What Will You Fill Your Life With?

Children—David Gorgas
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All right, that's all now.
Good morning everyone. Uh, I suppose I'll primarily be addressing the ones in the front row over here or the kids. Although I do pray that umm, what said this morning will be practical to everyone here. Hopefully the children in particular will be able to hold on to something that said and umm, be able to.
Use it in their lives.
So I don't know a lot of the people here because we're from quite a few hours away, but my name is David Gorgas. These are my boys, Avery and ASA and my daughter Cassidy. I know that some of you have been playing with them, and umm, so I won't know most of your names. If I need to call on anybody for help, I'll have to ask you your name as well. So before we get started, let's ask the Lord for his help. We're going to pray.
Our God and Father, we give thanks for the time that we could be here this morning.
We give thanks for such a wonderful week we could have here at camp.
For the wonderful Christian Fellowship, we could have all the Sunday School classes, the lessons and give thanks that many of the children were able to memorize verses and get some prizes for all the time that we could have the question and answer meetings as well and the addresses.
And we pray that after all this time here on the camp, that we would be able to go home now and think back on the verses that we read, verses that we memorized, the answers to the questions that we learned, pray that we would be able to review them.
And umm, that we would live our continue to live our lives in a way that's pleasing to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We give thanks for, umm, that perfect work that was done on the cross to pay for our sin.
And uh, we just ask for help in going through this Sunday school lesson this morning. Now in Jesus name, Amen.
All right, so.
Just so I can get to know a few people because we Can't Sing this morning. And that's something I really enjoy doing. Somebody raise their hand and let me know a Sunday School song that you like to sing, but we Can't Sing it.
What song do you like?
What's your? Why? Why does the ocean Your name is Julia? You know what you said? OK, Nice to meet you. How about anybody else? Does anybody else have a particular song they enjoy? Yes.
The books of the Bible, that's that's a good one to know as well. And I think that was maybe a couple nights ago or yesterday morning that I think it was Bernie that mentioned that that song still.
Goes through his head and that's a very good song to learn. Uh, And I can tell you that ever since I first learned that song, I don't know how old I was. Umm perhaps 56789, I don't know. But ever since then, anytime that I hear these books of the Bible, umm. In particular, the other day the book of Michael was mentioned.
Sometimes it's a little bit hard to find, and as soon as I hear the book of Micah, then Yep, I start singing that song in my head. Joan and Mike. And they have a cook. And I just started looking for those books. Good to learn that song. Umm.
So what I'd like to talk about this morning to everyone here is something that's been talked about several times already this week. And even umm, some verses that were talked about already and I can't remember if it was umm, how many children were there for the meeting that Manuel Adamez had talking about Daniel? Do you guys hear the about the book of Daniel? Did anybody over here remember that?
How about anybody out here, you guys?
Went through Dan or not the whole book, but just that first chapter in particular we went over.
The first chapter of Daniel and that stuck out to me and something that came up several times this week.
And maybe more in the question and answer meetings was talking about filling our lives with Christ, and I wanted to, umm, have an object lesson to, uh, follow up. Such a great one about all the farm stuff we learned about the other day. But I didn't get as quite as complicated as that. I looked around.
And uh, this was as creative as I could get right here. There's not much in there. It's just rocks and sand.
And there's a Sunday School song that we sing. Umm.
The wise man built his house On what?
Rock. Wise man built his house on the rock, and the foolish man built his house on somebody, raised their hand.
Yes, the sand, absolutely.
OK, so that's what we have here. We have some rocks and sand.
Won't be exactly talking about building, but I thought of using these two bags here as examples of people. So here's a person right here, and here's another person.
This one has a bunch of sand in it and this one at the moment only has a little bit of sand in it and I thought of this in reference to Daniel.
So let's read one verse. Not in Daniel first. Umm, we're going to go to Philippians chapter one.
And verse 11 It says, Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God, being filled with the fruits of righteousness we want to, we want to fill our lives with.
Fruits of righteousness. We want to fill our lives with things that are pleasing to the Lord. Things that we can read about in the Bible. Instructions that we can find to us that are good to do. And I hope that I I don't. Umm.
