Session #1

Duration: 1hr 3min
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Kind of a tough question.
But I.
I will, uh, look at three different points that we can look at. What is the assembly? What is the oversight? And the other is our parents.
The assembly.
In First Corinthians chapter 14.
In the last verse.
Let all things be done decently and in order.
I don't say that it's in out of order for someone to drink something when they're hot and dry and thirsty and trying to speak or or whatever the situation is.
To me, that's not disrespectful.
But it might be to somebody else.
But I think we need to also.
Think of the oversight in the assembly.
Respect them also.
And then also.
Your father, your mother, might feel that it is disrespectful even though some others may not. But you also fall under the jurisdiction of your parents. And in Ephesians 6 it says children obey your parents.
Although I may not have a problem with somebody having a bottle of water next to them in the meeting, I have one next to me.
Uh, sometimes I need to take a drink.
I don't believe that's disrespectful, but I don't want to offend others who may be thinking is disrespectful.
But if your parents tell you it's not acceptable for you to do it.
It doesn't mean it's right or wrong from the scripture, but it is right or wrong for you. You must obey your parents. So your father has that authority. Your mother has that authority and jurisdiction over over you.
I really can't answer the question more than that. We're not under law.
Umm, we're under Great.
Correct, but I think Bob has something.
For sure I'm at.
Of doing that.
Yes, I'm very simple if you are sorry.
Yeah, everything there is basically and it's on to every further.
I don't have a problem with you having a bottle of water there too.
I understand.
Coffee Day.
Like you said, I don't want to stay down. Rude.
So that's how I keep today about that. This is fine for everything.
And just later on I need to chat through.
35 at the end of the chapter so it could embrace the time.
Pretty close because you need me and it's very beautiful verse that I've heard the audience, yes.
But that is wrong.
Play the difference between the Lord's Table versus the Lord's Supper.
And we find the Lord's Table in First Corinthians chapter 10.
And let's look at verse 16 and 17.
The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ, The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread and one body, For we are all partakers of that one bread. And it goes on a little bit there, and talking about the couple of the Lord, the couple of devils, verse 21.
Cannot be partakers of the Lord's Table and of the Table of devils.
And so speaking about the Lord's table in this in this section, verse 17, we being many are one bread and Speaking of the fellowship that we have with Christ.
We are all partakers of that one bread. We belong to the body of Christ. Christ is the head of the body and we belong to that body and, and our fellowship that that loaf represents the fellowship we have with the, with the Lord as one body and, uh.
The Lord's table would be the fellowship that we have with Christ, unity and association with Christ. So the Lord's table would be the fellowship, and the Lord's Supper would be in Chapter 11.
Uh, I want to explain one more thing about the Lord's Table. In order to be in the Fellowship of the Lord's Table, there's two things.
There's one thing required. First of all, it's the blood of Jesus Christ. And that's why the cup is mentioned first in the Lord at the Lord's. In the verses about the Lord's table, it talks about the cup. And so the blood is very important because it's the blood that washes our sins away and makes us fit for the presence of the Lord Jesus.
And it's that that which saves us. And so the blood is necessary before.
We can be in the fellowship.
And so that's why the cup is first and the bread is second when it's talking about the fellowship. Well, then when we come to the Lord's Supper, we find that order reversed and we find the umm.
We take the bread 1St and the cup second. Well, why is that? It's because we're remembering the death of the Lord. We're remembering the order in which it happened. And the Lord suffered and died for our sins. He took the wrath and anger of God as he hanged there on the cross. And uh, after that is when the soldier pierced his side with the sword and out came.
Blood and water. And so we remember it in the order in which it happened, and so we're remembering his death.
April, the place where we celebrate the Lord's Supper and the Lord's Supper is what we celebrate at that place. And when you talk about a place, you're not talking about a place, a geographical place necessarily.
You're talking about a place of fellowship like you were mentioning the fellowship of the blood of Christ and the fellowship of all those that have been redeemed by the precious word of Christ and Venice, the fellowship of the body of Christ.
So there's this difference too, between the table and the supper. That's a little connection with the divorce. Table represents the body of Christ. That is all believers joined together.
So it's the widest speeder possible.
But when we say the Lord's table.
It doesn't say Christ pay well, it doesn't say Jesus payable. It's the Lord's table because when you use that term, the Lord, he is the one that has authority.
