It's the same word as a zealot or somebody who was fervent.
For what they believed and what they did. And they did what they heard. So.
Wonderful. He practiced what he believed in. He wasn't fake about it.
But he was once noted as from a nationality. It was noted as of terrible, terrible idolatry and the things that they did in their idol worship was awful. You can read about it in the Old Testament of the offering of their children on the altars and things like that. Terrible.
Let's turn to 1St Thessalonians chapter one.
For Thessalonians chapter.
One and the middle of verse 9.
Says he turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son from heaven. That's a verse that reminds us of this, Simon. He turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his sons from heaven. What is an idol?
What's an idol? Does anybody OK, go ahead.
It's something that you worship. Who's in English class right now? Raise your hand taking English. Anybody in English class? Oh, I mean, I know you're not in school right now, but okay, who knows what a noun is? What's a noun?
A person, place, or thing. Most nouns can be idols. Be careful of nouns.
Most nouns can be idols. Anything can take the place. A person, place, or thing can take the place of the Lord Jesus in our hearts. That's the lesson we should learn from this wonderful disciple.
Where I worked there was a man whose name was Jerry, and he liked this man named Mark Martin, who was a race car driver. And he was always talking about Mark Martin. And one day I came into his work area and he was just all over me about Mark Martin. And I looked him right in the eye and I said, Jerry, did Mark Martin die on the cross for your sins?
It led to that man's salvation.
Is there anything, person, place, or thing that's taking the place, the rightful place of the Lord Jesus in our heart?
It could be anything, it could be a toy, it could be a vehicle, a house, a particular singer or a group of singers, somebody who can really play an instrument well or do some sports activity very well that we idolize. And they're taking the place of the Lord Jesus in our heart, if that is so.
The rightful place that belongs to him.
Have I an object, Lord below that would divide my heart with thee in answer to?
It's even flow.
How does it go in answer to thy constancy? Oh, teach me quickly to return, and 'cause my heart a fresh divert to burn. The last part of it says that I may undistracted be to follow, serve, and wait for the the Lord help us that we don't have idols.
In our hearts, if we turn to Acts chapter one, we'll see this man again.
Acts chapter one and verse 13.
In the middle of the verse, or the towards the end of the verse, it tells us he was in the upper room with those who were gathered there. And I have no doubt that he was with the group that in the second chapter, where it says they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and breaking of prayer, bread and in prayers, and great fear was upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.
This man, who used to be an idolater, was among the number of the faithful.
Disciples in the early Church.
Where are we going to be found?
Our idol is going to take our hearts off away from the affection of the Lord Jesus. Or are we going to put them away?
Put them away and let the Lord Jesus grip our hearts.
That we might be in his service.
Simon, Mark. Chapter 15.
In Mark chapter 15.
And verse 21.
And they compelled 1 Simon A Cyrene.
Cyrene Cyrenian is that that is North Africa. What's, what are they doing? Clear over in Jerusalem, this man.
I'd like to look at this man a little bit, this real briefly, who passed by coming out of a country the father of. Now, why did the Spirit of God want us to know this?
The father of Alexander and Rufus to bear his cross. Why did God want us to know that he was the father of Alexander and Rufus? I believe it was to give us courage as families.
To hear and to do the word of God together. Did this Simon want to do and hear the word of God together? Yes, he did.
He wanted to hear and know and obey the Word of God, and he wanted his family involved as well.
Acts Chapter 19.
I am under the impression of and would like to be corrected if I am wrong, but I believe this is the same Alexander.
In Acts chapter 19 and verse 33 it says and they drew Alexander out of the multitude.
The Jews putting him forward, and Alexander beckoned with his hand, and he would have made his defense under the people, his Father, or the cross of the Lord Jesus. And he stayed close enough to the apostle Paul in his ministry that he could make a public defense.
For the apostle Paul and the Jews drew him forward, just as they drew his father forward to bear the cross of the Lord Jesus. They said we're going to draw this man forward as well who is bent for the cause of the Kingdom of God. Young people.
Many of you have a mother and father that want to go on for the Lord Jesus. Are you going to follow in their steps that way like this, Alexander?
Let's go to Romans last chapter 15.
I'm sorry, Chapter 16.
Romans 16 and verse 13.
I believe this is the same Rufus.
Salute Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and I believe this woman was Simon's wife.
His mother and mine.
No doubt Simon had gone on to be with the Lord, and his wife was like a mother to the apostle Paul and.
Rufus and Alexander were like that with the Apostle Paul in his ministry. The Lord wants us to go on for him as families did this Simon here and do yes he did wonderful.
Our time is going fast. There's Simon the Tanner.
Beautiful examples in him in.
In Acts 10, we won't turn to it. We're running out of time.
But a Tanner is one who and, and Peter was with him there. Simon Peter was with him in the same house. And at that same house, Simon Peter got the revelation that the word of God would go out to the Gentiles as well. Wonderful, wonderful.