I wanna try to get this down to be a simple lesson. This is something that that I enjoyed this week for myself to be valuable for myself. But I I hope that at least if you kids in particular keep this picture in mind of these these bags of sand and maybe maybe in another year or so you can come back to it in your mind and you'll think of it. Somebody used an analogy, A umm, somebody used a picture like this for me when I was in elementary school my my elementary school principal when I was in uh some grade, I said.
Use the comparison a picture like this and it really stuck in my mind.
And so hopefully you guys can pick it up. Think of this and hold on to it. So here is a bag of sand. It was a sand, a good or a bad thing in Bible there in that song. Bad. Yeah, you're right. So this is somebody that has filled their life with bad things. And sometimes as a as a kid, as a young child, you may not feel like you're totally in control of your life. You kind of just follow your parents you go to on the school with your parents.
But there still are decisions that you can make as a kid. You can choose to memorize verses. You can choose to give thanks for your food. You can choose to pray before you go to bed.
Maybe you play with your parents anyway, but still you can choose to sing Sunday school songs or you can choose to sing maybe nursery rhymes.
Not that, umm necessarily nursery rhymes or other songs are bad, but what we should fill ourselves with is Christ. So this is somebody that made the decision to always do the wrong thing. Things that are wasteful. Things that Jesus does not particularly like. And this is.
Somebody that's going to do some other stuff, we're going to go through the Book of Daniel now.
I think I'll just, uh, use my phone for a Bible to make things a little simpler for myself.
OK, so the other day we learned that in the book of Daniel King Nebuchadnezzar wanted to raise up children.
Get some children here. And Nebuchadnezzar, we learned, was a picture of Satan. That's something that even has children right here, your age. Have to watch out for here. How old are you?
What's that 5?
Oh, you're 4. You'll be 5 next, right?
So young children even like a 5 year old, a four year old, even 3 year old Satan wants to take a hold of and.
Pull them into his work. And we learned that in the book of Daniel. There, in the first chapter, that's what King Nebuchadnezzar was doing. He took children that were. It looked nice. There were there was no blemish. They were well favored. Umm.
They were skillful in all wisdom. These were smart kids. Are you some smart kids over here?
Does anybody like to learn?
Does anybody know how to read?
Good readings, a good thing to learn how to do and everything. Nazar was looking for the smart, good looking children and uh, to understand science even it says, and ability in them to stand in the King's palace. You wanted to raise up these children just like you did here. You wanted to raise them up to serve him. And that's what Satan wants to do. If we don't fill our lives with Christ, if we just fill our lives with sand like this, if there's nothing Christ like in it.
Then they will seek to grab a hold of you and he wants you to serve him. It's a it's a bit of a scary thing. So what we can do is that's where these ones come into play. These are rocks.
And so the rocks are going to represent things, things that we do for anybody. Can anybody think of anything that we can do for Jesus?
We can share. That's a good idea, because it's not nice to just board things for yourselves. Not nice to uh, I don't think we saw Jesus doing that here, right? We didn't see Jesus just holding things for himself. Now he was always going out and sharing the knowledge that he had, sharing the healing that he had. So that's a good thing that we can do is we can share. What else can we do? You got your hand up.
What was that?
Right. Yeah. We can pray. The Lord wants to hear us pray. He wants to hear us talk to him every day. And we're we're going to read in Daniel that that's what Daniel did. He prayed to the Lord. Umm. In particular, mentioned three times a day. Umm.
So, so let's let let's umm.
One thing that I I like in this story of Daniel chapter one.
It says that Daniel was among these children that got or that, uh, having another one that raised up. And so we're a Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And it says that Daniel, purpose in his heart could not participate in what the king had. So let's let's just pretend that this bag right here is Daniel and this is Daniel purposing in his heart is the biggest rock I have in there. So here's Daniel, a real big purpose in his heart. He's going to stick it in there.
Can you see that the bag's real sandy now? Because I had it filled with sand, but uh, do you see that rock in there? OK, that that stands out pretty good.
We'll we'll put some more rocks in there to represent us filling up our lives for Christ.
As Daniel wanted to fill up his life for the Lord.
So it says that Daniel didn't participate in the eating the King's meat.
And it says God gave them a few things. Talking about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, God gave them knowledge, skill, and all learning and wisdom. And it said that God gave Daniel the ability to understand visions and dreams. So let's let's add a little more, umm rocks in here.