To say what goes, what does it go, this place, there has to be a recognition of his authority and the respect of his person.
You just can't do anything here. Why? Why can't you let me do that? For that? No, we have to respect his table. We all come up here to the chair. This is standing away in the camp. You laid out some regulations.
I don't know if I would totally make it the same myself, but I respect you brother, so I submit to what you lay down.
So that's the point of the Lord's Table. It's the place where he has authority. I think that's very important because.
Because there are those in.
Other denominations that are real believers in the Lord Jesus. No question about it. Are they members of the body of Christ? Yes, they are.
But sometimes they don't want to simply bow to what Scripture tells that the Lord has set up for us to respect and connection with this table. So when we're talking about the Lord's table, it's the fellowship.
Oh believe it, I know that it doesn't say the Lord's Tables.
The Lord's Tables Singlet.
In other words, in the whole world, there's only one table.
Brother James Hay Hall the years ago and spoke about it like it's a big table. It goes all the way around the world.
Yesterday we broke red at the Lord's Table.
But they were running down in South America, over in Africa that were doing the same. Is it the same table? Yes, the same fellowship. The fellowship of the blood of Christ and the fellowship of the body of Christ, like I say, in connection with the Lord's table. But now that's why it's going low, because there's only one body.
Is important. Never says there's one God, that there's one blood.
And so why is this so important that there's one load?
There's only one bottle.
I remember one place I was breaking bread and.
The brother and had his own easy to pull off a pretty good check out of bread when they hey there by the time it's gone halfway through but it's needed it was getting close to being done. I don't know what they had in mind to do.
I don't know if I was right, but I stood up and said brother.
Goes over and have them participated yet? They're members of the body too. Please consider them and what's left. We'll all have to partake of this one vote. Importantly 1.
Remember a cough and stuff in Toronto where there was 1200 presidents at the conference?
They had a huge loan. Why? Because it had to make one flow.
That's the testimony we're giving. We're members of one body.
So in the Lord's Supper, there's a difference.
The law does not represent that, but it represents the Lord's physical body. It was mentioned in how he went to the cross, how he suffered, how God's wrath was poured out on him. We remember that that in the Lord's Supper through that difference.
They go together at the Lord's table, The Lord's Supper do it again.
Wonderful privilege to sit down. I honestly think that when we get home, the glory look back, we're going to say there was nothing.
So wonderful that we did in here in this world and sitting down at the Lord's table and partake of the Lord's time.
Is it scriptural to use more than One Cup? Brother Bob just mentioning the the cup. The one loaf 1 cup is a scriptural to use more than One Cup.
At the remembrance meeting.
As Brother Bob just mentioned, the one bread.
Represents one body.
With the cup.
Is referring to the.
The the cup in this verse is not speaking about the the vessel that is being used, but rather is what the cup is representing and uh.
We sometimes hear the term a couple of suffering or the Lord Jesus endured a cup of wrath.
Sometimes people say, well, that's not my cup of tea.
They're not talking about a A cup.
But here we have in our verse.
In First Corinthians chapter 10.
1St Corinthians 10 verse 16 says the cup of blessings which we bless.
We give thanks for this cup of blessing, the cup of blessing which we give thanks for. What is a cup of blessing? It represents all the benefits, all the blessings we receive because of the blood of Jesus Christ. We have our sins washed away. We are propitiated through the our sins are propitiated through the blood.
They're taken away, they're moved as far as the east is from the West.
Or were justified through his blood. There's so many blessings that we have through the blood of Jesus Christ and it brings us into fellowship with the Lord Jesus and so.
The cup is not referring to the the the One Cup that we have. They're the vessel. So to have more than One Cup, it just shows the multitude of the blessings of the Lord Jesus that we have through the blood of the Lord Jesus.
Uh, so we've been talking about.
Inverse uh.
16 said the car.
Verse 17 says we the many are one thread or one Bao and one body. We are all articulated to that one breath.
Very clear that one has should be one the breath.
But it never says one shot. That's what we have and swing and everything.
But I asked what do you think they did after the day of Pentecost when 3000 were saved and they continued to step back saying the apostles doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread and prayers.
I don't think they used One Cup. I think there was men in it. But the point is, is that it represents like Jim said.