This Simon was a Tanner and, and you get, you get tannin, which is tannic acid from tree bark, mainly the oak tree. And then when you when you take an animal hide, you treat it with this. And that's where we get our belts, our shoes, our Bible covers our billfolds, our purses from leather, profitable things coming from.
The death of the animal, the sacrifice of the animal and of the tree remind us of the Lord Jesus going to the cross.
And they're bearing on that cross His body, bearing our sins there away.
You know how many of us, how many of us would like to go on for the Lord Jesus?
How many of us as scripture says that our life also?
Let me let me turn to it. Second Corinthians, chapter 4.
It says.
In verse 10.
How many of us would like to say that we want the life of Jesus manifests in our bodies?
How many of us like to say that I would like the life of Jesus manifest in my body? Isn't that wonderful? But we don't want to go through with the first part of it always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus. Why? That means the end to this self first man, doesn't it? Simon the Tanner reminds us of that, a man who is going to put an end to self, that the life of Christ might be manifest in his body.
Not putting self 1St and self-interest and.
And and self motivations forward but putting Christ 1St and Peter had fellowship with that another of course one of the Simons is Simon Peter that we don't have too much time to to get into but the first words that.
The Lord Jesus said to Simon was follow me. Some of the first words and some of the last words that the Lord Jesus said to Simon Peter was follow me. Same word, same message. And in between those two we see a life in Peter that was filled with bumps and struggles.
He came walking onto the water.
To see the Lord Jesus, he's death, Lord Jesus, to see if he would come walk on the water and he came on. What happened when the Lord Jesus was with her when Simon Peter was walking on the water? Who remembers?
Well, he started to sink. Why? He got his eyes off the Lord, and it wouldn't have mattered if there was waves or if the water was calm. Circumstances don't matter. It's when we get our eyes off the Lord we sink.
So what? Peter had fear of the waves? Do we have fears? Fear Fera false evidence appearing real?
Or do we have faith, full assurance in the heart?
There's lots of lessons in Peter.
Let's look at second Peter.
Chapter One.
Before I read this I would just like to mention one more thing that was mentioned last night in the life of Simon Peter in the meeting last night where the Lord says do you love me?
Three times the Lord Jesus says, Do you love me? And if you go look up what the Lord Jesus is saying there to Peter, if you have like a strong's concordance and look up what the words mean, you'll find that the Lord Jesus does not use the same words every time. When he asked Peter if he loves him the first time, he says.
Are you fond of me, Peter?
And Peter says that he's fond of the Lord, and the Lord commissions him to nurture his lampkins, the baby lambs.
Next time he says to the Peter again, the Lord does to Simon Peter, are you fond of me?
Peter says to the Lord, Lord, I am, I am fond of you. And the Lord instructs him to feed his sheep.
Now the Lord uses a different word. He says, Peter, are you attached to me? Why did he say that? Because he knew Peter's heart, and Peter knew that if he answered that question, attachment to the Lord would have to mean detachment from everything else.
But he would only have the Lord to follow.
That everything else had to go.
That the Lord would be first and #1.
And then with those words out of his mouth, we know it was real with him by what happened in the chapter of Acts.
It was real with Peter. Is it real with you? And we know it was real with Peter by these words that we would like to read together right now in second Peter chapter one Simon Peter, a servant of and an apostle of Jesus Christ to them.
Who hath obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God, our Savior Jesus Christ, and so on.
We could read down through the.
1St 8 Four of these things being you and abound, they make you that ye be maybe neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The things within these verses, we don't have time to go over it. Please go over it if you want to be fruitful and abound in these things, in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Go over these things. It's very instructive if you want to be fruitful in the Kingdom of God.
It's right here. Peter will tell us how.
I want to close with one more Simon, but I want to say this first and this will help you understand how it's the most used named in the Bible. Simon is how we say it in Greek. Simeon is how we say it in Hebrew. Think of all the Simians.
And the last Simeon I want to or the first Simeon that we're going to look at, but we have to close what this is in Luke chapter 2.
Luke chapter 2 and.
Verse 25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. The same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
He was just and devout, and the Holy Ghost was upon him. Why? He was waiting for something, the consolation of Israel. He takes up the baby Jesus in his arms and he blesses him.
Titus two says looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, are we looking for that hope?
Simeon had a hope before him and it formed what he did in his life.
Do we have a hope before us of the Lords coming in his return? Does it so captivate our hearts that it has an influence on our behavior? This Simeon he heard and he did.
Let's close in prayer. Our blessed God and loving Father, we thank Thee for the examples that are in Thy precious Word of all these people whose names mean to hear and to do Thy Word. And blessed Lord Jesus, indeed, there isn't anyone in this room who knows the other Savior, that somewhere deep down inside they do want to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer only.
Yet, Lord Jesus, we need Thy help as we go through the school of life to learn.
The lessons that are before us, that our hearts might be attached to Thee.
That all other attachments must go. So help us Lord Jesus.
Do not just to hear thy word in Jesus name, Amen.