You're going to say that here's the things that God was giving Daniel and he was giving him this knowledge, the ability to interpret dreams only through God and Daniel praying three times a day, 123. And then the next day Daniel would pray three more times.
What's in this bag do you see?
Right, right. And you can see that there's rocks in this bag because Daniel had a purpose in his heart to fill his life up for the Lord, to serve the Lord.
There's a few more locks in there. Daniel kept on praying.
Now we know that in the same book of Daniel, you guys remember reading about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. What happened to them? Anybody remember Avery? They went in a fire, right? You know why?
They want to go on the fire, they fall.
Yeah, the pink room into the fire. Pretty sad thing. You know why he threw him into the fire.
Oh yeah, yeah. And the king looked at them and all you could see was these rocks. He didn't see. He didn't see them bowing down to the idol that he had made.
So it says in Daniel chapter 3 and verse 11 That those that didn't bow down to this idol were going to be cast into the fiery furnace. And that's what happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And they said when they were told to bow down, they're given another chance to bow down. And they said our God who we serve is able to deliver us from the burning, fiery furnace. Wow, that's that's a pretty umm.
Pretty bold thing to say.
I'd be really scared about faux getting thrown into the fiery furnace, but you know what they said they said?
The equivalent of us saying Jesus is our rock. This more rock to put in there. They can rely on God for help. They can rather than do something in wasteful saying to build our lives on, they said no, God is going to help us and we're going to rely on God. There's a few more rocks in there represent stronger building on Jesus.
What happened next? They were thrown into the fire and we do know that they weren't killed, right? They were saved in that fire. Umm.
Something else I thought of when we're when we're looking at these two bags here, let's take, let's take these little rocks here. Does anybody know a verse any, any verse in the Bible? Raise your hand if you could tell me any verse in the Bible.
That he is. There's got to be more to the verse than that.
Alright, yes, Lemuel.
That's right. All right. I want you to take one of these little rocks, little tiny rocks in there. And let's just say this person here said I'm going to do something for Jesus today. I'm going to say a verse. So this is 1 little thing. Put that in the bag. Good.
You know a verse 2.
Hey, I don't know how everybody else puts that thing on, but apparently I'm doing it wrong.
All right. What verse do you have that you could say excuse me?
Good. How about you take one Little Rock and stick it in that bag?
Let's just pretend that this person here.
Decide that they're going to do a little bit for Visa.
And they're going to say a verse every now and then. They're going to go to Sunday school because they were told to bring them to Sunday school and but they don't really want to.
That that that's the thing that you should have to learn to do, and even older ones have to learn to do, is to do some of these things on your own, to try to read the Bible on your own. And even reading the Bible can be a little bit hard, right?
Not everybody knows how to read, and even when you do know how to read, my team a little complicated, but you know what you can do as kids. You can ask your parents to read the Bible. Does anybody like it when their parents read them stories?
Yeah, good.
You can ask your parents to read you stories from the Bible and.
Sometimes we read stories at home that aren't from the Bible. But we can ask children, ask our parents sometimes. Can you read me something from the Bible? Or can you teach me something from the Bible? And even as young people, you can do the same. You can if you're not asking somebody to read to you, but you can ask somebody for help.
And so let's just say this is somebody that's not serious.
And just once in a while they put in little rocks. They read a verse, and then they say, well, maybe I'll pray before I go to bed tonight and then throw in another one. And, uh, my parents asked me to read this morning, so I'll throw in another one. Little stones. These are things that are for Christ. But you're not really meaningful. You're not really trying. You don't really want to do it. And we can put in these little verses that we say now and then on the school, sometimes probably once a day.
OK, what do you what do you guys see in this bag?
And where are the rocks?
Yeah, there is a bag and you pull out a rock.
You got one?
You got one? Good. It took a little bit of digging around in there. It's not too easy to get a rock out of that bag, right? OK, how about how about Daniel, who is praying three times a day and really purposed in his heart to serve the Lord and to do things that were pleasing to the Lord? What do we see in this bag?
Yeah, there's a little sand in there. That was primarily to keep the rocks from going to the bottom, though.
Yeah, can you can you pull a rock out of here?