Not the recipient that we drink out of, but what we do. You have partakers of that cup, what's in it? The print of the mind. And so we are partakers of that.
Brothers in Bolivia have had that trouble with that perpendicular point in. We have tried to explain to them and sometimes they just put a big recipient and then they they give thanks. They divided out by they did yesterday into the different costs.
And then conferences. They will then use multiple cups but.
Uh, that helps them over that. But they say the Lord Jesus when he fed the 5000.
I often wondered how long it took him to see 5000 people. How many people either feeding here?
100 and 3000 and 30.
Well, almost 45 by 50.
You're 5000.
It's uh.
He divided it to the disciples, He gave it to the disciples, and the disciples to the opportunity to do that.
5000 / 12 how much is that?
Use the calculator's too much? I can't figure it out.
478400 and 17 people were disciple I pretty impressive. I wonder how long that took figuring out that much food and fish and our bread and fish.
With an exactly deluded supper. But it shows that God does things in order. And when there is a multitude, why you use more than one job? I don't think there's any problem with that.
Uh, contrast is what it's below, which has already been mentioned because of this meaning necessary is gone bread, as it says here in our King James translation in First Corinthians 10/17. I don't have any other translation with me, but I think that and Mr. Garner's translation it says.
There one load, is that right?
Uh, it's, I'm, I'm sure the question about.
One Cup is because it's so vital that the the bread is one loaf, but it's.
Oh yeah. The vital thing is the content of it and what that people do, I've got on. Not the best.
With the board table.
That I know some young people. I saw the emblem passing by yesterday.
They say if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus, scriptures where they showed us that.
You are a member of the body of Christ. When we receive the Lord Jesus as our Savior, the Spirit of God comes at this field of our salvation and dwells in our bodies and unites us the same time that the body of Christ.
I thought that was on the table yesterday. Represented you. Whether you departed or didn't partake, it represents you.
And the Lord has asked us to do that until He comes in remembrance of him.
What are you going to say if the Lord comes this week and you've never done that and.
And he says to the judgment seat of Christ, I die to make sure that you could be saved eternally. I ask you to do one thing for me. While you were down there in this world, did you do it?
What are you going to say to him?
You know, I take my place when I was 15 years old.
And it was because the brother challenged us young people in the meeting where I was with that very same question.
I had to squirm.
Because I didn't really have a good answer.
But just think about it. You're represented in that flow if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus. No question about it.
Then you should be partaking of that low and of that cup and remember the.
Just think about it.
It says we are all partakers of that one bread. That word partakers.
And meaning we belong to that one bread, which means you are each one of us are represented. Each believer is represented in that low. That one low Partake also means to eat of it.
And so when the bread comes around on on Lord's Day morning and we're remembering him in his death and we take that bread and we eat that bread, we're identifying with the fact that we belong to Jesus Christ, we belong to the body of Christ, and we are in fellowship and association with the Lord Jesus Christ.
And if that bread goes by and you don't partake?
We're not told what that says, but it does not say that you belong to that law.
So it's just the Lord. He he wants us, he, he loves us, and he reaches out to us and says, do this in remembrance of me. As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord death till he comes.
The Old Testament.
In Second Samuel 9.
We we read in verse seven, and David said unto him, unto Matthew, I fear not, for I will surely show thee kindness for Jonathan my father's sake, and will restore the old land of soul thy father, and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually.
Reminds me of what was in the heart of Mesibocha. This was kindness. And if we, if we realize what the Lord Jesus has done for us, if we think of his word, his person, his why he why he has done, then it flows from the heart to remember him. This as brother Bob was saying, this is what the Lord has asked, Remember Me.
And umm, we are reminded of the story of of Joseph and the cop there.
And it says that you forgot him.
But Mephibosheth, what do you do with this invitation? Do you say well?
I'm accustomed to load a bar. I think I'm fine there.
Or umm, I'll sit at your table, but I don't think I can eat there.
You know when we are at the lower stable.
It is not all, not only just for a little time when we come. It is true that we eat bread at His table, but we are constant to continually at his table and the Lord wants us to remember Him there. And I was just thinking about that story at UMM, the gratitude that my food was chef had towards David. And it is, it is.
A gratitude that falls from on on our in our hearts. And we eat bread.
And we drink, uh, of the wine, remembering him. Umm, well, last, last verse there in second Samuel.
We see that he restored all the lands and all the blessings that Mefiblus has had. But the most precious thing that Mephibosheth remembers afterwards in in Second Samuel is not all the land that David gave him. It was that time where he was able to partake with David at his table. Umm.
Verse 13 So Mephibosheth dwell in Jerusalem, for he did eat continually at the King's table, and was lame on both seats. It was not because he deserved it. It was not because of his capacity.
Or anything like that. The same way we're not. It's not because we deserve to be at this table and eat of the ambulance is because of what he has done for us.
Uh, Queen of England invites us to.
Uh, have supper at the pallets at Buckingham Palace in London and we say, oh, I don't think I have clothes that are good enough for such an occasion. Well, I'll provide you with the clothes then that, that, uh, so that you won't feel badly about that. And so she gives everything that is necessary.
For us to sit down at your table.
We have the invitation and so we go into the, uh, chamber where they have the supper and squeeze the supper in this case. And I walk up to the table and I take the chair and I pull it back into one corner and sit down there and say, I, I don't feel worthy. What is the Queen gonna say?
I gave you everything was necessary so that you could sit down and enjoy fellowship at my favorite.
That's what the Lord has done for us. She's given us everything that is necessary. And so it's important to realize.
The tremendous privilege that it is, at the same time, sometimes people think, why can't you just let us come in and make credit at home and notice?
It's because it's the Lord's Table and that the assembly God has set those in responsibility.
To oversee what's going on and those who come in to breakfast, there are openness in place. They're real believers and they have what they call the Lord's Day and stuff or do.
You think?
There it depends on the elders who can partake and who cannot partake, and that they're very open to let anybody walk off the street and partake.
There are others that are very strict.
And unless you put on a white shirt and a tie and a suit jacket, you don't break grass. That's the regulations in that particular semblance.
It's not so much the question of what Scripture says, the situation of what the elders say. So I think it is important for us to realize when we talk about the Lord's Table, to realize it is the only.
Position that is not sectarian.
And people say wow.
You're taking quite an exclusive position. I stay there, young brother, young sister, That's the conviction I have come to by the scriptures of my own soul. I can make a mistake, and if you think I'm mistaken, I'm willing to listen to you. You can kind of talk to me and show me some scriptures.
I'll listen to you, but I'm not going to go by what you say.
I have to go by what description, she said. I think that's important for us to form our convictions.
By what scripture says again, I say it is the only position that is not sectarian in the whole world.
Oh Lord, faith.
It's a good word on that question. Umm.
I do remember not so long ago, uh, hearing of a group of believers that used to be in fellowship with us and hearing about how they remember the Lord and hearing that they use multiple cups and me quickly thinking, oh, that's awful kind of judging that. And as we've mentioned, umm, you know, the one loaf is the picture that we're given. And there's a reason for the one loaf the, the multiple cups can be.
More of a practical question, but of course we all, uh, do remember that the reason why generally most of us have have used One Cup is because of Matthew, Mark and Luke. When Jesus celebrates or institutes the Lord's Supper, you know, there's One Cup used. And I think we're all, we all enjoy that picture. Umm.
I'll just say that, you know, we don't know the future of how long this germ pandemic, uh, concern is going to be, but they'll probably be a time in your local assembly where, you know, when do we start using One Cup again? And do we continue with this? And then just just, umm, young people, I know at least for, for some of you, they may, may really like multiple cups now and, and just just would ask you to be gracious with.
Your brother and his, umm, filler leaves as we kind of reconsider how to proceed.
We have time for one more question.
The Democrats, the CDC, Bill Gates and the Illuminati are all desperately pushing for one world government.
Question is, is one world government possible before the Millennium?
So we know the beast is going to, uh.
Try to make everybody subservient to him, the Antichrist and the Beast.
And they'll say who can make war against the beast.
But eventually, there there will Bob, won't there be? Umm.
Attacks against the Roman Empire? Or are they all? Are they all going to be subservient? Their own?
Well, look at what it says in Revelation 13. This is talking about the base when you write this up out of the sea.
The fee is the figure of the nation in two months and that's what you see today, tremendous changes and conflicts between nations.
Waves of politics moved by waves of religion.
Tremendous changes in our world out of this.
Sea of confusion rises of east verse one revelation 13 and I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a neat.
Rise out of the sea. A beast is a.