Perfect. So it's easy to get a rock out of there because this one is full of things that were done for Christ. This is what Daniel purposed in his heart to do was to fill up his life. But thanks for Christ and that that's something that we have, we all have to work on. It was umm. Let me see if umm.
Just just thinking about when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, they had all these thoughts of God in their lives. So when they were told there's something very dangerous and something very serious about to happen, they didn't have to, they didn't have to, like go scrambling through this bag and they're like, oh, what are we, what are we going to do? Let's pull up an idea here. And they're digging around in the sand and like, here's, here's, here's something from God to help us out. No, that's not what they did. They they had, they had a whole bag full of rocks like this. They built their lives on.
The Lord their God. And they had an answer right away to, umm to answer. The ones that told them they're going to be thrown into the fiery furnace. They told them right away. They said you could throw us into that fiery furnace, but God will save us. They had an answer ready to go right there. They had all these, all these rocks, all these verses that they had taken in all the times that they read the Bible. Or umm, speaking more of ourselves in that case, all the time that we can read the Bible, all the time that we can go to a conference.
All the times that we could talk about something spiritual with our friends, the more of that that we fill up our lives with, the easier it is going to be to pull something out that's profitable. So let's let's see, umm if we can find anything else down here.
So later on in Umm Daniel chapter 5.
There was a king that knew that Daniel was wise and he wanted he wanted something interpreted. He wanted a writing read to him and.
He offered to give Daniel clothes and a gold chain and a high place of ruling if he if he was able to successfully answer this question.
So we we can think of.
We could think of, uh, we could think of those items. A gold chain. Is that something that Jesus wants us to have? That's something that betters our life for Jesus. Or like spending everything we have on caring about our clothes. OK, look a little bit nice.
But we don't want to send everything that we have on.
Clothes we're trying to look good or it says here a high place of ruling. Daniel didn't need to be high up. All of those things are just like something more sand into the bag. It may not be too bad if annual were to put his gold chain. Add that in here. Something a little bit of sand in here.
We get. I'll show you that for a little bit of an example.
Let's just say that sometimes we do those things we're we're tempted to, uh, once in a while, do something bad and somebody offers.
Us to do. Umm, maybe as you get older, maybe somebody offers to do something with you instead of going to a reading meeting in the evening instead of reading the Bible. Or maybe one of your friends at Sunday school, umm, wants you to pick on someone with them. Sometimes we do that as kids. We like, we don't like to include everybody, and that could be a little bit hurtful and that'll be like dumping a little bit of sand in there.
Well, it's it's it's hard to see because this bag is so cloudy, but you dump a little bit of sand in there and now I'm starting to see a little bit of sand in there.
However, there there are times that we'll slip up a little bit in life and do the wrong thing. But the the Lord is gracious in umm taking us back, but when we fill our fill our lives with Christ.
Daniel Daniel turned down that umm gold chain and the nice clothes and the high place of ruling. Rather than dumping that sand in there, he turned it down and umm again gave an answer to the king that was honoring to God and so still.
You can see a whole lot of rocks in there, and that's what's mostly in this bag here still.
Which is something that we have to try to keep in mind ourselves, is to just keep adding things to our lives. Just keep adding these rocks to our lives. Keep memorizing verses. That's something really good that you could do. Memorize verses, learn songs that praise the Lord. When you sing songs at home and praise the Lord, that's like filling your life with things of Christ. When you come to a camp like this, I don't know how you can feel, but I I feel a whole lot better being surrounded by Christians like this.
I feel like this is, this is sort of more like filling our lives with Christ. We're like the room full here of Christians. There's a whole bunch of them here. And that can help me out in my life. Because I feel like I've filled up this whole last week with time spent in the Word, time spent reading my Bible, time spent with other Christians, learning from other people that have read their Bible like this. This whole week feels like we've been just adding rocks to the bag like this and not dumping sand in it, and hopefully in the next couple weeks.
It would be easy to just like, reach in and pull up a verse that I heard this week, because that's what we've been working on, that's what we need to work on in our lives is filling our lives with, uh, Christ.
Let me let's look at yeah, let's look at another verse in Daniel chapter 6 and verse four. I think it is.