A bee that has, you know, his eyes toward the earth, he doesn't look up into heaven and never see a cow gazing up at the stars. They're looking at the earth. So this man will have his reference point on earth, not that. And then it describes him. And at the end of verse three, it says this is what?
Uh, Kim was referring to I think.
First they said I saw one of his head as it were wounded to death and his deathly wound was healed.
And all the world wondered after the beach.
I think and it says and they worship the the dragon which gave the power of the United States.
To worship the victim who is likened to the beast who is able to make war with him.
What we understand dramatically.
Yes, that this piece is the revived Roman Empire. That's why it says one of his wounded. It was the same empire when the Lord Jesus gave the first time that was in power and tried to kill him as a little baby.
It was that same empire that gave the order to crucify Jesus under the headship of pilots. On these pilots it would be that same world empire.
Revive and Western Europe is pretty much.
A confused state of affairs right now, but it's out of this confusion that this earthly head is going to arrive with satanic power. And it says all the world wizard after the beast. In other words, I think it will be #1 power.
Interesting. It doesn't seem like the United States figures.
In prophecy, I honestly believe that the Rapture is going to knock knock the United States completely.
I can, sorry, hit this downward, but uh, I could the question says the there's a desperate push for world government. Let's see spirit that is moving in this direction and it's going to result in this peace horizon in Western Europe and he will be evidently.
The number one world power in that day, I don't think there will ever be much a thing as world government.
Overall reserve because there will be others who attacked Israel during the great tribulation, the king of the North and then Gog and Magog at the end of the tribulation period and uh, there will be others too, so that.
To be Roman Empire, even though it may be one of the one power, I don't think they will ever have world government. I don't think it's going to happen.
Got it into the Bush for it and you can see that, uh, they have what they have in, in view, but I, I don't see it as a prophetic picture that described in scripture. That's all I can say on that. Maybe others have something they want to say on that too.
And it is the same desire that man has had for.
Thousands of years. If we look back into the Tower of Fable in Genesis 11, we see there that it was the desire for one world government. Umm, the Lord intervened.
And umm, I don't, I don't see it happening. It will be one world government with the Lord Jesus, of course, but man, that's his, their desire. But apart from God, the same desire that they had in desire of Basel, the same umm, systematic approach, umm, with the bricks rather than stones and so on. Umm, so it is in the heart of man.
But God intervened here.
And he will also intervene in the future when the Lord Jesus will take his rightful place, when umm, there will be a struggle of powers, of course, when the Lord comes, but he will defeat every one of those powers and he will establish his Kingdom.
That's very helpful.
I think you should read some of those verses there, uh.
One everywhere.
And the whole earth was one language and 1:00 speech, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plane in the land of Shiner, And they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly. And they had bricked 4 stone and slime.
Had they for mortar and they said go to let us build us a city.
And it's our the stop may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. The Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of man builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they all, they have all one language. And this they begin to do.
And now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined.
To do.
Go to let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth, And they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel, because the Lord that they are confound the language of all the earth. And from then did the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
Notice the purpose of the power of table is mentioned in verse 4.
Let us make us a name. Man wants a name for himself.
Well, I was living in Chicago a number of years ago that I saw me with the Sears Tower. I think it was still living in the world then. It's 110 stories.
It's since then.
Uh, exceeded by. I guess it went over and.
I forget one of the Europe countries and then Leeds.
You don't pay for probably know what you want it is, but it's a lot hot. So now they have the name. That's what man is constantly struggling for to make us a name, even in religious circles. The most famous preacher in the United States.
Have a name?
God has not entered here in this world to make us a name. You put us here to glorify His name.
And that's what I got when you came down.
He confused. It ended up in fable confusion what it means.
It's interesting, I understand that the European Union.
Building I can get where it is in Europe.
Designed somewhat, uh, replicate a famous picture of the dollar table.
And some of these young people know that the better one I'm talking about. But.
It doesn't seem to have any problem in using that format. Again, things are going that same direction may have us came in.
God is not going to let it happen.
Answering the question whether there's one world government, I was just thinking of converting the 1924.
Umm, if I understand this directly, because it's referring to the first part of the tribulation.
Matthew 24, six says ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars.
Yeah, I see that you may not travel for all these things that has come to pass, but the end is not yet. And especially this verse. Her nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom.
Uh, team lead indicates that pretty strongly that there's not going to be a one world government, even if part of the tribulation is going to be.
Different nations or any fighting each other. And yes, it's been explained there's going to be a confederacy arrived in Western Europe that will be together, but clearly it's not a one world government because there's all this going on as well, awards between nations.
Well first 2 verses Umm Zachariah chapter 14, verse 4.
It says, And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east. The Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst of toward these, toward the and toward the West. And there shall be a very great Virginia valley, And half of the mountains shall remove toward the north, and half toward the South. And you shall flee to the valley of the mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Aziel, and you shall flee.
Then we go. The verse that I'm thinking of is verse 9.
And the Lord shall be king over all the earth, and that day there shall be 1 Lord in his name one.
So after the Lord was risen, he left from the Mount of Olives or ascended. Might need some help with that.
But until he returns.
And then I'm gonna need help too. It would be nice to do a little bit on processing. But until he returns back to the Mount of Olives, the remnant here flees to the mountains. There's some more battles, and I think there's one. Russia is one of the last nations that comes into or tries to come into this. Well, they won't be able to Lord or roar out of time, but I don't know. I need some help. I don't know if there's one more battle, but then the Millennium comes in and then the Lord will rule. There's no.
One government before then.
Our time is about up.
Lord Jesus came into this world.
Is born into this world.
And was rejected.
And I want to bring out something that is future in First Corinthians 15.
Not exactly sure where to start reading here.
We'll begin with verse 23.
But every man in his own order, Christ the first fruits.
Afterward they that are Christ, that is coming.
Then come at the end, when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father.
When he shall have put down all rule, and all authority, and all power. I was thinking of this verse here. For he must reign until he had put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
For he had put all things under his feet.
And when he said all things are put under him and it's manifest that he is accepted.
Accepted which did put all things under him, then so all things be subject or subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject.
Or, uh, the subject onto the him that put all things under him, that God may be All in all.
Well, I guess what I want to just point out to you young people was, yeah, we look and see all this turmoil and everything that's going on. God is in control.
Umm, nothing is happening is a surprise to God and we do see these pushes being made by political, uh, forces for one world government. You know, the Lord Jesus is coming back at the end of the tribulation. Uh, and when his feet touch the Mount of Olives, I believe it's going to split in half.
And, uh, the Lord will reign. He must reign. It says there in Corinthians. He must reign.
It came the first time they said away with this man, we don't want him, kill him. He's coming back and he will reign. And at the end of that time, uh, he will then turn over the Kingdom back to his father. And I've enjoyed thinking about this. I believe that is so that he can spend the rest of eternity.
Enjoying his bride, which is company with you and I, I believe. But anyway he must reign and.
All of man striving.
God is in control. It's attempting to watch the news or look at, you know, different things on the Internet and be alarmed and wonder, what does this mean? We can be confident God is in control and the Lord Jesus will reign and under his reigning there will be, uh, a blessed time in this world.
In that thousand years. But anyway, I just want to.
Encourage you, don't despair, don't be afraid. God is in control and the Lord Jesus will reign and then at the end of that He will be enjoying eternity with you and I with him there.
Do I reach 1 nothing from him? What him Sure, go ahead #36 in the offended.
We go to meet the Savior, His glorious face, to see what manner of behavior got within. Full of grief. May God illumination guide fire and walk aright that so our preparation be pleasing in His sight. We gladly while the hours till night shall pass away.
And chant with all our powers of blessings of that day to thee, the Lord of glory, we raised the happy tongue, And make thy own bright story the theme of every tongue.
That sinful man endeavors, nor any mortals here could draw like sovereign fever to the sinners, and despair.
Unfold our teams with Glen and UH from the Fall 3 and change our grief and sadness, the songs of joy and praise.
Go to pizza.
We do look forward.
Is that wonderful today? That could take place today?
At any moment now.
We hear that trumpet blast.
You hear thy voice calling.
And to be face to face Lord Jesus for me.
Belfast to be ready for that moment. Gracious Savior, we long when we see the confusion in this world.
And see so much suffering.
That thickness we know there is only one answer to it all, Lord Jesus.
Come thy Kingdom, come look forward to it.
In the meantime, help us.
I'll keep, uh, in all our activities today we pray the name of our Lord Jesus. Father, we ask, Amen.