OK, so you remember when when, uh, the law was made to not worship any God for Daniel. You guys remember hearing that in the story, and Daniel still made a point to pray three times a day, just as he had before. He decided to, rather than, rather than, uh, close up the doors of his house and stop praying. Rather than putting a little more sand in his bag, he said no, I'm going to keep praying three times a day.
And it's OK if everybody sees it, because he was confident that God would take care of him. And it says that people saw him do that. And it says that, umm this, umm this part. Here people saw an occasion against Daniel concerning the Kingdom, but they couldn't find anything.
They wanted to get rid of Daniel. These these people in the Kingdom didn't like Daniel.
And they wanted to get rid of him. So it says that they looked and they decided we can't find anything in Daniel but things about God. So they looked at Daniel and this is all they could see was these rocks.
Wouldn't that be nice if people could say that about us?
You think people could, if somebody wanted to find something wrong with me, you think they could look at me and say I don't see anything but these rocks that he's been building his life on, He's, he's, he's umm all I can see is good things he's done for Jesus.
I it's a sad thing to say that that's not what my bag looks like. Really. I have some sand in my bag and that's pretty sad to pretty sad to say that that I I don't spend all the time like I see in this book of Daniel. I I don't do that as much as I should. There's times that umm, I'm given a choice to add sand or rocks to my pile and into my bag and I I make a decision on my own, a conscious decision. I know what I'm doing.
And I say, I'm going to, I'll get to the rocks later, I'm going to dump some sand in here. That's pretty sad. There's been times that I've decided where someone says, hey, maybe we should read together, or maybe we should go through a meeting together or go to a conference. We should talk about things in the Bible or we should sing some songs. Praise Jesus. And I said I'd rather dump sand in my bag right now.
That's the thing that we really need to watch out for and like I said, it just sometimes can be a little bit hard for.
For kids to do that, if you feel like you're just following your parents and going along, going along with what your parents are doing, but you you can, you can make a decision. You can ask for help. You could choose to hear these Bible stories and to hear about the love of Jesus. And you can choose to umm add rocks into your bag. Add add, umm build your life upon things that are pleasing to Jesus. And it's certainly something that we all need to do.
If this bag, if I keep, if I keep filling this thing up.
Dump a few more of these in here.
I put another handful in and another one.
Yeah, a few more.
This is like really starting to fill our lives with Christ. There's a little bit of sand down there, but.
Here, take a little bit of sand out of there.
You get a little sand out of there. You can't.
We spent so much time filling this up with rocks. We spent so much time.
Enjoying singing Sunday school songs. And we spent so much time memorizing verses. We do that at home. For a Sunday school, we memorize one verse a week. But sometimes kids will memorize more verses, a whole chapter even. And that's like filling your life with Christ right there. If you're spending time trying to memorize verses, sometimes you don't really have time for anything else.
If you're spending time reading the Bible and enjoying maybe not even going to conferences, you can listen to a lot of conferences online. Most of these meetings from this week are already online that you can listen to and maybe maybe kids, you don't listen to meetings from conferences, but a lot of conferences have Sunday schools and you can even ask your parents and I I hope that they would umm maybe listen to that request. You can ask your parents say, hey, are there any Sunday school lessons that I can listen to? And that is something that you can do to fill up your life.
With things of Christ.
Umm, rather than and and you put so much stuff in there. You put so much of Christ like things in there. And maybe there was some things in the past that you've done wrong. Maybe you were dumping some sand in your bag. But like that's all at the bottom. You can't aid and try there. He can't. You can't get down to there. It's still there. If you work hard enough, he could get back to it, get back to that sand. But when we're filling our lives up with Christ like that, that that makes a huge difference.
And that's that's what I picture when.
When, uh, all these question and answer meetings that we've had in the last week, there's people in here and that have left already that spent a lot of time filling their lives with Christ. So when a question comes to them right away, they can, they can reach in and pull out one of those rocks. They can. They they have so many versions that they've crammed into their heads and talked about so much and made it a real part of their lives. They don't have to. When they hear a question, they don't have to dig around and keep digging and digging.
And then just pull up a tiny something and then they're like, I remember I memorized this first one time. It kind of goes along with it. No, A lot of people really purpose in their hearts to serve the Lord and to get close to him and to make that a big part of their lives. And then you have all these. You may not have all the answers, and you certainly still need to look to the Lord for help and guidance.
There's there's plenty of examples of that in the Bible where people still look to the Lord for help and guidance.
And but when you fill your things with, fill your life with things of Christ, it's very easy or a lot easier to reach down and pull something up that is pleasing to him.
So we know what? Just one more time to go back to the story of Daniel Umm.
We we know that uh Daniel was praying. Daniel continued to pray and he was thrown into the den of lions and Daniel chapter 6 and verse 16.
Says the the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou service continually, he will deliver thee So Dan, Daniel had like so many rocks like this that he had had in his life, He had filled his life up with Christ so much.
So that's what the king could see. So when the king, uh, ordered Daniel to be thrown into the den of lions, Daniel's faith had made an impression somewhat on the king, and that's what the king was able to see. And we know that Daniel was.
Saying and that that's really, really wonderful to see. That Daniel's life was so full of things for God that that's what others could see in him, and it made it an impression on others.
And I really hope that we could each be like that, that we can have our lives so full of Christ, so full of, umm, scriptural things, things that are pleasing to God, that others would look at us and start to know some answers just by seeing our lives. The king saw Daniel so much and heard from him so much he knew that God was capable of saving him. And that's a wonderful thing if somebody can get an answer like that from seeing our lives full of Christ.
And then just a sad a sad ending here just to finish off the story. We can also see, uh right after that after Daniel was saved from the lions that he was pulled up out of the lions then and those that all they could do in their lives was fill their lives up with sand.
So the the ones that accused Daniel and wanted to get rid of him, they're just like these bags, this bag of sand filling your life with everything pointless. Nothing good for Christ. At the end, they were thrown into that denim lion, and not only that, but it's very sad to see that it says that.
The ones that accuse Daniel threw him in or were thrown in and their families were thrown into the den of lions. That's a really sad thing. Daniel had an influence on the king somewhat, where the king knew that there would be a good outcome to umm or perhaps you just hope that there would be a good outcome to Daniel being thrown in the line. Then these ones that didn't follow God, they dragged down others with them. They were thrown into the lion's den and their families were thrown into the lion's den. The actions that we do not only affect us, but they affect our friends around us. They can affect our whole assembly, they can affect other people that we don't know.
These these men that we're doing the wrong thing, drag their family into the lines, then we need to be very careful in our lives to not do these things, fill our lives up with things of Christ, so that this is what people see and that they don't just see a bag of sand like this. That, as we umm as we know, is foolish. The foolish man built his house upon the sand, and his house came down right. But the one that built it on the rock, the ones that will fill their life with Christ.
They will be able to, uh, survive and they will be helped in times that they're when they need it. All right. So ho hopefully, uh, you can at least maybe, umm, remember that there are two bags with rocks and sand in them here. And maybe, umm, at some point in your life later on you'll recall that. Or maybe you'll ask your parents what I was talking about. And I sure hope that, uh, for each of us here, that's made some sort of impact on us. Just a little visual example, if this thing is full of rocks all the way to the top.
It's hard to cram anything else in there when you have a bag, just an empty bag. You have to. You have to choose at the start of your life or.
I guess, uh, picturing at the start of your life, you have an empty bag and you can choose whether to put rocks in it or put sand in it. And it would be wonderful to see everyone here with their lives full of rocks like this, building your life on Christ the rock and umm.
And not putting meaningless sand in there. All right. I think that's all I have this morning. We're going to close in prayer.
Our God and Father, we give thanks again for the time that we could be together this morning to open up my word.
And we pray that.
Uh, your word would be able to reach our hearts properly and umm.
This lesson has been explained by just a feeble vessel. We pray that Thy word would be enter into our hearts and that it would fill up our lives.
And umm.
Even if, uh, my thoughts have been a bit off, we pray that your word would be able to lead us, help us to know how to fill our time with thanks for the Lord. We give thanks again for the opportunity to fill this whole last week with time learning versus reading the Bible together and all the times that we could sing praises together. We have so much to give thanks for. So much to praise you, Lord Jesus for give thanks for again.
A wonderful work done on the cross to pay for us and for the suffering that you did so that we don't have to.
Good. Thanks. So we can remember you, Lord Jesus, this morning, now in a short time. And uh, we would ask for a safe trip back home for so many people today. In Jesus name, Amen.